Canvas Fireworks

6,200 Kb

How do I make an canvas fireworks?

Click anywhere to launch fireworks. Click and drag to fire multiple fireworks. Settings can be adjusted in the top right. Be sure to try the presets. If things are running slow, try reducing reduce the partCount setting.. What is a canvas fireworks? How do you make a canvas fireworks? This script and codes were developed by Jack Rugile on 11 August 2022, Thursday.

Canvas Fireworks Previews

Canvas Fireworks - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Canvas Fireworks</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <style> /* NOTE: The styles were added inline because Prefixfree needs access to your styles and they must be inlined if they are on local disk! */ html, body {	margin: 0;	padding: 0;
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#mountains1 {	background: url( repeat-x 40% 0;	bottom: 0;	height: 200px;	left: 0;	position: absolute;	width: 100%;	z-index: 1;
#mountains2 {	background: url( repeat-x 30% 0;	bottom: 0;	height: 250px;	left: 0;	position: absolute;	width: 100%;	z-index: 1;
#gui {	right: 0;	position: fixed;	top: 0;	z-index: 3;
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<body> <div id="gui"></div>
<div id="canvas-container"> <div id="mountains2"></div> <div id="mountains1"></div> <div id="skyline"></div>
</div> <script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Canvas Fireworks - Script Codes CSS Codes

html, body {	margin: 0;	padding: 0;
body {	background: #171717;	color: #999;	font: 100%/18px helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
a {	color: #2fa1d6;	font-weight: bold;	text-decoration: none;
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#canvas-container {	background: #000 url(; height: 400px;	left: 50%;	margin: -200px 0 0 -300px;	position: absolute;	top: 50%; width: 600px;	z-index: 2;
canvas {	cursor: crosshair;	display: block;	position: relative;	z-index: 3;
canvas:active {	cursor: crosshair;
#skyline {	background: url( repeat-x 50% 0;	bottom: 0;	height: 135px;	left: 0;	position: absolute;	width: 100%;	z-index: 1;
#mountains1 {	background: url( repeat-x 40% 0;	bottom: 0;	height: 200px;	left: 0;	position: absolute;	width: 100%;	z-index: 1;
#mountains2 {	background: url( repeat-x 30% 0;	bottom: 0;	height: 250px;	left: 0;	position: absolute;	width: 100%;	z-index: 1;
#gui {	right: 0;	position: fixed;	top: 0;	z-index: 3;

Canvas Fireworks - Script Codes JS Codes

var Fireworks = function(){	/*=============================================================================*/	/* Utility	/*=============================================================================*/	var self = this;	var rand = function(rMi, rMa){return ~~((Math.random()*(rMa-rMi+1))+rMi);}	var hitTest = function(x1, y1, w1, h1, x2, y2, w2, h2){return !(x1 + w1 < x2 || x2 + w2 < x1 || y1 + h1 < y2 || y2 + h2 < y1);};	window.requestAnimFrame=function(){return window.requestAnimationFrame||window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||window.mozRequestAnimationFrame||window.oRequestAnimationFrame||window.msRequestAnimationFrame||function(a){window.setTimeout(a,1E3/60)}}();	/*=============================================================================*/	/* Initialize	/*=============================================================================*/	self.init = function(){ self.dt = 0;	self.oldTime =;	self.