Accelero - Vertical & Horizontal Parallax

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How do I make an accelero - vertical & horizontal parallax?

This jQuery Plugin was created to manage multiple layers of both vertical and horizontal parallax. It also combines the ability to add 3D depth by using CSS 3D transforms to rotate and move each layer based on your interaction.. What is a accelero - vertical & horizontal parallax? How do you make a accelero - vertical & horizontal parallax? This script and codes were developed by Maheshc on 28 November 2022, Monday.

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Accelero - Vertical & Horizontal Parallax - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Accelero - Vertical & Horizontal Parallax</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div class="layers accelero" data-control-method="touch" data-max-angle="1" data-speed="0.15"> <div class="layer layer-4"></div> <div class="layer layer-3"></div> <div class="ignore info"> <a href="">created by Peter Schmalfeldt</a> </div> <div class="layer layer-2"></div> <div class="layer layer-1"></div>
<script src=""></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Accelero - Vertical & Horizontal Parallax - Script Codes CSS Codes

* { padding: 0; margin: 0;
/* apply a natural box layout model to all elements */
*, *:before, *:after { -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box;
{ width: 100%; height: 100%;
{ background-color: #222;
.layers { position: relative; width: 1000px; height: 600px; overflow: hidden; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 20px; border: 10px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.25); max-width: 1700px; max-height: 700px;
.layer { position: absolute; width: 1600px; height: 800px;
.layers .layer-4
{ background: url( no-repeat center center;
.layers .layer-3
{ background: url( no-repeat center center;
.layers .layer-2
{ background: url( no-repeat center center;
.layers .layer-1
{ background: url( no-repeat center center;
{ z-index: 25; position: absolute; top: 50px; right: 50px;
.info a
{ color: white; text-decoration: none; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; text-shadow: 1px 1px #000;
@media (max-width: 1024px) { .layers { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; border: 0; }
@media (max-width: 480px) { .layers { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; border: 0; max-width: 750px; max-height: 350px; } .layers .layer-4 { background: url( no-repeat center center; } .layers .layer-3 { background: url( no-repeat center center; } .layers .layer-2 { background: url( no-repeat center center; } .layers .layer-1 { background: url( no-repeat center center; }

