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How do I make an birds?

Rendering variation for the three.js flocking example.A kind of direction-dependent billboarding, which we developed and used first for the bird rendering of our dance theatre play, Silhouette Cinema.. What is a birds? How do you make a birds? This script and codes were developed by XORXOR on 27 January 2023, Friday.

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Birds - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<!-- shader for bird's position -->	<script id="fragmentShaderPosition" type="x-shader/x-fragment">	uniform float time;	uniform float delta;	void main()	{	vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy;	vec4 tmpPos = texture2D( texturePosition, uv );	vec3 position =;	vec3 velocity = texture2D( textureVelocity, uv ).xyz;	float phase = tmpPos.w;	phase = mod( ( phase + delta +	length( velocity.xz ) * delta * 3. +	max( velocity.y, 0.0 ) * delta * 6. ), 62.83 );	gl_FragColor = vec4( position + velocity * delta * 15. , phase );	}	</script>	<!-- shader for bird's velocity -->	<script id="fragmentShaderVelocity" type="x-shader/x-fragment">	uniform float time;	uniform float testing;	uniform float delta; // about 0.016	uniform float seperationDistance; // 20	uniform float alignmentDistance; // 40	uniform float cohesionDistance; //	uniform float freedomFactor;	uniform vec3 predator;	const float width = resolution.x;	const float height = resolution.y;	const float PI = 3.141592653589793;	const float PI_2 = PI * 2.0;	// const float VISION = PI * 0.55;	float zoneRadius = 40.0;	float zoneRadiusSquared = 1600.0;	float separationThresh = 0.45;	float alignmentThresh = 0.65;	const float UPPER_BOUNDS = BOUNDS;	const float LOWER_BOUNDS = -UPPER_BOUNDS;	const float SPEED_LIMIT = 9.0;	float rand(vec2 co){	return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);	}	void main() {	zoneRadius = seperationDistance + alignmentDistance + cohesionDistance;	separationThresh = seperationDistance / zoneRadius;	alignmentThresh = ( seperationDistance + alignmentDistance ) / zoneRadius;	zoneRadiusSquared = zoneRadius * zoneRadius;	vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy;	vec3 birdPosition, birdVelocity;	vec3 selfPosition = texture2D( texturePosition, uv ).xyz;	vec3 selfVelocity = texture2D( textureVelocity, uv ).xyz;	float dist;	vec3 dir; // direction	float distSquared;	float seperationSquared = seperationDistance * seperationDistance;	float cohesionSquared = cohesionDistance * cohesionDistance;	float f;	float percent;	vec3 velocity = selfVelocity;	float limit = SPEED_LIMIT;	dir = predator * UPPER_BOUNDS - selfPosition;	dir.z = 0.;	// dir.z *= 0.6;	dist = length( dir );	distSquared = dist * dist;	float preyRadius = 150.0;	float preyRadiusSq = preyRadius * preyRadius;	// move birds away from predator	if (dist < preyRadius) {	f = ( distSquared / preyRadiusSq - 1.0 ) * delta * 100.;	velocity += normalize( dir ) * f;	limit += 5.0;	}	// if (testing == 0.0) {}	// if ( rand( uv + time ) < freedomFactor ) {}	// Attract flocks to the center	vec3 central = vec3( 0., 0., 0. );	dir = selfPosition - central;	dist = length( dir );	dir.y *= 2.5;	velocity -= normalize( dir ) * delta * 5.;	for (float y=0.0;y<height;y++) {	for (float x=0.0;x<width;x++) {	vec2 ref = vec2( x + 0.5, y + 0.5 ) / resolution.xy;	birdPosition = texture2D( texturePosition, ref ).xyz;	dir = birdPosition - selfPosition;	dist = length(dir);	if (dist < 0.0001) continue;	distSquared = dist * dist;	if (distSquared > zoneRadiusSquared ) continue;	