Old school rotation and projection

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How do I make an old school rotation and projection?

Rotation and projection without using a matrix. However old school days those sin,cos, tan functions would be fast giving just 8 mults and 3 lookups. These days a good matrix with projection built in will be faster and more verstatile. Although I do infinite loop through the asteriods regardless of position. . What is a old school rotation and projection? How do you make a old school rotation and projection? This script and codes were developed by Andi Smithers on 21 November 2022, Monday.

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The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2014 Andi Smithers
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// conceptualized and written by andi smithers
// constant options
const focalDepth = 80;
const focalPoint = 256;
const eNone = 0;
const eGalacticScanner = 1;
const eLongRange = 2;
// variables
var centreX;
var centreY;
var mouseX=0;
var mouseY=0;
var frameCount=0;
var gameStart;
var context;
var canvas;
var fontsize = 20;
var overlayMode = eNone;
// test multiple groups
var boardPieces = [];
var mapScale = {x:0, y:0};
var border = {x:0, y:0};
var galaxyMapSize = {x:16, y:8};
var shipLocation = {x:0, y:0};
var shipPosition = {x:0, y:0};
var localPosition = {x:0, y:0, z:0};
var shipPing = {x:0, y:0};
var pingRadius = 100;
var lastCycle = 0;
var cycleScalar = 1; // 3 = 30 seconds.
var targetBase = 0;
var localSpaceCubed = 1024;
var lrScale = {x:0, y:0};
var warpLocation = {x:0, y:0};
var warpAnim = 0;
var warpLocked = false;
// difficulty settings
var maxAsteriods = 32;
var maxNMEs = 8;
var orientation = new matrix3x3();
// basic matrices 3x3
function matrix3x3()
{ // set as identiy this.m = [1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1];
matrix3x3.prototype.clone = function(matrix)
{ this.m = matrix.m.slice(0);
matrix3x3.prototype.rotateX = function(angle)
{ var c = Math.cos(angle); var s = Math.sin(angle); this.m = [1,0,0,0,c,-s,0, s, c];
matrix3x3.prototype.rotateY = function(angle)
{ var c = Math.cos(angle); var s = Math.sin(angle); this.matrix = [c,0,s,0,1,0,-s, 0, c];
matrix3x3.prototype.rotateZ = function(angle)
{ var c = Math.cos(angle); var s = Math.sin(angle); this.m = [c,-s,0,s,c,0,0,0,1];
matrix3x3.prototype.multiply = function(matrix)
{ var m1 = this.m; var m2 = matrix.m; return {m:[m1[0] * m2[0] + m1[1] * m2[3] + m1[2] * m2[6], m1[0] * m2[1] + m1[1] * m2[4] + m1[2] * m2[7], m1[0] * m2[2] + m1[1] * m2[5] + m1[2] * m2[8], m1[3] * m2[0] + m1[4] * m2[3] + m1[5] * m2[6], m1[3] * m2[1] + m1[4] * m2[4] + m1[5] * m2[7], m1[3] * m2[2] + m1[4] * m2[5] + m1[5] * m2[8], m1[6] * m2[0] + m1[7] * m2[3] + m1[8] * m2[6], m1[6] * m2[1] + m1[7] * m2[4] + m1[8] * m2[7], m1[6] * m2[2] + m1[7] * m2[5] + m1[8] * m2[8]] };
matrix3x3.prototype.transform = function(tx, ty, tz)
{ return {x:tx*this.m[0]+ty*this.m[1]+tz*this.m[2], y:tx*this.m[3]+ty*this.m[4]+tz*this.m[5], z:tx*this.m[6]+ty*this.m[7]+tz*this.m[8]};
var nmes = [];
function SetupNMEs()
{ for (var i=0; i<maxNMEs; i++) { var nme = new NME(); nme.randomize(0); nmes.push(nme); }
function UpdateNMEs()
{ for (var i=0; i<nmes.length; i++) { nmes[i].pos.x = modulo( nmes[i].pos.x + nmes[i].vel.x * nmes[i].speed ); nmes[i].pos.y = modulo( nmes[i].pos.y + nmes[i].vel.y * nmes[i].speed ); nmes[i].pos.z = modulo( nmes[i].pos.z + nmes[i].vel.z * nmes[i].speed ); }
// nme objects
function NME()
{ this.pos = {x:0, y:0, z:0}; this.rot = {y:0, p:0, r:0}; this.vel = {x:0, y:0, z:0}; this.speed = 0; this.damage = 0; this.type = 0; // 0 = fighter, 1 = cruiser, 2 = basestar
NME.prototype.randomize = function(type)
