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How do I make an hmd?

What is a hmd? How do you make a hmd? This script and codes were developed by Sladix on 09 December 2022, Friday.

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HMD - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>HMD</title> <link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href=''> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div id="game">	<p>You must survive</p>	<a href="#" class="btn" onClick="game.init()">Start</a>
</div> <script src=''></script>
<script src='js/ynynvo.js'></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

HMD - Script Codes CSS Codes

body{ background:#111; color:white; font-family:'Roboto',sans-serif; text-align:center;
#choix{	padding: 0 10px;	width: 980px;	max-width: 100%;	margin: 0 auto	}	#game{ text-align:center;	}	#game .resource{ display:inline-block; margin: 0 20px;	}	.btn{ color:white; padding: 5px; border:1px solid white; border-radius: 3px; text-decoration: none;	}	.choix img{	display: block;	margin: 0 auto;	}	.btn.error{ color:red; border-color: red;	}	.btn + .btn{ margin-left: 5px	}	.btn span{ display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle; padding: 2px; font-size: 10px; border-radius: 2px;	}	span.d{ color:black; background: white;	}	span.m{ background: green;	}	span.h{ background: red;	}

HMD - Script Codes JS Codes

function Choose(arr){ return arr[Math.floor(Math.random()*arr.length)];
function weightedChoose(spec) { var i, sum=0, r=Math.random(); for (i in spec) { sum += spec[i]; if (r <= sum) return i; }
function ChooseFrom(arr,min){ return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * ((arr.length-1) - min + 1)) + min];
var GlobalSettings = { displayHints : false, winMessage : 'Congratulation', looseMessage : 'Game over'
// Bouger ça aussi si possible mais bon osef c'est juste des raiser d'events
// ptetre bundle ça dans un EventDispatcher(name,data)
function Reset(){ var event = new Event('reset'); document.dispatchEvent(event);
function Apply(id,what,evt){ var event = new CustomEvent('choose' , { detail : { choix : id , impact : what , el : evt} }); document.dispatchEvent(event);
* Game Class
function Game(){ this.paused = false; this.ticker = null; this.turnTime = 1000; this.tickables = []; this.resources = []; this.currentChoice = 0; this.container = document.getElementById('game'); this.ChoixL = []; this.ResourcesL = {} //this.resources.push(new Resource('Name','lightblue',startValue:int,isObjective:bool,tickable:str('-5'))); // Generate style for hints var self = this; document.addEventListener('choose', this.applyChoix.bind(this), false); document.addEventListener('win',, false); document.addEventListener('loose', self.gameover.bind(self), false); document.addEventListener('reset',this.reset.bind(this));
Game.prototype.addChoices = function(choices){ for(var c in choices){ var cc = choices[c]; this.addChoice(new Choix(,cc.text,cc.choices)); }
Game.prototype.addChoice = function(c){ this.ChoixL[] = c;
Game.prototype.addResource = function(r){ this.ResourcesL[] = r;
} = function(evt){ $(this.container).empty().append('<h2>'+GlobalSettings.winMessage+'</h2><h3>'+WinMessages[evt.detail]+'</h3><a href="#" class="btn reset" onClick="Reset()">Restart</a>');
Game.prototype.init = function(){ this.tickables.length = 0; for(var r in this.ResourcesL){ if(this.ResourcesL[r].tickable){ this.addTickable(this.ResourcesL[r]); } } //UI $(this.container).empty(); var el = $('<div class="resources-container"></div>'); $(this.container).append(el); this.cContainer = $('<div id="choix"></div>'); this.currentChoice = 0; for(var r in this.ResourcesL){ this.ResourcesL[r].display(el); } $(this.container).append(this.cContainer); this.ChoixL["start"].display(this.cContainer);
