Banner Ad

4,172 Kb

How do I make an banner ad?

Banner ad with inquiries button that resets html.. What is a banner ad? How do you make a banner ad? This script and codes were developed by Raquel Lorenzana on 20 January 2023, Friday.

Banner Ad Previews

Banner Ad - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Banner Ad</title> <link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href=''> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body>	<!-- Begin main container / background layers-->	<div class="main_container">	<img class="img-responsive" src="" width="806" height="806">	<div class="filter_overlay"></div>	<!-- Begin text layer-->	<div class="text_overlay">	<!-- Heading -->	<header>	<h1>PERKS OF PLAYING HOST</h1>	<h4>STYLE REWARDS</h4>	</header>	<!-- Boxes with Tables-->	<div class="box_section">	<div class="box_left">	<table>	<tr>	<th>Trunk Show <br>	total sales</th>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>$1,000+</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>$500-$999</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>$300-$499</td>	</tr>	</table>	</div>	<div class="box_mid">	<table>	<tr>	<th>Free accessories<br>	earned</th>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>$250-$500+ (25% off total)</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>$100-$200 (20% off total)</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>$45-$75 (15% off total)</td>	</tr>	</table>	</div>	<div id="boxRight" class="box_right">	<table id="removeTable">	<tr>	<th>50% off<br>	accessories</th>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>4 ITEMS</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>3 ITEMS</td>	</tr>	<tr> <td id="newBtn">2 ITEMS</td>	</tr>	</table>	</div>	</div>	<!-- Logo -->	<div class="logo">	<img src="">	</div>	<!-- Footer -->	<footer>	<small>Must have at least $300 in retail sales and 4 unique orders to qualify for Style Rewards.</small>	</footer>	<!-- Close containers -->	</div>	</div> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Banner Ad - Script Codes CSS Codes

* {	padding: 0 !important;	margin: 0 !important;
body{	font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
.main_container {	position: relative;	max-width: 806px;
.main_container img {	position: relative;	z-index: -10;
.main_container .filter_overlay {	position: absolute;	float: left;	margin: 0 auto;	bottom: 0px;	z-index: -5;	width: 100%;	max-width: 806px;	height: 60.92%;	max-height: 806px;	background-color: rgba(160, 141, 129, .6); /* #818b80 */
.main_container .text_overlay {	position: absolute;	float: left;	margin: 0 auto;	bottom: 0px;	z-index: 10;	width: 100%;	max-width: 806px;	height: 60.92%;	max-height: 806px;	text-align: center;
header {	position: absolute;	width: 100%;	margin: 0 auto;	top: 6.598%;
header h1{	font-family: 'Playfair Display SC', serif;	font-size: 33px;	color: #fff;
header h4{	font-size: 18px;	margin-top: 2.6% !important;	font-weight: 200;	letter-spacing: .2em;	color: #fff;
.box_section {	position: absolute;	float: left;	bottom: 20.36%;	width: 100%;	max-width: 806px;	height: 55.85%;	max-height: 271px;
.box_left, .box_right {	display: inline-block;	width: 20.5%;	max-width: 165px;	height: 100%;	background-color: #fff;
.box_left{	margin-left: 7.817%;
.box_mid{	display: inline-block;	width: 38%;	max-width: 306px;	height: 100%;	margin: 0 .5%;	background-color: #fff;
.box_right{	margin-right: 11.043%;
table{	height: 100%;	width: 100%;	letter-spacing: .1em;
th {	font-size: 17px;	font-weight: 400;	text-align: center !important;
td {	font-size: 13px;	padding-bottom: 3%;
.logo {	position: absolute;	z-index: 15;	bottom: 8%;	width: 100%;	height: auto;
footer {	position: absolute;	float: left;	z-index: 20;	bottom: 2.78%;	width: 100%;	margin: 0 auto;	color: #fff;	text-align: center;
footer small{	font-size: 10px;
/* JS Classes*/
.add_btn{	width: 65%;	text-align: center;	font-size: 14px;	font-weight: 500;	color: #777;	border-radius: 5px;	background-color: #C6BBB3;	display: block;	margin: 0 auto !important;
.add_form{	font-size: 12px; font-weight: 600;	height: 55.19%;	max-height: 271px;	float: left;	height: 100%;	display: inline-block;	text-align: left;	margin: 0 auto !important;	padding: 10% !important;
.add_form input { font-size: 12px; color: #888; font-weight: 400;	width: 100%;	margin: 2% auto 10% auto !important;
.add_thankyou {	width: 100%;	height: 55.19%;	max-height: 271px;	float: left;	height: 100%;	display: inline-block;	text-align: left;	text-align: center;
.add_thankyou h1{	font-family: 'Playfair Display SC', serif;	margin-top: 40% !important;	line-height: 1.5;
@media (max-width: 720px){	.main_container .filter_overlay,	.main_container .text_overlay{	height: 65%;	}	header h4{	margin-top: 1% !important;	}	th{	font-size: 15px;	}	footer{	bottom: 1.2%;	}	.logo{	bottom: 4.5%;	}	.add_btn{	width: 80%;	}	.add_thankyou h1{	font-size: 30px;
@media(max-width: 550px){	header{	top: 5%;	}	.box_section{	bottom: 17%;	}	th{	font-size: 13px;	}	td{	font-size: 12px;	}	footer{	display: none !important;	}	.logo{	bottom: 2%;	}	.logo img{	width: 30%;	height: auto;	text-align: center;	} .add_form input { font-size: 10px;	width: 100%;	margin: 1% auto !important;
}	.add_btn{	font-size: 12px;	}	.add_thankyou h1{	font-size: 25px;	margin-top: 60% !important;
@media (max-width: 400px){	.main_container .filter_overlay{ background: rgb(160, 141, 129); /* For browsers that do not support gradients */	background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,rgba(160,141, 129, 0.2),rgba(160, 141, 129, .7)); /*Safari 5.1-6*/ background: -o-linear-gradient(bottom,rgba(160, 141, 129, 0.2),rgba(160, 141, 129, .7)); Opera 11.1-12 background: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom,rgba(160, 141, 129, 0.2),rgba(160, 141, 129, .7)); /*Fx 3.6-15*/	background: linear-gradient(to bottom,rgba(160,141,129,0.2),rgba(160,141,129,.7));	height: 100%;	}	.main_container .text_overlay{	height: 100%;	}	header h1{	font-size: 25px;	}	header h4{	margin-top: 3% !important;	font-size: 16px;	}	.box_section{	height: 60%;	bottom: 9%;	}	.box_left, .box_right{	width: 27%;	}	.box_mid{	width: 38%;	margin: 0 1% !important;	}	.box_left{	margin-left: 1%;	}	.box_right{	margin-right: 1%;	}	th{	font-size: 13px;	font-weight: 500;	}	.logo{	bottom: 1%;	}