percent = distSquared / zoneRadiusSquared;	if ( percent < separationThresh ) { // low	// Separation - Move apart for comfort	f = (separationThresh / percent - 1.0) * delta;	velocity -= normalize(dir) * f;	} else if ( percent < alignmentThresh ) { // high	// Alignment - fly the same direction	float threshDelta = alignmentThresh - separationThresh;	float adjustedPercent = ( percent - separationThresh ) / threshDelta;	birdVelocity = texture2D( textureVelocity, ref ).xyz;	f = ( 0.5 - cos( adjustedPercent * PI_2 ) * 0.5 + 0.5 ) * delta;	velocity += normalize(birdVelocity) * f;	} else {	// Attraction / Cohesion - move closer	float threshDelta = 1.0 - alignmentThresh;	float adjustedPercent = ( percent - alignmentThresh ) / threshDelta;	f = ( 0.5 - ( cos( adjustedPercent * PI_2 ) * -0.5 + 0.5 ) ) * delta;	velocity += normalize(dir) * f;	}	}	}	// this make tends to fly around than down or up	// if (velocity.y > 0.) velocity.y *= (1. - 0.2 * delta);	// Speed Limits	if ( length( velocity ) > limit ) {	velocity = normalize( velocity ) * limit;	}	gl_FragColor = vec4( velocity, 1.0 );	}	</script>	<script type="x-shader/x-vertex" id="birdVS">	attribute vec2 reference;	attribute float frameId;	uniform sampler2D texturePosition;	uniform sampler2D textureVelocity;	varying vec2 vUV;	varying mat2 vUVRot;	varying float vFrameId;	uniform float time;	void main() {	vec3 pos = texture2D( texturePosition, reference ).xyz;	vec3 vel = normalize( texture2D( textureVelocity, reference ).xyz );	vec4 mvPos = modelViewMatrix * vec4( pos, 1.0 );	gl_PointSize = 20.0 * ( 800.0 / -mvPos.z );	vUV = vec2( vel.x * 0.5 + 0.5, vel.y * 0.5 + 0.5 );	vUV = floor( vUV * 11.0 ) / 11.0 + 0.5 / 11.0; // TODO: better movement later	vUVRot = mat2( 1, 0, 0, 1 );	vFrameId = floor( mod( frameId + time * 0.5, 9.0 ) );	gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPos;	}	</script>	<!-- bird geometry shader -->	<script type="x-shader/x-fragment" id="birdFS">	uniform sampler2D texturesBird[ 9 ];	varying vec2 vUV;	varying mat2 vUVRot;	varying float vFrameId;	uniform vec3 color;	void main() {	vec2 uv = 0.9 * vec2( 1.0 / 11.0 ) * ( gl_PointCoord - 0.5 ) * vUVRot + vUV;	int id = int( vFrameId );	vec4 col;	if ( id == 0 ) { col = texture2D( texturesBird[ 0 ], uv ); }	else if ( id == 1 ) { col = texture2D( texturesBird[ 1 ], uv ); }	else if ( id == 2 ) { col = texture2D( texturesBird[ 2 ], uv ); }	else if ( id == 3 ) { col = texture2D( texturesBird[ 3 ], uv ); }	else if ( id == 4 ) { col = texture2D( texturesBird[ 4 ], uv ); }	else if ( id == 5 ) { col = texture2D( texturesBird[ 5 ], uv ); }	else if ( id == 6 ) { col = texture2D( texturesBird[ 6 ], uv ); }	else if ( id == 7 ) { col = texture2D( texturesBird[ 7 ], uv ); }	else if ( id == 8 ) { col = texture2D( texturesBird[ 8 ], uv ); }	gl_FragColor = col;	}	</script>
</html> <script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Birds - Script Codes CSS Codes

body {	background-color: #ffffff;	margin: 0px;	overflow: hidden;	font-family:Monospace;	font-size:13px;	text-align:center;	text-align:center;	cursor: pointer;	}	a {	color:#0078ff;	}

Birds - Script Codes JS Codes

