Midas - Total Multi

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How do I make an midas - total multi?

What is a midas - total multi? How do you make a midas - total multi? This script and codes were developed by Steven on 31 July 2022, Sunday.

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Building Profits)<input type="text" class="usedInCalc" id="cardAncientPower" placeholder=36></label> <br><input type="checkbox" tabindex=0 class="chkShowHide" id="showHideAA"><span>Auto</span> <div class="dropDown"> <label for="cardOrbs">Orbs<input type="text" id="cardOrbs" tabindex=-1 placeholder=20></label><br> <ul> <li><span>1</span><input type="checkbox" class="chkHidden chkAA" tabindex=-1 id="cardAPChk1"></li> <li><span>2</span><input type="checkbox" class="chkHidden chkAA" tabindex=-1 id="cardAPChk2"></li> <li><span>3</span><input type="checkbox" class="chkHidden chkAA" tabindex=-1 id="cardAPChk3"></li> <li><span>4</span><input type="checkbox" class="chkHidden chkAA" tabindex=-1 id="cardAPChk4"></li> <li><span>5</span><input type="checkbox" class="chkHidden chkAA" tabindex=-1 id="cardAPChk5"></li> <li><span>6</span><input type="checkbox" class="chkHidden chkAA" tabindex=-1 id="cardAPChk6"></li><br> <li><span>7</span><input type="checkbox" class="chkHidden chkAA" tabindex=-1 id="cardAPChk7"></li> <li><span>8</span><input type="checkbox" class="chkHidden chkAA" tabindex=-1 id="cardAPChk8"></li> <li><span>9</span><input type="checkbox" class="chkHidden chkAA" tabindex=-1 id="cardAPChk9"></li> <li><span>10</span><input type="checkbox" class="chkHidden chkAA" tabindex=-1 id="cardAPChk10"></li> <li><span>11</span><input type="checkbox" class="chkHidden chkAA" tabindex=-1 id="cardAPChk10"></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="cardRow" id="resultRow"> <label for="cardVoidMulti">Total Multiplier</label><span class="cardResult"></span> </div> </div>
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Midas - Total Multi - Script Codes CSS Codes

body { background: lightblue;
.table { width: 90vw; padding: 0; margin: 2vw; background: lightblue; text-align: center;
.card { text-align: left; display: inline-block; border: solid 0.5px; margin: 1vw; padding: 1vw; width: 25vw; min-width: 300px; max-width: 380px;
.card label { display: inline-block; margin-top: 1.2vh; font-weight: bold; width: 100%;
.card input[type=text] { display: block; width: 90%; margin: auto; padding: 5px;
.chkShowHide { /*display: none;*/ vertical-align:middle; transform: scale(.9);
.chkShowHide + span { /*display: none;*/ font-style: italic; font-size: smaller;
.dropDown { max-height: 0; overflow:hidden; text-align: center; transition: max-height 1s;
.chkShowHide:checked ~ .dropDown { max-height: 300px;
.dropDown ul { list-style: none; display: inline; margin: 0; padding: 0; /*columns: 2; column-rule: 1px dotted black; */
.dropDown ul li { display: inline-block;
.dropDown ul span { display: inline-block; width: 1.8vw;
.dropDown label[for=cardOrbs] { margin: auto; margin-top: 10px;
.dropDown input[type=text] { width: 90%; margin: auto; margin-bottom: 10px;
.cardTitle { margin-top: -14px; text-align: center;
#cardTitle { margin: auto; width: 70%; text-align: center;
::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: rgba(0,0,0,.3);
:-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 18- */ color: rgba(0,0,0,.3);
::-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 19+ */ color: rgba(0,0,0,.3);
:-ms-input-placeholder { color: rgba(0,0,0,.3);
button { display: block; width: 200px; height: 50px; margin:auto;
#resultRow { font-size: larger;
#resultRow span { display: block; margin-top: 5px; text-align: center; color: darkblue; font-weight: bold;
.error { color: red; outline: 1px solid red;

Midas - Total Multi - Script Codes JS Codes

let percToMulti = perc => perc/100+1;
let cards = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("card")); // Each 'card' on page
let inputs = Array.from( cards[0].querySelectorAll(".usedInCalc")); // All inputs used in calc...
let showHideCheckBoxes = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".chkShowHide"));
let hiddenCheckBoxes = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".dropDown input[type=checkbox]")); // Drop down checkboxes
let output = cards[0].getElementsByClassName("cardResult")[0]; // Output span.
// Returns exponent part of number. Eg 24e47 - returns 47. 10 returns 1.
function getExp(num) { return Math.floor(Math.log(num)/Math.log(10));
function midasNum(num) { if (Number(num) < 1000) return num; // Plain numbers if super low let expCount = getExp(num+1); // num + 1 Solves rounding issue at dead on 1000. 10000. etc let str = num.toPrecision(3).split(""); let firstDigit = str.shift(); // First number let rest = ""; // Next two numbers. str.shift(); // Throw away the dot if (expCount % 3 === 0) { // Position dot where required. rest = `.${str.shift()}${str.shift()}`; } if (expCount % 3 === 1) { rest = `${str.shift()}.${str.shift()}`; } if (expCount % 3 === 2) { rest = `${str.shift()}${str.shift()}`; } return `${firstDigit+rest} ${getNumberNotation(expCount, 3)}`;
function calculateBigMulti() { return inputs.reduce((acum, next) => { // Checks is positive and valid number return acum *= (next.value <= 0 || Number.isNaN( (Number(next.value)))) ? 1 : percToMulti(next.value); }, 1);
function outputString() { let result = calculateBigMulti(); return `${midasNum(result)} &nbsp;&nbsp; (+${ ( ((result-1)*100) > 99000000 ) ? ((result-1)*100).toPrecision(3) : ((result-1)*100).toLocaleString() }%)`;
function errorCheck(elem) { // Valid number, not negative. if (Number.isNaN( (Number(elem.value))) || elem.value < 0) { elem.classList.toggle("error", true); } else { elem.classList.toggle("error", false); }
// Update output on any calc related input change.
inputs.forEach((each) => { each.addEventListener("input", () => { output.innerHTML = outputString(); // Output final result errorCheck(each); });
// Fix tab index.
showHideCheckBoxes.forEach((each) => { each.addEventListener("click", () => { let childBoxes = []; if (each.id === "showHideLeg") childBoxes = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".chkLeg")); if (each.id === "showHideWO") childBoxes = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".chkWO")); if (each.id === "showHideAA") { childBoxes = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".chkAA")); document.getElementById("cardOrbs").tabIndex = (each.checked) ? 0 : -1; } console.log(each.checked) childBoxes.forEach((chkEach) => chkEach.tabIndex = (each.checked) ? 0 : -1); });
// To kick us off
output.innerHTML = outputString();
// For Testing
document.getElementById("volvTest").addEventListener("click", function() { let inputs = Array.from( cards[0].querySelectorAll("input[type=text]") ) inputs[0].value = "Volv"; inputs[1].value = "7000"; inputs[2].value = "24097"; inputs[3].value = "4340"; inputs[4].value = "4745"; inputs[5].value = "21654"; inputs[6].value = "7190"; inputs[7].value = "1360000000000"; inputs[8].value = "88"; output.innerHTML = outputString();
Midas - Total Multi - Script Codes
Midas - Total Multi - Script Codes
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Developer Steven
Username volv
Uploaded July 31, 2022
Rating 3
Size 5,661 Kb
Views 24,288
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