{ this.pos.x = Math.random()*localSpaceCubed; this.pos.y = Math.random()*localSpaceCubed; this.pos.z = Math.random()*localSpaceCubed; this.vel.x = Math.random()*2-1; this.vel.y = Math.random()*2-1; this.vel.z = Math.random()*2-1; this.speed = 1.2;
// depth modulo fucntion. custom
function modulo(a)
{ // depth range is 1024 const b = 1024;	return a-b * Math.floor(a/b);
// board pieces
function GetBoardPiece(x, y, useKnown)
{ if (useKnown) { for (var i=0; i<boardPieces.length; i++) { if (boardPieces[i].lastknown.x == x && boardPieces[i].lastknown.y==y) return i; } } else { for (var i=0; i<boardPieces.length; i++) { if (boardPieces[i].location.x == x && boardPieces[i].location.y==y) return i; } } return -1;
function GetBoardPieceScreen(sx, sy, lastKnown)
{ x = Math.floor(sx/mapScale.x) - 1; y = Math.floor(sy/mapScale.y) - 1; return GetBoardPiece(x, y, lastKnown);
// creates a piece
function BoardPiece(x, y, type)
{ this.init(x, y, type);
// initializer
BoardPiece.prototype.init = function(fx, fy, type)
{ // type 0 = base // type 1 = patrol // type 2 = group // type 3 = fleet // status = 0 dead // status = 1 alive this.type = type; this.laststate = 0; this.lastknown = {x:fx, y:fy}; this.location = {x:fx, y:fy}; this.status = 2; this.moveRate = type==3 ? 8 : type; this.nextMove = this.moveRate; this.numTargets = type==0 ? 0 : type+1;
// render pieces
BoardPiece.prototype.render = function(x, y, radius)
{ var trailRad2 = radius*radius*0.25; var leadRad2 = radius*radius*4; var pos = this.screen(this.lastknown.x, this.lastknown.y); var dx = pos.x - x; var dy = pos.y - y; var distance2 = dx*dx+dy*dy; var fade=1;	if (distance2<leadRad2) // update lastknow { fade = (distance2 - trailRad2) / (leadRad2-trailRad2); if (fade>0 && this.laststate!=0) { this.drawitem(pos, fade); } } else if (this.laststate!=0) { this.drawitem(pos, 1); } var pos2 = this.screen(this.location.x, this.location.y); var dx2 = pos2.x-x; var dy2 = pos2.y-y; var distance22 = dx2*dx2+dy2*dy2; if (distance22<leadRad2 && this.status>0) // update lastkno { fade = ((distance22 - trailRad2) / (leadRad2-trailRad2))+1.0; this.drawitem(pos2, fade); } else if (this.status == 1) { this.drawitem(pos2, fade); }
// update to known location
BoardPiece.prototype.updateKnowns = function()
{ if(this.status==2) this.status=1; this.lastknown.x = this.location.x; this.lastknown.y = this.location.y; this.laststate = this.status;
// game piece movement logic - pretty rough randomizer
BoardPiece.prototype.move = function(gameCycle)
{ this.updateKnowns(); // scale game cycle time (radar beats every 10s) aiCycle = Math.floor(gameCycle/cycleScalar); if (this.nextMove<=aiCycle && this.type > 0) // new position except bases { var x, y; var target = boardPieces[targetBase].location; // bee-line var dx = target.x - this.location.x; var dy = target.y - this.location.y; x = Math.max(Math.min(dx, 1), -1) + this.location.x; y = Math.max(Math.min(dy, 1), -1) + this.location.y; var p = GetBoardPiece(x, y); if ((p>=0 || x<0 || y<0 || x>=galaxyMapSize.x || y>=galaxyMapSize.y) && p.type!=0) { if (dx==0) x = Math.floor(Math.random()*2)*2-1 + this.location.x; else y = Math.floor(Math.random()*2)*2-1 + this.location.y; p = GetBoardPiece(x, y); // off board or occupied if (p>=0 || x<0 || y<0 || x>=galaxyMapSize.x || y>=galaxyMapSize.y) return; } // update movement time this.nextMove += this.moveRate; this.location.x = x; this.location.y = y; this.status = 2; }
// help functoin to convert from map to screen space
BoardPiece.prototype.screen = function(x, y)
{ return {x:x*mapScale.x+mapScale.x*1.5, y:y*mapScale.y+mapScale.y*1.5};
// DRAW Board piece item with label text
BoardPiece.prototype.drawitem = function( pos, fading)
