The Wiley Enterprise IT Team is excited to announce the arrival of Microsoft Office 365!

The Wiley Enterprise IT Team is excited to announce the arrival of Microsoft Office 365!


So, what does this mean for you? In short, all of us will have access to the latest tools, features, and functions that will allow us to better collaborate with one another, be more productive from anywhere and any device, and keep information safe with the security and stability of an improved IT environment.

Over the coming months, the Office 365 rollout will involve:

Upgrading to the “Modern Desktop”—which includes Office 2016 versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more.
Introducing OneDrive for Business, which allows access to your files from any device at anytime.
Incorporating Full Skype for Business functionality to improve and enhance communication.
Migrating email to a secure cloud environment.
Moving to SharePoint Online for a true, interconnected, and collaborative environment in the cloud.

Simplicity yields greater productivity, and with the upcoming Office 365 initiative we can all benefit from the user friendly set-up it provides. Our IT team will work hard to keep you informed of what to expect and when, along with offering tips on how to best use the exciting new features. While we work to complete our Office 365 Resource Site on the Portal, which will contain updates, training, and other information, you can get a sneak peek at what to expect with the MS Office 365 Guided Tour.

Should you have any questions or concerns along the way, please feel free to reach out to [email protected].


Cheers to working smarter not harder!

Wiley IT