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');	self.canvasContainer = $('#canvas-container');	var canvasContainerDisabled = document.getElementById('canvas-container');	self.canvas.onselectstart = function() {	return false;	};	self.canvas.width = = 600;	self.canvas.height = = 400;	self.particles = [];	self.partCount = 30;	self.fireworks = []; =; =;	self.currentHue = 170;	self.partSpeed = 5;	self.partSpeedVariance = 10;	self.partWind = 50;	self.partFriction = 5;	self.partGravity = 1;	self.hueMin = 150;	self.hueMax = 200;	self.fworkSpeed = 2;	self.fworkAccel = 4;	self.hueVariance = 30;	self.flickerDensity = 20;	self.showShockwave = false;	self.showTarget = true;	self.clearAlpha = 25;	self.canvasContainer.append(self.canvas);	self.ctx = self.canvas.getContext('2d');	self.ctx.lineCap = 'round';	self.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';	self.lineWidth = 1;	self.bindEvents();	self.canvasLoop();	self.canvas.onselectstart = function() {	return false;	};	};	/*=============================================================================*/	/* Particle Constructor	/*=============================================================================*/	var Particle = function(x, y, hue){	this.x = x;	this.y = y;	this.coordLast = [	{x: x, y: y},	{x: x, y: y},	{x: x, y: y}	];	this.angle = rand(0, 360);	this.speed = rand(((self.partSpeed - self.partSpeedVariance) <= 0) ? 1 : self.partSpeed - self.partSpeedVariance, (self.partSpeed + self.partSpeedVariance));	this.friction = 1 - self.partFriction/100;	this.gravity = self.partGravity/2;	this.hue = rand(hue-self.hueVariance, hue+self.hueVariance);	this.brightness = rand(50, 80);	this.alpha = rand(40,100)/100;	this.decay = rand(10, 50)/1000;	this.wind = (rand(0, self.partWind) - (self.partWind/2))/25;	this.lineWidth = self.lineWidth;	};	Particle.prototype.update = function(index){	var radians = this.angle * Math.PI / 180;	var vx = Math.cos(radians) * this.speed;	var vy = Math.sin(radians) * this.speed + this.gravity;	this.speed *= this.friction;	this.coordLast[2].x = this.coordLast[1].x;	this.coordLast[2].y = this.coordLast[1].y;	this.coordLast[1].x = this.coordLast[0].x;	this.coordLast[1].y = this.coordLast[0].y;	this.coordLast[0].x = this.x;	this.coordLast[0].y = this.y;	this.x += vx * self.dt;	this.y += vy * self.dt;	this.angle += this.wind;	this.alpha -= this.decay;	if(!hitTest(0,0,,,this.x-this.radius, this.y-this.radius, this.radius*2, this.radius*2) || this.alpha < .05){	self.particles.splice(index, 1);	}	};	Particle.prototype.draw = function(){	var coordRand = (rand(1,3)-1);	self.ctx.beginPath();	self.ctx.moveTo(Math.round(this.coordLast[coordRand].x), Math.round(this.coordLast[coordRand].y));	self.ctx.lineTo(Math.round(this.x), Math.round(this.y));	self.ctx.closePath();	self.ctx.strokeStyle = 'hsla('+this.hue+', 100%, '+this.brightness+'%, '+this.alpha+')';	self.ctx.stroke();	if(self.flickerDensity > 0){	var inverseDensity = 50 - self.flickerDensity;	if(rand(0, inverseDensity) === inverseDensity){	self.ctx.beginPath();	self.ctx.arc(Math.round(this.x), Math.round(this.y), rand(this.lineWidth,this.lineWidth+3)/2, 0, Math.PI*2, false)	self.ctx.closePath();	var randAlpha = rand(50,100)/100;	self.ctx.fillStyle = 'hsla('+this.hue+', 100%, '+this.brightness+'%, '+randAlpha+')';	self.ctx.fill();	}	}	};	/*=============================================================================*/	/* Create Particles	/*=============================================================================*/	self.createParticles = function(x,y, hue){	var countdown = self.partCount;	while(countdown--){	self.particles.push(new Particle(x, y, hue));	}	};	/*=============================================================================*/	/* Update Particles	/*=============================================================================*/	self.updateParticles = function(){	var i = self.particles.length;	while(i--){	var p = self.particles[i];	p.update(i);	