Memory Game

7,463 Kb

How do I make an memory game?

Find the composersversion 1. What is a memory game? How do you make a memory game? This script and codes were developed by Harry Sadler on 29 November 2022, Tuesday.

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Memory Game - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Memory Game</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <style type="unprocessed" id="AutoprefixerIn">%css%</style> <style id="AutoprefixerOut"></style> <script src="//"></script>
<script> AutoprefixerSettings = ""; //Specify here the browsers you want to target or leave empty document.getElementById("AutoprefixerOut").innerHTML = autoprefixer(AutoprefixerSettings || null).process(document.getElementById("AutoprefixerIn").innerHTML).css; </script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <body> <div class="hide" id="turnCounterWrapper"> <span id="turnCounter">turn: 1</span> </div> <!-- GAME START OVERLAY --> <div class="" id="gameStartOverlay"> <h1>Music Memory Game</h1> <p>Find the composers!</p> <input class="pure-button button-blue" id="newGameButton" type="button" value="START" onclick="newGame();"> </div> <!-- COMPOSER INFO OVERLAY --> <div class="hide" id="composerInfoOverlay"> <h1 id = "composerNameInfo">Composer Name here..</h1> <div id="composerAudioWrapper"> <audio controls="controls" id="composerAudio" src=""> </audio> </div> <div id="composerIframeWrapper"> <iframe id="composerIframe" src=""></iframe> </div> <input class="pure-button button-blue" id="closeInfo" type="button" value="back to game" onclick="closeComposerInfo();"> </div> <!-- END GAME OVERLAY --> <div class="hide" id="gameEndOverlay"> <h1>You Win!</h1> <p id="endGameTurnMessage">Completed in X turns!</p> <input class="pure-button button-blue" id="newGameButton" type="button" value="PLAY AGAIN" onclick="newGame();"> </div> <!-- THE GAME --> <div id="cardGameWrapper"> <div id="gameHeaderWrapper"> <div class="hide" id="composerHeaderHider"><!--for hiding header--> <p id="composerHeaderSubhead">&nbsp;</p> <h1 id="composerName">Find the Composers!</h1> <div id="learnMoreWrapper"> <input class="pure-button button-blue" id="composerLearnMore" type="button" value="learn more" onclick="showComposerOverlayInfo()"> </div> </div> </div> <!--all tds are classed "gameCard" via js--> <!--all tds are given attr "data-card = 1,2,3, etc via js"--> <!--flip div html added to table datas via js--> <table class="" id="gameBoard"> <tr> <td id="card1"></td> <td id="card2"></td> <td id="card3"></td> <td id="card4"></td> <td id="card5"></td> <td id="card6"></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="card7"></td> <td id="card8"></td> <td id="card9"></td> <td id="card10"></td> <td id="card11"></td> <td id="card12"></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="card13"></td> <td id="card14"></td> <td id="card15"></td> <td id="card16"></td> <td id="card17"></td> <td id="card18"></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="card19"></td> <td id="card20"></td> <td id="card21"></td> <td id="card22"></td> <td id="card23"></td> <td id="card24"></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="card25"></td> <td id="card26"></td> <td id="card27"></td> <td id="card28"></td> <td id="card29"></td> <td id="card30"></td> </tr> </table> <div id="restartWrapper" class="hide"> <a id="restartGameLink" href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="newGame()">restart game</a> </div> </div>
</body> <script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Memory Game - Script Codes CSS Codes

