LESS Mixins for Image Highlighting

Self-Affirmation Mirror

Drunk Auto-Pilot

Drugs/money/guns Container

Side Curtain Party Balloons

.arrow(@weight, @length, @rotation, @color);
A simple straight arrow mixin
Parameters and default values:
  1. @weight: 4px (the stroke weight of the line)
  2. @length: 100px (the length of the line)
  3. @rotation: 0deg (the direction of the arrow)
  4. @color: orange (self-explanatory)
.arrow-extended(@weight, @length, @rotation, @ext-angle, @ext-length, @color);
An arrow with an added line to make more complex paths
Parameters and default values:
  1. @weight: 4px (the stroke weight of the line)
  2. @length: 100px (the length of the line)
  3. @rotation: 0deg (the direction of the arrow)
  4. @ext-angle: 90deg (the direction the extra line will extend... values closer to right angles work better)
  5. @ext-lenght: 100px (the length of the additional line)
  6. @color: orange (self-explanatory)
.circle-line(@weight, @diameter, @length, @rotation, @color);
A line with a circle at the end for highlighting an area
Parameters and default values:
  1. @weight: 4px (the stroke weight of the line)
  2. @diameter: 20px (the size of the circle)
  3. @length: 100px (the lenght of the line)
  4. @rotation: 0deg (the direction of the line)
  5. @color: orange (self-explanatory)
.circle-line-extended(@weight, @diameter, @length, @rotation, @ext-angle, @ext-length, @color);
A circle-line with an additional line for complex paths
Parameters and default values:
  1. @weight: 4px (the stroke weight of the line)
  2. @diameter: 20px (the size of the circle)
  3. @length: 100px (the length of the line)
  4. @rotation: 0deg (the direction of the line)
  5. @ext-angle: 90deg (the direction of the additional line)
  6. @ext-length: 100px (the length of the addtional line)
  7. @color: orange (self-explanatory)
.box-line(@weight, @length, @box-width, @box-height, @rotation, @color);
A line with a box on the end for highlighting an area.
Parameters and default values:
  1. @weight: 4px (the stroke weight of the line)
  2. @length: 100px (the length of the line)
  3. @box-width: 20px (the width of the box)
  4. @box-height: 20px (the height of the box)
  5. @rotation: 0deg (the direction of the line)
  6. @color: orange (self-explanatory)
.box-line-extended(@weight, @length, @box-width, @box-height, @rotation, @ext-angle, @ext-length, @color);
A box line with an additional line for complex paths
Parameters and default values:
  1. @weight: 4px (the stroke weight of the line)
  2. @length: 100px (the length of the line)
  3. @box-width: 20px (the width of the box)
  4. @box-height: 20px (the height of the box)
  5. @rotation: 0deg (the direction of the line)
  6. @ext-angle: 90deg (the direction of the additional line)
  7. @ext-length: 100px (the length of the additional line)
  8. @color: orange (self-explanatory)

Additionally, add ".active" to any of these classes for a flashing animation on the line.

Image Labels

This mixin allows the easy addition of a text label to any image or div. The HTML:

    <div id="labeled-img">
      <img src="#" alt="" />
      <p>HELLO LABEL WORLD!</p>

Apply one of the following mixins to #labeled-img in your LESS. Any direct child img of the containing div (#labeled-img in this case) will have a width of 100% applied, and any direct child p will have appropriate positioning based on the arguments passed to the mixin.

My Bottom Label

My Top Label

My Left Label

My Right Label