A Pen by Markku Lehmonen

7,804 Kb

How do I make an a pen by markku lehmonen?

What is a a pen by markku lehmonen? How do you make a a pen by markku lehmonen? This script and codes were developed by Markku Lehmonen on 30 November 2022, Wednesday.

A Pen by Markku Lehmonen Previews

A Pen by Markku Lehmonen - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>A Pen by Markku Lehmonen</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div id="appContainer"> <div id="fpsDisplay" style="position: absolute; top: -25px; left: 10px;">FPS Display</div> <!-- <button id="startButton" style="position: absolute; top: 225px; left: 10px;">Start</button> <button id="stopButton" style="position: absolute; top: 225px; left: 75px;">Stop</button> -->
</div> <script src='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.0/jquery.min.js'></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

A Pen by Markku Lehmonen - Script Codes CSS Codes

body { background-color: #888888; min-height: 100%; min-height: 100vh; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; font-family: Calibri;
#appContainer { background-color: #000000; height: 200px; width: 400px; position:relative;
.appView { /*background-color: #4fc3f7;*/ background-color: rgba(79,195,247,1.0); color: #ffffff; font-family: Calibri; position: absolute; width:100%; height:100%;
.sprite { background-color: #ffffff; position: absolute; width: 25px; height: 25px; top: 75px; left: 100px;
.label { position: absolute; color: #ffffff;
.menuContainer { border: 0px solid #ffffff; border-radius: 15px; position: absolute; height: 150px; width: 101px; left: 149px; top: 25px;
.menuItem { border: 2px solid #ffffff; border-radius: 10px; position: absolute; color: #ffffff; text-align: center;
#anchorPoint { background-color:#666666; height:0px; width:0px; position:absolute; top:75px; left:75px; outline: 2px solid red; outline-offset: 1px;
.rectangle { /*background-color:#666666;*/ height:30px; width:90px; position:absolute; top:100px; left:175px; outline: 1px solid red; outline-offset: 0px;

A Pen by Markku Lehmonen - Script Codes JS Codes

// == DOM OBJECTS == ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class DOMObject { constructor() { this.domElement = "<div></div>"; } setDOMElement(className, str) { this.domElement = $("<div class='" + className + "'>" + str + "</div>"); } setSize(height, width) { this.domElement.css("height",height); this.domElement.css("width",width); } setPosition(left, top) { this.domElement.css("top",top); this.domElement.css("left",left); } show() { this.domElement.css("visibility", "visible"); } hide() { this.domElement.css("visibility", "hidden"); } addChild(domObject) { // TODO: Lisää kokonainen objekti, älä vain dom-elementtiä $(this.domElement).append(domObject.domElement); }
} class AppView extends DOMObject { constructor() { super(); this.setDOMElement("appView", ""); $("#appContainer").append(this.domElement); } setBackgroundColor(color) { this.domElement.css("background-color", color); } } class Sprite extends DOMObject { constructor(parent) { super(); this.setDOMElement("sprite", ""); parent.addChild(this); } } class Label extends DOMObject { constructor(str, parent) { super(); this.setDOMElement("label", str); parent.addChild(this); } } class MenuContainer extends DOMObject { constructor(parent) { super(); this.setDOMElement("menuContainer", ""); this.selectedMenuItem = 0; this.menuItems = []; parent.addChild(this); } addMenuItem(top, title) { var menuItem = new