DEPRECATED: SnapFoo Demo - Animating a Loop

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How do I make an deprecated: snapfoo demo - animating a loop?

An example demo animating an element loop utilizing the SnapFoo library for SVG animation.. What is a deprecated: snapfoo demo - animating a loop? How do you make a deprecated: snapfoo demo - animating a loop? This script and codes were developed by Daniel Yuschick on 25 September 2022, Sunday.

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DEPRECATED: SnapFoo Demo - Animating a Loop - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<body> <div class="container-fluid"> <section class="row content docs"> <div class="row container"> <div class="row docs-container"> <div class="col-md-12 docs-details"> <section id="examples-animate-loop" class="docs-section"> <h3>Animate a Loop</h3> <p>This example demonstrates looping an animation that rotates an element while changing its points. Additionally, it utilizes the <span class="heavy">keyframeDelay</span> value.</p> <pre class="prettyprint"><code>var snapfoo = snapFoo("#loop-animation");
var theValues = { keyframes: [ { values: {transform: "r90,250,75", points: "286.99,111.99 250.426,75 213.01,111.99 249.405,74.467 213.01,38.01 249.405,75 286.99,38.01 286.99,73.958"}, duration: 1000 }, { values: {transform: "r180,250,75", points: "286.99,111.99 250.426,111.99 213.01,111.99 249.405,74.467 213.01,38.01 249.405,75 286.99,38.01 286.99,73.958"}, duration: 1000 }, { values: {transform: "r270,250,75", points: "286.99,111.99 250.426,111.99 213.01,111.99 213.01,74.467 213.01,38.01 249.405,75 286.99,38.01 286.99,73.958"}, duration: 1000 }, { values: {transform: "r360,250,75", points: "286.99,111.99 250.426,111.99 213.01,111.99 213.01,74.467 213.01,38.01 249.405,38.01 286.99,38.01 286.99,73.958"}, duration: 1000 }, { values: {transform: "r0,250,75", points: "286.99,111.99 250.426,75 213.01,111.99 249.405,74.467 213.01,38.01 249.405,75 286.99,38.01 249.405,73.958"}, duration: 1000, easing: mina.backout, options: {keyframeDelay: 500}} ], loop: true
snapfoo.animate("#theShape", theValues);</code></pre> <svg version="1.1" id="loop-animation" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 500 150" enable-background="new 0 0 500 150"> <polygon id="theShape" fill="#E76026" stroke="#333333" stroke-miterlimit="10" points="286.99,111.99 250.426,75 213.01,111.99 249.405,74.467 213.01,38.01 249.405,75 286.99,38.01 249.405,73.958" /> </svg> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> <header class="row"> <div class="container"> <div class="col-md-12"> <a href="" title="SnapFoo - Home" target="_blank"><img src="" class="the-logo" alt="SnapFoo - SVG Animation Library" /></a> </div> </div> </header>
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DEPRECATED: SnapFoo Demo - Animating a Loop - Script Codes CSS Codes

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DEPRECATED: SnapFoo Demo - Animating a Loop - Script Codes JS Codes

function snapFoo(theSVGContainerID) { "use strict"; var theLoopIntervalIDs = [], thePathLoopIntervalIDs = [], theAnimatingElementsObj = {}; var theIntervalFunctions = { storeIntervalID: function(theID) { /** * Store an interval ID for later use * @param {Number} theID */ theLoopIntervalIDs.push(theID); }, clearIntervalIDs: { /** * Clear loop intervals */ all: function() { var i = 0; while (i < theLoopIntervalIDs.length) { clearInterval(theLoopIntervalIDs[i]); i++ } while (i < thePathLoopIntervalIDs.length) { clearInterval(thePathLoopIntervalIDs[i]); i++ } thePathLoopIntervalIDs = []; theLoopIntervalIDs = []; }, sequences: function() { while (i < theLoopIntervalIDs.length) { clearInterval(theLoopIntervalIDs[i]); i++ } theLoopIntervalIDs = []; }, paths: function() { while (i < thePathLoopIntervalIDs.length) { clearInterval(thePathLoopIntervalIDs[i]); i++ } thePathLoopIntervalIDs = []; } }, clearSpecificInterval: function(theID) { /** * Clear a specific loop interval */ clearInterval(theID); } }, theAnimationFunctions = { stop: { sectionAnimations: function(theSVGContainerID) { /** * Stop all animations inside the provided section SVG container * @param {String} theSVGContainerID */ var s =, theElements = s.selectAll("image", "g", "ellipse", "rect", "path", "line"); theIntervalFunctions.clearIntervalIDs(); theElements.forEach(function(el) { el.stop(); }); }, specificAnimation: