360 Image Slider

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How do I make an 360 image slider?

Https://github.com/heartcode/360-Image-Slider. What is a 360 image slider? How do you make a 360 image slider? This script and codes were developed by Alyssa on 08 September 2022, Thursday.

360 Image Slider Previews

360 Image Slider - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>360 Image Slider</title> <script src="https://s.codepen.io/assets/libs/modernizr.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0" /> <link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href='https://rawgit.com/heartcode/360-Image-Slider/master/css/reset.css'> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <body>	<div id="threesixty">	<div id="spinner">	<span>0%</span>	</div>	<ol id="threesixty_images"></ol>	</div>	<script src="js/heartcode-canvasloader-min.js"></script>	<script src="js/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script>	<script src="js/threesixty.js"></script>
</body> <script src='http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js'></script>
<script src='https://rawgit.com/heartcode/360-Image-Slider/master/js/heartcode-canvasloader-min.js'></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

360 Image Slider - Script Codes CSS Codes

/*	Sets the style of the image slider wrapper 
to be centered horizontally and vertically. It also sets its default dimensions and the overflowing hidden (to fix the IE image positioning bug). */ #threesixty { position:absolute; /* This one fixes the IE positioning bug */ overflow:hidden; top:50%; left:50%; width:960px; height:540px; margin-left:-480px; margin-top:-270px; } /* Defines the criteria for the max. 1024px wide tablets portrait mode and sets the image slider dimensions and centering according to it. */ @media screen and (max-device-width: 1024px) and (orientation:portrait) { #threesixty { width:720px; height:450px; margin-left:-360px; margin-top:-225px; } } /* Defines the criteria of the max. 480px wide mobiles' landscape mode and sets the image slider dimensions and centering according to it. */ @media screen and (max-device-width: 480px) and (orientation:landscape), screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) and (orientation:landscape) { #threesixty { width:360px; height:225px; margin-left:-180px; margin-top:-113px; } } /* Defines the criteria of the max. 480px wide mobiles' portrait mode and sets the image slider dimensions and centering according to it. */ @media screen and (max-device-width: 480px) and (orientation:portrait), screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) and (orientation:portrait) { #threesixty { width:320px; height:200px; margin-left:-160px; margin-top:-100px; } } /* Makes the image slider invisible by default */ #threesixty_images { display: none; } /* Sets every image in the slider to be absolute positioned and dynamically sized. */ #threesixty img { position:absolute; /* This one fixes the IE positioning bug */ top:0; width:100%; height:auto; } /* Sets the style of the visible current frame of the image slider animation */ .current-image { visibility:visible; width:100%; } /* Sets the style of the visible "previous" frame of the image slider animation */ .previous-image { visibility:hidden; width:0; } /* Sets the dimensions of the CanvasLoader placeholder
, it also centeres it horizontally and vertically inside the wrapper and makes it invisible by default */ #spinner { position:absolute; left:50%; top:50%; width:90px; height:90px; margin-left:-45px; margin-top:-50px; display:none; } /* Sets the style of the percentage of the preloader by setting its dimensions and centering it horizontally and vertically */ #spinner span { position:absolute; top:50%; width:100%; color:#333; font:0.8em Arial, Verdana, sans; text-align:center; line-height:0.6em; margin-top:-0.3em; }