MenuItem(top, title); this.menuItems.push(menuItem); this.addChild(menuItem); this.selectMenuItem(); } scrollSelectedUp() { if(this.selectedMenuItem > 0) { this.selectedMenuItem--; } this.selectMenuItem(); } scrollSelectedDown() { if(this.selectedMenuItem < this.menuItems.length - 1) { this.selectedMenuItem++; } this.selectMenuItem(); } selectMenuItem() { for(var i = 0; i < this.menuItems.length; i++) { this.menuItems[i].unselect(); } this.menuItems[this.selectedMenuItem].select(); } enterKeyDown() { this.menuItems[this.selectedMenuItem].enterSelected(); } enterKeyUp() { this.menuItems[this.selectedMenuItem].select(); // TODO: HAJOAA JOS KÄYTTÄJÄ RÄPLÄÄ NUOLIA???? this.trigger(); } trigger() { if(this.menuItems[this.selectedMenuItem].action !== null) { var temp = this.selectedMenuItem; this.selectedMenuItem = 0; this.selectMenuItem(); this.menuItems[temp].triggerAction(); } } } class MenuItem extends DOMObject { constructor(top, title) { super(); this.setDOMElement("menuItem", title); this.setSize("20px", "75px"); this.setPosition(11,top); this.action = null; } select() { this.domElement.css("color", "#01579b"); this.domElement.css("border-color", "#01579b"); } unselect() { this.domElement.css("color", "#ffffff"); this.domElement.css("border-color", "#ffffff"); } enterSelected() { this.domElement.css("color", "#039be5"); this.domElement.css("border-color", "#039be5"); } bindAction(action) { this.action = action; } triggerAction() { this.action(); } }
// == INPUT SYSTEM == ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class Key { constructor(name) { this.name = name; this.isPressed = false; this.actionDown; //testDOWN; this.actionUp; //testUP; } down() { if(!this.isPressed) { this.isPressed = true; this.actionDown(); } } up() { this.isPressed = false; this.actionUp(); } setAction(keyPhase, action) { if(keyPhase == KeyPhase.DOWN) { this.actionDown = action; } else if(keyPhase == KeyPhase.UP) { this.actionUp = action; } } nullActions() { this.actionDown = null; this.actionUp = null; } // KEY ON PRESSED /*keyListenerUpdate() { if (Key.isPressedKey(Key.UP)) { console.log("keyPressed: Up"); } if (Key.isPressedKey(Key.LEFT)) { console.log("keyyPressed: Left"); } if (Key.isPressedKey(Key.DOWN)) { console.log("keyyPressed: Down"); } if (Key.isPressedKey(Key.RIGHT)) { console.log("keyyPressed: Right"); } }*/
var KeyPhase = { UP : 0, DOWN : 1
class KeyBinding { constructor(keyPhase, keyCode, action) { this.keyPhase = keyPhase; this.keyCode = keyCode; this.action = action; }
class KeyListener { constructor() { this.keys = {}; // keyCode : KeyObject // Set Key Event Listeners window.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown.bind(this), false); // TODO: LINKITÄ KEY-OBJEKTIIN?!?!? window.addEventListener('keyup', this.onKeyUp.bind(this), false); // Add Key Objects this.addKey(KeyCodes.ENTER); this.addKey(KeyCodes.ESCAPE); this.addKey(KeyCodes.ARROW_LEFT); this.addKey(KeyCodes.ARROW_RIGHT); this.addKey(KeyCodes.ARROW_UP); this.addKey(KeyCodes.ARROW_DOWN); } addKey(name) { var key = new Key(name); this.keys[name] = key; } addKeyAction(keyPhase, key, action) { this.keys[key].setAction(keyPhase, action); } nullKeyActions() { for(var keyId in this.keys) { this.keys[keyId].nullActions(); } } bindKeys(keyBindings) { this.nullKeyActions(); for(var i = 0; i < keyBindings.length; i++) { //this.addKeyAction(keyBindings.keyPhase, keyBindings.keyCode, keyBindings.action); this.keys[keyBindings[i].keyCode].setAction(keyBindings[i].keyPhase, keyBindings[i].action); } } onKeyDown(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.keys[event.keyCode].down(); } onKeyUp(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.keys[event.keyCode].up(); }
