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<h1 class="heading-title">Becs Peacocke</h1>
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</script>	<h2>About</h2> <B>Winner of 2014 Young Professional in Real Estate 'Salesperson of the Year' Award </b><br><br>A young gun with unmatched levels of dedication Becs is a familiar face who is well known and respected for her immense warmth and calm and professional manner. <br><br>Sharp and with years of industry experience Becs has set an impressive track record. Achieving Barfoot & Thompson's Rookie of the Year at the start of her career was no small feat. This she credits to sheer tenacity, a strong work ethic and always ensuring her clients best interests are put first.<br><br>What's more Becs is also a qualified lawyer having practiced as a Corporate and Commercial Solicitor prior to following her calling into real estate.<br><br>Becs is the third generation to sell real estate in her family, following in her grandfather and fathers footsteps. With aunties, uncles and cousins all selling real estate throughout New Zealand real estate truly is thick in her blood.<br><br>Becs is an avid marketer, highly skilled negotiator and possesses extensive market knowledge. All of this culminates in her ability to maximize eventual sale prices for her clients.<br><br>If you are looking for someone who works tirelessly to ensure she gets the best result then Becs Peacocke is undoubtedly the right person to market and sell your home. <h2>Recommendations</h2> <hr><br>Becs came highly recommended by a colleague and I was not disappointed. Becs and George delivered on every level. A very professional duo!<br><br><b><i>Michael Harvey</b></i><br><br><hr><br>Enthusiasm and passion is second to none. Her work ethic far exceeds any other estate agent I know. Her hard work obviously gets her the results. <br><br><i><b>Georgie and Dave Smythe</b></i><br><br><hr><br>We are writing to express our appreciation and admiration for a job well done. We were planning to sell our home and looking to engage an agent. We knew that a house across the road had been successfully marketed in the recent past by a Barfoot and Thompson team, so we approached one of the team members, Becs Peacocke, now working on her own out of the B&T Ponsonby office. <br><br>Already after our first meeting we knew that we had made a good choice, and that we had an exceptionally talented agent working to sell our home. Becs was great! <br><br>- Becs did literally everything necessary, but always consulted with us beforehand, and provided detailed information in advance of the insand outs of all stages of the process;<br><br>- she arranged for an excellent and easy-to-work-with photographer to take photos of our home and planned, discussed and set in motion smart options for advertising;<br><br>- she oversaw Open Home events on weekends and engaged with and later followed uppotential buyers;<br><br>- she held regular meetings with us to provide progress reports and updates;<br><br>- she briefed us in detail on the auction process and looked after us at the auction rooms on the day, keeping the inevitable stress at bay; and<br><br>- she achieved a great result with multiple interested buyers attending the auction. We were very pleased with the outcome.<br><br>- We particularly appreciated the fact that Becs was always available with prompt answers to questions by phone, text or email, to quickly address or dispel the inevitable uncertainties associated with selling our home. Well informed, well spoken, efficient and totally professional, Becs Peacocke ticked all the boxes. We can’t imagine a better agent and warmly recommend Becs to anyone looking for professional real estate services. You’re the tops!<br><br><i><b>Tom and Mary Ludvigson</i></b><br><br><hr><br>My wife and I found Becs excellent to deal with. She was very professional but still friendly and approachable. We couldn't be happier with the price she was able to achieve for our property and would definitely recommend her to other potential sellers. <br><br><b><i>Hamish Duncan</i></b><br> <br><hr><br>We couldn’t recommend Becs highly enough. Buying a home should be an enjoyable process which wasn’t for us until we teamed up with Becs. The first month of looking was weekends full of open homes, trying to read the market and getting some pretty average advise from so called real estate professionals. We then called Becs, met for a coffee and left full of confidence and excited about getting back into the market.<br> <br>Her honesty, enthusiasm and advice made this process so easy, quickly working out what was important to us the buyers and what we were prepared to negotiate on. We would email Becs with a list of houses we would want to see in the weekend, she would organise and meet us at the property’s, (usually outside of open home times), in the process giving us back our weekends!<br> <br>Me and my wife couldn’t recommend Becs highly enough and would definitely encourage future buyers to look at teaming up with Becs to look at buying a house, not just selling!