Responsive Aspect-Ratio SCSS Mixin

Mixin to lock the aspect ratio of an element – or make it fit to content if it exceeds the boundaries of the aspect ratio.

Note! the ratio is produced using the :before and :after pseudo-elements – why it won't work on empty tags like <img />, <input /> etc.






Fit to content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Resize window

Use examples

// Syntax: // @include aspect-ratio($ratio or $width, $height); .class { @include aspect-ratio(); } // No arguments defaults to a 1:1 ratio .class { @include aspect-ratio(16, 9); } // Width and height .class { @include aspect-ratio(1.777778); } // Ratio (calculated width/height) .class { @include aspect-ratio(4px, 3px); } // Comparable units .class { @include aspect-ratio($ratio: 1.2); } // Keywords

The mixin

@mixin aspect-ratio($arglist... /*$ratio or $width, $height*/){ $map : keywords($arglist); $height: map-get($map, height) or nth-or-null($arglist, 2); $width: map-get($map, width) or nth-or-null($arglist, 1); $ratio: map-get($map, ratio) or if($width and $height, $width/$height, nth-or-null($arglist, 1)) or 1; $padding: 1/$ratio * 100%; &:before { content: ''; float:left; padding-bottom: $padding; margin-right:-100%;} &:after { content: ''; display:table; clear: both; } } // Helper function // Return null rather than throwing an error if index is outside list range. @function nth-or-null($list, $index) { @return if(length($list) >= $index, nth($list, $index), null); }