Game.prototype.gameover = function(evt){ $(this.container).empty().append('<h2>'+GlobalSettings.looseMessage+'</h2><h3>'+LooseMessages[evt.detail]+'</h3><a href="#" class="btn reset" onClick="Reset()">Restart</a>');
Game.prototype.applyChoix = function(evt){ var params = evt.detail; var choice = this.ChoixL[params.choix].impacts[params.impact]; for(var e in choice.resourcesModifiers){ var d = choice.resourcesModifiers[e].split(':'); if(this.ResourcesL[d[0]]){ this.ResourcesL[d[0]].update(parseInt(d[1])); } } var specs = {}; var l = choice.nexts.length; choice.nexts.forEach((c)=>{ var v = c.split(':'); specs[v[0]] = (v[1])?parseFloat(v[1]):1/l; }); var next = weightedChoose(specs); //TICK this.tick(); $(this.cContainer).empty(); // Choisir la prochaine étape var c = this.ChoixL[next]; if(c){ c.display(this.cContainer); }
Game.prototype.tick = function(){ // Do game logic for(var t in this.tickables){ this.tickables[t].tick(); }
Game.prototype.addTickable = function(tickable){ this.tickables.push(tickable);
Game.prototype.reset = function(){ for(var r in this.ResourcesL){ this.ResourcesL[r].reset(); } this.init();
Game.prototype.start = function(){ this.paused = false; this.ticker = setInterval(this.tick,this.turnTime);
* Resource Class
function Resource(name,color,value,objective,tb,loosable){ this.amount = (value)?value:0; this.baseAmount = this.amount; this.size = (objective)?160:80; this.objective = (objective)?objective:false; this.fontSize = (this.objective)?50:20; this.textOffset = (this.objective)?-15:-5; = name; this.color = (color)?color:"#ff0000"; this.tickable = (tb)?true:false; this.tickRate = parseInt(tb); this.tickRateModifier = 0; // On pourrait ajouter des effets pour que ça réduise/augmente plus vite =,1).toLowerCase(); if(typeof loosable == "undefined") this.loosable = true; else this.loosable = loosable;
Resource.prototype.display = function(container){ var self = this; this.element = $('<div class="resource"><h3>''</h3></div>');'g.animation.complete',function(){ self.check(); }); this.element.Gauge({lineColor:this.color,value:this.amount,textColor:this.color,textOffset:this.textOffset,size:this.size,fontSize:this.fontSize}); this.element.Gauge('start'); $(container).append(this.element);
Resource.prototype.reset = function(){ this.amount = this.baseAmount; this.element.Gauge('setValue',this.amount);
Resource.prototype.tick = function(){ if(this.tickable){ this.update(this.tickRate); }
Resource.prototype.update = function(qty){ if(qty != 0) this.amount += qty; else this.amount = 0; this.element.Gauge('setValue',this.amount);
Resource.prototype.check = function(){ if(this.amount <= 0 && this.loosable && !this.objective){ var event = new CustomEvent('loose',{ "detail" : }); setTimeout(function(){ document.dispatchEvent(event); },500); } if(this.amount >= 100 && this.objective){ var event = new CustomEvent('win',{ "detail" : }); setTimeout(function(){ document.dispatchEvent(event); },500); }
* Choix Class
* impacts : ['titre|modifs|requirements/next1;next2']
* new Choix('Vous voyez une femme devant vous',['Je la drogue|d:-5;h:+1|d:1','Je lui paye un verre|m:-1;h+1'])
function Choix(id,text,impacts,requirements){ this.text = text; this.impacts = impacts; for(var i in this.impacts){ var str = this.impacts[i].split('/'); var impact = str[0].split('|'); var titre = impact[0]; if(impact[1]) var resourcesModifiers = impact[1].split(';'); var rqs = []; if(impact[2]){ rqs = impact[2].split(';') } var nexts = []; if(str[1]){ nexts = str[1].split(';') } this.impacts[i] = { titre : titre, resourcesModifiers : resourcesModifiers, requirements : rqs, nexts : nexts } } = id; this.requirements = (requirements)?requirements.split(';'):[];
