Bullseye Game

5,406 Kb

How do I make an bullseye game?

What is a bullseye game? How do you make a bullseye game? This script and codes were developed by Elliot Geno on 11 September 2022, Sunday.

Bullseye Game Previews

Bullseye Game - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Bullseye Game</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <svg id="game" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 1000 400" overflow="visible">	<linearGradient id="ArcGradient" >	<stop offset="0" stop-color="#fff" stop-opacity=".2"/>	<stop offset="50%" stop-color="#fff" stop-opacity="0"/>	</linearGradient> <path id="arc" fill="none" stroke="url(#ArcGradient)" stroke-width="4" d="M100,250c250-400,550-400,800,0" pointer-events="none"/> <defs> <g id="arrow"> <line x2="60" fill="none" stroke="#888" stroke-width="2" /> <polygon fill="#888" points="64 0 58 2 56 0 58 -2" /> <polygon fill="#88ce02" points="2 -3 -4 -3 -1 0 -4 3 2 3 5 0" /> </g> </defs> <g id="target"> <path fill="#FFF" d="M924.2,274.2c-21.5,21.5-45.9,19.9-52,3.2c-4.4-12.1,2.4-29.2,14.2-41c11.8-11.8,29-18.6,41-14.2 C944.1,228.3,945.7,252.8,924.2,274.2z" /> <path fill="#F4531C" d="M915.8,265.8c-14.1,14.1-30.8,14.6-36,4.1c-4.1-8.3,0.5-21.3,9.7-30.5s22.2-13.8,30.5-9.7 C930.4,235,929.9,251.7,915.8,265.8z" /> <path fill="#FFF" d="M908.9,258.9c-8,8-17.9,9.2-21.6,3.5c-3.2-4.9-0.5-13.4,5.6-19.5c6.1-6.1,14.6-8.8,19.5-5.6 C918.1,241,916.9,250.9,908.9,258.9z" /> <path fill="#F4531C" d="M903.2,253.2c-2.9,2.9-6.7,3.6-8.3,1.7c-1.5-1.8-0.6-5.4,2-8c2.6-2.6,6.2-3.6,8-2 C906.8,246.5,906.1,250.2,903.2,253.2z" /> </g>	<g id="bow" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" pointer-events="none">	<polyline fill="none" stroke="#ddd" stroke-linecap="round" points="88,200 88,250 88,300"/>	<path fill="none" stroke="#88ce02" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" d="M88,300 c0-10.1,12-25.1,12-50s-12-39.9-12-50"/> </g>	<g class="arrow-angle"><use x="100" y="250" xlink:href="#arrow"/></g>	<clipPath id="mask">	<polygon opacity=".5" points="0,0 1500,0 1500,200 970,290 950,240 925,220 875,280 890,295 920,310 0,350" pointer-events="none"/>	</clipPath>	<g class="arrows" clip-path="url(#mask)" pointer-events="none">	</g>	<g class="miss" fill="#aaa" opacity="0" transform="translate(0, 100)">	<path d="M358 194L363 118 386 120 400 153 416 121 440 119 446 203 419 212 416 163 401 180 380 160 381 204"/>	<path d="M450 120L458 200 475 192 474 121"/>	<path d="M537 118L487 118 485 160 515 162 509 177 482 171 482 193 529 199 538 148 501 146 508 133 537 137"/>	<path d="M540 202L543 178 570 186 569 168 544 167 546 122 590 116 586 142 561 140 560 152 586 153 586 205"/>	<path d="M595,215l5-23l31,0l-5,29L595,215z M627,176l13-70l-41-0l-0,70L627,176z"/>	</g>	<g class="bullseye" fill="#F4531C" opacity="0">	<path d="M322,159l15-21l-27-13l-32,13l15,71l41-14l7-32L322,159z M292,142h20l3,8l-16,8 L292,142z M321,182l-18,9l-4-18l23-2V182z"/>	<path d="M340 131L359 125 362 169 381 167 386 123 405 129 392 183 351 186z"/>	<path d="M413 119L402 188 450 196 454 175 422 175 438 120z"/>	<path d="M432 167L454 169 466 154 451 151 478 115 453 113z"/>	<path d="M524 109L492 112 466 148 487 155 491 172 464 167 463 184 502 191 513 143 487 141 496 125 517 126z"/>	<path d="M537 114L512 189 558 199 566 174 533 175 539 162 553 164 558 150 543 145 547 134 566 148 575 124z"/>	<path d="M577 118L587 158 570 198 587 204 626 118 606 118 598 141 590 112z"/>	<path d="M635 122L599 198 643 207 649 188 624 188 630 170 639 178 645 162 637 158 649 143 662 151 670 134z"/>	<path d="M649,220l4-21l28,4l-6,25L649,220z M681,191l40-79l-35-8L659,184L681,191z"/>	</g>	<g class="hit" fill="#ffcc00" opacity="0" transform="translate(180, -80) rotate(12) ">	<path d="M383 114L385 195 407 191 406 160 422 155 418 191 436 189 444 112 423 119 422 141 407 146 400 113"/>	<path d="M449 185L453 113 477 112 464 186"/>	<path d="M486 113L484 130 506 130 481 188 506 187 520 131 540 135 545 119"/>	<path d="M526,195l5-20l22,5l-9,16L526,195z M558,164l32-44l-35-9l-19,51L558,164z"/>	</g>
<!--	<line x1= "875", y1= "280", x2= "925", y2= "220" stroke="red"/>
<circle class="point" r="7" fill="purple" opacity=".4"/> -->
<span>Draw back an arrow and launch it!</span> <script src='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.19.1/TweenMax.min.js'></script>
<script src='http://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/16327/MorphSVGPlugin.min.js'></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Bullseye Game - Script Codes CSS Codes