{ var ascii = ["starbase", "patrol", "group", "fleet"];	var light = (fading-1)*255; light = Math.floor(Math.max(Math.min(light, 255), 0)); font = fontsize + (((fading-1.5)*40)); if (this.status < 2 || fading <=1.5) font = fontsize; font*=0.75; context.globalAlpha = fading>1 ? 1.0: fading; context.font = font + 'pt Calibri'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb('+light+',255,'+light+')'; context.textAlign = "center"; context.fillText(ascii[this.type], pos.x, pos.y+font*1.5); pos.y-=font; switch(this.type) { case 0: // base context.beginPath(); context.arc(pos.x, pos.y, font, 0, Math.PI, true); context.moveTo(pos.x+font, pos.y); context.quadraticCurveTo(pos.x, pos.y+font*0.75, pos.x-font, pos.y); context.fill(); context.strokeStyle='#80ff80'; context.stroke(); break; case 1: // patrol fighter context.beginPath(); context.arc(pos.x, pos.y, font*0.75, 0, Math.PI*2, false); context.fill(); context.moveTo(pos.x-font, pos.y-font); context.lineTo(pos.x-font, pos.y+font); context.moveTo(pos.x+font, pos.y-font); context.lineTo(pos.x+font, pos.y+font); context.strokeStyle='#80ff80'; context.stroke(); break; case 2: // group cruiser context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(pos.x-font, pos.y); context.lineTo(pos.x-font/2, pos.y-font/2); context.lineTo(pos.x+font*2, pos.y); context.lineTo(pos.x-font/2, pos.y+font/2); context.closePath(); context.fill(); context.lineTo(pos.x+font*2, pos.y); context.strokeStyle='#80ff80'; context.stroke(); context.beginPath(); context.arc(pos.x-font*1.5, pos.y-font*0.9, font*0.25, 0, Math.PI*2, false); context.arc(pos.x-font*2, pos.y+font*0.75, font*0.25, 0, Math.PI*2, false); context.fill(); break; case 3: // fleet / basestar context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(pos.x-font, pos.y-font/2); context.quadraticCurveTo(pos.x, pos.y-font, pos.x+font, pos.y-font/2); context.lineTo(pos.x-font, pos.y+font/2); context.quadraticCurveTo(pos.x, pos.y+font, pos.x+font, pos.y+font/2); context.closePath(); context.fill(); context.strokeStyle='#80ff80'; context.stroke(); break; }
function CountHostiles(loc)
{ var count = 0; for (var i=-1; i<2; i++) { for (var j=-1; j<2; j++) { var p = GetBoardPiece(loc.x+i, loc.y+j); if (p>=0 && p.type!=0) count++; } } return count;
function BoardSetup()
{ // clear board targetBase = 0; boardPieces = []; var x, y, border = 1; for (var i =0; i<4; i++) // types { for (var j=0; j<4; j++) // counts { do { x = Math.floor(Math.random() * (galaxyMapSize.x-border*2))+border; y = Math.floor(Math.random() * (galaxyMapSize.y-border*2))+border; var p = GetBoardPiece(x, y); } while(p>=0); boardPieces.push(new BoardPiece(x, y, i)); } border = 0; }
function SetShipLocation(x, y)
{ shipLocation.x = Math.floor(x); shipLocation.y = Math.floor(y); shipPosition.x = x; shipPosition.y = y;
function SetWarpPoint(x, y, lock)
{ if (warpLocked == true && lock == false) return; warpLocked = lock; warpLocation.x = x; warpLocation.y = y; warpAnim = 0;
function ClearWarpPoint()
{ warpLocked = false;
// many thanks to http://www.sonic.net/~nbs/star-raiders/docs/v.html
var distanceTable =[100,130,160,200,230,500,700,800,900,1200,1250,1300,1350,1400,1550,1700,1840,2000,2080,2160,2230,2320,2410, 2500,9999];
function ShipCalculateWarpEnergy(sx, sy)
{ // convert sx and sy into board-coords var x = (sx/mapScale.x) - 1; var y = (sy/mapScale.y) - 1; var dx = shipPosition.x - x; var dy = shipPosition.y - y; // location var distance = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); var di = Math.floor(distance); if (di>23) di=23; var energy = distanceTable[di]; energy+= (distanceTable[di+1]-energy) * (distance-di); return Math.floor(energy);
// asteriods
var asteriods = [];
function SetupAsteriods()
{ asteriods = []; for (var i=0; i<maxAsteriods; i++) { asteriods.push(new Asteriod()) }
function Asteriod()
{ this.init();
Asteriod.prototype.init = function()
{ this.x = Math.random()*localSpaceCubed; this.y = Math.random()*localSpaceCubed; this.z = Math.random()*localSpaceCubed;
// initialization
function init()
