
PixCrypt is a lightweight javascript library that encodes data into a small, 1-pixel-high image that can be exchanged and decoded much like a barcode.

PixCrypt was primarily built to store mouse movement heatmaps without taking up too much memory.

Download 1.0.2

Usage Examples
var pix = new Pixcrypt(),
    encoded = pix.encode({ foo: 'bar' });

$('<img />').attr('src', encoded);
Standard objects, strings and numbers can be encoded and decoded
var pix = new Pixcrypt(),
    decoded = pix.decode($('img')[0]);

Passing an image element will attempt to decrypt its contents
var pix = new Pixcrypt(),
    decoded = pix.decode('data:image/png;base64,...');

PixCrypt is not dependend on jQuery, but is very much dependent on the <canvas> element.