Choix.prototype.formatCosts = function(index){ var choice = this.impacts[index]; var html = ""; for(var e in choice.resourcesModifiers){ var d = choice.resourcesModifiers[e].split(':'); var sign = ''; if(parseInt(d[1]) > 0){ sign = '+'; }else{ sign = '-'; } html += "<span class='c_"+d[0]+"'>"+(sign)+"</span> "; } return html;
Choix.prototype.canBeDisplayed = function(){ if(this.requirements.length > 0){ for(var i in this.requirements){ var kv = this.requirements[i].split(':'); if(ResourcesL[kv[0]].amount < parseInt(kv[1])){ return false; } } } return true;
Choix.prototype.display = function(container){ var el = $('<div class="choix"><p>'+this.text+'</p></div>'); for(var i in this.impacts){ var canBeDisplayed = true; if(this.impacts[i].requirements.length > 0){ for(var r in this.impacts[i].requirements){ var res = this.impacts[i].requirements[r].split(':'); // WARNING, obj ref... bad !!! Move display method in Game object if(game.ResourcesL[res[0]].amount < res[1]) canBeDisplayed = false; } } if(canBeDisplayed){ var a = $('<a href="#" class="btn" onClick="Apply(\'''\','+i+',this)">'+this.impacts[i].titre+((GlobalSettings.displayHints)?' '+this.formatCosts(i):'')+'</a>'); // el.append(a); } } container.append(el);
var WinMessages = { e: "You survived"
var LooseMessages = { t : "There is no time left, you drown in the flood", h : "You have no blood left in your veins"
GlobalSettings.looseMessage = "You died";
GlobalSettings.winMessage = "You lived";
var game = new Game();
game.addResource(new Resource('Bullets','yellow',20,false,false,false));
game.addResource(new Resource('Escape','green',0,true));
game.addResource(new Resource('Time','lightblue',100,false,"-1"));
game.addResource(new Resource('Health','red',100,false));
var choix = [ { id:"start", text:"You walk down a dark road, you see 2 shadows from a distance. They appear to be heading at you", choices:['Shoot at them|b:-5;e:+5;h:-5/encounter_1','Take the first street on your right|e:+2/flee_1'], requirements:"" }, { id:"encounter_1", text:"As you begin to shoot, you see the two shadows running. You hear gun shots too. After 10s of intense trigger pulling, you feel a scratch on your cheek, the bullet just miss you. The two shadows disapears to your left.", choices:['Follow them|e:+5/encounter_2','Continue straight|e:+2/start'], requirements:"" }, { id:"encounter_2", text:"here they are, standing in front of you", choices:['Full clip on these fuckers|b:0;e:+15;h:-10/building_1','U turn and run|h:-10;e:+10/flee_1'], requirements:"" }, { id:"flee_1", text:"You start to run, but as you approach a building, you hear a deep voice shouting orders.", choices:['You try to sneak into the building|e:+5/building_1','You put your finger on the trigger, aim precisely and take the shot|h:-10;b:0|b:1/corpse_1'], requirements:"" }, { id:"corpse_1", text:"You completely miss the fucker, he looks at you, and start walking toward you, he grab a knive and prepare hes attack", choices:['Try to parry|h:0'], requirements:"" }, { id:"corpse_2", text:"All those dead babies... what have you done ?!", choices:['Continue/end'], requirements:"" }, { id:"building_1", text:"You enter the building and are surrounded by dozens of armless babies crawling toward you", choices:['Shoot them all !|e:+5;h:-5;b:-5|b:5/corpse_2','You run like a MOFO|h:-10;b:-5/end'], requirements:"" }, { id:"end", text:"You see the man with the deep voice, he looks awful. You look at him in the eyes as he reach his gun", choices:['Shoot at him|b:-5|b:5/end_2','Throw him some dog poop|h:-10;b:-5;e:100'], requirements:"" }, { id:"end_2", text:"He shoot before you, you take the hit", choices:['Accept your fate|h:0'], requirements:"" }
HMD - Script Codes
HMD - Script Codes
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Developer Sladix
Username Sladix
Uploaded December 09, 2022
Rating 3
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Views 8,096
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