AngularJS - Controller As

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How do I make an angularjs - controller as?

I wrote a simple guide to understand better the "Controller as" method, just for angular beginners!. What is a angularjs - controller as? How do you make a angularjs - controller as? This script and codes were developed by Lorenzo D'Ianni on 29 September 2022, Thursday.

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AngularJS - Controller As - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<body> <div ng-app="MyApp"> <h1>AngularJS<br>Controller as</h1> <div class="container"> <div class="explain"> <div class="explain-title">$scope could be a problem, why?</div> <div class="explain-content"> <p>Each controller has his own $scope.title, but what if we want to retrieve a title from a parent controller?</p> <pre ng-non-bindable><code>&lt;div class="box" ng-controller="MainCtrl"&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title"&gt;MainCtrl&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title--bind"&gt;{{title}}&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box" ng-controller="SecondCtrl"&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title"&gt;SecondCtrl&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title--bind"&gt;{{title}}&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title--bind"&gt;{{title}}&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box" ng-controller="ThirdCtrl"&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title"&gt;ThirdCtrl&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title--bind"&gt;{{title}}&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title--bind"&gt;{{title}}&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title--bind"&gt;{{title}}&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;/div&gt; <c>&lt;!-- // ThirdCtrl --&gt;</c>	&lt;/div&gt; <c>&lt;!-- // SecondCtrl --&gt;</c>
&lt;/div&gt; <c>&lt;!-- // MainCtrl --&gt;</c>	</code></pre> </div> </div> <div class="box" ng-controller="MainCtrl"> <div class="box-title">MainCtrl</div> <div class="box-title--bind">{{title}}</div> <div class="box" ng-controller="SecondCtrl"> <div class="box-title">SecondCtrl</div> <div class="box-title--bind">{{title}}</div> <div class="box-title--bind">{{title}}</div> <div class="box" ng-controller="ThirdCtrl"> <div class="box-title">ThirdCtrl</div> <div class="box-title--bind">{{title}}</div> <div class="box-title--bind">{{title}}</div> <div class="box-title--bind">{{title}}</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="explain"> <div class="explain-title">Dirty solution: $scope and $parent.$scope</div> <div class="explain-content"> <p> Is $parent.$scope a solution? Yes and no at the same time. Can you image it with 4, 5 or 6 nested controllers with a lot of tags and nested tags? It is impossible to figure out which is the controller that refers to that particular $scope or $parent.$scope. </p> <pre ng-non-bindable><code>
&lt;div class="box" ng-controller="MainCtrl"&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title"&gt;MainCtrl&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title--bind"&gt;{{title}}&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box" ng-controller="SecondCtrl"&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title"&gt;SecondCtrl&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title--bind"&gt;{{$parent.title}}&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title--bind"&gt;{{title}}&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box" ng-controller="ThirdCtrl"&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title"&gt;ThirdCtrl&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title--bind"&gt;{{$parent.$parent.title}}&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title--bind"&gt;{{$parent.title}}&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title--bind"&gt;{{title}}&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;/div&gt; <c>&lt;!-- // ThirdCtrl --&gt;</c>	&lt;/div&gt; <c>&lt;!-- // SecondCtrl --&gt;</c>
&lt;/div&gt; <c>&lt;!-- // MainCtrl --&gt;</c>	</code></pre> </div> </div> <div class="box" ng-controller="MainCtrl"> <div class="box-title">MainCtrl</div> <div class="box-title--bind">{{title}}</div> <div class="box" ng-controller="SecondCtrl"> <div class="box-title">SecondCtrl</div> <div class="box-title--bind">{{$parent.title}}</div> <div class="box-title--bind">{{title}}</div> <div class="box" ng-controller="ThirdCtrl"> <div class="box-title">ThirdCtrl</div> <div class="box-title--bind">{{$parent.$parent.title}}</div> <div class="box-title--bind">{{$parent.title}}</div> <div class="box-title--bind">{{title}}</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="explain" ng-init="tab = 1"> <div class="explain-title">Perfect solution: Controller as</div> <div class="explain-content"> <p>You have to declare "Controller as ctrl" and also in your .js use "this" instead $scope to bind the view/model! Save your time without search the parent controller, write immediately what you need, it's easy and fast.</p> <nav class="tabs-triggers"> <a href="#!" class="tab-trigger" ng-click="tab = 1" ng-class="{'is-active': tab === 1}">HTML</a> <a href="#!" class="tab-trigger" ng-click="tab = 2" ng-class="{'is-active': tab === 2}">Javascript</a> </nav> <div ng-show="tab === 1"> <pre ng-non-bindable><code>
&lt;div class="box" ng-controller="MainCtrl <b>as main</b> "&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title"&gt;MainCtrl&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title--bind"&gt;{{<u>main</u>.title}}&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box" ng-controller="SecondCtrl <b>as second</b> "&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title"&gt;SecondCtrl&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title--bind"&gt;{{<u>main</u>.title}}&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title--bind"&gt;{{<u>second</u>.title}}&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box" ng-controller="ThirdCtrl <b>as third</b> "&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title"&gt;ThirdCtrl&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title--bind"&gt;{{<u>main</u>.title}}&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title--bind"&gt;{{<u>second</u>.title}}&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;div class="box-title--bind"&gt;{{<u>third</u>.title}}&lt;/div&gt;	&lt;/div&gt; <c>&lt;!-- // ThirdCtrl --&gt;</c>	&lt;/div&gt; <c>&lt;!-- // SecondCtrl --&gt;</c>
&lt;/div&gt; <c>&lt;!-- // MainCtrl --&gt;</c>	</code></pre> </div> <div ng-show="tab === 2"> <pre ng-non-bindable><code>
angular	.module('MyApp', [])	.controller('MainCtrl', [function MainCtrl(){ var main = this; main.title = "Main Ctrl Title"	}])	.controller('SecondCtrl', [function SecondCtrl(){ var second = this; second.title = "Second Ctrl Title"	}])	.controller('ThirdCtrl', [function ThirdCtrl(){ var third = this; third.title = "Third Ctrl Title"	}]);	</code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <div class="box" ng-controller="MainCtrl as main"> <div class="box-title">MainCtrl</div> <div class="box-title--bind">{{main.title}}</div> <div class="box" ng-controller="SecondCtrl as second"> <div class="box-title">SecondCtrl</div> <div class="box-title--bind">{{main.title}}</div> <div class="box-title--bind">{{second.title}}</div> <div class="box" ng-controller="ThirdCtrl as third"> <div class="box-title">ThirdCtrl</div> <div class="box-title--bind">{{main.title}}</div> <div class="box-title--bind">{{second.title}}</div> <div class="box-title--bind">{{third.title}}</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <h2>Lorenzo D'Ianni</h2>
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AngularJS - Controller As - Script Codes CSS Codes

@import url(,400,500);
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AngularJS - Controller As - Script Codes JS Codes

angular.module('MyApp', [])
.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', function MainCtrl($scope){ var main = this; main.title = "Main Ctrl Title" $scope.title = "Main Ctrl Title"
.controller('SecondCtrl', ['$scope', function SecondCtrl($scope){ var second = this; second.title = "Second Ctrl Title" $scope.title = "Second Ctrl Title"
.controller('ThirdCtrl', ['$scope', function ThirdCtrl($scope){ var third = this; third.title = "Third Ctrl Title" $scope.title = "Third Ctrl Title"
AngularJS - Controller As - Script Codes
AngularJS - Controller As - Script Codes
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Developer Lorenzo D'Ianni
Username lorenzodianni
Uploaded September 29, 2022
Rating 3
Size 5,584 Kb
Views 12,144
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