function(theElement) { /** * Stop a specific Snap animation * @param {String} theElement */ var theParentSVG = "#" + $(theElement).parents("svg").attr("id"), s =, theElements = s.selectAll(theElement); theElements.forEach(function(el) { el.stop(); }); } }, setSVGElementAttrWithSnap: function(theElement, theAttrValues) { /** * Set a Snap element's attributes * @param {String} theElement * @param {Object} theAttrValues */ var s =, theSVGElement =; theSVGElement.attr(theAttrValues); }, animateSingleSVGElementWithSnap: function(theElement, theAnimationValues, theDuration, theEasing, theDelay, theCallback) { /** * Performs an animation of one element in one direction * @param {String} theElement * @param {Object} theAnimationValues * @param {Number} theDuration * @param {Function} theEasing * @param {Number} theDelay * @param {Object} theCallback */ theEasing = theEasing || mina.linear; theDelay = theDelay || 0; theCallback = theCallback || null; var s =, theSVGElement =; setTimeout(function() { theSVGElement.stop().animate(theAnimationValues, theDuration, theEasing, function() { if (theCallback) { if (typeof theCallback === "function") { theCallback(); } else { for (var key in theCallback) { theCallback[key](); } } } }); }, theDelay); if (theElement in theAnimatingElementsObj) { theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement].frameProgress++; if (theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement].frameProgress >= theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement].totalFrames) { if (theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement].doLoop) { theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement].frameProgress = 0; theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement].loopsCompleted++; } } } }, animateSequence: function(theElement, theAnimationValues, thePassedFrame) { /** * Receives an array of animation values and sends them in sequence to animateGroupOfSVGElementsWithSnap * @param {String} theElement * @param {Object} theAnimationValuesArray{keyframes[ values, duration, easing, options { keyframeCallback, keyframeDelay }], stagger, animationDelay, animationCallback, loop, loopCount} * @param {Number} theCurrentFrame * */ var theCurrentFrame = thePassedFrame || 0, doLoop = theAnimationValues.loop || false, totalLoops = theAnimationValues.loopCount || 0, theStagger = theAnimationValues.stagger || 0, theAnimationDelay = theAnimationValues.animationDelay || 0, theAnimationCallback = theAnimationValues.animationCallback || null; if (theCurrentFrame >= theAnimationValues.keyframes.length) { if (doLoop) { if (totalLoops > 0) { if (theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement].loopsCompleted < totalLoops) { theAnimationFunctions.animateSequence(theElement, theAnimationValues, 0); } else { if ((theElement in theAnimatingElementsObj)) { delete theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement]; } return } } else { theAnimationFunctions.animateSequence(theElement, theAnimationValues, 0) } } else { if (theAnimationCallback) { theAnimationCallback(); } if ((theElement in theAnimatingElementsObj)) { delete theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement]; } return } } else { var theKeyframeOptions = theAnimationValues.keyframes[theCurrentFrame].options || {}, theKeyframeValues = theAnimationValues.keyframes[theCurrentFrame].values, theKeyframeDuration = theAnimationValues.keyframes[theCurrentFrame].duration, theKeyframeEasing = theAnimationValues.keyframes[theCurrentFrame].easing || mina.linear, theKeyframeDelay = theKeyframeOptions.keyframeDelay || 0, theKeyframeCallback = theKeyframeOptions.keyframeCallback || null; if (theCurrentFrame == 0 && doLoop && totalLoops != 0 && theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement] == undefined) { theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement] = {}; theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement].loopsCompleted = 0; } if (theCurrentFrame > 0) { theAnimationDelay = 0; } setTimeout(function() { var i = 0; $(theElement).each(function() { if ($(this).parents(theSVGContainerID).length) { if (!