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American Alliances: Then and Now

Spanish-American War World War I World War II Today


Allies are a very important aspect of a country's success. They can help start up a country or help a country become a world power. If you get into a predicament, the more allies you have, the more power you have in the conflict. Making allies in modern society is a tricky business however. If you are allies of one country, you are enemies of another. And, if you try to make more allies, some of your previous allies might get mad. Having allies creates many benefits, but also many detrimental changes, and if you don't have any allies, you might as well not be a country. Alliances have influenced past wars and sometimes tipped the balance in the favor of a country, helping them win a war. In other cases, alliances have helped provide economic and financial aid to countries in need. Allies have been prominent many times in the past, helping the U.S. further a successful military career. Some wars involving alliances are the Spanish-American war, World War 1, and World War 2. Alliances can bring many pros and cons to the allied countries. For example, a bad ally would drag you into a war, but a good ally would provide financial aid and keep you out of trouble. Future alliances could make or break the future of the United States.