Accelero - Vertical & Horizontal Parallax - Script Codes JS Codes

/* * Accelero * * Copyright (c) 2013 Peter Schmalfeldt <[email protected]> * Updates: * Licensed under the MIT, GPL licenses. */
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {	var pluginName = 'accelero';	var defaults = {	/** Choose which method you want to control motion. Preference given to orientation and then touch */	controlMethod: 'auto', // auto, orientation, touch	/** Whether to use CSS Transform Translate to Move X & Y */	enableMove: true,	/** Whether to use CSS Transform Rotation to Rotate X & Y */	enableRotate: true,	/** Invert the Layers opposite of how you have them in your HTML */	invertLayerStack: false,	/** Whether to Flip the X Axis Movement Calculations. Does nothing if enableMove is false. */	invertMoveX: false,	/** Whether to Flip the Y Axis Movement Calculations. Does nothing if enableMove is false. */	invertMoveY: false,	/** Whether to Flip the X Axis Rotation Calculations. Does nothing if enableRotate is false. */	invertRotateX: false,	/** Whether to Flip the Y Axis Rotation Calculations. Does nothing if enableRotate is false. */	invertRotateY: false,	/** How much rotation to use. Setting it above 45 not recommended. Does nothing if enableRotate is false. */	maxAngle: 3,	/** Adjust how quickly each layer moves. Does nothing if enableMove is false. */	speed: 0.2	};	function Plugin(element, options) {	this.element = element;	this.$element = $(element);	var dataOptions = {};	var setData = this.$;	/** Allow settings to be placed as data attributes on container */	for(var i in setData)	{ if(defaults.hasOwnProperty(i) && (typeof(defaults[i] === 'string')) || typeof(defaults[i] === 'number') || typeof(defaults[i] === 'boolean')) { dataOptions[i] = setData[i]; }	}	/** Store Variables for Plugin */	this.options = $.extend( {}, defaults, dataOptions, options );	this._defaults = defaults;	this._name = pluginName;	this._accelero = {};	this._motion = {};	this._supported = {	motion: (typeof window.DeviceMotionEvent !== 'undefined'),	orientation: (typeof window.DeviceOrientationEvent !== 'undefined'),	touch: ('ontouchstart' in window) || (typeof navigator.msMaxTouchPoints !== 'undefined'),	mouse: ('onmousemove' in window)	};	this.init();	}	Plugin.prototype = {	init: function () {	var $that = this;	/** Shim for Request Animation */	window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){	return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || function( callback ){ window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); };	})();	/** Fetch layers we need to work with, and detect if what order to sort them in */	if(this.options.invertLayerStack)	{	/** Use the DIVs as they are in the HTML */	this._accelero.layers = $('> div:not(.ignore)', this.$element);	}	else	{	/** Reverse the DIVs so they appear more intuitively */	this._accelero.layers = $($('> div:not(.ignore)', this.$element).get().reverse());	}	/** Store Layer Count */	this._accelero.layerCount = $('> div:not(.ignore)', this.$element).length;	/** Write Layer Count as Data Attribute to Container Element */	$(this.$element).data('layer-count', this._accelero.layerCount);	/** Initialize Element Sizes */	this.resize();	/** Detect Device Motion Support */	if(this._supported.orientation && (this.options.controlMethod == 'auto' || this.options.controlMethod == 'orientation'))	{	window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', function(event){	$ = event.gamma * 5;	$that._motion.ay = event.beta * 7;	window.requestAnimFrame(function(evt){	$that.move(evt);	});	}, false);	}	/** Detect Mouse & Touch Support */	else if((this._supported.touch || this._supported.mouse) && (this.options.controlMethod == 'auto' || this.options.controlMethod == 'touch'))	{	$(this.$element).mousemove(function(event){	$.proxy($that.move(event), $that);	});	this.element.addEventListener('touchmove', function(event){	$.proxy($that.move(event), $that);	event.preventDefault();	});	}	/** Setup Event Listeners */	$(window).resize(function() {	$.proxy($that.resize(), $that);	});	window.onorientationchange = function(){	$.proxy($that.resize(), $that);	};	},	/** We need to calculate the center for each layer when the container changes size */	resize: function(){	var $that = this;	/** Store the size of our Container */	$that._accelero.centerX = ($that.$element.width() / 2);	$that._accelero.centerY = ($that.$element.height() / 2);	/** Loop through each layer */	$that._accelero.layers.each(function(i, el) {	var z_index = (i+1),	left = ($(el).width() - $that.$element.width()) / 2,	top = ($(el).height() - $that.$element.height()) / 2;	$(el).css({	'z-index': z_index,	'left': -left + 'px',	'top': -top + 'px'	}).data('layer', z_index);	});	},	/** Figure out how we're going to move and set the data we need */	track: function(evt, i, el)	{	var $that = this,	landscape_orientation = true,	reverse = false,	upside_down = false;	/** Check Device Orientation since we might need to redo some math */	if(typeof window.orientation !