Hearthstone Card CSS 3D Click/Drag

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How do I make an hearthstone card css 3d click/drag?

In honor of the release of the Whispers of the Old Gods expansion for Hearthstone, I wanted to share this proof of concept. The card drag feature in the game has always been one of my favorite things to play with. It feels like the card is reacting to air resistance as you drag it around.. What is a hearthstone card css 3d click/drag? How do you make a hearthstone card css 3d click/drag? This script and codes were developed by Jack Rugile on 30 August 2022, Tuesday.

Hearthstone Card CSS 3D Click/Drag Previews

Hearthstone Card CSS 3D Click/Drag - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Hearthstone Card CSS 3D Click/Drag</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/meyer-reset/2.0/reset.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div class="card">	<img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/836/hearthstone-ragnaros.png" class="card-image" draggable="false">
</div> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Hearthstone Card CSS 3D Click/Drag - Script Codes CSS Codes

body { height: 100%;
body { background: #000; cursor: url(https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/836/hearthstone-cursor.png) 10 2, auto; overflow: hidden;
body:active { cursor: url(https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/836/hearthstone-click.png) 10 2, auto;
body:after { background-color: #000; background-image: url(https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/836/hearthstone-battlefield.jpg); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; bottom: 0; content: ''; -webkit-filter: blur(8px); filter: blur(8px); left: 0; opacity: 0.8; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; will-change: transform; z-index: -1;
.card { left: 0; top: 0; -webkit-perspective: 400px; perspective: 400px; position: absolute; -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d; transform-style: preserve-3d; will-change: transform; width: 250px; user-drag: none; user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -webkit-user-drag: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none;
.card:active { cursor: url(https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/836/hearthstone-grab.png) 10 2, auto;
.card-image { display: block; pointer-events: none; -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d; transform-style: preserve-3d; width: 100%; will-change: transform; user-drag: none; user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -webkit-user-drag: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none;

Hearthstone Card CSS 3D Click/Drag - Script Codes JS Codes

var card,	image,	cardw,	cardh,	cardx,	cardy,	ocardx,	ocardy,	pinx,	piny,	pinxperc,	pinyperc,	targetx,	targety,	rx,	ry,	targetrx,	targetry,	scale,	targetscale,	ww,	wh,	md,	mx,	my,	whoosh,	whooshvol,	whooshvoltarget,	majesty,	majestyvol,	majestyvoltarget,	audioloaded;
function audioload() {	audioloaded++;	if( audioloaded == 2 ) {	document.body.classList.add( 'loaded' );	majesty.play();	whoosh.play();	bindevents();	loop();	}
function init() {	onresize();	card = document.querySelector( '.card' );	image = document.querySelector( '.card-image' );	cardw = image.width;	cardh = image.height;	cardx = ww / 2 - cardw / 2;	cardy = wh / 2 - cardh / 2;	ocardx = cardx;	ocardy = cardy;	pinx = 0;	piny = 0;	pinxperc = 0;	pinyperc = 0;	targetx = cardx;	targety = cardy;	rx = 0;	ry = 0;	targetrx = 0;	targetry = 0;	scale = 1;	targetscale = scale;	md = false;	mx = cardx;	my = cardy;	audioloaded = 0;	whooshvol = 0;	whooshvoltarget = 0;	whoosh = new Audio();	whoosh.addEventListener( 'canplaythrough', audioload );	whoosh.src = 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/836/hs-whoosh.ogg';	whoosh.volume = 0;	whoosh.loop = true;	majestyvol = 0;	majestyvoltarget = 0;	majesty = new Audio();	majesty.addEventListener( 'canplaythrough', audioload );	majesty.src = 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/836/hs-majesty.ogg';	majesty.volume = 0;	majesty.loop = true;
function bindevents() {	card.addEventListener( 'mousedown', onmousedown );	window.addEventListener( 'mouseup', onmouseup );	window.addEventListener( 'mousemove', onmousemove );	window.addEventListener( 'resize', onresize );
function onmousedown( e ) {	md = true;	mx = e.pageX;	my = e.pageY;	pinx = cardw / 2; // pin to center	piny = cardh / 2; // pin to center	//pinx = mx - cardx; // pin to click point	//piny = my - cardy; // pin to click point	pinxperc = 100 - ( pinx / cardw ) * 100; // transform based on the pin position	pinyperc = 100 - ( piny / cardh ) * 100; // transform based on the pin position
function onmouseup() {	md = false;
function onmousemove( e ) {	if( md ) {	mx = e.pageX;	my = e.pageY;	}
function onresize() {	ww = window.innerWidth;	wh = window.innerHeight;
function loop() {	requestAnimationFrame( loop )	// set new target position	targetx = mx - cardx - pinx;	targety = my - cardy - piny;	// lerp to new position	cardx += targetx * 0.25;	cardy += targety * 0.25;	// contain card to window bounds	if( cardx < -cardw / 2 ) {	cardx = -cardw / 2;	}	if( cardx > ww - cardw / 2 ) {	cardx = ww - cardw / 2;	}	if( cardy < -cardh / 2 ) {	cardy = -cardh / 2;	}	if( cardy > wh - cardh / 2 ) {	cardy = wh - cardh / 2;	}	// get rotation based on how much card moved	targetrx = ( ocardy - cardy - rx ) * 3;	targetry = ( cardx - ocardx - ry ) * 3;	// lock rotation so things don't get too crazy	targetrx = Math.min( targetrx, 90 );	targetrx = Math.max( targetrx, -90 );	targetry = Math.min( targetry, 90 );	targetry = Math.max( targetry, -90 );	// lerp to new rotation	rx += targetrx * 0.1;	ry += targetry * 0.1;	// scale up when the mouse is pressed	targetscale = md ? 1.2 - scale : 1 - scale;	scale += targetscale * 0.2;	// apply the transform	card.style[ 'transform' ] = 'translate3d(' + cardx + 'px, ' + cardy + 'px, 0)';	image.style[ 'transform-origin' ] = pinxperc + '% ' + pinyperc + '%';	image.style[ 'transform' ] = 'scale(' + scale + ') rotateY(' + ry + 'deg) rotateX(' + rx + 'deg)';	majestyvoltarget = md ? 0.2 : 0;	majestyvol += ( majestyvoltarget - majestyvol ) * 0.1;	majesty.volume = majestyvol;	whooshvoltarget = ( Math.abs( ( ocardy - cardy ) ) + Math.abs( ( ocardx - cardx ) ) ) * 0.003;	whooshvol += ( whooshvoltarget - whooshvol ) * 0.1;	whoosh.volume = Math.min( whooshvol, 1 );	// store the old card position	ocardx = cardx;	ocardy = cardy;
// pull up a chair by the hearth!
window.onload = init;
Hearthstone Card CSS 3D Click/Drag - Script Codes
Hearthstone Card CSS 3D Click/Drag - Script Codes
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Developer Jack Rugile
Username jackrugile
Uploaded August 30, 2022
Rating 4.5
Size 4,287 Kb
Views 72,864
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Jack Rugile (jackrugile) Script Codes
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