Responsive Aspect-Ratio SCSS Mixin

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How do I make an responsive aspect-ratio scss mixin?

Mixin to lock the aspect ratio of an element – or make it fit to content if it exceeds the boundaries of the aspect ratio.. What is a responsive aspect-ratio scss mixin? How do you make a responsive aspect-ratio scss mixin? This script and codes were developed by Jakob-e on 04 July 2022, Monday.

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Responsive Aspect-Ratio SCSS Mixin - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Responsive Aspect-Ratio SCSS Mixin</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1"> <link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href='css/bnnmjd.css'> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <article> <h1>Responsive Aspect-Ratio SCSS Mixin </h2> <p>Mixin to lock the <strong>aspect ratio</strong> of an element – or make it <strong>fit to content</strong> if it exceeds the boundaries of the aspect ratio.</p> <p><strong>Note!</strong> the ratio is produced using the :before and :after pseudo-elements – why it won't work on empty tags like &lt;img /&gt;, &lt;input /&gt; etc.</p> <div class="example-1"><p>1:1</p></div> <div class="example-2"><p>16:9</p></div> <div class="example-3"><p>9:16</p></div> <div class="example-4"><p>4:3</p></div> <div class="example-5"><p>4:3</p> <p>Fit to content <br><br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p> </div> <div class="note"><em>Resize window</em></div> <section> <h2>Use examples</h2>
<div data-ace-mode="scss">// Syntax:
// @include aspect-ratio($ratio or $width, $height);
.class { @include aspect-ratio(); } // No arguments defaults to a 1:1 ratio
.class { @include aspect-ratio(16, 9); } // Width and height
.class { @include aspect-ratio(1.777778); } // Ratio (calculated width/height)
.class { @include aspect-ratio(4px, 3px); } // Comparable units
.class { @include aspect-ratio($ratio: 1.2); } // Keywords
</div> </section> <section> <h2>The mixin</h2>
<div data-ace-mode="scss">@mixin aspect-ratio($arglist... /*$ratio or $width, $height*/){ $map : keywords($arglist); $height: map-get($map, height) or nth-or-null($arglist, 2); $width: map-get($map, width) or nth-or-null($arglist, 1); $ratio: map-get($map, ratio) or if($width and $height, $width/$height, nth-or-null($arglist, 1)) or 1; $padding: 1/$ratio * 100%; &:before { content: ''; float:left; padding-bottom: $padding; margin-right:-100%;} &:after { content: ''; display:table; clear: both; }
// Helper function
// Return null rather than throwing an error if index is outside list range.
@function nth-or-null($list, $index) { @return if(length($list) >= $index, nth($list, $index), null);
<footer data-related-pens="WvrJwN"></footer>
</article> <script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Responsive Aspect-Ratio SCSS Mixin - Script Codes CSS Codes

@mixin aspect-ratio($arglist... /*$width/$ratio, $height*/){ $map : keywords($arglist); $height: map-get($map, height) or nth-or-null($arglist, 2); $width: map-get($map, width) or nth-or-null($arglist, 1); $ratio: map-get($map, ratio) or if($width and $height, $width/$height, nth-or-null($arglist, 1)) or 1; $padding: 1/$ratio * 100%; &:before { content: ''; float:left; padding-bottom: $padding; margin-right:-100%; } &:after { content: ''; display:table; clear: both; }
// Helper function
// Return null rather than throwing an error if index is outside list range.
@function nth-or-null($list, $index) { @return if(length($list) >= $index, nth($list, $index), null);
$logo-color : maroon;
$body-color : whitesmoke;
$h1-color : maroon;
$h2-color : maroon;
$h3-color : maroon;
$text-color : #282828;
$link-color : maroon;
html { box-sizing: box-model; }
*, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: inherit; }
header,main,nav,article,section,figure,figcaption,code{ display:block;position: relative; }
@include google-font{ @include google-font(Lato, 300 400 700); @include google-font(Lato, 300 400 700, italic); @include google-font('Playfair Display', $text: '“”‘’"\''); @include google-font('Lateef');
p { font: 400 16px/1.3 'Lato', sans-serif; color: $text-color; }
h1 { font: 300 36px/1.3 'Lato', sans-serif; color: $h1-color; }
h2 { font: 300 24px/1.3 'Lato', sans-serif; color: $h2-color; }
[class*="example"] {font: 400 14px/1.3 'Lato', sans-serif; color: white; }
a {color: $link-color; text-decoration: none; &:hover { text-decoration: underline;
strong { font: inherit; font-weight: 700; }
em { font: inherit; font-style: italic; }
p { max-width: 600px; }
blockquote { padding:0; margin:20px 0; &:before { content: '“'; font-family: 'Playfair Display'; font-size:16px; } &:after { content: '”'; font-family: 'Playfair Display'; font-size:16px; }
[data-related-pens] { background: $logo-color; }
body { background: $body-color;
article { margin:-20px auto 40px; max-width: 900px; border-radius: 7px; padding: 20px 40px 0; background: white; box-shadow: 0 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
[class*="example"]{ float:left; margin: 1%; width:23%; p { padding:0 4%; color:white; text-align:center; line-height:250%; }
.example-1 { @include aspect-ratio(); background: darken($logo-color,10%);
.example-2 { @include aspect-ratio(16,9); background: darken($logo-color,5%);
.example-3 { @include aspect-ratio(9/16); background: $logo-color;
.example-4 { @include aspect-ratio($ratio: 4/3); background: lighten($logo-color,5%);
.example-5 { @include aspect-ratio($ratio: 4/3); background: lighten($logo-color,10%); p + p { line-height:1.3; opacity:.3; } &:before { width:100%; margin-right:-100%; background:rgba(black,.3); }
section { clear:left;}
.note { color:#999; margin: 60px 0;}

Responsive Aspect-Ratio SCSS Mixin - Script Codes JS Codes

// Editor: //
var theme='ace/theme/tomorrow';
var mode='ace/mode/scss';
var editors = document.querySelectorAll('[data-ace-mode]');
console.log( editors.length );
for(var i=0,l=editors.length;i<l;++i){ var editor= ace.edit(editors[i]); if(editors[i].getAttribute('data-ace-theme')){ editor.setTheme('ace/theme/'+editors[i].getAttribute('data-ace-theme')); } else { editor.setTheme(theme); } if(editors[i].getAttribute('data-ace-mode')){ editor.getSession().setMode('ace/mode/'+editors[i].getAttribute('data-ace-mode')); } else { editor.getSession().setMode(mode); } editor.renderer.setShowGutter(false); editor.setShowPrintMargin(false); editor.setShowPrintMargin(false); editor.setDisplayIndentGuides(false); editor.setOptions({ maxLines: Infinity, //readOnly: false, highlightActiveLine: false, highlightGutterLine: false });
Responsive Aspect-Ratio SCSS Mixin - Script Codes
Responsive Aspect-Ratio SCSS Mixin - Script Codes
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Developer Jakob-e
Username jakob-e
Uploaded July 04, 2022
Rating 4.5
Size 8,503 Kb
Views 64,768
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Jakob-e (jakob-e) Script Codes
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