Banner Ad - Script Codes JS Codes

function addBtn(){	var newBtn = document.createElement('button')	var BtnText = document.createTextNode('INQUIRIES')	var changeHere = document.getElementById('newBtn')	newBtn.setAttribute('type', 'button') newBtn.className = "add_btn"	document.getElementById('newBtn').innerHTML = ""	newBtn.appendChild(BtnText)	changeHere.appendChild(newBtn)	newBtn.addEventListener('click', addForm)
function addForm(){	var inputForm = document.createElement('form')	var nameInput = document.createElement('input')	var nameInputText = document.createTextNode('Full Name')	var emailInput = document.createElement('input')	var emailInputText = document.createTextNode('Email')	var phoneInput = document.createElement('input')	var phoneInputText = document.createTextNode('Phone')	var submitBtn = document.createElement('button')	var submitBtnTxt = document.createTextNode('SUBMIT')	var switchBoxContent = document.getElementById('boxRight')	var removeTable = document.getElementById('removeTable')	inputForm.setAttribute('id','removeForm')	submitBtn.setAttribute('type', 'button')	nameInput.setAttribute('name', 'username')	nameInput.setAttribute('type', 'text')	emailInput.setAttribute('name', 'email')	emailInput.setAttribute('type', 'text')	phoneInput.setAttribute('name', 'phone')	phoneInput.setAttribute('type', 'text')	inputForm.className = 'add_form'	submitBtn.className = 'add_btn'	switchBoxContent.removeChild(removeTable)	boxRight.appendChild(inputForm)	inputForm.appendChild(nameInputText)	inputForm.appendChild(nameInput)	inputForm.appendChild(emailInputText)	inputForm.appendChild(emailInput)	inputForm.appendChild(phoneInputText)	inputForm.appendChild(phoneInput)	inputForm.appendChild(submitBtn)	submitBtn.appendChild(submitBtnTxt)	submitBtn.addEventListener('click', thankYou)
function thankYou(){	var newMsgDiv = document.createElement('div')	var newMsgH1 = document.createElement('h1')	var newMsgText = document.createTextNode('Thank You!')	var switchBoxContentAgain = document.getElementById('boxRight')	var removeForm = document.getElementById('removeForm')	switchBoxContentAgain.removeChild(removeForm)	boxRight.appendChild(newMsgDiv)	newMsgDiv.appendChild(newMsgH1)	newMsgH1.appendChild(newMsgText)	newMsgDiv.className = 'add_thankyou'
Banner Ad - Script Codes
Banner Ad - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Raquel Lorenzana
Username raquellorenzana
Uploaded January 20, 2023
Rating 3
Size 4,172 Kb
Views 8,096
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Raquel Lorenzana (raquellorenzana) Script Codes
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