// == CORE ENGINE == ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var lastFrameTimeMs = 0;
var maxFPS = 61;
var delta = 0;
var timestep = 1000 / 61;
var fps = 61;
var framesThisSecond = 0;
var lastFpsUpdate = 0;
var running = false;
var started = false;
var frameID = 0;
var gameObjects = [];
function update() { //console.log("update()"); var numUpdateSteps = 0; while (delta >= timestep) { for(var i = 0; i < gameObjects.length; i++) { gameObjects[i].update(timestep); } delta -= timestep; if (++numUpdateSteps >= 240) { panic(); break; } }
function draw(interp) { var i = gameObjects.length; while(i--) { gameObjects[i].draw(interp); } fpsDisplay.draw(fps);
function panic() { delta = 0;
function stop() { running = false; started = false; cancelAnimationFrame(frameID); //console.log("Stop");
function start() { //console.log("Start"); if (!started) { started = true; frameID = requestAnimationFrame(function(timestamp) { draw(1); running = true; lastFrameTimeMs = timestamp; lastFpsUpdate = timestamp; framesThisSecond = 0; frameID = requestAnimationFrame(mainLoop); }); }
function updateFPSCounter(timestamp) { if (timestamp > lastFpsUpdate + 1000) { fps = 0.25 * framesThisSecond + 0.75 * fps; lastFpsUpdate = timestamp; framesThisSecond = 0; } framesThisSecond++;
function mainLoop(timestamp) { // Throttle the frame rate. if (timestamp < lastFrameTimeMs + (1000 / maxFPS)) { frameID = requestAnimationFrame(mainLoop); return; } delta += timestamp - lastFrameTimeMs; lastFrameTimeMs = timestamp; /////////////////////////////////////////////////// //preUpdate(timestamp, delta); updateFPSCounter(timestamp); update(); draw(delta / timestep); //postUpdate(); // Loop this main loop function frameID = requestAnimationFrame(mainLoop); /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO : ??? gameLogic.update();
// == UI STUFF == //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //$("#startButton").click(start); // == USER INTERFACE == // //$("#stopButton").click(stop); var fpsDisplay = { label: document.getElementById('fpsDisplay'), draw: function(fps) { this.label.textContent = Math.round(fps) + ' FPS'; } } // == DATA CONSOLE == //
// == APP STATES == ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class AppState { constructor() { this.appView = new AppView(); this.keyBindings = []; } addChild(domObject) { //TODO: lisää vain dom-elementin!!! this.appView.addChild(domObject); } activate() { this.appView.show(); } deactivate() { this.appView.hide(); }
} // AppState Classes class StartMenu extends AppState { constructor() { super(); this.label = new Label("Start Menu",this); this.menu = new MenuContainer(this); this.menu.addMenuItem(30, "START"); this.menu.addMenuItem(60, "OPTIONS"); this.menu.addMenuItem(90, "EXIT"); // initKeyBindings(); // TODO: tee erillinen funktio this.keyBindings[0] = new KeyBinding(KeyPhase.DOWN, KeyCodes.ARROW_DOWN, MenuContainer.prototype.scrollSelectedDown.bind(this.menu) ); this.keyBindings[1] = new KeyBinding(KeyPhase.DOWN, KeyCodes.ARROW_UP, MenuContainer.prototype.scrollSelectedUp.bind(this.menu) ); this.keyBindings[2] = new KeyBinding(KeyPhase.DOWN, KeyCodes.ENTER, MenuContainer.prototype.enterKeyDown.bind(this.menu) ); this.keyBindings[3] = new KeyBinding(KeyPhase.UP, KeyCodes.ENTER, function () { GameApp.appStates.StartMenu.menu.enterKeyUp(); }); // TODO: dirtyyyyy!!!! this.menu.menuItems[0].bindAction(function() { GameApp.switchAppState("Gameplay"); GameApp.stackAppState("PreGameplay"); //gameLogic.reset(); }); } } class