body{ background: url(;
iframe { width: 100%; height: 550px;
.button-blue { color: white; background: #3BA6C7;
/****GAME CSS ****/
#gameStartOverlay, #gameEndOverlay, #composerInfoOverlay { position:fixed; top:0; left:0; background:rgba(0,0,0,0.7); z-index:5; width:100%; height:100%; padding: 30px 0 0 0;
#gameStartOverlay p, #gameStartOverlay h1,
#gameEndOverlay p, #gameEndOverlay h1,
#composerInfoOverlay p, #composerInfoOverlay h1 { text-align: center; color: white;
#gameStartOverlay h1, #gameEndOverlay h1,
#composerInfoOverlay h1 { font-size: 50px; margin: 48px 10px 0 10px;
#gameStartOverlay p, #gameEndOverlay p,
#composerInfoOverlay p { margin: 30px 40px 40px 40px;
#gameStartOverlay input, #gameEndOverlay input
/*#composerInfoOverlay input*/ { display: block; margin: 0 auto; font-size: 34px; padding: 20px 30px;
#cardGameWrapper, #composerIframeWrapper { max-width: 655px; margin: 30px auto 0 auto;
#gameBoard { border: 1px solid grey; border-radius: 28px; background: #E0EEEE; border-spacing: 10px; border-collapse: separate; margin: 30px auto 0 auto; padding: 10px;
#gameBoard td { width: 88px; height: 88px; background-size: 90px; background-repeat: no-repeat; border-radius: 20px;
#gameBoard td:hover { cursor: pointer; box-shadow: 0px 1px 2px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
#gameHeaderWrapper { width: 100%; height: 150px; padding: 30px 0 6px 0;
#gameHeaderWrapper h1, #gameHeaderWrapper p { color: white; text-align: center; margin: 0px auto 0 auto;
#gameHeaderWrapper h1 { font-size: 50px;
#composerLearnMore { /*learn more button*/ font-size: 15px; display: block; margin: 22px auto; padding: 14px;
#composerAudioWrapper { text-align: center; margin: 30px 0 20px 0;
#composerAudio { display: inline-block; text-align: center;
#restartGameLink, #closeInfo { text-align: center; margin: 20px auto 0 auto; font-size: 15px; color: white; display: block;
#closeInfo { padding: 14px;
#turnCounter { position: absolute; color: white; left: 5px; top: 15px; font-size: 11px; letter-spacing: .5px;
/**** FLIP CSS ****/
/* entire container, keeps perspective */
.flip-container { perspective: 1000; display: block;
/* flip the pane when given class "flip" */
.flip-container.flip .flipper { transform: rotateY(180deg);
.flip-container, .card-front, .card-back { width: 88px; height: 88px;
/* flip speed goes here */
.flipper { transition: 0.4s; transform-style: preserve-3d; position: relative;
/* hide back of pane during swap */
.card-front, .card-back { border-radius: 20px; backface-visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; background-size: 90px; background-repeat: no-repeat;
/* front pane, placed above back */
.card-front { z-index: 2; transform: rotateY(0deg);
/* back, initially hidden pane */
.card-back { transform: rotateY(180deg);
/**** UTILITY CSS ****/
.hide { display: none;

