Music Time!

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How do I make an music time!?

PaperJS + Web Audio Api.What time is it? Music Time! You've got options on top-left of the page. Size is 1280x900 Sorry for that.. What is a music time!? How do you make a music time!? This script and codes were developed by LegoMushroom on 12 June 2022, Sunday.

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Music Time! - Script Codes HTML Codes

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Music Time! - Script Codes CSS Codes

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Music Time! - Script Codes JS Codes

window.onload = function() { paper.setup('myCanvas');
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.6.2
var Char, Note, String, Strings, audios, gui, h, mouseDown, mouseDrag, mouseMove, onFrame, onMouseDown, onMouseDrag, onMouseMove, onMouseUp, _ref;
Path.prototype.setWidth = function(width) { this.segments[3].point.x = this.segments[0].point.x + width; return this.segments[2].point.x = this.segments[1].point.x + width;
Path.prototype.setHeight = function(height) { this.segments[1].point.y = this.segments[0].point.y + height; return this.segments[2].point.y = this.segments[3].point.y + height;
Path.prototype.reset = function() { this.setWidth(0); this.setHeight(0); return this.smooth();
h = { getRand: function(min, max) { return Math.floor((Math.random() * ((max + 1) - min)) + min); }
if ((_ref = window.Guitar) == null) { window.Guitar = {};
window.Guitar.$window = $(window);
window.Guitar.settings = {};
window.Guitar.settings.allowNotes = true;
window.Guitar.settings.releaseOnMove = true;
window.Guitar.settings.releaseOffsetCoefficient = 30;
view.setViewSize(1280, 900);
Note = (function() { function Note(o) { this.o = o; this.point = new Point(this.o.point); this.makeBase(); } Note.prototype.makeBase = function() { this.chars = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"]; this.char = new PointText(this.point); this.char.justification = 'center'; this.char.fillColor = this.o.color; this.char.font = 'ToneDeaf BB'; this.char.fontSize = this.o.size; this.char.content = this.chars[h.getRand(0, this.chars.length - 1)]; return this.char.opacity = 0; }; Note.prototype.makeAnimation = function() { var from, it, to, _this = this; from = { x: this.o.point[0], y: this.o.point[1] }; to = { x: this.o.point[0] + h.getRand(-40, 40), y: -this.o.point[1] }; = new TWEEN.Tween(from).to(to, 2000); it = this; { return _this.char.opacity = 1; }); { it.char.position.x = this.x; return it.char.position.y = this.y; }); return { return _this.teardown(); }); }; Note.prototype.animate = function() { return; }; Note.prototype.teardown = function() { delete; this.char.position.x = this.o.point[0]; this.char.position.y = this.o.point[1]; this.makeAnimation(); return this.char.opacity = 0; }; return Note;
mouseDown = null;
mouseMove = null;
mouseDrag = null;
var audios = [];
String = (function() { function String(o) { this.o = o; this.touched = false; this.anima = false; this.colors = ["#69D2E7", "#A7DBD8", "#E0E4CC", "#F38630", "#FA6900", "#C02942", "#542437", "#53777A", "#ECD078", "#FE4365"]; this.defaultColor = this.o.color || "#fff"; this.color = this.colors[this.o.i % this.colors.length]; this.o.context && this.makeAudio(); this.makeBase(); this.note = new Note({ color: this.color, point: [this.middleX_point, this.middleY_point], size: 34 }); } String.prototype.makeAudio = function() { this.analyser = this.o.context.createAnalyser(); = new Audio; = true; if (!audios[this.o.i % this.o.guitar.sources.length]) { = "" + this.o.guitar.sources[this.o.i % this.o.guitar.sources.length] + ".mp3"; audios.push(; this.source = this.o.context.createMediaElementSource(; this.source.connect(this.analyser); return this.analyser.connect(this.o.context.destination); } else { return = audios[this.o.i % this.o.guitar.sources.length]; } }; String.prototype.makeBase = function() { this.base = new Path; this.xOffset = this.o.offset; this.base.add([this.o.offsetX_start, this.o.offsetY_start]); this.base.add([this.o.offsetX_end, this.o.offsetY_end]); this.startX = Math.min(this.o.offsetX_start, this.o.offsetX_end); this.startY = Math.min(this.o.offsetY_start, this.o.offsetY_end); this.endX = Math.max(this.o.offsetX_start, this.o.offsetX_end); this.endY = Math.max(this.o.offsetY_start, this.o.offsetY_end); this.middleX = this.endX !