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American Alliances: Then and Now

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World War One

Another war that the United States joined in the recent past, World War I, involved multiple allies on either side. The United States was on the side of the allied powers, which were Britain, France, Russia, Italy, and of course, the United States. Britain had a powerful military and helped the allies to win the war. The Axis Powers included Germany, Bulgaria, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. Germany was a powerful military force at the time and was the main force of the Axis Powers. Austria-Hungary was not a very good ally to have because they dragged all the Axis Powers into World War 1 when Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assasinated. The moral of the story is that it is not good to have allies while their country is in turmoil. Austria-Hungary and Serbia were in the middle of a conflict and war seemed imminent. Allies of Serbia, the Allied Powers had to protect Serbia because they were sworn to, being allies of the small country. Allies of Austria-Hungary, the Axis Powers, were sworn to support Austria-Hungary, turning the two alliances against each other and starting World War One.