Responsive Alt Class

Resize this page
“Edit this pen” to see the sauce

The fabulous-looking element above is given a responsive class using the data-alt-class attribute. The initial markup is as follows.

<p class="foo foo- bar"
 data-alt-class="-small 300 -medium qux 500 -large"

Hopefully, that’s simple but powerful, borrowing from Tab Atkins excellent RespImg Syntax. The resulting classes would be as follows.

Element widthAlternative class
* - 300px: bar foo foo- foo-small
300px - 500pxbar foo foo- foo-medium qux
500px - *bar foo foo- foo-large

When a class name contains a trailing dash and an alt class contains a leading -, the two are fused, as is the case with foo-small, foo-medium, and foo-large.

Let me know what you think!