360 Image Slider - Script Codes JS Codes

* We wrap all our code in the jQuery "DOM-ready" function to make sure the script runs only
* after all the DOM elements are rendered and ready to take action
$(document).ready(function () {	// Tells if the app is ready for user interaction	var ready = false,	// Tells the app if the user is dragging the pointer	dragging = false,	// Stores the pointer starting X position for the pointer tracking	pointerStartPosX = 0,	// Stores the pointer ending X position for the pointer tracking	pointerEndPosX = 0,	// Stores the distance between the starting and ending pointer X position in each time period we are tracking the pointer	pointerDistance = 0,	// The starting time of the pointer tracking period	monitorStartTime = 0,	// The pointer tracking time duration	monitorInt = 10,	// A setInterval instance used to call the rendering function	ticker = 0,	// Sets the speed of the image sliding animation	speedMultiplier = 10,	// CanvasLoader instance variable	spinner,	// Stores the total amount of images we have in the sequence	totalFrames = 180,	// The current frame value of the image slider animation	currentFrame = 0,	// Stores all the loaded image objects	frames = [],	// The value of the end frame which the currentFrame will be tweened to during the sliding animation	endFrame = 0,	// We keep track of the loaded images by increasing every time a new image is added to the image slider	loadedImages = 0,	// Caching DOM element references	$document = $(document),	$container = $('#threesixty'),	$images = $('#threesixty_images'),	// Initial spin demo vars	demoMode = false,	fakePointer = {	x: 0,	speed: 4	},	fakePointerTimer = 0;	/**	* Adds a "spiral" shaped CanvasLoader instance to the #spinner div	*/	function addSpinner () {	spinner = new CanvasLoader("spinner");	spinner.setShape("spiral");	spinner.setDiameter(90);	spinner.setDensity(90);	spinner.setRange(1);	spinner.setSpeed(4);	spinner.setColor("#333333");	// As its hidden and not rendering by default we have to call its show() method	spinner.show();	// We use the jQuery fadeIn method to slowly fade in the preloader	$("#spinner").fadeIn("slow");	};	/**	* Creates a new <li> and loads the next image in the sequence inside it.	* With jQuery we add the "load" event handler to the image, so when it's successfully loaded, we call the "imageLoaded" function.	*/	function loadImage() {	// Creates a new <li>	var li = document.createElement("li");	// Generates the image file name using the incremented "loadedImages" variable	var imageName = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/heartcode/360-Image-Slider/master/img/threesixty_" + (loadedImages + 1) + ".jpg";	/*	Creates a new <img> and sets its src attribute to point to the file name we generated.	It also hides the image by applying the "previous-image" CSS class to it.	The image then is added to the <li>.	*/	var image = $('<img>').attr('src', imageName).addClass("previous-image").appendTo(li);	// We add the newly added image object (returned by jQuery) to the "frames" array.	frames.push(image);	// We add the <li> to the <ol>	$images.append(li);	/*	Adds the "load" event handler to the new image.	When the event triggers it calls the "imageLoaded" function.	*/	$(image).load(function() {	imageLoaded();	});	};	/**	* It handles the image "load" events.	* Each time this function is called it checks if all the images have been loaded or it has to load the next one.	* Every time a new image is succesfully loaded, we set the percentage value of the preloader to notify the user about the loading progress.	* If all the images are loaded, it hides the preloader using the jQuery "fadeOut" method, which on complete stops the preloader rendering	* and calls the "showThreesixty" method, that displays the image slider.	*/	function imageLoaded() {	// Increments the value of the "loadedImages" variable	loadedImages++;	// Updates the preloader percentage text	$("#spinner span").text(Math.floor(loadedImages / totalFrames * 100) + "%");	// Checks if the currently loaded image is the last one in the sequence...	if (loadedImages == totalFrames) {	// ...if so, it makes the first image in the sequence to be visible by removing the "previous-image" class and applying the "current-image" on it	frames[0].removeClass("previous-image").addClass("current-image");	/*	Displays the image slider by using the jQuery "fadeOut" animation and its complete event handler.	When the preloader is completely faded, it stops the preloader rendering and calls the "showThreesixty" function to display the images.	*/	$("#spinner").fadeOut("slow", function(){	spinner.hide();	showThreesixty();	});	} else {	// ...if not, Loads the next image in the sequence	loadImage();	}	};	/**	* Displays the images with the "swooshy" spinning effect.	* As the endFrame is set to -720, the slider will take 4 complete spin before it stops.	* At this point it also sets the application to be ready for the user interaction.	*/	function showThreesixty () {	// Fades in the image slider by using the jQuery "fadeIn" method	$images.fadeIn("slow");	// Sets the "ready" variable to true, so the app now reacts to user interaction	ready = true;	// Sets the endFrame to an initial value...	endFrame = -720;	// ...so when the animation renders, it will initially take 4 complete spins.	if(!demoMode) {	refresh();	} else {	fakePointerTimer = window.setInterval(moveFakePointer, 100);	}	};	/*	* Moves the fake pointer, so that we can have some demo spinning until the user interferes with their pointer	*/	function moveFakePointer () {	fakePointer.x += fakePointer.speed;	trackPointer();	};	/*	* Stops the fake pointer moving and lets the user control the spinning	*/	function quitDemoMode() {	window.clearInterval(fakePointerTimer);	demoMode = false;	};	/*	We launch the application by...	Adding the preloader, and...	*/	addSpinner();	// loading the firt image in the sequence.	loadImage();	/**	* Renders the image slider frame animations.	*/	function render () {	// The rendering function only runs if the "currentFrame" value hasn't reached the "endFrame" one	if(currentFrame !== endFrame)	{	/*	Calculates the 10% of the distance between the "currentFrame" and the "endFrame".	By adding only 10% we get a nice smooth and eased animation.	