<br> <br><b><i>Matthew Mavor</b></I><br><br><hr><br>WHY WE CHOSE OUR AGENTS?<br><br>Damien did a flyer drop in our neighbourhood offering to appraise properties and give us an overview of the area with any other properties that he appraised.<br><br>We were impressed by the pro active and professional nature of this approach.<br><br>Becs, we met at an open home some months earlier- and we were impressed by her open professional enthusiasm and the fact that she seemed " genuinely" interested in us and our property and seemed open to assisting us with the start of our hunt for our next property.<br><br>WHAT NEXT?<br><br>Damien completed the assessment of our property which was presented back to us in a timely and professional manner. When we suggested that we had an initial connection with Becs and that they worked from the same office and were they happy to work together, the answer was an immediate yes.<br><br>We were gratified by the prospect of having two people working for us rather than one and at no point did this seem to be a problem, in fact they confirmed that by working with Barfoots we would have access to the entire barfoots agency network.<br><br>At no time did we feel that either of them were trying to protect their patch but they were simply giving us the benefit of the wider barfoots network.<br><br>The main reason Becs and Damien got the listing was that they fell in love with our property and from day 1 they expressed that they would be proud to represent our property. We felt that they were invested in the process as much as we were and made it clear that we were all on the same page since day 1.<br><br>CAMPAIGN<br><br>Once we decided to press go, all details of the marketing plan were explained and signed off in every detail. At no point did we feel that we were being pressured to take a direction that we weren't happy with and all of the prilimeninary work, such as video/ photos/ herald story and other marketing activity were all scheduled quickly and seamlessly with constant reassurance and communication.<br><br>The open home component of the campaign was executed with equal amounts of professionalism and communication and reassurance on a personal level. We were happy to leave the property in their capable hands.( so was Gris the 16 year old cat).<br><br>Also if they had questions or queries, which there were many ,they weren't afraid to ask.<br>With over 150 groups through over the 3 week campaign, there was a lot of follow up and they constantly kept us engaged with where we were at with these groups.<br><br>AUCTION PROCESS<br><br>The professional nature of the in room auction process that barfoots undertake suited our needs. All aspects of this process were fully explained both positive and negative and after experiencing an auction prior as bidders, we felt very comfortable using this.<br>Overall we found Becs and Damien very relaxed and put us at ease during what can be a very stressful time. We found them a huge strength to us at this time.<br><br>RESULT<br><br>In short, we were very happy with all aspects of the process of our sale. We felt in control, and in charge of the process at all times. There was loads of communication and at no time did we feel any pressure. It is a testament to Damien and Becs skills and professionalism along with the back up of the barfoots structure that made us feel this way.<br><br>We would happily recommend them and would certainly not hesitate to spread the good word of their warmth and friendliness and their huge knowledge of the real estate industry. We have had considerable experience of buying and selling real estate in Auckland in the last decade and this experience has been by far the best.<br><br><b><i>Michelle and Ric Little</b></i><br><br><hr><br>"We had the pleasure of working with Becs' in selling our Grey Lynn property. Besides the fact that she worked tirelessly to achieve a result that exceeded our expectations, Becs' managed to keep us well informed and positive throughout the sale process. It's clear that Becs' has a real passion for real estate and is extremely driven to go the extra mile for each and every one of her clients. We would not hesitate to recommend Becs' to anyone looking for a confident enthusiastic agent with superior negotiation skills."<br><br><b><I>Erica Mules & Jason Carruthers</b></I><br><br><hr><br>"Becs and Matt are very professional sales people who truly work hard for the best outcome for their clients. We were very impressed with their high level of communication and advise given to us on the sale of our uncles property. We would highly recommend their expertise to other customers."<br><br><b><i>Pat King and Elizabeth Wild</b></I>
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Becs Peacocke - Barsfoot & Thompson - Script Codes
Becs Peacocke - Barsfoot & Thompson - Script Codes
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Developer Steven Birchall
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