Gameplay extends AppState { constructor() { super(); this.label = new Label("Gameplay", this); // initKeyBindings(); // TODO: tee erillinen funktio ja korvaa startMenuState. -> this. ( bind() ??? ); this.keyBindings[0] = new KeyBinding(KeyPhase.UP, KeyCodes.ESCAPE, function () { GameApp.stackAppState("PauseMenu"); }); this.keyBindings[1] = new KeyBinding(KeyPhase.DOWN, KeyCodes.ARROW_LEFT, function () { gameLogic.paddle.left(); }); this.keyBindings[2] = new KeyBinding(KeyPhase.DOWN, KeyCodes.ARROW_RIGHT, function () { gameLogic.paddle.right(); }); this.keyBindings[3] = new KeyBinding(KeyPhase.UP, KeyCodes.ARROW_LEFT, function () { gameLogic.paddle.reset(); }); this.keyBindings[4] = new KeyBinding(KeyPhase.UP, KeyCodes.ARROW_RIGHT, function () { gameLogic.paddle.reset(); }); } freeze() { // TODO: } } class PauseMenu extends AppState { constructor() { super(); this.label = new Label("Pause Menu", this); this.appView.setBackgroundColor("rgba(0,0,0,0.7)"); this.pauseMenu = new MenuContainer(this); this.pauseMenu.addMenuItem(50, "RESUME"); this.pauseMenu.addMenuItem(80, "EXIT"); // initKeyBindings(); // TODO: tee erillinen funktio ja korvaa startMenuState. -> this. ( bind() ??? ); this.keyBindings[0] = new KeyBinding(KeyPhase.DOWN, KeyCodes.ARROW_DOWN, MenuContainer.prototype.scrollSelectedDown.bind(this.pauseMenu) ); this.keyBindings[1] = new KeyBinding(KeyPhase.DOWN, KeyCodes.ARROW_UP, MenuContainer.prototype.scrollSelectedUp.bind(this.pauseMenu) ); this.keyBindings[2] = new KeyBinding(KeyPhase.DOWN, KeyCodes.ENTER, MenuContainer.prototype.enterKeyDown.bind(this.pauseMenu) ); this.keyBindings[3] = new KeyBinding(KeyPhase.UP, KeyCodes.ENTER, MenuContainer.prototype.enterKeyUp.bind(this.pauseMenu) ); this.keyBindings[4] = new KeyBinding(KeyPhase.UP, KeyCodes.ESCAPE, function () { GameApp.unstackAppState("PauseMenu"); } ); // TODO: dirty!!! this.pauseMenu.menuItems[0].bindAction(function() { GameApp.unstackAppState("PauseMenu"); }); this.pauseMenu.menuItems[1].bindAction(function() { GameApp.switchAppState("StartMenu"); }); } } class PreGameplay extends AppState { constructor() { super(); // TODO: this.label = new Label("READY?", this); this.label.setPosition(120,64); this.label.domElement.css("font-size",50); this.label.domElement.css("font-weight","bold"); ///////////////////// this.appView.setBackgroundColor("rgba(0,0,0,0.5)"); } activate() { super.activate(); window.setTimeout(PreGameplay.prototype.unstack.bind(this),500); } unstack() { GameApp.unstackAppState("PreGameplay"); } } class PostGameplay extends AppState { constructor() { super(); // TODO: this.label = new Label("GAME OVER", this); this.label.setPosition(75,34); this.label.domElement.css("font-size",50); this.label.domElement.css("font-weight","bold"); ///////////////////// this.appView.setBackgroundColor("rgba(0,0,0,0.5)"); ///////////////////// this.pauseMenu = new MenuContainer(this); this.pauseMenu.addMenuItem(70, "AGAIN"); this.pauseMenu.addMenuItem(100, "EXIT"); // initKeyBindings(); // TODO: tee erillinen funktio ja korvaa startMenuState. -> this. ( bind() ??? ); this.keyBindings[0] = new KeyBinding(KeyPhase.DOWN, KeyCodes.ARROW_DOWN, MenuContainer.prototype.scrollSelectedDown.bind(this.pauseMenu) ); this.keyBindings[1] = new KeyBinding(KeyPhase.DOWN, KeyCodes.ARROW_UP, MenuContainer.prototype.scrollSelectedUp.bind(this.pauseMenu) ); this.keyBindings[2] = new KeyBinding(KeyPhase.DOWN, KeyCodes.ENTER, MenuContainer.prototype.enterKeyDown.bind(this.pauseMenu) ); this.keyBindings[3] = new