If the distance is a positive number, we have to ceil the value, if its a negative number, we have to floor it to make sure	that the "currentFrame" value surely reaches the "endFrame" value and the rendering doesn't end up in an infinite loop.	*/	var frameEasing = endFrame < currentFrame ? Math.floor((endFrame - currentFrame) * 0.1) : Math.ceil((endFrame - currentFrame) * 0.1);	// Sets the current image to be hidden	hidePreviousFrame();	// Increments / decrements the "currentFrame" value by the 10% of the frame distance	currentFrame += frameEasing;	// Sets the current image to be visible	showCurrentFrame();	} else {	// If the rendering can stop, we stop and clear the ticker	window.clearInterval(ticker);	ticker = 0;	}	};	/**	* Creates a new setInterval and stores it in the "ticker"	* By default I set the FPS value to 60 which gives a nice and smooth rendering in newer browsers	* and relatively fast machines, but obviously it could be too high for an older architecture.	*/	function refresh () {	// If the ticker is not running already...	if (ticker === 0) {	// Let's create a new one!	ticker = self.setInterval(render, Math.round(1000 / 60));	}	};	/**	* Hides the previous frame	*/	function hidePreviousFrame() {	/*	Replaces the "current-image" class with the "previous-image" one on the image.	It calls the "getNormalizedCurrentFrame" method to translate the "currentFrame" value to the "totalFrames" range (1-180 by default).	*/	frames[getNormalizedCurrentFrame()].removeClass("current-image").addClass("previous-image");	};	/**	* Displays the current frame	*/	function showCurrentFrame() {	/*	Replaces the "current-image" class with the "previous-image" one on the image.	It calls the "getNormalizedCurrentFrame" method to translate the "currentFrame" value to the "totalFrames" range (1-180 by default).	*/	frames[getNormalizedCurrentFrame()].removeClass("previous-image").addClass("current-image");	};	/**	* Returns the "currentFrame" value translated to a value inside the range of 0 and "totalFrames"	*/	function getNormalizedCurrentFrame() {	var c = -Math.ceil(currentFrame % totalFrames);	if (c < 0) c += (totalFrames - 1);	return c;	};	/**	* Returns a simple event regarding the original event is a mouse event or a touch event.	*/	function getPointerEvent(event) {	return event.originalEvent.targetTouches ? event.originalEvent.targetTouches[0] : event;	};	/**	* Adds the jQuery "mousedown" event to the image slider wrapper.	*/	$container.on("mousedown", function (event) {	quitDemoMode();	// Prevents the original event handler behaciour	event.preventDefault();	// Stores the pointer x position as the starting position	pointerStartPosX = getPointerEvent(event).pageX;	// Tells the pointer tracking function that the user is actually dragging the pointer and it needs to track the pointer changes	dragging = true;	});	/**	* Adds the jQuery "mouseup" event to the document. We use the document because we want to let the user to be able to drag	* the mouse outside the image slider as well, providing a much bigger "playground".	*/	$document.on("mouseup", function (event){	// Prevents the original event handler behaciour	event.preventDefault();	// Tells the pointer tracking function that the user finished dragging the pointer and it doesn't need to track the pointer changes anymore	dragging = false;	});	/**	* Adds the jQuery "mousemove" event handler to the document. By using the document again we give the user a better user experience	* by providing more playing area for the mouse interaction.	*/	$document.on("mousemove", function (event){	if(demoMode) {	return;	}	// Prevents the original event handler behaciour	event.preventDefault();	// Starts tracking the pointer X position changes	trackPointer(event);	});	/**	*	*/	$container.on("touchstart", function (event) {	quitDemoMode();	// Prevents the original event handler behaciour	event.preventDefault();	// Stores the pointer x position as the starting position	pointerStartPosX = getPointerEvent(event).pageX;	// Tells the pointer tracking function that the user is actually dragging the pointer and it needs to track the pointer changes	dragging = true;	});	/**	*	*/	$container.on("touchmove", function (event) {	// Prevents the original event handler behaciour	event.preventDefault();	// Starts tracking the pointer X position changes	trackPointer(event);	});	/**	*	*/	$container.on("touchend", function (event) {	// Prevents the original event handler behaciour	event.preventDefault();	// Tells the pointer tracking function that the user finished dragging the pointer and it doesn't need to track the pointer changes anymore	dragging = false;	});	/**	* Tracks the pointer X position changes and calculates the "endFrame" for the image slider frame animation.	* This function only runs if the application is ready and the user really is dragging the pointer; this way we can avoid unnecessary calculations and CPU usage.	*/	function trackPointer(event) {	var userDragging = ready && dragging ? true : false;	var demoDragging = demoMode;	if(userDragging || demoDragging) {	// Stores the last x position of the pointer	pointerEndPosX = userDragging ? getPointerEvent(event).pageX : fakePointer.x;	// Checks if there is enough time past between this and the last time period of tracking	if(monitorStartTime < new Date().getTime() - monitorInt) {	// Calculates the distance between the pointer starting and ending position during the last tracking time period	pointerDistance = pointerEndPosX - pointerStartPosX;	// Calculates the endFrame using the distance between the pointer X starting and ending positions and the "speedMultiplier" values	endFrame = currentFrame + Math.ceil((totalFrames - 1) * speedMultiplier * (pointerDistance / $container.width()));	// Updates the image slider frame animation	refresh();	// restarts counting the pointer tracking period	monitorStartTime = new Date().getTime();	// Stores the the pointer X position as the starting position (because we started a new tracking period)	pointerStartPosX = userDragging ? getPointerEvent(event).pageX : fakePointer.x;	}	} else {	return;	}	};
360 Image Slider - Script Codes
360 Image Slider - Script Codes
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Developer Alyssa
Username alyda
Uploaded September 08, 2022
Rating 4.5
Size 6,477 Kb
Views 28,336
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