== this.startX ? parseInt((this.endX - this.startX) / 2) : this.endX; this.middleX_point = this.endX !== this.startX ? this.endX - this.middleX : this.endX; this.middleY = this.endY !== this.startY ? parseInt((this.endY - this.startY) / 2) : this.endY; this.middleY_point = this.endY !== this.startY ? this.endY - this.middleY : this.endY; this.base.strokeColor = this.defaultColor; this.base.strokeWidth = this.o.width; return this.height = this.o.offsetY_end - this.o.offsetY_start; }; String.prototype.change = function(e) { var point, x, x_minus, x_plus, y; point = e.point; this.a = null; if ( > 0) { if ((e.point.x + >= this.startX) && (mouseDown.x < this.startX)) { if ((e.point.y + >= this.startY) && (e.point.y + <= this.endY)) { this.touched = true; } } } if ( < 0) { if ((e.point.x - <= this.endX) && (mouseDown.x > this.endX)) { if ((e.point.y + > this.startY) && (e.point.y + < this.endY)) { this.touched = true; } } } if ( < 0) { if ((e.point.y + <= this.endY) && (this.startY < mouseDown.y)) { if ((e.point.x + > this.startX) && (e.point.x + < this.endX)) { this.touched = true; } } } if ( > 0) { if ((e.point.y + >= this.startY) && (this.o.offsetY_end > mouseDown.y)) { if ((e.point.x + > this.startX) && (e.point.x + < this.endX)) { this.touched = true; } } } if (!this.touched) { return; } if (window.Guitar.settings.releaseOnMove) { this.o.stringsOffset = this.o.width * window.Guitar.settings.releaseOffsetCoefficient; x_plus = (point.x > this.middleX_point + this.o.stringsOffset) && ( > 0); x_minus = (point.x < this.middleX_point - this.o.stringsOffset) && ( < 0); if (x_plus || x_minus) { this.animate(); return; } } x = this.o.offsetX_end < this.o.offsetX_start ? this.endX : this.startX; y = this.o.offsetY_end < this.o.offsetY_start ? this.endY : this.startY; this.base.segments[0].handleOut.y = point.y - y; return this.base.segments[0].handleOut.x = point.x - x; }; String.prototype.animate = function() { this.touched = false; if (this.anima) { return; } this.anima = true; this.soundX = parseInt(Math.abs(this.base.segments[0].handleOut.x)); this.soundY_proto = parseInt(Math.abs(this.base.segments[0].handleOut.y)); this.soundY = this.soundY_proto / (this.height + (2 * this.o.width)); this.meter = Math.max(this.soundX, this.soundY_proto); if (this.meter === 0) { return; } this.animateQuake(); this.animateColor(); return this.o.context && this.makeSound(); }; String.prototype.animateColor = function() { var from, it, to, _ref1; if ((_ref1 = this.twColor) != null) { _ref1.stop(); } this.base.strokeColor = this.color; this.base.strokeColor.saturation = 4; from = { t: 0 }; to = { t: 1 }; this.twColor = new TWEEN.Tween(from).to(to, this.meter * 15); this.twColor.easing(function(t) { var b; b = Math.exp(-t * 10) * Math.cos(Math.PI * 2 * t * 10); if (t >= 1) { return 1; } return 1 - b; }); it = this; this.twColor.onUpdate(function() { return it.base.strokeColor.brightness = this.t; }); return this.twColor.start(); }; String.prototype.animateQuake = function() { var from, it, to, _ref1, _this = this; if ((_ref1 = != null) { _ref1.stop(); } this.anima = true; from = { x: this.base.segments[0].handleOut.x, y: this.base.segments[0].handleOut.y, c: 1000 * this.index }; to = { x: 0, y: 0, c: 0 }; = new TWEEN.Tween(from).to(to, 1000); { var b; b = Math.exp(-t * 10) * Math.cos(Math.PI * 2 * t * 10); if (t >= 1) { return 1; } return 1 - b; }); it = this; { if (_this.startY !