KeyBinding(KeyPhase.UP, KeyCodes.ENTER, MenuContainer.prototype.enterKeyUp.bind(this.pauseMenu) ); //this.keyBindings[4] = new KeyBinding(KeyPhase.UP, KeyCodes.ESCAPE, function () { GameApp.unstackAppState("PauseMenu","Gameplay"); } ); // TODO: dirty!!! this.pauseMenu.menuItems[0].bindAction(function() { GameApp.switchAppState("Gameplay"); GameApp.stackAppState("PreGameplay"); /*gameLogic.reset();/* for(var i = 0; i < colliders.length; i++) { colliders[i].collider.isCollidible = true; colliders[i].sprite.domElement.css("visibility","visible"); } stop();*/ }); this.pauseMenu.menuItems[1].bindAction(function() { GameApp.switchAppState("StartMenu"); }); } unstack() { /*super.deactivate(); start() // TODO // TODO: GameApp.unstackAppState("PauseMenu");*/ } }
// == GAME APP SYSTEM == ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var GameApp = { appStates: null, keyListener: null, currentAppState: null, // TODO stackedAppState: null, // TODO //overridenAppState: null, // TODO stackAppState: function(appStateName) { this.currentAppState.freeze(); this.stackedAppState = this.appStates[appStateName]; this.stackedAppState.activate(); this.keyListener.bindKeys(this.stackedAppState.keyBindings); stop(); // TODO }, unstackAppState: function(appStateName) { this.appStates[appStateName].deactivate(); this.stackedAppState = null; this.currentAppState.activate(); this.keyListener.bindKeys(this.currentAppState.keyBindings); start(); // TODO }, switchAppState: function(appStateName) { GameApp.hideAppStates(); this.currentAppState = this.appStates[appStateName]; this.currentAppState.activate(); this.keyListener.bindKeys(this.currentAppState.keyBindings); stop(); // TODO if(appStateName == "Gameplay") { gameLogic.reset(); } }, hideAppStates: function() { this.stackedAppState = null; this.currentAppState = null; for(var appStateName in this.appStates) { this.appStates[appStateName].deactivate(); } }, setDefault: function() { this.keyListener = new KeyListener(); this.appStates = { StartMenu : new StartMenu(), Gameplay : new Gameplay(), PauseMenu : new PauseMenu(), PreGameplay : new PreGameplay(), PostGameplay : new PostGameplay() }; }/*, setAppState(appStateName) { }*/
// == GAME OBJECTS == //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // == GAME MATH == /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function mirror(V,N) { // -2 * (V dot N) * N + V var b = -2 * dotProduct(V,N); return { x: N.x*b+V.x, y: N.y*b+V.y };
} function dotProduct(V,N) { return V.x * N.x + V.y * N.y;
} function SAME_SIGNS(a,b) { return (( a * b) >= 0); } function lines_intersect(segment1, segment2, ip) { // Returns: DONT_INTERSECT = 0; DO_INTERSECT = 1; COLLINEAR = 2; var x1 = segment1.x1, y1 = segment1.y1, x2 = segment1.x2, y2 = segment1.y2; var x3 = segment2.x1, y3 = segment2.y1, x4 = segment2.x2, y4 = segment2.y2; var a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2; // Coefficients of line eqns. var r1, r2, r3, r4; // 'Sign' values var denom, offset, num; // Intermediate values // Compute a1, b1, c1, where line joining points 1 and 2 is "a1 x + b1 y + c1 = 0". a1 = y2 - y1; b1 = x1 - x2; c1 = (x2 * y1) - (x1 * y2); // Compute r3 and r4. r3 = ((a1 * x3) + (b1 * y3) + c1); r4 = ((a1 * x4) + (b1 * y4) + c1); // Check signs of r3 and r4. If both point 3 and point 4 lie on same side of line 1, // the line segments do not intersect. if ( r3 != 0 && r4 != 0 && SAME_SIGNS( r3, r4 )) return ( 0 ); // Compute a2, b2, c2 a2 = y4 - y3; b2 = x3 - x4; c2 = (x4 * y3) - (x3 * y4); // Compute r1 and r2 r1 = (a2 * x1) + (b2 * y1) + c2; r2 = (a2 * x2) + (b2 * y2) + c2; // Check signs of r1 and r2. If both point 1 and point 2 lie on same side of second line segment, // the line segments do not intersect. if ( r1 != 0 && r2 != 0 && SAME_SIGNS( r1, r2 )) return ( 0 ); // Line segments intersect: compute intersection point. denom = (a1 * b2) - (a2 * b1); if ( denom == 0 ) return ( 2 ); // Calculate intersection point ip.x = (b1 * c2 - b2 * c1) / denom; ip.y = (a2 * c1 - a1 * c2) / denom; return ( 1 );