{ // setup canvas and context	canvas = document.getElementById('test');	context = canvas.getContext('2d'); // set canvas to be window dimensions resize(); // create event listeners canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove); canvas.addEventListener('click', mouseClick); canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseDown); canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseUp); window.addEventListener('resize', resize); // initialze variables SetShipLocation(galaxyMapSize.x*0.5, galaxyMapSize.y*0.5); // initial ping shipPing.x = shipPosition.x; shipPing.y = shipPosition.y; // buttons SetupButtons(); // populate map BoardSetup(); // populate local space SetupAsteriods(); SetupNMEs();	var d = new Date(); gameStart = d.getTime(); // testing this PressButton("Long Range");
// long range scan
var shipPhi = 0.0;
var shipTheta = 0;
var strobe = 0;
function renderLongRangeScanner()
{ var radius = lrScale.x<lrScale.y ? lrScale.x : lrScale.y; context.beginPath(); context.arc(centreX, centreY, radius/2, 0, Math.PI*2.0, 0); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,64,0,0.5)'; context.fill(); context.beginPath(); context.arc(centreX, centreY, radius/2, 0, Math.PI*2.0, 0); context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,255,0,0.5)'; context.linewidth = 1; context.stroke(); context.beginPath(); context.arc(centreX, centreY, radius/8, 0, Math.PI*2.0, 0); context.stroke(); context.beginPath(); context.arc(centreX, centreY, radius/2, Math.PI*8.5/6, Math.PI*9.5/6, false); context.lineTo(centreX, centreY); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,64,0,0.5)'; for (var a=1; a<8; a++) { context.beginPath(); context.arc(centreX, centreY, (a/8) * radius*0.5, Math.PI*8.5/6, Math.PI*9.5/6, 0); context.stroke(); } // render asteriods
// localPosition.x+=2;
// localPosition.y+=1;
// localPosition.y+=10; var cphi = Math.cos(shipPhi); var sphi = Math.sin(shipPhi); var ctheta = Math.cos(shipTheta); var stheta = Math.sin(shipTheta); var s = radius/canvas.width; // I think a matrix is now going to be faster.. for (var i=0; i<asteriods.length; i++) { var x = modulo(localPosition.x - asteriods[i].x)-512; var y = modulo(localPosition.y - asteriods[i].y)-512; var z = modulo(localPosition.z - asteriods[i].z)-512; var t = orientation.transform(x,y,z); var depth = focalPoint*5 / ((t.z + 1000) +1); var sz = 4 * depth; // draw a blob var grey = Math.floor(depth*128); context.beginPath(); context.rect(t.x*depth*s+centreX, t.y*depth*s+centreY, sz, sz); context.fillStyle = 'rgba('+grey+','+grey+','+grey+',1)'; context.fill(); } strobe+=1; for (var i=0; i<nmes.length; i++) { var x = modulo(localPosition.x - nmes[i].pos.x)-512; var y = modulo(localPosition.y - nmes[i].pos.y)-512; var z = modulo(localPosition.z - nmes[i].pos.z)-512; var t = orientation.transform(x,y,z); var depth = focalPoint*5 / ((t.z + 1000) +1); var sz = 6 * depth; // draw a blob var red = Math.floor(depth*128); context.beginPath(); context.rect(t.x*depth*s+centreX, t.y*depth*s+centreY, sz, sz); context.fillStyle = 'rgba('+red+','+red*(strobe&4)+','+red*(strobe&8)+',1)'; context.fill(); }
// context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)';
// context.fill(); // render targets
// galactic scan
function renderGalacticScanner()
{ var scaleX = mapScale.x; var scaleY = mapScale.y; context.beginPath(); for (var i=0; i<=galaxyMapSize.x; i++) { context.moveTo(scaleX*(i+1), scaleY); context.lineTo(scaleX*(i+1), scaleY*(galaxyMapSize.y+1)); } context.strokeStyle = '#c0c0c0'; context.lineWidth = 4; context.stroke(); context.beginPath(); for (var j=0; j<=galaxyMapSize.y; j++) { context.moveTo(scaleX, scaleY*(j+1)); context.lineTo(scaleX*(galaxyMapSize.x+1), scaleY*(j+1)); } context.strokeStyle = '#c0c0c0'; context.lineWidth = 4; context.stroke(); // ping every 5 seconds var d = new Date(); var currentTime = d.getTime(); var distance = ((currentTime - gameStart)%10000)/10000; pingRadius = distance * canvas.width/2; context.globalCompositeOperation='source-over'; var shipX = shipPing.x * scaleX + scaleX; var shipY = shipPing.y * scaleY + scaleY; // update map with locations of ships for (var b=0; b<boardPieces.length; b++) {	// fade in and out board pieces as the ping passes over them	boardPieces[b].render(shipX, shipY, pingRadius); } context.globalCompositeOperation='lighter'; context.globalAlpha = 1; context.beginPath(); var gradient = context.createRadialGradient(shipX, shipY, pingRadius*0.5, shipX, shipY, pingRadius*2); gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(128, 255, 128,0)'); gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(128, 255, 128,'+(1-distance)+')'); context.fillStyle = gradient; context.arc(shipX, shipY, pingRadius*2, Math.PI*2, false); context.fill(); // render hyperspace location context.beginPath(); clampX = Math.max(Math.min(warpLocation.x, scaleX*(galaxyMapSize.x+1)), scaleX); clampY = Math.max(Math.min(warpLocation.y, scaleY*(galaxyMapSize.y+1)), scaleY); context.moveTo(clampX, scaleY) context.lineTo(clampX, scaleY*(galaxyMapSize.y+1)); context.moveTo(scaleX, clampY); context.lineTo(scaleX*(galaxyMapSize.x+1), clampY); if (warpLocked) { warpAnim=(warpAnim+1)%(Math.sqrt(scaleX*scaleX+scaleY*scaleY)*0.5); context.arc(clampX, clampY, warpAnim, 0, Math.PI*2, false); } context.strokeStyle = '#c0ffc0'; context.lineWidth = 1; context.stroke();
// input functions
function mouseMove(event)
{	var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();	mouseX = event.clientX - rect.left;	mouseY = event.clientY - rect.top; SetWarpPoint(mouseX, mouseY, false); if (event.which&1 && dragging) { DragEvent(event); }
function mouseDown(event)
{ console.log("mousedown" + event.which); if (event.which&1) { dragging = true; DragEventStart(event); }
function mouseUp(event)
{ if (event.which&1 && dragging) { DragEventDone(event); }
function mouseClick()
{ var scaleX = mapScale.x; var scaleY = mapScale.y; var x = (mouseX/scaleX)-1; var y = (mouseY/scaleY)-1; //SetShipLocation(x, y); buttonpressed = CheckButtons(mouseX, mouseY); if (buttonpressed) return; // lock in warp point if (overlayMode == eGalacticScanner) { if (!warpLocked) SetWarpPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true); else ClearWarpPoint(); }
function resize()
{ canvas.width = window.innerWidth; canvas.height = window.innerHeight; // compute centre of screen centreX = canvas.width/2; centreY = canvas.height/2; fontsize = 21; // resize font based on canvas size mapScale.x = canvas.width/(galaxyMapSize.x+2); mapScale.y = canvas.height/(galaxyMapSize.y+2); border.x = mapScale.x; border.y = mapScale.y; lrScale.x = canvas.width*16/18; lrScale.y = canvas.height*16/18; do { fontsize-=0.1; context.font = fontsize + 'pt Calibri'; var fits = context.measureText('group'); }while((fits.width+20>mapScale.x || mapScale.y<fontsize*4) && fontsize >5); // reset buttons SetupButtons();
function renderInformation()
{ switch (overlayMode) { case eGalacticScanner: renderGalaxyInformation(); break; case eLongRange: renderLongRangeInformation(); break; }
function renderGalaxyInformation()
{ var scaleX = mapScale.x; var scaleY = mapScale.y; var i = GetBoardPieceScreen(mouseX, mouseY); var targets = 'empty'; if (i>0) { targets = boardPieces[i].numTargets; if (targets == 0) targets = 'starbase'; } context.globalAlpha = 1.0; context.font = '20pt Calibri'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,255,0)'; context.textAlign = "left"; context.fillText('Targets: ' + targets, mapScale.x, canvas.height-15); var fuel = ShipCalculateWarpEnergy(mouseX, mouseY); context.font = '20pt Calibri'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,255,0)'; context.textAlign = "center"; context.fillText('Warp Energy: ' + fuel, canvas.width/2, canvas.height-15); if (warpLocked) { var clampX = Math.max(Math.min(warpLocation.x, mapScale.x*(galaxyMapSize.x+1)), mapScale.x); var clampY = Math.max(Math.min(warpLocation.y, mapScale.y*(galaxyMapSize.y+1)), mapScale.y); var fuel = ShipCalculateWarpEnergy(clampX, clampY); context.textAlign = "centre"; context.font = '11pt Calibri'; context.fillText('Energy: ' + fuel, clampX, clampY-12); } var x = shipPosition.x*scaleX+scaleX; var y = shipPosition.y*scaleY+scaleY; renderIconShip(x, y, fontsize); context.globalAlpha = 1.0; context.font = '20pt Calibri'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,255,255)'; context.textAlign = "center"; context.fillText('Galactic Scanner', canvas.width/2, 30);
function renderLongRangeInformation()
{ context.globalAlpha = 1.0; renderIconShip(centreX, centreY, 10); context.globalAlpha = 1.0; context.font = '20pt Calibri'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,255,255)'; context.textAlign = "center"; context.fillText('Long Range Scanner', canvas.width/2, 20); context.font = '14pt Calibri'; context.fillText('(hold left mouse down and DRAG to YAW and PITCH ship)', canvas.width/2, canvas.height-5);
function renderIconShip(posx, posy, scale)
{ // render our ship var x = posx; var y = posy; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,255,0)'; context.beginPath(); context.arc(x, y, scale*0.5, 0, Math.PI*2); context.fill(); context.moveTo(x, y-scale*1.5); context.lineTo(x-scale, y+scale*1.5); context.lineTo(x, y); context.lineTo(x+scale, y+scale*1.5); context.closePath(); context.fill();
function renderStarDate()
{ var d = new Date(); var currentTime = d.getTime(); var gameTime = currentTime - gameStart; var decimalTime = gameTime / 60000; context.font = '20pt Calibri'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,255,0)'; context.textAlign = "right"; leadingzero = decimalTime<10 ? '0':''; context.fillText('StarDate: ' + leadingzero + decimalTime.toFixed(2), canvas.width-mapScale.x, canvas.height-15);
// rendering functions
function render()
{ context.fillStyle = 'black'; context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); switch (overlayMode) { case eGalacticScanner: renderGalacticScanner(); break; case eLongRange: renderLongRangeScanner(); break; } renderInformation(); renderStarDate(); RenderButtons();
// movement functions
function update()
{ var d = new Date(); var currentTime = d.getTime(); var gameCycle = Math.floor((currentTime - gameStart)/10000); if (gameCycle!=lastCycle) { for (var b=0; b<boardPieces.length; b++) { boardPieces[b].move(gameCycle); } shipPing.x = shipPosition.x; shipPing.y = shipPosition.y; } lastCycle = gameCycle; // check starbase health and trigger destruction var base = boardPieces[targetBase]; var count = CountHostiles(base.location); if (count>=4) // trigger kaboom { if (base.nextMove==0) base.nextMove = gameCycle + 2; if (base.nextMove<gameCycle) { targetBase++; base.status = 0; boardPieces.push(new BoardPiece(base.location.x, base.location.y, 1)); } } else { base.nextMove = 0; } if (targetBase == 4 ) // zylons win { BoardSetup(); } UpdateShipControls(); UpdateNMEs();
// per frame tick functions
var previousTime = 0;
var currentTime = 0;
var freqHz = 0.016666;
function animate()
{ // compute frequency frameCount++; currentTime = new Date().getTime(); if (previousTime) freqHz = (currentTime - previousTime)/1000.0; previousTime = new Date().getTime(); // movement update update(); // render update render(); // trigger next frame requestAnimationFrame(animate);
// array to hold all buttons
var buttons = [];
// setup buttons
function SetupButtons()