Memory Game - Script Codes JS Codes

// initial card image
var initCard = "";
//add class to table datas: "gameCard"
//add flip div html to table datas
$('.gameCard').html('<div class="flip-container"><div class="flipper"><div class="card-front"></div><div class="card-back"></div></div></div>');
//save audio location
var composerAudio = document.getElementById("composerAudio");
// declare variables
var turn = 1;
var playerTotalTurns = 0;
var firstCardLoc = 0;
var secondCardLoc = 0;
var firstCardName = "";
var secondCardName = "";
var firstCardObj = {};
var secondCardObj = {};
var cardsFound = 0;
var win = false;
function initializeGameVariables() { turn = 1; playerTotalTurns = 0; firstCardLoc = 0; secondCardLoc = 0; firstCardName = ""; secondCardName = ""; firstCardObj = {}; secondCardObj = {}; cardsFound = 0; win = false;
// for card hide timing and force user to wait
var timeoutID;
var waitForGame = false;
function waitForGameFalse() { waitForGame = false;
// 18 pairs of cards to be used on the board
var memoryCardDeck = [ { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Edward Elgar', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Edward Elgar', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Johannes Brahms', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Johannes Brahms', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Richard Wagner', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Richard Wagner', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Giuseppe Verdi', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Giuseppe Verdi', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Frédéric Chopin', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Frédéric Chopin', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Ludwig van Beethoven', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Ludwig van Beethoven', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Claudio Monteverdi', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Claudio Monteverdi', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Joseph Haydn', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Joseph Haydn', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'George Frideric Handel', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'George Frideric Handel', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Antonín Dvořák', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Antonín Dvořák', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Johann Sebastian Bach', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Johann Sebastian Bach', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Sergei Rachmaninoff', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Sergei Rachmaninoff', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Gustav Mahler', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }, { cardImg: '', cardName: 'Gustav Mahler', cardWiki: '', cardAudio: '' }
var cardsInDeck = memoryCardDeck.length; //length for loops
function addMemDeckParams () { var cardTypeCounter = 1; for (i = 0; i < cardsInDeck; i++) { memoryCardDeck[i].cardWiki += "?printable=yes"; memoryCardDeck[i].cardLoc = 0; memoryCardDeck[i].cardType = cardTypeCounter; if ( (i + 2) % 2 !== 0 ) { cardTypeCounter++; } }
//set param cardFound to false
function setCardFoundFalse () { for (i = 0; i < cardsInDeck; i++) { memoryCardDeck[i].cardFound = false; }
/////// GAME START CODE ///////
//shuffle array method added to Array prototype
//shuffle with myArrayHere.shuffle();
Array.prototype.shuffle = function (){ var i = this.length, j, temp; if ( i === 0 ) return; while ( --i ) { j = Math.floor( Math.random() * ( i + 1 ) ); temp = this[i]; this[i] = this[j]; this[j] = temp; }
// set card locations in object array, set data-card in html, set IDs of flipping divs
function setCardData() { var cardID = ""; for(i = 0; i < cardsInDeck; i++) { //setting card locations here.. cardID = "#card" + (i + 1); memoryCardDeck[i].cardLoc = (i + 1); //setting card location $(cardID).data("card", (i + 1)); //setting html "data-card" here.. $(cardID).find('.card-front').attr('id', "cardFront" + (i + 1)); //setting flipping div IDs here.. $(cardID).find('.card-back').attr('id', "cardBack" + (i + 1)); }
//set question mark image card fronts
function setCardImagesFront() { $('.card-front').css("background-image", "url(" + initCard + ")");
function setCardImagesBack() { var cardFrontID = ""; var cardImage = ""; for(i = 0; i < cardsInDeck; i++) { cardFrontID = "#cardBack" + (i + 1); cardImage = memoryCardDeck[i].cardImg; $(cardFrontID).css("background-image", "url(" + cardImage + ")"); }
function showAllCards () { $('.flip-container').addClass('flip');
function hideAllCards() { $('.flip-container').removeClass('flip');
function initHeaderInfo () { $('#gameEndOverlay').addClass('hide'); $('#restartWrapper').removeClass('hide'); $('#composerHeaderHider').removeClass("hide"); $('#gameStartOverlay').addClass('hide'); $('#composerHeaderSubhead').html("&nbsp;"); $('#composerName').html("Find the Composers!"); $('#learnMoreWrapper').addClass("hide"); $('#turnCounterWrapper').removeClass("hide"); $('#turnCounter').html("turn: " + (playerTotalTurns + 1) );
///////////// main game start function ///////////////