$(this).is('[class^="sf"]')) { var theCurrentClass = $(this).attr("class"), theIdentifier = "sf" + i + " " + theCurrentClass; $(this).attr("class", theIdentifier); } else { var theIdentifier = $(this).attr("class"); } theIdentifier = "." + theIdentifier.replace(" ", "."); if (theKeyframeOptions.keyframeCallback) { theKeyframeCallback = { custom: theKeyframeOptions.keyframeCallback, default: theAnimationFunctions.animateSequence.bind(null, theIdentifier, theAnimationValues, theCurrentFrame + 1) }; } else { theKeyframeCallback = { default: theAnimationFunctions.animateSequence.bind(null, theIdentifier, theAnimationValues, theCurrentFrame + 1) } } if (!(theIdentifier in theAnimatingElementsObj)) { theAnimatingElementsObj[theIdentifier] = { frameProgress: 0, totalFrames: theAnimationValues.keyframes.length, values: {}, doLoop: doLoop, loopsCompleted: 0, totalLoops: totalLoops }; } if (theCurrentFrame == theAnimatingElementsObj[theIdentifier].frameProgress) { theAnimationFunctions.animateSingleSVGElementWithSnap(theIdentifier, theKeyframeValues, theKeyframeDuration, theKeyframeEasing, ((theStagger * i) + theKeyframeDelay), theKeyframeCallback); } i++; } }); }, theAnimationDelay); } }, animateSVGElementAlongPath: function(theElement, thePath, theDuration, theEasing, theDelay, theCallback, reversePathDirection, reverseAtEnd, theReverseSettings) { /** * Animates an element along a path * @param {String} theElement * @param {String} thePath * @param {Number} theDuration * @param {function} theEasing * @param {Number} theDelay * @param {Function} theCallback * @param {Boolean} reversePathDirection * @param {Boolean} reverseAtEnd * @param {Object} theReverseSettings */ var s =, theSnapElement =, theSnapPath =, theLength = theSnapPath.getTotalLength(), thisBox = theSnapElement.getBBox(), curX = thisBox.x + (thisBox.width / 2), curY = thisBox.y + (thisBox.height / 2), theMovePoint, reversePathDirection = reversePathDirection || false, reverseAtEnd = reverseAtEnd || false, theStartPoint = 0, theEndPoint = theLength; if (reversePathDirection) { theStartPoint = theLength; theEndPoint = 0; } setTimeout(function() { Snap.animate(theStartPoint, theEndPoint, function(value) { theMovePoint = theSnapPath.getPointAtLength(value); theSnapElement.attr({ transform: "t" + (theMovePoint.x - curX) + "," + (theMovePoint.y - curY) }); }, theDuration, theEasing, function() { if (theCallback) { theCallback(); } if (reverseAtEnd) { setTimeout(function() { Snap.animate(theEndPoint, theStartPoint, function(value) { theMovePoint = theSnapPath.getPointAtLength(value); theSnapElement.attr({ transform: "t" + (theMovePoint.x - curX) + "," + (theMovePoint.y - curY) }); }, theReverseSettings.duration, theReverseSettings.easing, function() { if (theReverseSettings.callback) { theReverseSettings.callback(); } if ((theElement in theAnimatingElementsObj)) { theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement].loopsCompleted++; if (theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement].totalLoops > 0 && theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement].loopsCompleted == theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement].totalLoops - 1) { theIntervalFunctions.clearSpecificInterval(theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement].intervalID); theAnimationFunctions.stop.specificAnimation(theElement); } } }); }, theReverseSettings.delay); } else { if ((theElement in theAnimatingElementsObj)) { theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement].loopsCompleted++; if (theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement].totalLoops > 0 && theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement].loopsCompleted >= theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement].totalLoops - 1) { theIntervalFunctions.clearSpecificInterval(theAnimatingElementsObj[theElement].intervalID); theAnimationFunctions.stop.specificAnimation(theElement); } } } }); }, theDelay); }, animateAlongAPath: function(theElement, thePath, theDuration, thePathOptions) { /** * Animate an element along a path. * * @param {String} theElement * @param {String} thePath * @param {Number} theDuration * @param {Object} theOptions * @param {Function} theOptions.easing * @param {Function} theOptions.reverseAtEnd * @param {Number} theOptions.stagger * @param {Number} theOptions.delay * @param {Function} theOptions.callback * @param {Boolean} theOptions.reversePathDirection * @param {Boolean} theOptions.loop * @param {Object} theOptions.loopOptions * @param {Number} theOptions.loopOptions.loopCount * @param {Number} theOptions.reverseOptions * @param {Number} theOptions.reverseOptions.duration * @param {Function} theOptions.reverseOptions.easing * @param {Function} theOptions.reverseOptions.callback * @param {Number} theOptions.reverseOptions.delay */ var theOptions = thePathOptions || {}, theEasing = theOptions.easing || mina.linear, theStagger = theOptions.stagger || 0, theDelay = theOptions.delay || 0, theCallback = theOptions.callback || null, reversePathDirection = theOptions.reversePathDirection || false, reverseAtEnd = theOptions.reverseAtEnd || false, doLoop = theOptions.loop || false, theLoopOptions = theOptions.loopOptions || {}, theReverseOptions = theOptions.reverseOptions || {}, theLoopCount = theLoopOptions.loopCount || 0, theLoopIntervalTime = theDuration, loopReverseDuration = theReverseOptions.duration || theDuration, loopReverseEasing = theReverseOptions.easing || mina.linear, loopReverseCallback = theReverseOptions.callback || null, loopReverseDelay = theReverseOptions.delay || 0; var theReverseSettings = { delay: loopReverseDelay, easing: loopReverseEasing, duration: loopReverseDuration, callback: loopReverseCallback }; setTimeout(function() { var i = 0; $(theElement).each(function() { if ($(this).parents(theSVGContainerID).length) { if (!$(this).is('[class^="sf"]')) { var theCurrentClass = $(this).attr("class"), theIdentifier = "sf" + i + " " + theCurrentClass; $(this).attr("class", theIdentifier); } else { theIdentifier = $(this).attr("class"); } theIdentifier = "." + theIdentifier.replace(" ", "."); if (!(theIdentifier in theAnimatingElementsObj)) { theAnimatingElementsObj[theIdentifier] = { loopsCompleted: 0, totalLoops: theLoopCount, intervalID: 0, theDelay: (theStagger * i) }; i++; } theAnimationFunctions.animateSVGElementAlongPath(theIdentifier, thePath, theDuration, theEasing, theAnimatingElementsObj[theIdentifier].theDelay, theCallback, reversePathDirection, reverseAtEnd, theReverseSettings); if (doLoop) { if (reverseAtEnd) { theLoopIntervalTime = theDuration * 2 + theReverseSettings.delay; } thePathLoopIntervalIDs = setInterval(function() { setTimeout(function() { theAnimationFunctions.setSVGElementAttrWithSnap(theIdentifier, { transform: "t0,0" }); theAnimationFunctions.animateSVGElementAlongPath(theIdentifier, thePath, theDuration, theEasing, 0, theCallback, reversePathDirection, reverseAtEnd, theReverseSettings); }, theAnimatingElementsObj[theIdentifier].theDelay); }, theLoopIntervalTime); theIntervalFunctions.storeIntervalID(thePathLoopIntervalIDs); theAnimatingElementsObj[theIdentifier].intervalID = thePathLoopIntervalIDs; } } }); }, theDelay); } }; return { stop: theAnimationFunctions.stop, clear: theIntervalFunctions.clearIntervalIDs, set: theAnimationFunctions.setSVGElementAttrWithSnap, animate: theAnimationFunctions.animateSequence, animatePath: theAnimationFunctions.animateAlongAPath }
$(document).ready(function() { var snapfoo = snapFoo("#loop-animation"); var theValues = { keyframes: [{ values: { transform: "r90,250,75", points: "286.99,111.99 250.426,75 213.01,111.99 249.405,74.467 213.01,38.01 249.405,75 286.99,38.01 286.99,73.958" }, duration: 1000 }, { values: { transform: "r180,250,75", points: "286.99,111.99 250.426,111.99 213.01,111.99 249.405,74.467 213.01,38.01 249.405,75 286.99,38.01 286.99,73.958" }, duration: 1000 }, { values: { transform: "r270,250,75", points: "286.99,111.99 250.426,111.99 213.01,111.99 213.01,74.467 213.01,38.01 249.405,75 286.99,38.01 286.99,73.958" }, duration: 1000 }, { values: { transform: "r360,250,75", points: "286.99,111.99 250.426,111.99 213.01,111.99 213.01,74.467 213.01,38.01 249.405,38.01 286.99,38.01 286.99,73.958" }, duration: 1000 }, { values: { transform: "r0,250,75", points: "286.99,111.99 250.426,75 213.01,111.99 249.405,74.467 213.01,38.01 249.405,75 286.99,38.01 249.405,73.958" }, duration: 1000, easing: mina.backout, options: { keyframeDelay: 500 } }], loop: true }; snapfoo.animate("#theShape", theValues);
DEPRECATED: SnapFoo Demo - Animating a Loop - Script Codes
DEPRECATED: SnapFoo Demo - Animating a Loop - Script Codes
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Developer Daniel Yuschick
Username Yuschick
Uploaded September 25, 2022
Rating 3
Size 7,618 Kb
Views 14,168
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