{ // erase old buttons buttons = []; var b = border; var ms = mapScale; new Button(b.x*0.05, b.y*1.2, b.x*0.8, ms.y*0.6, "Long Range", SwitchToLongRange); new Button(b.x*0.05, b.y*2.2, b.x*0.8, ms.y*0.6, "Galaxy Chart", SwitchToGalaxyChart); new Button(b.x*0.05, b.y*3.2, b.x*0.8, ms.y*0.6, "Warp", ToggleWarp); new Button(b.x*0.05, b.y*4.2, b.x*0.8, ms.y*0.6, "Shields", ToggleShields); new Button(b.x*0.05, b.y*5.2, b.x*0.8, ms.y*0.6, "Target Comp", ToggleTargetComp); new Slider(ms.x*16, b.y, b.x, ms.y*6,10, true, 10, "throttle", SetThrottle);
// checks hits against the button list
function CheckButtons(x, y)
{ var buttonhit=false; for (var i=0; i<buttons.length; i++) { buttonhit |= buttons[i].hit(x,y); } return buttonhit;
// renders the buttons
function RenderButtons()
{ for (var i=0; i<buttons.length; i++) { buttons[i].render(); }
function ClearButtonState(name)
{ for (var i=0; i<buttons.length; i++) { if (name == buttons[i].name) { buttons[i].state = 0; } }
// debug function to emumlate button presses
function PressButton(name)
{ for (var i=0; i<buttons.length; i++) { if (name == buttons[i].name) { buttons[i].callback(buttons[i]); } }
function Button(x, y, w, h, name, callback)
{ this.hitX = 0; this.hitY = 0; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.w = w; this.h = h; this.name = name; this.callback = callback; this.state = 0; // add button to stack buttons.push(this);
Button.prototype.render = function()
{ // generate 8 points for the 3d button /* var x1 = this.x; var x2 = this.x+this.w; var y1 = this.y*2; var y2 = this.y*2+this.h; var z1 = 0; var z2 = 20; var b = 10; var coordinates = [x1, y1, z1, x2, y1, z1, x2, y2, z1, x1, y2, z1, x1-b, y1-b, z2, x2+b, y1-b, z2, x2+b, y2+b, z2, x1-b, y2+b, z2]; var transforms = []; var hud = new matrix3x3(); hud.rotateX(-Math.PI*0.25); var temp = new matrix3x3(); temp.rotateZ(-Math.PI*0.25); hud.clone(hud.multiply(temp)); for (var i=0; i<8; i++) { var x = coordinates[i*3+0]; var y = coordinates[i*3+1]; var z = coordinates[i*3+2]; var t = hud.transform(x,y,z); var depth = focalPoint*4/ ((t.z +focalDepth*20) +1); transforms[i] = {x:t.x*depth, y:t.y*depth}; } var polys = [3,2,1,0, 0,1,5,4, 1,2,6,5, 2,3,7,6, 3,0,4,7, 4,5,6,7]; for (var i=0; i<5; i++) { var c0 = transforms[polys[i*4+0]]; var c1 = transforms[polys[i*4+1]]; var c2 = transforms[polys[i*4+2]]; var c3 = transforms[polys[i*4+3]]; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(c0.x, c0.y); context.lineTo(c1.x, c1.y); context.lineTo(c2.x, c2.y); context.lineTo(c3.x, c3.y); context.closePath(); // cross product var dx1 = c1.x-c0.x; var dx2 = c1.x-c2.x; var dy1 = c1.y-c0.y; var dy2 = c1.y-c2.y; var cross = dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1; var shade = Math.floor(cross*0.25); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,'+shade+',0,0.5)'; context.fill(); context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(192,255,192,0.5)'; context.stroke(); } */ // fill a rect context.beginPath(); context.rect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h); if (this.state==0) context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'; else context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 128, 0, 0.5)'; context.fill(); context.lineWidth = 2; context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(120, 240, 120, 0.5)'; context.stroke(); context.moveTo(this.x, this.y); context.font = '10pt Calibri'; context.fillStyle = 'rgba(127,255,127, 1)'; context.textAlign = "center"; context.fillText(this.name, this.x+this.w/2, this.y+this.h-9);
Button.prototype.hit = function(x, y)
{ if (x>=this.x && x<this.x+this.w && y>this.y && y<this.y+this.h) { // hit this.callback(this); return true; } return false;
function SwitchToLongRange(button)
{ console.log("switching to long range"); if (overlayMode == eLongRange) overlayMode = eNone; else overlayMode = eLongRange; button.state = overlayMode == eLongRange; ClearButtonState("Galaxy Chart");
function SwitchToGalaxyChart(button)
