1. What is IL code, CLR, CLS & JIT? - Part1
  2. What is IL code, CLR, CLS & JIT? - Part2
  3. Explain JIT, Pre-jit, Eco-Jit, Normal-Jit and NGEN.EXE?
  4. What is CAS, evidence, permission set & code groups?
  5. What are the changes in .NET 4.0 security model & What is sandboxing?
  6. What is the difference between managed & unmanaged code?
  7. What is Garbage Collector, Gen 0, 1 & 2?
  8. What is IDisposable interface & finalize dispose pattern in GC?
  9. What is the difference between strong and weak references?
  10. What is delay signing?
  11. Can we see simple example of GAC & How to handle multiple versions in GAC?
  12. What are different .NET datatypes and its uses according to scenarios?
  13. Explain TypeSafe, Casting, Explicit casting & implicit casting?
  14. What is difference between String and string?
  15. What is the difference between String and String Builder?
  16. What problem does Delegate Solve ?
  17. What is a Multicast delegate ?
  18. What are events and what's the difference between delegates and events?
  19. How can we make Asynchronous method calls using delegates ?
  20. What are anonymous methods in C#?
  21. Why anonymous types are preferred over Tuples?
  22. What is the use of Lambda Expression Action<>, Predicate<> & Func<>?
  23. What do you mean by Covariance & Contravariance in .NET 4.0?
  24. What is the use of checked and unchecked keyword?
  25. What is a stack, Heap, Value types and Reference types?
  26. What is boxing and unboxing?
  27. C# Out Vs Ref
  28. What is optimistic and pessimistic locking? - Part1
  29. Can you explain optimistic locking? - Part2
  30. Can you explain pessimistic locking? - Part3
  31. What are regular expressions & can we see some practical demonstrations?
  32. Why do we need Regex timeout (.NET 4.5 feature)?
  33. 5 tips to improve your C# debugging.