};	};	/*=============================================================================*/	/* Draw Particles	/*=============================================================================*/	self.drawParticles = function(){	var i = self.particles.length;	while(i--){	var p = self.particles[i];	p.draw();	};	};	/*=============================================================================*/	/* Firework Constructor	/*=============================================================================*/	var Firework = function(startX, startY, targetX, targetY){	this.x = startX;	this.y = startY;	this.startX = startX;	this.startY = startY;	this.hitX = false;	this.hitY = false;	this.coordLast = [	{x: startX, y: startY},	{x: startX, y: startY},	{x: startX, y: startY}	];	this.targetX = targetX;	this.targetY = targetY;	this.speed = self.fworkSpeed;	this.angle = Math.atan2(targetY - startY, targetX - startX);	this.shockwaveAngle = Math.atan2(targetY - startY, targetX - startX)+(90*(Math.PI/180));	this.acceleration = self.fworkAccel/100;	this.hue = self.currentHue;	this.brightness = rand(50, 80);	this.alpha = rand(50,100)/100;	this.lineWidth = self.lineWidth;	this.targetRadius = 1;	};	Firework.prototype.update = function(index){	self.ctx.lineWidth = this.lineWidth;	vx = Math.cos(this.angle) * this.speed,	vy = Math.sin(this.angle) * this.speed;	this.speed *= 1 + this.acceleration;	this.coordLast[2].x = this.coordLast[1].x;	this.coordLast[2].y = this.coordLast[1].y;	this.coordLast[1].x = this.coordLast[0].x;	this.coordLast[1].y = this.coordLast[0].y;	this.coordLast[0].x = this.x;	this.coordLast[0].y = this.y;	if(self.showTarget){	if(this.targetRadius < 8){	this.targetRadius += .25 * self.dt;	} else {	this.targetRadius = 1 * self.dt;	}	}	if(this.startX >= this.targetX){	if(this.x + vx <= this.targetX){	this.x = this.targetX;	this.hitX = true;	} else {	this.x += vx * self.dt;	}	} else {	if(this.x + vx >= this.targetX){	this.x = this.targetX;	this.hitX = true;	} else {	this.x += vx * self.dt;	}	}	if(this.startY >= this.targetY){	if(this.y + vy <= this.targetY){	this.y = this.targetY;	this.hitY = true;	} else {	this.y += vy * self.dt;	}	} else {	if(this.y + vy >= this.targetY){	this.y = this.targetY;	this.hitY = true;	} else {	this.y += vy * self.dt;	}	}	if(this.hitX && this.hitY){	var randExplosion = rand(0, 9);	self.createParticles(this.targetX, this.targetY, this.hue);	self.fireworks.splice(index, 1);	}	};	Firework.prototype.draw = function(){	self.ctx.lineWidth = this.lineWidth;	var coordRand = (rand(1,3)-1);	self.ctx.beginPath();	self.ctx.moveTo(Math.round(this.coordLast[coordRand].x), Math.round(this.coordLast[coordRand].y));	self.ctx.lineTo(Math.round(this.x), Math.round(this.y));	self.ctx.closePath();	self.ctx.strokeStyle = 'hsla('+this.hue+', 100%, '+this.brightness+'%, '+this.alpha+')';	self.ctx.stroke();	if(self.showTarget){;	self.ctx.beginPath();	self.ctx.arc(Math.round(this.targetX), Math.round(this.targetY), this.targetRadius, 0, Math.PI*2, false)	self.ctx.closePath();	self.ctx.lineWidth = 1;	self.ctx.stroke();	self.ctx.restore();	}	if(self.showShockwave){;	self.ctx.translate(Math.round(this.x), Math.round(this.y));	self.ctx.rotate(this.shockwaveAngle);	self.ctx.beginPath();	self.ctx.arc(0, 0, 1*(this.speed/5), 0, Math.PI, true);	self.ctx.strokeStyle = 'hsla('+this.hue+', 100%, '+this.brightness+'%, '+rand(25, 60)/100+')';	self.ctx.lineWidth = this.lineWidth;	self.ctx.stroke();	self.ctx.restore();	}	};	/*=============================================================================*/	/* Create Fireworks	/*=============================================================================*/	self.createFireworks = function(startX, startY, targetX, targetY){	self.fireworks.push(new Firework(startX, startY, targetX, targetY));	};	/*=============================================================================*/	/* Update Fireworks	/*=============================================================================*/	self.updateFireworks = function(){	var i = self.fireworks.length;	while(i--){	var f = self.fireworks[i];	f.update(i);	};	};	/*=============================================================================*/	/* Draw Fireworks	/*=============================================================================*/	self.drawFireworks = function(){	var i = self.fireworks.length;	while(i--){	var f = self.fireworks[i];	f.draw();	};	};	/*=============================================================================*/	/* Events	/*=============================================================================*/	self.bindEvents = function(){	$(window).on('resize', function(){	clearTimeout(self.timeout);	self.timeout = setTimeout(function() {	self.ctx.lineCap = 'round';	self.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';	}, 100);	});	$(self.canvas).on('mousedown', function(e){	var randLaunch = rand(0, 5); = e.pageX - self.canvasContainer.offset().left; = e.pageY - self.canvasContainer.offset().top;	self.currentHue = rand(self.hueMin, self.hueMax);	self.createFireworks(,,,;	$(self.canvas).on('mousemove.fireworks', function(e){	var randLaunch = rand(0, 5); = e.pageX - self.canvasContainer.offset().left; = e.pageY - self.canvasContainer.offset().top;	self.currentHue = rand(self.hueMin, self.hueMax);	self.createFireworks(,,,;	});	});	$(self.canvas).on('mouseup', function(e){	$(self.canvas).off('mousemove.fireworks');	});	}	/*=============================================================================*/	/* Clear Canvas	/*=============================================================================*/	self.clear = function(){	self.particles = [];	self.fireworks = [];	self.ctx.clearRect(0, 0,,;	}; /*=============================================================================*/	/* Delta	/*=============================================================================*/ self.updateDelta = function(){	var newTime =;	self.dt = (newTime - self.oldTime)/16;	self.dt = (self.dt > 5) ? 5 : self.dt;	self.oldTime = newTime;	}	/*=============================================================================*/	/* Main Loop	/*=============================================================================*/	self.canvasLoop = function(){	requestAnimFrame(self.canvasLoop, self.canvas); self.updateDelta();	self.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out';	self.ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,'+self.clearAlpha/100+')';	self.ctx.fillRect(0,0,,;	self.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'lighter';	self.updateFireworks();	self.updateParticles();	self.drawFireworks();	self.drawParticles();	};	self.init(); var initialLaunchCount = 10; while(initialLaunchCount--){ setTimeout(function(){	self.fireworks.push(new Firework(,, rand(50,, rand(50,; }, initialLaunchCount*200); }
/* GUI