{ console.log("switching to galatic range"); if (overlayMode == eGalacticScanner) overlayMode = eNone; else overlayMode = eGalacticScanner; button.state = overlayMode == eGalacticScanner; ClearButtonState("Long Range");
function ToggleWarp(button)
{ button.state^=1;
function ToggleShields(button)
{ button.state^=1;
function ToggleTargetComp(button)
{ button.state^=1;
function Slider(x, y, w, h, marks, vert, range,name, callback)
{ this.hitX = 0; this.hitY = 0; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.w = w; this.h = h; this.marks = marks; this.range = range; this.vertical = vert; this.name = name; this.callback = callback; this.state = 0; this.value = 0; // add button to stack buttons.push(this);
Slider.prototype.render = function()
{ // fill a rect context.beginPath(); context.rect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h); if (this.state==0) context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'; else context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 128, 0, 0.5)'; context.fill(); context.lineWidth = 2; context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(120, 240, 120, 0.5)'; context.stroke(); var offset = this.value/this.range; context.beginPath(); context.rect(this.x-10, this.y+this.h-offset*this.h, this.w+20, -this.h/this.range); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 128, 0, 0.5)'; context.fill(); context.moveTo(this.x, this.y); context.font = '10pt Calibri'; context.fillStyle = 'rgba(127,255,127, 1)'; context.textAlign = "center"; context.fillText(this.name, this.x+this.w/2, this.y+this.h-9);
Slider.prototype.hit = function(x, y)
{ if (x>=this.x && x<this.x+this.w && y>this.y && y<this.y+this.h) { // hit if (this.vertical) { this.value = (this.y+this.h - y) / this.h * this.range; } else { this.value = (this.x+this.w - x) / this.w * this.range; } console.log(this.value); this.callback(this); return true; } return false;
// flight controls
var dragStart = {x:0,y:0};
var dragging = false;
var dragCurr = {x:0, y:0};
var dragmatrix = new matrix3x3();
function DragEvent(event)
{ dragCurr.x = event.clientX; dragCurr.y = event.clientY;
function DragEventStart(event)
{ dragStart.x = event.clientX; dragStart.y = event.clientY; dragCurr.x = event.clientX; dragCurr.y = event.clientY; dragmatrix.clone(orientation); shipPhi = 0; shipTheta = 0; dragging = true;
function DragEventDone(event)
{ dragging =false;
var rotateVelocity = 0;
var pitchVelocity = 0;
var shipVelocity = 0;
var shipThrottle = 0;
var shipVelocityEnergy = 0;
function UpdateShipControls()
{ var rotationForce = (dragCurr.x - dragStart.x) / canvas.width; var pitchForce = (dragCurr.y - dragStart.y) / canvas.height; if (dragging==true) { rotateVelocity+=rotationForce; pitchVelocity+=pitchForce; } rotateVelocity*=0.9; pitchVelocity*=0.9; shipTheta+=(pitchVelocity*Math.PI*0.5) / 60; shipPhi+=(rotateVelocity*Math.PI*0.5) / 60; // build rotation matrix var rx = new matrix3x3(); var rz = new matrix3x3(); rz.rotateZ(shipPhi); rx.rotateX(shipTheta); orientation.clone( rz.multiply(rx.multiply(dragmatrix)) ); // move along direction of rotation var speed = shipVelocity * freqHz; localPosition.x += orientation.m[3]*speed; localPosition.y += orientation.m[4]*speed; localPosition.z += orientation.m[5]*speed; }
// throttle + energy
var throttleTable = [0, 0.3, 0.75, 1.5, 3, 6, 12, 25, 37, 43 ];
var throttleEnergy = [0, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 7.5, 11.25, 15];
function SetThrottle(slider)
{ throttle = Math.round(slider.value); shipVelocity = throttleTable[throttle]; shipVelocityEnergy = throttleEnergy[throttle];
// entry point
Old school rotation and projection - Script Codes
Old school rotation and projection - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Andi Smithers
Username Bolloxim
Uploaded November 21, 2022
Rating 3
Size 10,874 Kb
Views 14,168
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