Brutalism Web Design School

Create web designs that get back to the basics by using Brutalist principles. Find out what natural resources are available to you and how you can implement them on your site.


The awesome news is that HTML5 is responsive without having to do anything to it. That's right: no media queries necessary. It's when we start messing with HTML that it becomes unresponsive. Ridiculous, no?

You can apply margins and max-widths through inline CSS if you want, but it's not necessary for the site to look good on a mobile device.


Here is a list of websafe fonts that are able to be used by any browser without an external call or extra overhead:

Serif Fonts

Sans-Serif Fonts

Monospace Fonts

Example usage:

< p style="font-family: [copy and past here from the lists above];" >Some Text here< /p>


< p style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;" >Some Text here< /p>


Some Text here


There are a huge number of colors available for you to use. Add color to your HTML sites in one of three ways. The first is by using a color name, which is easier to remember than a bunch of numbers. Here are the 140 supported names you can use.

A second way to use color is through RGB values. That stands for Red, Green, Blue. By mixing these values together, you can achieve amazing color combinations.

The last way is also the most classic way to enter color information into your website: use the hexadecimal code for the color you want. This is a 6-digit code prefixed with a "#". For example, the color "white" has a hex code of #ffffff.

Check out this great color picker to choose hex codes or RGB colors


Images are great, aren't they? Of course you can use images. Brutalism doesn't mean the absence of design or heading back into the Stone Age. It's merely a stripping away of the unnecessaries. So before you put that image on there, decide about its necessity, that's all. If it supports or helps the user, add it with an image tag. There are several options for images (even image maps!)--learn more about HTML images here.


JavaScript (JS) is an optional element on the Web. In some ways it's just a bridge to do today what we want to do in the browser tomorrow. Lots of people will disagree with that, especially those who are making their livings creating JS apps and programs. I would agree that it's here to stay. Technically, though, you can also create Flash programs now, too, but no one is doing that outside of specialized applications. Will JS go that direction? Not sure. But if you create websites or apps viewed in-browser, know that if someone somehow turns off JS in the browser settings your page might render poorly (best-case) or not work at all (worst-case).

The best course of action for JS is to make sure that if it were turned off in the browser then nothing would be hidden forever or broken. If you focus your efforts on semantic HTML and CSS, then users will have no problems. In fact, websites like CSS-Tricks are writing articles about getting JS-type functionality into the CSS layer. Lots of people don't want to mix behaviors and presentation in CSS, so they buck against it. But right now, HTML and CSS are the only things we can guarantee will work in the browser.

If you're still unsatisfied and wondering what the answer is: Yes, you can use JS. Just use it responsibly, ok?


You're a rebel. I can tell. Here are some websites that will help you get some inspiration for your Brutalist designs.

Nick De Marco
Benjamin Bädorf
Tobi Mania