Automatic Quotes

This is a test on a simple way to use the data-attribute to deligate a snippet of text to quickly and easily use as a blockquote or pullquote.

This is a nice way to keep your HTML a bit more DRY. DRY! DRY! DRY! Boy it's late! It's like 4am. Why am I still awake? Surely I could've waited and done this in the morning.

Anyways, there's two ways to achive this. Version 1: You can simply clone the 'span[data-quote]' element and add a class and then append or prepend it to the nth-child. Version 2 uses wrapInner() to create a blockquote around the text.

You could go even further and create an extensive selection of attributes: data-blockquote, data-pullquote, data-left-quote, data-right-quote etc. Once you're css is right you could have unlimited options with ease.