body{	margin:0;	background:#222;	margin:20px;
svg{	width:100%;	height:100%;	position:fixed;	top:0;	left:0;
span{	color:white;	font-family:sans-serif;	opacity:.3;

Bullseye Game - Script Codes JS Codes

var svg = document.querySelector("svg");
var cursor = svg.createSVGPoint();
var arrows = document.querySelector(".arrows");
var randomAngle = 0;
// center of target
var target = {	x: 900,	y: 249.5
// target intersection line segment
var lineSegment = {	x1: 875,	y1: 280,	x2: 925,	y2: 220
// bow rotation point
var pivot = {	x: 100,	y: 250
aim({	clientX: 320,	clientY: 300
// set up start drag event
window.addEventListener("mousedown", draw);
function draw(e) {	// pull back arrow	randomAngle = (Math.random() * Math.PI * 0.03) - 0.015;	TweenMax.to(".arrow-angle use", 0.3, {	opacity: 1	});	window.addEventListener("mousemove", aim);	window.addEventListener("mouseup", loose);	aim(e);
function aim(e) {	// get mouse position in relation to svg position and scale	var point = getMouseSVG(e);	point.x = Math.min(point.x, pivot.x - 7);	point.y = Math.max(point.y, pivot.y + 7);	var dx = point.x - pivot.x;	var dy = point.y - pivot.y;	// Make it more difficult by adding random angle each time	var angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx) + randomAngle;	var bowAngle = angle - Math.PI;	var distance = Math.min(Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)), 50);	var scale = Math.min(Math.max(distance / 30, 1), 2);	TweenMax.to("#bow", 0.3, {	scaleX: scale,	rotation: bowAngle + "rad",	transformOrigin: "right center"	});	var arrowX = Math.min(pivot.x - ((1 / scale) * distance), 88);	TweenMax.to(".arrow-angle", 0.3, {	rotation: bowAngle + "rad",	svgOrigin: "100 250"	});	TweenMax.to(".arrow-angle use", 0.3, {	x: -distance	});	TweenMax.to("#bow polyline", 0.3, {	attr: {	points: "88,200 " + Math.min(pivot.x - ((1 / scale) * distance), 88) + ",250 88,300"	}	});	var radius = distance * 9;	var offset = {	x: (Math.cos(bowAngle) * radius),	y: (Math.sin(bowAngle) * radius)	};	var arcWidth = offset.x * 3;	TweenMax.to("#arc", 0.3, {	attr: {	d: "M100,250c" + offset.x + "," + offset.y + "," + (arcWidth - offset.x) + "," + (offset.y + 50) + "," + arcWidth + ",50"	},	autoAlpha: distance/60	});
function loose() {	// release arrow	window.removeEventListener("mousemove", aim);	window.removeEventListener("mouseup", loose);	TweenMax.to("#bow", 0.4, {	scaleX: 1,	transformOrigin: "right center",	ease: Elastic.easeOut	});	TweenMax.to("#bow polyline", 0.4, {	attr: {	points: "88,200 88,250 88,300"	},	ease: Elastic.easeOut	});	// duplicate arrow	var newArrow = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "use");	newArrow.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'href', "#arrow");	arrows.appendChild(newArrow);	// animate arrow along path	var path = MorphSVGPlugin.pathDataToBezier("#arc");	TweenMax.to([newArrow], 0.5, {	force3D: true,	bezier: {	type: "cubic",	values: path,	autoRotate: ["x", "y", "rotation"]	},	onUpdate: hitTest,	onUpdateParams: ["{self}"],	onComplete: onMiss,	ease: Linear.easeNone	});	TweenMax.to("#arc", 0.3, {	opacity: 0	});	//hide previous arrow	TweenMax.set(".arrow-angle use", {	opacity: 0	});