== _this.endY) { return it.base.segments[0].handleOut.y = 0; } }); { it.base.segments[0].handleOut.x = this.x; if (this.startY === this.endY) { return it.base.segments[0].handleOut.y = this.y; } }); { return _this.teardown(); }); return; }; String.prototype.makeSound = function() { var from, it, to, _ref1, _this = this; if ((_ref1 = this.twSound) != null) { _ref1.stop(); } window.Guitar.settings.allowNotes && this.note.animate(); from = { c: 2 * (this.index * 25) + this.soundX / 4, t: 1 }; to = { c: (this.index * 25) + this.soundX / 4, t: 0 }; this.twSound = new TWEEN.Tween(from).to(to, this.meter * 6); this.twSound.easing(function(t) { var b; b = Math.exp(-t * 10) * Math.cos(Math.PI * 2 * t * 10); if (t >= 1) { return 1; } return 1 - b; }); it = this; this.twSound.onStart(function() {; return _this.played = true; }); this.twSound.onComplete(function() { if (_this.played) { _this.stopAudio(); } return _this.teardown(); }); return this.twSound.start(); }; String.prototype.stopAudio = function() { var _ref1, _ref2; if (this.played) { if ((_ref1 = != null) { _ref1.pause(); } return (_ref2 = != null ? _ref2.currentTime = 0 : void 0; } }; String.prototype.teardown = function() { this.stopAudio(); this.base.segments[0].handleOut.x = 0; this.base.segments[0].handleOut.y = 0; this.anima = false; this.touched = false; this.note.teardown(); return this.base.strokeColor = this.defaultColor; }; return String;
Char = (function() { function Char(o) { var i, item, string, _i, _len, _ref1; this.o = o; this.width = this.o.width || 3; _ref1 = window.Guitar.text[this.o.symbol]; for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref1.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) { item = _ref1[i]; string = new String({ offsetX_start: item.offsetX_start + this.o.xOffset, offsetX_end: item.offsetX_end + this.o.xOffset, offsetY_start: item.offsetY_start + this.o.yOffset, offsetY_end: item.offsetY_end + this.o.yOffset, width: this.width, context: this.o.context, guitar: this.o.guitar, color: '#fff', i: i }); string.index = i; this.o.guitar.strings.push(string); } } return Char;
Strings = (function() { function Strings(o) { var contextClass; this.initialOffset = 300; this.strings = []; this.stringWidth = 5; contextClass = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext || window.mozAudioContext || window.oAudioContext || window.msAudioContext; if (contextClass) { this.context = new contextClass(); } else { alert('Use modern browser to play sounds via Web Audio Api, please'); this.context = null; } this.sources = ['a3', 'b2', 'd3', 'e2', 'g2', 'a2', 'c', 'd2', 'f', 'g1', 'a1', 'b1', 'd1', 'e1']; this.makeStrings(); this.makebase(); this.makeM(); } Strings.prototype.makebase = function() { this.base = new Path.Circle([-100, -100], this.stringWidth * 2); this.base.fillColor = '#FFF'; this.base.opacity = .25; this.guitar = new Raster('guitar'); this.guitar.position.y += 450; return this.guitar.position.x += 450; }; Strings.prototype.mouseMove = function(e) { return this.base.position = e.point; }; Strings.prototype.makeStrings = function(cnt) { var i, o, offsetX, string, stringOffset, _i, _results; if (cnt == null) { cnt = 15; } _results = []; for (i = _i = 0; 0 <= cnt ? _i < cnt : _i > cnt; i = 0 <= cnt ? ++_i : --_i) { o = this.getOffset(i); stringOffset = this.stringWidth * 5; offsetX = this.initialOffset + (i * stringOffset); if (i === 13) { offsetX = this.initialOffset + (5 * stringOffset); } if (i === 14) { offsetX = this.initialOffset + (7 * stringOffset); } string = new String({ offsetX_start: offsetX, offsetX_end: offsetX, offsetY_start: o.offsetY, offsetY_end: o.offsetY + o.length, width: this.stringWidth, context: this.context, guitar: this, i: i }); string.index = i; _results.push(this.strings.push(string)); } return _results; }; Strings.prototype.makeM = function() { this.y = 150; this.y2 = 330; this.x = 650; this.x2 = 200; new Char({ context: this.context, guitar: this, symbol: 