daily css images

a 100% free 50-day email challenge for mastering pure CSS images

The Fun Benefits of Pure CSS Images

Creating pure CSS images is a fun way to practice CSS and expand your creativity as a frontend developer.

By creating pure CSS images each weekday, you will master important CSS skills, create wonderful portfolio content, and channel your inner creativity to start giving your work some personality.

How It Works

Each weekday over a 50-day strecth you will receive a CSS drawing prompt to code, including a tiger, zombie, Nintendo 2DS, and more.

You stretch your imagination and code something amazing.

You share on Twitter with #dailycssimages for feedback and promotion.

Make the Codepen Collection

All subscribers will use Codepen, a frontend developer playground, to create their images.

Each week the best of the best pure CSS images will be added to an exclusive Codepen collection. This exclusive collection will be shared with every subscriber and through social media.

Codepen Pure CSS

A PEN BY Mike Mangialardi

Join Hundreds of Developers Making Amazing CSS Images