function hitTest(tween) {	// check for collisions with arrow and target	var arrow = tween.target[0];	var transform = arrow._gsTransform;	var radians = transform.rotation * Math.PI / 180;	var arrowSegment = {	x1: transform.x,	y1: transform.y,	x2: (Math.cos(radians) * 60) + transform.x,	y2: (Math.sin(radians) * 60) + transform.y	}	var intersection = getIntersection(arrowSegment, lineSegment);	if (intersection.segment1 && intersection.segment2) {	tween.pause();	var dx = intersection.x - target.x;	var dy = intersection.y - target.y;	var distance = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));	var selector = ".hit";	if (distance < 7) {	selector = ".bullseye"	}	showMessage(selector);	}
function onMiss() {	// Damn!	showMessage(".miss");
function showMessage(selector) {	// handle all text animations by providing selector	TweenMax.killTweensOf(selector);	TweenMax.killChildTweensOf(selector);	TweenMax.set(selector, {	autoAlpha: 1	});	TweenMax.staggerFromTo(selector + " path", .5, {	rotation: -5,	scale: 0,	transformOrigin: "center"	}, {	scale: 1,	ease: Back.easeOut	}, .05);	TweenMax.staggerTo(selector + " path", .3, {	delay: 2,	rotation: 20,	scale: 0,	ease: Back.easeIn	}, .03);
function getMouseSVG(e) {	// normalize mouse position within svg coordinates	cursor.x = e.clientX;	cursor.y = e.clientY;	return cursor.matrixTransform(svg.getScreenCTM().inverse());
function getIntersection(segment1, segment2) {	// find intersection point of two line segments and whether or not the point is on either line segment	var dx1 = segment1.x2 - segment1.x1;	var dy1 = segment1.y2 - segment1.y1;	var dx2 = segment2.x2 - segment2.x1;	var dy2 = segment2.y2 - segment2.y1;	var cx = segment1.x1 - segment2.x1;	var cy = segment1.y1 - segment2.y1;	var denominator = dy2 * dx1 - dx2 * dy1;	if (denominator == 0) {	return null;	}	var ua = (dx2 * cy - dy2 * cx) / denominator;	var ub = (dx1 * cy - dy1 * cx) / denominator;	return {	x: segment1.x1 + ua * dx1,	y: segment1.y1 + ua * dy1,	segment1: ua >= 0 && ua <= 1,	segment2: ub >= 0 && ub <= 1	};
Bullseye Game - Script Codes
Bullseye Game - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Elliot Geno
Username pyrografix
Uploaded September 11, 2022
Rating 4.5
Size 5,406 Kb
Views 30,360
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Elliot Geno (pyrografix) Script Codes
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