function newGame() { waitForGame = true; memoryCardDeck.shuffle(); //shuffle deck initializeGameVariables(); //initialize variables initHeaderInfo(); // set header info setCardData(); //set card data setCardFoundFalse(); //initialize "cardFound" boolean parameter hideAllCards(); //hide cards timeoutID = window.setTimeout(setCardImagesBack, 200); //initialize card images (wait till cards hidden) setCardImagesFront(); timeoutID = window.setTimeout(showAllCards, 500); //show all cards, then hide timeoutID = window.setTimeout(hideAllCards, 1500); timeoutID = window.setTimeout(waitForGameFalse, 1510);
////// GAME PLAY CODE ///////
// turn function
function nextTurn() { if (turn === 1) { turn = 2; } else if (turn === 2) { turn = 1; }
//display card image
function showHideCardImage (cardObj, showOrHide) { var cardID = "#card" + cardObj.cardLoc; var cardImage = cardObj.cardImg; if (showOrHide === "show"){ $(cardID).find('.flip-container').addClass('flip'); } else if (showOrHide === "hide") { $(cardID).find('.flip-container').removeClass('flip'); }
//hide cards after wrong guess
function hideWrongCards(firstCardObject, secondCardObject) { showHideCardImage (firstCardObject, "hide"); showHideCardImage (secondCardObject, "hide");
function hideCards () { hideWrongCards(firstCardObj, secondCardObj);
//show composer info after correct guess
function showComposerHeaderInfo () { $('#composerHeaderHider').removeClass("hide"); $('#composerHeaderSubhead').html("you found..."); $('#composerName').html(memoryCardDeck[secondCardLoc - 1].cardName); $('#learnMoreWrapper').removeClass("hide");
//preload "learn more" info
function preloadComposerInfo () { $('#composerNameInfo').html(secondCardObj.cardName); $('#composerAudio').attr('src', secondCardObj.cardAudio); $('#composerIframe').attr('src', secondCardObj.cardWiki);
//learn more button function
function showComposerOverlayInfo () { $('#composerHeaderHider').addClass("hide"); $('#composerInfoOverlay').removeClass("hide"); $('#restartWrapper').addClass('hide');; //autoplay audio
//close composer info
function closeComposerInfo () { $('#composerInfoOverlay').addClass('hide'); $('#composerHeaderHider').removeClass("hide"); $('#restartWrapper').removeClass('hide'); composerAudio.pause(); //stop audio composerAudio.currentTime = 0;
//check match
function checkCardMatch (cardObj) { if (turn === 1) { firstCardLoc = $(cardObj).data('card'); firstCardName = memoryCardDeck[firstCardLoc - 1].cardName; //save first card as object firstCardObj = memoryCardDeck[firstCardLoc - 1]; //show first card... showHideCardImage(firstCardObj, "show"); console.log("First Card Selection: " + firstCardName + "(" + firstCardLoc + ")"); nextTurn(); console.log("Turn: " + turn); } else if (turn === 2) { secondCardLoc = $(cardObj).data('card'); secondCardName = memoryCardDeck[secondCardLoc - 1].cardName; //save second card as object secondCardObj = memoryCardDeck[secondCardLoc - 1]; //show second card... showHideCardImage(secondCardObj, "show"); console.log("Second Card Selection: " + secondCardName + "(" + secondCardLoc + ")"); //probably don't need this "cardFound" check... if (memoryCardDeck[firstCardLoc - 1].cardFound === true || memoryCardDeck[secondCardLoc - 1].cardFound === true ) { console.log("One or both of these cards has already been found.."); } else if (firstCardLoc === secondCardLoc) { console.log("You picked the same card, dork!"); } else if (firstCardName === secondCardName && firstCardLoc != secondCardLoc) { console.log("You Found a Match!"); //show composer info showComposerHeaderInfo(); //loads composer info for when "learn more" button is clicked preloadComposerInfo(); //set "cardFound" booleans to true memoryCardDeck[firstCardLoc - 1].cardFound = true; memoryCardDeck[secondCardLoc - 1].cardFound = true; //add to variable "cardsFound" cardsFound += 1; console.log("Cards Found: " + cardsFound); nextTurn(); //console.log("Turn: " + turn); } else { console.log("Not a Match... Try Again."); waitForGame = true; timeoutID = window.setTimeout(hideCards, 1000); // hide card images after delay timeoutID = window.setTimeout(waitForGameFalse, 1000); nextTurn(); //console.log("Turn: " + turn); } playerTotalTurns++; $('#turnCounter').html("turn: " + (playerTotalTurns + 1) ); }
function checkWin() { if((cardsFound * 2) != cardsInDeck){ return; } else { for (i=0;i<10;i++){ console.log("You've cleared the game!!!"); } $('#gameEndOverlay').removeClass("hide"); $('#composerHeaderHider').addClass("hide"); //tell how many turns to complete game.. $('#endGameTurnMessage').html("Completed in " + playerTotalTurns + " turns!"); $('#turnCounterWrapper').addClass("hide"); }
//evaluate the turn on card click
$('.gameCard').click(function () { if (waitForGame === true) { console.log("You need to WAIT!"); } else { var cardObj = this; var cardLocation = $(cardObj).data('card'); var currentCardObj = memoryCardDeck[cardLocation -1]; if (currentCardObj.cardFound === true) { console.log("Card already found!"); console.log("Turn: " + turn); } else { checkCardMatch(cardObj); } } checkWin();
//.... still working...
//.... next:
//.... play audio on correct guess
Memory Game - Script Codes
Memory Game - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Harry Sadler
Username harrysadlermusic
Uploaded November 29, 2022
Rating 3
Size 7,463 Kb
Views 6,072
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Harry Sadler (harrysadlermusic) Script Codes
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