== 'undefined')	{	landscape_orientation = false;	/** device is in landscape, so X & Y axis need to swap */	if(window.orientation === 90 || window.orientation === -90)	{	landscape_orientation = true;	reverse = true;	}	/** Devise is Upside Down, we'll need to invert our numbers */	if(window.orientation === -90)	{	upside_down = true;	}	}	/** Detect Device Motion Support */	if($that._supported.orientation && ($that.options.controlMethod == 'auto' || $that.options.controlMethod == 'orientation'))	{	if(reverse)	{	$that._accelero.centerOffsetX = $that._motion.ay;	$that._accelero.centerOffsetY = (upside_down) ? -$ : $;	}	else	{	$that._accelero.centerOffsetX = $;	$that._accelero.centerOffsetY = (upside_down) ? -$that._motion.ay : $that._motion.ay;	}	}	/** Detect Mouse & Touch Support */	else if(($that._supported.touch || $that._supported.mouse) && ($that.options.controlMethod == 'auto' || $that.options.controlMethod == 'touch'))	{	if(typeof $that._accelero.currentX == 'undefined')	{	$that._accelero.currentX = evt.pageX;	}	if(typeof $that._accelero.currentY == 'undefined')	{	$that._accelero.currentY = evt.pageY;	}	/** Do Calculations on Mouse / Finger Movement */	$that._accelero.xdiff = evt.pageX - $that._accelero.currentX;	$that._accelero.ydiff = evt.pageY - $that._accelero.currentY;	$that._accelero.currentX = evt.pageX;	$that._accelero.currentY = evt.pageY;	$that._accelero.px = ($that._accelero.xdiff * $that.options.speed) * (i + 1);	$ = ($that._accelero.ydiff * $that.options.speed) * (i + 1);	$that._accelero.newX = $(el).position().left + $that._accelero.px;	$that._accelero.newY = $(el).position().top + $;	$that._accelero.centerOffsetX = evt.pageX - ($that.$element.offset().left + ($that.$element.width() / 2));	$that._accelero.centerOffsetY = evt.pageY - ($that.$element.offset().top + ($that.$element.height() / 2));	/** Write Data Attributes to Container */	$($that.$element).data('current-x', $that._accelero.currentX);	$($that.$element).data('current-y', $that._accelero.currentY);	$($that.$element).data('x-diff', $that._accelero.xdiff);	$($that.$element).data('y-diff', $that._accelero.ydiff);	}	},	/** Move & Rotate the Layers */	move: function(evt){	var $that = this;	/** Loop through each layer */	$that._accelero.layers.each(function(i, el) {	/** Figure out where we are */	$that.track(evt, i, el);	/** Calculate Rotation for X */	if($that.options.invertRotateX)	{	/** Check which side of center we are on */	$that._accelero.rotateX = ($that._accelero.centerOffsetX > 0)	? -($that.options.maxAngle * (i + 1)) * ($that._accelero.centerOffsetX / $that._accelero.centerX)	: ($that.options.maxAngle * (i + 1)) * (Math.abs($that._accelero.centerOffsetX) / $that._accelero.centerX);	}	else	{	/** Check which side of center we are on */	$that._accelero.rotateX = ($that._accelero.centerOffsetX > 0)	? ($that.options.maxAngle * (i + 1)) * ($that._accelero.centerOffsetX / $that._accelero.centerX)	: -($that.options.maxAngle * (i + 1)) * (Math.abs($that._accelero.centerOffsetX) / $that._accelero.centerX);	}	/** Calculate Rotation for Y */	if($that.options.invertRotateY)	{	/** Check which side of center we are on */	$that._accelero.rotateY = ($that._accelero.centerOffsetY > 0)	? ($that.options.maxAngle * (i + 1)) * ($that._accelero.centerOffsetY / $that._accelero.centerY)	: -($that.options.maxAngle * (i + 1)) * (Math.abs($that._accelero.centerOffsetY) / $that._accelero.centerY);	}	else	{	/** Check which side of center we are on */	$that._accelero.rotateY = ($that._accelero.centerOffsetY > 0)	? -($that.options.maxAngle * (i + 1)) * ($that._accelero.centerOffsetY / $that._accelero.centerY)	: ($that.options.maxAngle * (i + 1)) * (Math.abs($that._accelero.centerOffsetY) / $that._accelero.centerY);	}	/** Calculate Movement for X */	if($that.options.invertMoveX)	{	$that._accelero.translateX = -(($that._accelero.centerOffsetX / ($that._accelero.layerCount - i )) * $that.options.speed);	}	else	{	$that._accelero.translateX = (($that._accelero.centerOffsetX / ($that._accelero.layerCount - i )) * $that.options.speed);	}	/** Calculate Movement for Y */	if($that.options.invertMoveY)	{	$that._accelero.translateY = -(($that._accelero.centerOffsetY / ($that._accelero.layerCount - i )) * $that.options.speed);	}	else	{	$that._accelero.translateY = (($that._accelero.centerOffsetY / ($that._accelero.layerCount - i )) * $that.options.speed);	}	/** */	switch(true)	{	/** Transform Both Rotation and Movement */	case ($that.options.enableMove && $that.options.enableRotate):	$that._accelero.transform = {	'transform-origin': '50% 50%',	'transform': 'perspective( 600px ) rotateX('+$that._accelero.rotateY+'deg) rotateY('+$that._accelero.rotateX+'deg) translateX('+$that._accelero.translateX+'px) translateY('+$that._accelero.translateY+'px)',	'z-index': (i+1) * 10	};	break;	/** Transform Only Movement */	case ($that.options.enableMove):	$that._accelero.transform = {	'transform': 'translateX('+$that._accelero.translateX+'px) translateY('+$that._accelero.translateY+'px)',	'z-index': (i+1) * 10	};	break;	/** Transform Only Rotation */	case ($that.options.enableRotate):	$that._accelero.transform = {	'transform-origin': '50% 50%',	'transform': 'perspective( 600px ) rotateX('+$that._accelero.rotateY+'deg) rotateY('+$that._accelero.rotateX+'deg)',	'z-index': (i+1) * 10	};	break;	default:	$that._accelero.transform = { 'z-index': (i+1) * 10 };	}	/** Write Data Attributes to each Layer */	$(el).data('layer', (i+1) * 10);	$(el).data('rotate-x', $that._accelero.rotateX);	$(el).data('rotate-y', $that._accelero.rotateY);	$(el).data('translate-x', $that._accelero.translateX);	$(el).data('translate-y', $that._accelero.translateY);	/** Actually move the layer */	$(el).css($that._accelero.transform);	});	}	};	/** Setup Plugin */	$.fn[ pluginName ] = function (options) {	return this.each(function () {	if ( !$.data( this, 'plugin_' + pluginName ) ) {	$.data( this, 'plugin_' + pluginName, new Plugin( this, options ));	}	});	};	/** Self executing plugin if you add the classname accelero to your layers container */	$(function(){	$( '.' + pluginName )[ pluginName ]();	});
})(jQuery, window, document);
Accelero - Vertical & Horizontal Parallax - Script Codes
Accelero - Vertical & Horizontal Parallax - Script Codes
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Developer Maheshc
Username maheshc
Uploaded November 28, 2022
Rating 3
Size 5,572 Kb
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