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American Alliances: Then and Now

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World War II

World War Two was arguably the largest war of all time. Alliances caused this war. Ultimately, the Allies prevailed over the Axis powers because of their strength as a cohesive unit as opposed to their individual strength. Japan had trouble holding their own because they joined the war to get resources for themselves. Because of this Germany had to support Japan in the war and Japan became a sort of a liability. Now Japan has been able to obtain resources and has become a far more useful potential ally. The Allied powers, allies of the U.S., had the edge because rather than havin a single powerful ally like Germany, the U.S. had many powerful allies like Great Britain, China, and the Soviet Union. Allies caused this war, as they often do, and made the difference in the war. If the U.S. chooses allies who will be able to support and defend other countries in their alliance, then we will be a more powerful country as a whole.