var guiPresets = { "preset": "Default", "remembered": {	"Default": { "0": {	"fworkSpeed": 2,	"fworkAccel": 4,	"showShockwave": false,	"showTarget": true,	"partCount": 30,	"partSpeed": 5,	"partSpeedVariance": 10,	"partWind": 50,	"partFriction": 5,	"partGravity": 1,	"flickerDensity": 20,	"hueMin": 150,	"hueMax": 200,	"hueVariance": 30,	"lineWidth": 1,	"clearAlpha": 25 }	},	"Anti Gravity": { "0": {	"fworkSpeed": 4,	"fworkAccel": 10,	"showShockwave": true,	"showTarget": false,	"partCount": 150,	"partSpeed": 5,	"partSpeedVariance": 10,	"partWind": 10,	"partFriction": 10,	"partGravity": -10,	"flickerDensity": 30,	"hueMin": 0,	"hueMax": 360,	"hueVariance": 30,	"lineWidth": 1,	"clearAlpha": 50 }	},	"Battle Field": { "0": {	"fworkSpeed": 10,	"fworkAccel": 20,	"showShockwave": true,	"showTarget": true,	"partCount": 200,	"partSpeed": 30,	"partSpeedVariance": 5,	"partWind": 0,	"partFriction": 5,	"partGravity": 0,	"flickerDensity": 0,	"hueMin": 20,	"hueMax": 30,	"hueVariance": 10,	"lineWidth": 1,	"clearAlpha": 40 }	},	"Mega Blast": { "0": {	"fworkSpeed": 3,	"fworkAccel": 3,	"showShockwave": true,	"showTarget": true,	"partCount": 500,	"partSpeed": 50,	"partSpeedVariance": 5,	"partWind": 0,	"partFriction": 0,	"partGravity": 0,	"flickerDensity": 0,	"hueMin": 0,	"hueMax": 360,	"hueVariance": 30,	"lineWidth": 20,	"clearAlpha": 20 }	},	"Nimble": { "0": {	"fworkSpeed": 10,	"fworkAccel": 50,	"showShockwave": false,	"showTarget": false,	"partCount": 120,	"partSpeed": 10,	"partSpeedVariance": 10,	"partWind": 100,	"partFriction": 50,	"partGravity": 0,	"flickerDensity": 20,	"hueMin": 0,	"hueMax": 360,	"hueVariance": 30,	"lineWidth": 1,	"clearAlpha": 80 }	},	"Slow Launch": { "0": {	"fworkSpeed": 2,	"fworkAccel": 2,	"showShockwave": false,	"showTarget": false,	"partCount": 200,	"partSpeed": 10,	"partSpeedVariance": 0,	"partWind": 100,	"partFriction": 0,	"partGravity": 2,	"flickerDensity": 50,	"hueMin": 0,	"hueMax": 360,	"hueVariance": 20,	"lineWidth": 4,	"clearAlpha": 10 }	},	"Perma Trail": { "0": {	"fworkSpeed": 4,	"fworkAccel": 10,	"showShockwave": false,	"showTarget": false,	"partCount": 150,	"partSpeed": 10,	"partSpeedVariance": 10,	"partWind": 100,	"partFriction": 3,	"partGravity": 0,	"flickerDensity": 0,	"hueMin": 0,	"hueMax": 360,	"hueVariance": 20,	"lineWidth": 1,	"clearAlpha": 0 }	} }, "closed": true, "folders": {	"Fireworks": { "preset": "Default", "closed": false, "folders": {}	},	"Particles": { "preset": "Default", "closed": true, "folders": {}	},	"Color": { "preset": "Default", "closed": true, "folders": {}	},	"Other": { "preset": "Default", "closed": true, "folders": {}	} }	};
var fworks = new Fireworks();
var gui = new dat.GUI({	autoPlace: false,	load: guiPresets,	preset: 'Default'
var customContainer = document.getElementById('gui');
var guiFireworks = gui.addFolder('Fireworks');
guiFireworks.add(fworks, 'fworkSpeed').min(1).max(10).step(1);
guiFireworks.add(fworks, 'fworkAccel').min(0).max(50).step(1);
guiFireworks.add(fworks, 'showShockwave');
guiFireworks.add(fworks, 'showTarget');
var guiParticles = gui.addFolder('Particles');
guiParticles.add(fworks, 'partCount').min(0).max(500).step(1);
guiParticles.add(fworks, 'partSpeed').min(1).max(100).step(1);
guiParticles.add(fworks, 'partSpeedVariance').min(0).max(50).step(1);
guiParticles.add(fworks, 'partWind').min(0).max(100).step(1);
guiParticles.add(fworks, 'partFriction').min(0).max(50).step(1);
guiParticles.add(fworks, 'partGravity').min(-20).max(20).step(1);
guiParticles.add(fworks, 'flickerDensity').min(0).max(50).step(1);
var guiColor = gui.addFolder('Color');
guiColor.add(fworks, 'hueMin').min(0).max(360).step(1);
guiColor.add(fworks, 'hueMax').min(0).max(360).step(1);
guiColor.add(fworks, 'hueVariance').min(0).max(180).step(1);
var guiOther = gui.addFolder('Other');
guiOther.add(fworks, 'lineWidth').min(1).max(20).step(1);
guiOther.add(fworks, 'clearAlpha').min(0).max(100).step(1);
guiOther.add(fworks, 'clear').name('Clear');
Canvas Fireworks - Script Codes
Canvas Fireworks - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Jack Rugile
Username jackrugile
Uploaded August 11, 2022
Rating 4.5
Size 6,200 Kb
Views 145,728
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