  34. Can you explain Named Parameters, Ref, Out, Volatile & Parsetry?
  35. What is the difference between Const & ReadOnly?
  36. Explain the difference between "IS" and "AS" keyword?
  37. What are Extension Methods?
  38. What is #Debug directive?
  39. What is the difference between Debug and Release?
  40. What is serialization and deserialization?
  41. What is the difference between TypeOf and GetType?
  42. What is IComparable and IComparer?
  43. What is the use of Yield Keyword in C#?
  44. What is a C# indexer?
  45. What is the difference between == vs .Equals()?
  46. What are ??(Coalescing operators)?
  47. What is C# reflection?
  48. What is Dynamic keyword & How does it differ from Reflection?
  49. What is the difference between Early binding and Late binding?
  50. What is a difference between VAR and Dynamic keyword?
  51. What is the use of VAR keyword in C#?
  52. What are Circular Dependencies and How to resolve them?
  53. How can we mark a method as deprecated?
  54. What is the difference between Build Vs Rebuild Vs Clean?
  55. What is Naming Convention?
  56. What is Nuget?
  57. What are portable class libraries?
  58. What is Asynch and Await keywords?
  59. What are ENUM's and flags in ENUMS?
  60. How to convert string to ENUM?
  61. How to use MSMQ with C#?
  62. Explain NULLABLE Types?
  63. Explain C# Attributes?
  64. What is AutoMapper?
  65. What are DataAnnotations?
  66. Source Code
  1. Lab 1: - Simple Hello world(20 Minutes)
  2. Lab 2: - Explain MVC Routing(10 Minutes)?
  3. Lab 3: - Explain ViewData, ViewBag, TempData & Session Variables?(20 Minutes)
  4. Lab 4: - Explain Model and Strongly typed views (20 minutes)?
  5. Lab5: - Explain Model Binders(10 minutes)?
  6. Lab 6: - Why MVC and MVC vs Webforms?(30 minutes)
  7. Lab 7: - Explain TempData, Peek and Keep?(10 Minutes)
  8. Lab 8: - Explain Data Annotations and HTML Helpers classes?(31 Minutes)
  9. Lab 9: - What is the need of ViewModel in MVC? (10 Minutes)
  10. Lab10: - How can we use Entity Framework in MVC?(20 minutes)
  11. Lab 11: - How to implement viewmodel, partial view and webgrid?(45 minutes)
  12. Lab 12: - What is the difference between ActionResult and ViewResult in MVC?(10 minutes)
  13. Lab 13: - How to implement AJAX using JSON and jQuery using MVC?(60 minutes)
  14. Lab14: - What is the use of Async Controllers in MVC?(20 minutes)
  15. Lab 15: - How to deploy MVC Application on IIS?(10 minutes)
  16. Lab 16: - How can we do Windows and Forms Authentication in MVC?(50 Minutes)
  17. Lab 17: - How can we use MVC areas for better modular development?(10 Minutes)
  18. Lab 18: - How to implement MVC with Angular?(60 minutes)
  19. Lab 19: - Can we Overload MVC Action methods?(10 Minutes)
  20. Lab 20: - How to improve Reusability using Angular?(20 Minutes)
  21. Lab 21: - What is the need of WebAPI in MVC?(30 Minutes)
  22. Lab 22: - How to do exception handling in MVC?(30 Minutes)
  23. Lab 23: - How to do update & delete using MVC, WebAPI, EF & Angular?(30 Minutes)
  24. Lab 24: - How to use MVC Webgrid?(30 minutes)
  25. Lab 25: - How to implement Validation using Angular and MVC?(30 minutes)
  26. Lab 26: - What is SPA (Single page application)?(30 minutes)
  27. Lab 27: - How to Organize MVC project and Understanding CORS issue?(42 minutes)
  28. Lab 28: - Explain the importance of DisplayModes?(10 minutes)
  29. Lab 29: - How to do unit testing with MVC projects?(30 minutes)
  30. Lab 30: - How to implement SPA using Angular Routing)?(20 minutes)
  31. Lab 31: - How to create decoupled systems using MVC DI?(60 minutes)
  32. Lab 32: - How can we have multiple submit buttons in ASP.NET MVC?(13 minutes)
  33. Lab 33: - What is the importance of AntiForgery in MVC?(10 minutes)(10 minutes)
  34. Lab 34: - What is the importance of ValidateInput and AllowHTML in MVC?(10 minutes)
  35. Lab 35: - Bundling and Minification(15 minutes)
  36. Lab 36: - Layout pages in Razor
  37. Lab 37: - What are ActionFilters in MVC?
  38. Lab 38: - What is WebAPI (Theory)?
  39. Lab 39: - How can we create and consume WEB API (Practical)?
  40. Source Code
C Sharp Threading
  1. (Day 1)Lab 1: - Creating your first program
  2. (Day 1)Lab 2: - Creating your first program
  3. (Day 1)Lab 3: - Integer DataType
  4. (Day 1)Lab 4: - Exception Handling
  5. (Day 1)Lab 5: - IF Condition, Return Try/Catch
  6. (Day 2)Lab 6: - Commenting
  7. (Day 2)Lab 7: - For Loop
  8. (Day 2)Lab 8: - Creating a simple calculator program
  9. (Day 3)Lab 9: - Creating your first Windows application
  10. (Day 3)Lab 10: - Creating the Customer Screen
  11. (Day 4)Lab 11: - Displaying Customer Screen
  12. (Day 4)Lab 12: - Multiple Document Interface(MDI)
  13. (Day 5)Lab 13: - Classes & Objects
  14. (Day 6)Lab 14: - Getting Data from SQL Server
  15. (Day 7)Lab 15: - Inserting data into SQL Server
  16. (Day 7) Lab 16: - Storing connection string in App.config files
  17. (Day 8) Lab 17: - Delete Functionality
  18. (Day 9) Lab 18: - Update Functionality
  19. (Day 9) Lab 19: - 2 Tier Architecture
  20. (Day 10) Lab 20: - Creating a web application
  21. (Day 10) Lab 21: - Connect WebApp to Data Access Layer
  22. (Day 11 & 12) Lab 22: - Implementing Insert, Update & Delete
  23. (Day 13) Lab 23: - Implementing 3 Tier Architecture
  24. (Day 14) Lab 24: - Security
  25. (Day 15) Lab 25: - Web Security
  26. (Day 16) Lab 26: - REGEX
  27. (Day 17) Lab 27: - Improving Database Design
  28. (Day 18)Lab 28: - 1 to many relationship
  29. (Day 19)Lab 29: - 1 to Many(Insert)
  30. (Day 20)Lab 30: - 1 to Many(Select & Delete)
  31. (Day 21)Lab 31: - 1 to Many(Update)
  32. (Day 22)Lab 32: - Stored Procedure
  33. (Day 23)Lab 33: - Reusability
  34. (Day 24)Lab 34: - Application and Cache in ASP.NET
  35. (Day 25)Lab 35: - Sessions in ASP.NET
  36. Day 26 to Day 60: - Project
  37. Source Code
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