BSP Dungeon Generation

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How do I make an bsp dungeon generation?

Playing around with Binary Space Partitioning for dungeon generation. Right now is just basic room generation and basic corridors. WARING: Code's kinda a mess right now. UPDATE: Red line shows room connections based on first adjacent match.. What is a bsp dungeon generation? How do you make a bsp dungeon generation? This script and codes were developed by Laerin on 26 December 2022, Monday.

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BSP Dungeon Generation - Script Codes HTML Codes

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BSP Dungeon Generation - Script Codes JS Codes

/* Documentation: class room{ bounds: { x, y, width, height } -- the BSP bounds of the room size: { x, y, width, height } -- the actual size/location of the room created in 'roomPainter' function left: &room right: &room parent: &room depth: int } hallPainter(leftRoom, rightRoom) -- creates the halls between rooms modifies[] must take two rooms as input roomPainter(room) -- creates the rooms modifies[] must take room as input splitDir(width, height) -- determines direction to split bsp must return 0-1 values > 0.5 split horizontally values <= 0.5 split vertically splitMod(width, height) -- determines modifier to multiply splitChance by may return any value rooms split using rand(0-1), with splits occuring on values less than splitChance * splitMod(room.width, room.height) tiles is an enum for painting the map used by default painters, not necessary for custom painters to use, just handy DGEN.BSP({ width: int, height: int, roomSize: int, minDepth: int, splitChance: float (0-1), seed: int/long, roomPainter: function, hallPainter: function, splitMod: function, splitDir: function, tiles: object enum })
var DGEN = (function(){ /* Dungeon Generation Algorithm(s) * Created By: XGundam05 */ var rand = function(seed){ this.m_w = seed; this.m_z = 987654321; this.mask = 0xffffffff; }; rand.prototype = { next: function(){ this.m_z = (36969 * (this.m_z & 65535) + (this.m_z >> 16)) & this.mask; this.m_w = (18000 * (this.m_w & 65535) + (this.m_w >> 16)) & this.mask; var result = ((this.m_z << 16) + this.m_w) & this.mask; result /= 4294967296; return result + 0.5; } }; var flatLeafBSP = function(tree){ var flat = []; var stack = []; var current = tree; while (stack.length > 0 || current !== undefined){ if (current !== undefined){ stack.push(current); current = current.left; } else { current = stack.pop(); if (current.left === undefined && current.right === undefined) flat.push(current); current = current.right; } } return flat; }; var defaultsBSP = { tiles: { EMPTY: 0, WALL: 1, FLOOR: 2 }, splitMod: function(width, height){ if (width > 2.5 * height || height > 2.5 * width) return 1.7; else return 1.0; }, splitDir: function(width, height){ if (width >= 2.5 * height || height < this.roomSize * 2) return 0.75; else if (height > 2.5 * width || width < this.roomSize * 2) return 0.25; else return; }, hallPainter: function(left, right){ if (left.bounds.x + left.bounds.width == right.bounds.x){ // ============== // Left/right // ============== if (left.size.y + left.size.height - 3 < right.size.y || right.size.y + right.size.height - 3 < left.size.y){ // ------------ // Z Corridor // ------------ var pointL = left.size.y + 1 + (( * (left.size.height - 2)) | 0); var pointR = right.size.y + 1 + (( * (right.size.height - 2)) | 0); var diff = 0, mid = 0; if (left.bounds.height >= right.bounds.height){ diff = (left.bounds.x + left.bounds.width - 1) - (left.size.x + left.size.width); mid = (( * diff) | 0) + left.size.x + left.size.width - 1; } else { diff = (right.size.x - 1) - (right.bounds.x + 1); mid = (( * diff) | 0) + right.bounds.x; } var y = 0, x = 0; for (x = left.size.x + left.size.width - 1; x <= mid; x++){ if ([(pointL - 1) * this.width + x] != this.tiles.FLOOR)[(pointL - 1) * this.width + x] = this.tiles.WALL;[pointL * this.width + x] = this.tiles.FLOOR; if ([(pointL + 1) * this.width + x] != this.tiles.FLOOR)[(pointL + 1) * this.width + x] = this.tiles.WALL; } var lMin = Math.min(pointL - 1, pointR - 1); var lMax = Math.max(pointL + 1, pointR + 1); for (y = lMin; y <= lMax; y++){ if ([y * this.width + x - 1] != this.tiles.FLOOR)[y * this.width + x - 1] = this.tiles.WALL; if (y != lMin && y != lMax)[y * this.width + x] = this.tiles.FLOOR; else if ([y * this.width + x] != this.tiles.FLOOR)[y * this.width + x] = this.tiles.WALL; if ([y * this.width + x + 1] != this.tiles.FLOOR)[y * this.width + x + 1] = this.tiles.WALL; } for (x = x; x <= right.size.x; x++){ if ([(pointR - 1) * this.width + x] != this.tiles.FLOOR)[(pointR - 1) * this.width + x] = this.tiles.WALL;[pointR * this.width + x] = this.tiles.FLOOR; if ([(pointR + 1) * this.width + x] != this.tiles.FLOOR)[(pointR + 1) * this.width + x] = this.tiles.WALL; } } else { var t = Math.min(left.size.y + left.size.height, right.size.y + right.size.height); var b = Math.max(left.size.y, right.size.y); var diff = (t - 1) - (b + 1); diff = ( * diff) | 0; var pos = b + diff + 1; var len = right.size.x - (left.size.x + left.size.width - 1); for (var k = 0; k <= len; k++){ var _x = (left.size.x + left.size.width - 1 + k);[(pos - 1) * this.width + _x] = this.tiles.WALL;[pos * this.width + _x] = this.tiles.FLOOR;[(pos + 1) * this.width + _x] = this.tiles.WALL; } } } else { // ============== // Top/Bottom // ============== if (left.size.x + left.size.width - 3 < right.size.x || right.size.x + right.size.width - 3 < left.size.x){ // ------------ // Z Corridor // ------------ var pointL = left.size.x + 1 + (( * (left.size.width - 2)) | 0); var pointR = right.size.x + 1 + (( * (right.size.width - 2)) | 0); var diff = 0, mid = 0; if (left.bounds.width >= right.bounds.width){ diff = (left.bounds.y + left.bounds.height) - (left.size.y + left.size.height); mid = (( * diff) | 0) + left.size.y + left.size.height - 1; } else { diff = (right.size.y - 1) - (right.bounds.y + 1); mid = (( * diff) | 0) + right.bounds.y; } var y = 0, x = 0; for (y = left.size.y + left.size.height - 1; y <= mid; y++){ if ([y * this.width + pointL - 1] != this.tiles.FLOOR)[y * this.width + pointL - 1] = this.tiles.WALL;[y * this.width + pointL] = this.tiles.FLOOR; if ([y * this.width + pointL + 1] != this.tiles.FLOOR)[y * this.width + pointL + 1] = this.tiles.WALL; } var lMin = Math.min(pointL - 1, pointR - 1); var lMax = Math.max(pointL + 1, pointR + 1); for (x = lMin; x <= lMax; x++){ if ([(y - 1) * this.width + x] != this.tiles.FLOOR)[(y - 1) * this.width + x] = this.tiles.WALL; if (x != lMin && x != lMax)[y * this.width + x] = this.tiles.FLOOR; else if ([y * this.width + x] != this.tiles.FLOOR)[y * this.width + x] = this.tiles.WALL; if ([(y + 1) * this.width + x] != this.tiles.FLOOR)[(y + 1) * this.width + x] = this.tiles.WALL; } for (y = y; y <= right.size.y; y++){ if ([y * this.width + pointR - 1] != this.tiles.FLOOR)[y * this.width + pointR - 1] = this.tiles.WALL;[y * this.width + pointR] = this.tiles.FLOOR; if ([y * this.width + pointR + 1] != this.tiles.FLOOR)[y * this.width + pointR + 1] = this.tiles.WALL; } } else { var r = Math.min(left.size.x + left.size.width, right.size.x + right.size.width); var l = Math.max(left.size.x, right.size.x); var diff = (r - 1) - (l + 1); diff = ( * diff) | 0; var pos = l + diff + 1; var len = right.size.y - (left.size.y + left.size.height - 1); for (var k = 0; k <= len; k++){ var _y = (left.size.y + left.size.height - 1 + k);[_y * this.width + pos - 1] = this.tiles.WALL;[_y * this.width + pos] = this.tiles.FLOOR;[_y * this.width + pos + 1] = this.tiles.WALL; } } } }, roomPainter: function(room){ var w = this.roomSize + ( * (room.bounds.width - this.roomSize - 2)) | 0; var h = this.roomSize + ( * (room.bounds.height - this.roomSize - 2)) | 0; var x = room.bounds.x + 1 + ((room.bounds.width - w - 1) * | 0; var y = room.bounds.y + 1 + ((room.bounds.height - h - 1) * | 0; for (var _y = y; _y < h + y; _y++){ for (var _x = x; _x < w + x; _x++){ if (_x == x || _x == w + x - 1 || _y == y || _y == h + y - 1)[_y * this.width + _x] = this.tiles.WALL; else[_y * this.width + _x] = this.tiles.FLOOR; } } room.size = { x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h }; } }; var generateBSP = function(bsp){ var stack = []; stack.push({ bounds: { x: 0, y: 0, width: bsp.width, height: bsp.height }, left: undefined, right: undefined, parent: undefined, depth: 0 }); bsp.tree = stack[0]; var split = 0; var dir = 0; var room = undefined; var width = 0; var height = 0; while (stack.length > 0){ room = stack.pop(); if (room.bounds.width < bsp.roomSize * 2 && room.bounds.height < bsp.roomSize * 2) { continue; } split = bsp.splitChance * bsp.splitMod(room.bounds.width, room.bounds.height); if ( > split && room.depth >= bsp.minDepth) continue; dir = bsp.splitDir(room.bounds.width, room.bounds.height); if (dir > 0.5){ width = (( * 2 - 1) * (room.bounds.width - bsp.roomSize * 2) * 0.5); width = room.bounds.width * 0.5 + (width | 0); room.left = { bounds: { x: room.bounds.x, y: room.bounds.y, width: width, height: room.bounds.height }, left: undefined, right: undefined, parent: room, depth: room.depth + 1 }; room.right = { bounds: { x: room.bounds.x + width, y: room.bounds.y, width: room.bounds.width - width, height: room.bounds.height }, left: undefined, right: undefined, parent: room, depth: room.depth + 1 }; } else { height = (( * 2 - 1) * (room.bounds.height - this.roomSize * 2) * 0.5); height = room.bounds.height * 0.5 + (height | 0); room.left = { bounds: { x: room.bounds.x, y: room.bounds.y, width: room.bounds.width, height: height }, left: undefined, right: undefined, parent: room, depth: room.depth + 1 }; room.right = { bounds: { x: room.bounds.x, y: room.bounds.y + height, width: room.bounds.width, height: room.bounds.height - height }, left: undefined, right: undefined, parent: room, depth: room.depth + 1 }; } stack.push(room.left); stack.push(room.right); } }; var paintBSP = function(bsp){ var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < bsp.width * bsp.height; i++)[i] = bsp.tiles.EMPTY; var rooms = flatLeafBSP(bsp.tree); for (i = 0; i < rooms.length; i++){ var room = rooms[i]; bsp.roomPainter(room); if (room.size === undefined) room.size = { x: room.bounds.x, y: room.bounds.y, width: room.bounds.width, height: room.bounds.height }; } for (i = 0; i < bsp.connections.length; i++){ var hall = bsp.connections[i]; bsp.hallPainter(hall.left, hall.right); } }; var adjacentBSP = function(left, right){ var flatL = flatLeafBSP(left); var flatR = flatLeafBSP(right); var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < flatL.length; i++){ if (found) break; var L = flatL[i]; for (var j = 0; j < flatR.length; j++){ if (found) break; var R = flatR[j]; if (L.bounds.x + L.bounds.width == R.bounds.x && ((L.bounds.y <= R.bounds.y + R.bounds.height && L.bounds.y >= R.bounds.y) || (R.bounds.y <= L.bounds.y + L.bounds.height && R.bounds.y >= L.bounds.y))) { found = true; } else if (L.bounds.y + L.bounds.height == R.bounds.y && ((L.bounds.x <= R.bounds.x + R.bounds.width && L.bounds.x >= R.bounds.x) || (R.bounds.x <= L.bounds.x + L.bounds.width && R.bounds.x >= L.bounds.x))) { found = true; } if (found){ return { left: L, right: R }; } } } return undefined; }; var connectBSP = function(bsp){ var stack = []; if (bsp.connections === undefined) bsp.connections = []; stack.push(bsp.tree); while (stack.length > 0){ var room = stack.pop(); if (room === undefined) continue; stack.push(room.left); stack.push(room.right); var edge = adjacentBSP(room.left, room.right); if (edge !== undefined) bsp.connections.push(edge); } }; var BSP = function(options){ var obj = { width: 100, height: 100, roomSize: 4, minDepth: 4, splitChance: 0.35, seed:, roomPainter: undefined, hallPainter: undefined, splitMod: undefined, splitDir: undefined, tiles: undefined }; for (var prop in defaultsBSP){ if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop) && obj[prop] === undefined) obj[prop] = defaultsBSP[prop]; } for (var prop in options){ if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) obj[prop] = options[prop]; } = []; obj.connections = []; obj.tree = undefined; obj.graph = undefined; obj.rand = new rand(obj.seed); generateBSP(obj); connectBSP(obj); paintBSP(obj); return { width: obj.width, height: obj.height, map:, tree: obj.tree, connections: obj.connections, mapDef: obj.tiles } }; return { BSP: BSP };
// Testing BSP Generation
// =============================
var bsp = DGEN.BSP({ width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight, roomSize: 10, seed:
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = bsp.width;
canvas.height = bsp.height;
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.strokeStyle = '0x888888';
for (var i = 0; i < bsp.connections.length; i++){ var item = bsp.connections[i]; ctx.strokeRect(item.left.bounds.x, item.left.bounds.y, item.left.bounds.width, item.left.bounds.height); ctx.strokeRect(item.right.bounds.x, item.right.bounds.y, item.right.bounds.width, item.right.bounds.height);
for (var y = 0; y < bsp.height; y++){ for (var x = 0; x < bsp.width; x++){ var id =[y * bsp.width + x]; if (id == 0 || id === undefined) continue; if (id == bsp.mapDef.WALL) ctx.fillStyle = 'cyan'; else if (id == bsp.mapDef.FLOOR) ctx.fillStyle = 'black'; ctx.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1); }
ctx.strokeStyle = 'red';
for (var i = 0; i < bsp.connections.length; i++){ var item = bsp.connections[i]; ctx.moveTo(item.left.size.x + (item.left.size.width * 0.5), item.left.size.y + (item.left.size.height * 0.5)); ctx.lineTo(item.right.size.x + (item.right.size.width * 0.5), item.right.size.y + (item.right.size.height * 0.5));
ctx.stroke(); = 'absolute'; = '0'; = '0';
BSP Dungeon Generation - Script Codes
BSP Dungeon Generation - Script Codes
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Developer Laerin
Username xgundam05
Uploaded December 26, 2022
Rating 4
Size 5,326 Kb
Views 6,072
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Laerin (xgundam05) Script Codes
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