Nikola Tesla

The Man Who Invented the Twentieth Century

Nikola Tesla

I don't care that they stole my idea... I care that they don't have any of their own.

Nikola Tesla
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A bit about Tesla

Nikola Tesla was an inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. Tesla went on to pursue his ideas of wireless lighting and electricity distribution in his high-voltage, high-frequency power experiments in New York and Colorado Springs and made early (1893) pronouncements on the possibility of wireless communication with his devices. He tried to put these ideas to practical use in an ill-fated attempt at intercontinental wireless transmission, his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower project. In his lab, he also conducted a range of experiments with mechanical oscillators/generators, electrical discharge tubes, and early X-ray imaging. He also built a wireless controlled boat, one of the first ever exhibited.


The 10 Inventions Of Nikola Tesla That Changed The World

  1. Alternating current
  2. Light
  3. X-Ray
  4. Radio
  5. Remote control
  6. Electric motor
  7. Robotics
  8. Laser
  9. Wireless communication
  10. Limitless free energy