/* TEXTURE WIDTH FOR SIMULATION */	var WIDTH = 32;	var BIRDS = WIDTH * WIDTH;	var container;	var camera, scene, renderer, geometry, i, h, color;	var mouseX = 0, mouseY = 0;	var windowHalfX = window.innerWidth / 2;	var windowHalfY = window.innerHeight / 2;	var BOUNDS = 800, BOUNDS_HALF = BOUNDS / 2;	var last =;	var gpuCompute;	var velocityVariable;	var positionVariable;	var positionUniforms;	var velocityUniforms;	var birdUniforms;	var birdTextures = [];	init();	function init() {	container = document.createElement( 'div' );	document.body.appendChild( container );	loader = new THREE.TextureLoader();	birdTextures[ 0 ] = loader.load( '' );	birdTextures[ 1 ] = loader.load( '' );	birdTextures[ 2 ] = loader.load( '' );	birdTextures[ 3 ] = loader.load( '' );	birdTextures[ 4 ] = loader.load( '' );	birdTextures[ 5 ] = loader.load( '' );	birdTextures[ 6 ] = loader.load( '' );	birdTextures[ 7 ] = loader.load( '' );	birdTextures[ 8 ] = loader.load( '' );	camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 3000 );	camera.position.z = 350;	scene = new THREE.Scene();	scene.fog = new THREE.Fog( 0xffffff, 100, 1000 );	renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();	renderer.setClearColor( scene.fog.color );	renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );	renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );	container.appendChild( renderer.domElement );	initComputeRenderer();	document.addEventListener( 'mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove, false );	document.addEventListener( 'touchstart', onDocumentTouchStart, false );	document.addEventListener( 'touchmove', onDocumentTouchMove, false );	//	window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false );	var effectController = {	seperation: 20.0,	alignment: 20.0,	cohesion: 20.0,	freedom: 0.75	};	var valuesChanger = function() {	velocityUniforms.seperationDistance.value = effectController.seperation;	velocityUniforms.alignmentDistance.value = effectController.alignment;	velocityUniforms.cohesionDistance.value = effectController.cohesion;	velocityUniforms.freedomFactor.value = effectController.freedom;	};	valuesChanger();	initBirds();	animate();	}	function initComputeRenderer() {	gpuCompute = new GPUComputationRenderer( WIDTH, WIDTH, renderer );	var dtPosition = gpuCompute.createTexture();	var dtVelocity = gpuCompute.createTexture();	fillPositionTexture( dtPosition );	fillVelocityTexture( dtVelocity );	velocityVariable = gpuCompute.addVariable( "textureVelocity", document.getElementById( 'fragmentShaderVelocity' ).textContent, dtVelocity );	positionVariable = gpuCompute.addVariable( "texturePosition", document.getElementById( 'fragmentShaderPosition' ).textContent, dtPosition );	gpuCompute.setVariableDependencies( velocityVariable, [ positionVariable, velocityVariable ] );	gpuCompute.setVariableDependencies( positionVariable, [ positionVariable, velocityVariable ] );	positionUniforms = positionVariable.material.uniforms;	velocityUniforms = velocityVariable.material.uniforms;	positionUniforms.time = { value: 0.0 }; = { value: 0.0 };	velocityUniforms.time = { value: 1.0 }; = { value: 0.0 };	velocityUniforms.testing = { value: 1.0 };	velocityUniforms.seperationDistance = { value: 1.0 };	velocityUniforms.alignmentDistance = { value: 1.0 };	velocityUniforms.cohesionDistance = { value: 1.0 };	velocityUniforms.freedomFactor = { value: 1.0 };	velocityUniforms.predator = { value: new THREE.Vector3() };	velocityVariable.material.defines.BOUNDS = BOUNDS.toFixed( 2 );	velocityVariable.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;	velocityVariable.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;	positionVariable.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;	positionVariable.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;	var error = gpuCompute.init();	if ( error !