'M', xOffset: this.x + 28, yOffset: this.y }); new Char({ context: this.context, guitar: this, symbol: 'U', xOffset: this.x + 170, yOffset: this.y }); new Char({ context: this.context, guitar: this, symbol: 'S', xOffset: this.x + 262, yOffset: this.y }); new Char({ context: this.context, guitar: this, symbol: 'I', xOffset: this.x + 352, yOffset: this.y }); new Char({ context: this.context, guitar: this, symbol: 'C', xOffset: this.x + 394, yOffset: this.y }); new Char({ context: this.context, guitar: this, symbol: 'T', xOffset: this.x2 + 518, yOffset: this.y2 }); new Char({ context: this.context, guitar: this, symbol: 'I', xOffset: this.x2 + 620, yOffset: this.y2 }); new Char({ context: this.context, guitar: this, symbol: 'M', xOffset: this.x2 + 668, yOffset: this.y2 }); return new Char({ context: this.context, guitar: this, symbol: 'E', xOffset: this.x2 + 808, yOffset: this.y2 }); }; Strings.prototype.getOffset = function(i) { var size; size = {}; switch (i) { case 0: size.length = 130; size.offsetY = 705; break; case 1: size.length = 205; size.offsetY = 650; break; case 2: size.length = 375; size.offsetY = 490; break; case 3: size.length = 395; size.offsetY = 480; break; case 4: size.length = 405; size.offsetY = 475; break; case 5: size.length = 405; size.offsetY = 475; break; case 6: size.length = 860; size.offsetY = 20; break; case 7: size.length = 405; size.offsetY = 475; break; case 8: size.length = 405; size.offsetY = 475; break; case 9: size.length = 395; size.offsetY = 480; break; case 10: size.length = 375; size.offsetY = 490; break; case 11: size.length = 205; size.offsetY = 650; break; case 12: size.length = 130; size.offsetY = 705; break; case 13: case 14: size.length = 120; size.offsetY = 25; } return size; }; Strings.prototype.makeQuake = function() { var i, string, _i, _len, _ref1, _results; _ref1 = this.strings; _results = []; for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref1.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) { string = _ref1[i]; _results.push(string.animate()); } return _results; }; Strings.prototype.changeStrings = function(point) { var i, string, _i, _len, _ref1, _results; _ref1 = this.strings; _results = []; for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref1.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) { string = _ref1[i]; _results.push(string.change(point)); } return _results; }; Strings.prototype.teardown = function() { var i, string, _i, _len, _ref1, _results; TWEEN.removeAll(); _ref1 = this.strings; _results = []; for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref1.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) { string = _ref1[i]; _results.push(string.teardown()); } return _results; }; return Strings;
window.Guitar.strings = new Strings;
view.onFrame = function(e) { return TWEEN.update();
var tool = new Tool()
tool.onMouseDrag = function(e) { window.Guitar.strings.changeStrings(e); return window.Guitar.strings.mouseMove(e);
tool.onMouseDown = function(e) { window.Guitar.strings.teardown(); return mouseDown = e.point;
tool.onMouseUp = function(e) { return window.Guitar.strings.makeQuake();
tool.onMouseMove = function(e) { mouseMove = e.point; return window.Guitar.strings.mouseMove(e);
gui = new dat.GUI({ autoPlace: false
gui.add(window.Guitar.settings, 'allowNotes');
gui.add(window.Guitar.settings, 'releaseOnMove');
gui.add(window.Guitar.settings, 'releaseOffsetCoefficient', 0, 50);
gui.close(); setTimeout(function(){ $('.js-banner').hide() $('.js-banner-suggest').show() }, 1) setTimeout(function(){ $('.js-banner-suggest').fadeOut() }, 8000)
Music Time! - Script Codes
Music Time! - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer LegoMushroom
Username sol0mka
Uploaded June 12, 2022
Rating 4.5
Size 6,801 Kb
Views 36,432
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LegoMushroom (sol0mka) Script Codes
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