} // == PHYSICS MODIFIERS == ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class BoxCollider { constructor(h,w,l,t,i) { this.isCollidible = true; this.isBrick = true; // TODO: DIRTY this.height = h; this.width = w; this.position = {x:l,y:t}; this.rect = [ { x1: this.position.x, y1: this.position.y + this.height, x2: this.position.x + this.width, y2: this.position.y + this.height, normal: {x: 0, y: i*1} }, { x1: this.position.x, y1: this.position.y, x2: this.position.x + this.width, y2: this.position.y, normal: {x: 0, y: i*-1} }, { x1: this.position.x + this.width, y1: this.position.y + this.height, x2: this.position.x + this.width, y2: this.position.y, normal: {x: i*1, y: 0} }, { x1: this.position.x, y1: this.position.y + this.height, x2: this.position.x, y2: this.position.y, normal: {x: i*-1, y: 0} } ]; // Create DOM Element /*var $newDiw = $("<div class='rectangle'></div>"); $newDiw.css("height",this.height); $newDiw.css("width",this.width); $newDiw.css("left",this.position.x); $newDiw.css("top",this.position.y); $("#appContainer").append($newDiw);*/ } } class EdgeCollider { constructor(h,w,l,t,i) { this.isCollidible = true; this.isBrick = false; // TODO: DIRTY this.height = h; this.width = w; this.position = {x:l,y:t}; this.rect = [{ x1: this.position.x, y1: this.position.y + this.height, x2: this.position.x + this.width, y2: this.position.y + this.height, normal: {x: 0, y: i*1} }]; } } /*class Body { constructor() {} }*/ // == GAME OBJECT BASE CLASS == //////////////////////////////////////// class GameObject { constructor() { this.sprite = new Sprite(GameApp.appStates.Gameplay); } setPosition(left, top) { this.sprite.setPosition(left,top); } }
// == GAME LOGIC == ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var colliders = []; // TODO - rename and stuff
var bricksBroken = 0;
class GameLogic { constructor() { this.paddle = new Paddle(2,60,255,175,-1); colliders.push(this.paddle); gameObjects.push(this.paddle); this.ball = new Ball(); gameObjects.push(this.ball); // TODO colliders.push(new Brick(20,60,75,25,1)); // TODO colliders.push(new Brick(20,60,205,55,1)); // TODO colliders.push(new Brick(20,60,155,95,1)); // TODO this.borders = new BorderObject(200,400,0,0,-1); colliders.push(this.borders); // TODO this.borders.setPosition(0,0); this.reset(); } reset() { this.ball.setPosition(70,70); this.ball.position = {x:70, y:70}; this.ball.lastPosition = {x:0, y:0}; this.ball.velocity = {x:0.15, y:-0.20}; for(var i = 0; i < colliders.length; i++) { colliders[i].collider.isCollidible = true; colliders[i].sprite.domElement.css("visibility","inherit"); } } update() { // console.log("GameLogic::update()"); if(this.ball.position.y > 198) { //console.log("Game Over"); }else if(bricksBroken == 3) { //console.log("You Won!"); bricksBroken = 0; // TODO: dirty quick fix GameApp.stackAppState("PostGameplay"); } }