== null ) { console.error( error );	}	}	function initBirds() {	var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();	var positions = new Float32Array( BIRDS * 3 );	var references = new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( BIRDS * 2 ), 2 );	var frameIds = new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( BIRDS ), 1 );	geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute( positions, 3 ) );	geometry.addAttribute( 'reference', references );	geometry.addAttribute( 'frameId', frameIds );	for( var i = 0; i < BIRDS; i++ ) {	var x = (i % WIDTH) / WIDTH;	var y = ~~(i / WIDTH) / WIDTH;	references.array[ i * 2 ] = x;	references.array[ i * 2 + 1 ] = y;	frameIds.array[ i ] = Math.random() * 9.0;	}	// For Vertex and Fragment	birdUniforms = {	texturesBird: { value: birdTextures },	color: { value: new THREE.Color( 0xff2200 ) },	texturePosition: { value: null },	textureVelocity: { value: null },	time: { value: 1.0 },	delta: { value: 0.0 }	};	var shaderMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( {	uniforms: birdUniforms,	vertexShader: document.getElementById( 'birdVS' ).textContent,	fragmentShader: document.getElementById( 'birdFS' ).textContent,	depthTest: false,	transparent: true	});	var particles = new THREE.Points( geometry, shaderMaterial );	scene.add( particles );	}	function fillPositionTexture( texture ) {	var theArray =;	for ( var k = 0, kl = theArray.length; k < kl; k += 4 ) {	var x = Math.random() * BOUNDS - BOUNDS_HALF;	var y = Math.random() * BOUNDS - BOUNDS_HALF;	var z = Math.random() * BOUNDS - BOUNDS_HALF;	theArray[ k + 0 ] = x;	theArray[ k + 1 ] = y;	theArray[ k + 2 ] = z;	theArray[ k + 3 ] = 1;	}	}	function fillVelocityTexture( texture ) {	var theArray =;	for ( var k = 0, kl = theArray.length; k < kl; k += 4 ) {	var x = Math.random() - 0.5;	var y = Math.random() - 0.5;	var z = Math.random() - 0.5;	theArray[ k + 0 ] = x * 10;	theArray[ k + 1 ] = y * 10;	theArray[ k + 2 ] = z * 10;	theArray[ k + 3 ] = 1;	}	}	function onWindowResize() {	windowHalfX = window.innerWidth / 2;	windowHalfY = window.innerHeight / 2;	camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;	camera.updateProjectionMatrix();	renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );	}	function onDocumentMouseMove( event ) {	mouseX = event.clientX - windowHalfX;	mouseY = event.clientY - windowHalfY;	}	function onDocumentTouchStart( event ) {	if ( event.touches.length === 1 ) {	event.preventDefault();	mouseX = event.touches[ 0 ].pageX - windowHalfX;	mouseY = event.touches[ 0 ].pageY - windowHalfY;	}	}	function onDocumentTouchMove( event ) {	if ( event.touches.length === 1 ) {	event.preventDefault();	mouseX = event.touches[ 0 ].pageX - windowHalfX;	mouseY = event.touches[ 0 ].pageY - windowHalfY;	}	}	//	function animate() {	requestAnimationFrame( animate );	render();	}	function render() {	var now =;	var delta = (now - last) / 1000;	if (delta > 1) delta = 1; // safety cap on large deltas	last = now;	positionUniforms.time.value = now; = delta;	velocityUniforms.time.value = now; = delta;	birdUniforms.time.value = now; = delta;	velocityUniforms.predator.value.set( 0.5 * mouseX / windowHalfX, - 0.5 * mouseY / windowHalfY, 0 );	mouseX = 10000;	mouseY = 10000;	gpuCompute.compute();	birdUniforms.texturePosition.value = gpuCompute.getCurrentRenderTarget( positionVariable ).texture;	birdUniforms.textureVelocity.value = gpuCompute.getCurrentRenderTarget( velocityVariable ).texture;	renderer.render( scene, camera );	}
Birds - Script Codes
Birds - Script Codes
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Developer XORXOR
Username xorxor_hu
Uploaded January 27, 2023
Rating 4.5
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