Semi-transparent SVG with transparent background - using SVG with stroke set to currentColor and opacity dependent on high-contrast mode

Three ways of showing an SVG. Do any of these show up in Windows High Contrast Mode in IE11/Edge/others? The SVG contains its own style block, and instead of an explicit color value it defines stroke: currentColor which inherits it from the current context's foreground color. This colour is automatically changed when switching into Windows High Contrast Mode, meaning that this SVG will adapt correctly to whatever color/contrast mode (including custom modes) the user has set. In addition, the icon is set to opacity: 0.5, but is changed to opacity: 1 if -ms-high-contrast: active.

Note that in Firefox, you need to hard refresh (SHIFT+refresh) after changing into/out of WHCM, as the currentColor seems to be cached somehow persistently even when refreshing. Also, opacity doesn't seem to apply to SVG-based CSS backgrounds.


CSS-generated content

CSS background