class Ball extends GameObject{ constructor() { super(); this.sprite.setSize(5,5); this.velocity = {x:0.15, y:-0.20}; this.position = {x:75, y:75}; this.lastPosition = {x:0, y:0}; this.nextPosition = {x:0, y:0}; this.ip = {x:0, y:0}; this.velSegment = { x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:0 }; } update(delta) { this.lastPosition.x = this.position.x; this.lastPosition.y = this.position.y; this.nextPosition.x = this.position.x + this.velocity.x * delta; this.nextPosition.y = this.position.y + this.velocity.y * delta; this.velSegment.x1 = this.lastPosition.x; this.velSegment.y1 = this.lastPosition.y; this.velSegment.x2 = this.nextPosition.x; this.velSegment.y2 = this.nextPosition.y; for(var i = 0; i < colliders.length; i++) { // TODO: FIND NEAREST RECTANGLE TO COLLIDE (and other stuff...) for(var ii = 0; ii < colliders[i].collider.rect.length; ii++) { if( 0 > dotProduct(this.velocity, colliders[i].collider.rect[ii].normal)) { if(lines_intersect(colliders[i].collider.rect[ii], this.velSegment, this.ip) && colliders[i].collider.isCollidible) { var newVel = mirror(this.velocity, colliders[i].collider.rect[ii].normal); this.velocity.x = newVel.x; this.velocity.y = newVel.y; this.nextPosition.x = this.ip.x; this.nextPosition.y = this.ip.y; if(colliders[i].collider.isBrick) { colliders[i].collider.isCollidible = false; colliders[i].sprite.domElement.css("visibility","hidden"); bricksBroken++; } break; } } } } this.position.x = this.nextPosition.x; this.position.y = this.nextPosition.y; } draw(interpolation) { var left = (this.lastPosition.x + (this.position.x - this.lastPosition.x) * interpolation); var top = (this.lastPosition.y + (this.position.y - this.lastPosition.y) * interpolation); this.sprite.setPosition(left - 5 + "px", top - 5 + "px"); }
class Brick extends GameObject{ constructor(h,w,l,t,i) { super(); this.sprite.setSize(h,w); this.setPosition(l,t); this.collider = new BoxCollider(h,w,l,t,i); }
class Paddle extends GameObject{ constructor(h,w,l,t,i) { super(); this.sprite.setSize(h,w); this.setPosition(l,t); this.collider = new EdgeCollider(h,w,l,t,i); this.velocity = {x:0.0, y:0.0}; this.position = {x:l, y:t}; this.lastPosition = {x:0, y:0}; this.nextPosition = {x:0, y:0}; this.width = w; this.height = h; } update(delta) { this.lastPosition.x = this.position.x; this.lastPosition.y = this.position.y; this.nextPosition.x = this.position.x + this.velocity.x * delta; this.nextPosition.y = this.position.y + this.velocity.y * delta; this.position.x = this.nextPosition.x; this.position.y = this.nextPosition.y; this.collider.rect = [{ x1: this.position.x, y1: this.position.y + this.height, x2: this.position.x + this.width, y2: this.position.y + this.height, normal: {x: 0, y: -1} }]; } draw(interpolation) { var left = (this.lastPosition.x + (this.position.x - this.lastPosition.x) * interpolation); var top = (this.lastPosition.y + (this.position.y - this.lastPosition.y) * interpolation); this.sprite.setPosition(left - 5 + "px", top - 5 + "px"); } left() { this.velocity = {x:-0.4, y:0.0}; } right() { this.velocity = {x:0.4, y:0.0}; } reset() { this.velocity = {x:0.0, y:0.0}; }
class BorderObject extends GameObject{ constructor(h,w,l,t,i) { super(); this.sprite.setSize(200,400); this.sprite.domElement.css("opacity", "0"); this.collider = new BoxCollider(h,w,l,t,i); this.collider.isBrick = false; }
GameApp.switchAppState("StartMenu"); // "StartMenu" | "Gameplay" | "PauseMenu"
var gameLogic = new GameLogic();
A Pen by Markku Lehmonen - Script Codes
A Pen by Markku Lehmonen - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Markku Lehmonen
Username SharpDal
Uploaded November 30, 2022
Rating 3
Size 7,804 Kb
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