You're here probably because your page jumps to the top when you click on the hamburger icon in your topbar that is wrapped around a div with a sticky class.

Or you have no idea what I am talking about and are just browsing. If this is you, I recommend you check out the world's most advanced front-end responsive framework, Foundation, so you'll start to know what I am talking about.

If you want more context on the issue see this post in Foundation Forum: Or check out his issue posted on GitHub:

Well here's your lucky day. This Pen will demo a solution to this issue.

So let's get started...

Below is the topbar. Take your browser window to below 640px, scroll down and click the hamburger icon to see the solution working.

And here's what you have to do:

Add data-options="scrolltop:false;"
<nav class="top-bar" data-topbar data-options="scrolltop:false;">

That's it!

No way!!! Why did I even bother looking at this.