SCSS Unit Conversion v.2.1.2

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Convert anything (almost)

At the moment the following units are supported (please comment if something is wrong/missing):

px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, em, rem, ex, ch, vw, vh, vmin, vmax, deg, rad, grad, turn, dpi, dpcm, dppx, s, ms, hz, khz, number, ratio

Simple syntax

Rather than going with the "good" old fromUnit-to-toUnit(fromUnit) syntax this function set is based on toUnit(fromUnit) making it a lot shorter and less cumbersome to maintain – as shown below :-)

pt-to-px(input); pc-to-px(input); in-to-px(input); mm-to-px(input); ==> px(input); cm-to-px(input); em-to-px(input); rem-to-px(input); num-to-px(input);


To allow conversion between relative and absolute lengths em and rem are calculated as pixel values based on base-font-size (16px browser default). If you change the base font size of your document – remember to set the $base-font-size variable accordingly.

To ease the job of handling compounds the em function takes multiple arguments. Each argument is treated as an em compound and used to calculate the visual size.

Example – how to set a visual size of 18px on a class nested in an element with a font-size of 2em:

.class { font-size: em(18px, 2em); ==> 0.5625em; }

If you use unit conversion in relation to the font shorthand syntax be aware that line-height "/" will cause division. To prevent this from happening you can either either interpolate the value or use + to add the pieces together without calculation:

h2 { font:300 #{em(24px)}/3 'Lato', sans-serif; }


// ____________________________________________________________________________ // // Unit Conversion v.2.1.2 // ____________________________________________________________________________ // // Function Input units // // Absolute length // px(input); px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, em, rem, number // pt(input); px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, em, rem, number // pc(input); px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, em, rem, number // in(input); px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, em, rem, number // mm(input); px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, em, rem, number // cm(input); px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, em, rem, number // // Relative length // em(input); px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, em, rem, number // rem(input); px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, em, rem, number // ex(input); ex, number // ch(input); ch, number // vw(input); vw, number // vh(input); vh, number // vmin(input); vmin, number // vmax(input); vmax, number // // Angle // deg(input); deg, rad, grad, turn, number // rad(input); deg, rad, grad, turn, number // grad(input); deg, rad, grad, turn, number // turn(input); deg, rad, grad, turn, number // // Resolution // dpi(input); dpi, dpcm, dppx, number // dpcm(input); dpi, dpcm, dppx, number // dppx(input); dpi, dpcm, dppx, number // // Time // s(input); s, ms, number // ms(input); s, ms, number // // Frequency // hz(input); hz, khz, number // khz(input); hz, khz, number // // String // str(input); anything not null // // Number, int and uint // num(input); px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, em, rem, ex, ch, // vw, vh, vmin, vmax, deg, rad, grad, turn, // dpi, dpcm, dppx, s, ms, hz, khz, number // int(input); as number // uint(input); as number // // ratio number to fraction // // Aliases // string(input); // number(input); // // ____________________________________________________________________________ // Base font size in pixel for converting em and rem to absolute lengths. $base-font-size: 16px !default; // Absolute lengths @function px($input){ @return to-unit(px, $input); } @function pt($input){ @return to-unit(pt, $input); } @function pc($input){ @return to-unit(pc, $input); } @function in($input){ @return to-unit(in, $input); } @function mm($input){ @return to-unit(mm, $input); } @function cm($input){ @return to-unit(cm, $input); } // Angles @function deg($input){ @return to-unit(deg, $input); } @function rad($input){ @return to-unit(rad, $input); } @function grad($input){ @return to-unit(grad, $input); } @function turn($input){ @return to-unit(turn, $input); } // Resolution @function dpi($input){ @return to-unit(dpi, $input); } @function dpcm($input){ @return to-unit(dpcm, $input); } @function dppx($input){ @return to-unit(dppx, $input); } // Time @function ms($input){ @return to-unit(ms, $input); } @function s($input){ @return to-unit(s, $input); } // Frequencies @function hz($input){ @return to-unit(hz, $input);} @function khz($input){ @return to-unit(khz, $input); } // Relative lengths @function em($input...){ $em: to-unit(em, nth($input,1)); // Adjust for compounds (visual size) @if length($input) > 1 { @for $i from 2 through length($input){ $em: $em / num(em(nth($input,$i))); } } @return $em; } @function rem($input){ @return to-unit(rem, num(em($input))); } // Inconvertible relative lengths – depends on font @function ex($input){ @return to-unit(ex, $input); } @function ch($input){ @return to-unit(ch, $input); } // Viewport @function vw($input){ @return to-unit(vw, $input); } @function vh($input){ @return to-unit(vh, $input); } @function vmin($input){ @return to-unit(vmin, $input); } @function vmax($input){ @return to-unit(vmax, $input); } // Strings and numbers @function str($input){ @return #{$input}; } @function num($input){ @if type-of($input) != number { @error 'Could not convert `#{$input}` - must be `type-of number`'; @return null; } @return $input/($input*0+1); } @function int($input){ $num: num($input); @return if($num<0, ceil($num), floor($num)); } @function uint($input){ @return abs(int($input)); } // Aliases @function string($input){ @return str($input);} @function number($input){ @return num($input);} // Conversion function @function to-unit($unit, $input){ // Test against valid CSS units $to-unit: map-get(( px: 0px, pt: 0pt, pc: 0pc, in: 0in, mm: 0mm, cm: 0cm, // absolute length em: 0em, rem: 0rem, ch: 0ch, ex: 0ex, // relative length - font based vw: 0vw, vh: 0vh, vmin: 0vmin, vmax: 0vmax, // relative length - viewport based deg: 0deg, turn: 0turn, grad: 0grad, rad: 0rad, // angle s: 0s, ms: 0ms, // time hz: 0Hz, khz: 0kHz, // frequency dpi: 0dpi, dpcm: 0dpcm, dppx: 0dppx, // resolution pct: 0%, percent: 0%, num: 0, number: 0 // percent or number ), $unit); // Error handling – wrong $unit // Incomparable units are caught in convertion @if not $to-unit { @error 'Could not convert to `#{$unit}` – must be a valid CSS unit'; @return null; } // Number/incomparable conversion @if index(num number ex ch vw vh vmin vmax, $unit) { $value: num($input); } // EM/REM convertion using px as base @if index(em rem, unit($input)) { $input: 0px + num($input) * $base-font-size/1px; } @if index(em rem, $unit) and not unitless($input) { $input: 0px + $input; $input: num($input) * 1px/$base-font-size; } // Bug fix – resolution units seems to be flipped @if index(dpi dpcm dppx, $unit){ $units: (dppx: 0dppx, dpcm: 0dpcm, dpi: 0dpi); $input-unit: map-get($units, unit($input)); $input: if(1dppx < 95dpi,num($input-unit + (num($input) + $to-unit)),$input); } // Convert @return $to-unit + $input; } // Convert number to ratio (fraction) // ratio(1.7777778) => 16/9 @function ratio($x, $y: null){ @if not $y { $n: $x; $y: 1; @while $y < 10 { $x: $n * 10 - ((10 - $y) * $n); @if $x == round($x){ @return #{$x}/#{$y}; } @else { $y: $y + 1; } } $x: round($n * 1000000); $y: 1000000; @while $x % 10 == 0 { $x: $x/10; $y: $y/10; } @while $x % 5 == 0 { $x: $x/5; $y: $y/5; } @while $x % 2 == 0 { $x: $x/2; $y: $y/2; } @return #{$x}/#{$y}; } @else if $x == round($x) and $y == round($y){ @return #{$x}/#{$y}; } @warn 'X and Y must be integers'; @return false; }