Responsive CSS3 Columns with Horizontal Scroll

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How do I make an responsive css3 columns with horizontal scroll?

Imitates Win8.1 News App - responsove colours with en-ru hypheation // Open in full page mode or make thw window wider than 980px to see the effect // all scripts and styles come from CDNs. What is a responsive css3 columns with horizontal scroll? How do you make a responsive css3 columns with horizontal scroll? This script and codes were developed by Englishextra on 17 January 2023, Tuesday.

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I&#160;have a gun and will use it if I&#160;have to. Put&#160;five thousand dollars in an envelope and hand it to me.'	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	When Detective Paul Nichols asked the teller at the Middleton Bank to describe the robber, she replied.	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	'He had a long, ugly scar on his right cheek. Also, he seemed quite <strong>ill at ease</strong>, as though he might be unsure of what he was doing. But&#160;he did it. I&#160;had the feeling, though, that he went through with it almost just <strong>to save face</strong>. Once&#160;he decided to rob the bank, he had <strong>to carry out</strong> his plan.'	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	She explained that the man had come into the bank that morning and stood in line with the other customers, as if waiting to deposit money or cash a check. When&#160;he reached the window, however, he did not <strong>beat around the bush</strong> he handed the girl a piece of paper that had written on it, 'Do not say anything or do anything unusual. I&#160;have a gun and will use it if I&#160;have to. Put&#160;five thousand dollars in an envelope and hand it to me.'	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	The girl was so shocked that she just stood looking at him for a moment. She&#160;realized he was not joking what he ordered was <strong>straight from the shoulder</strong>. He&#160;said he would use his gun if he had to, and she was sure he would keep his word if she didn't cooperate. The&#160;teller did exactly as he told&#160;her.	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	'Remember me to your mother,' the thief said. Then&#160;he walked casually out of the bank. Not&#160;even the lady behind him in line at the window realized what had happened.	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	The teller sounded the alarm, and immediately the guards ran to find the thief. 'You can't mistake him with that scar,' the girl told them. 'But be careful. He&#160;has a gun.'	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	A thorough search was made, but no such person was found. The&#160;guards couldn't even come up with a piece of evidence.	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	'I can't understand how he could get away so rapidly,' Detective Nichols told his wife Nancy that evening, as the two of them were having supper. 'We questioned everyone inside and outside the bank at the time of the robbery. No&#160;one saw a man with a scar on his face. The&#160;guard at the door sees everyone who goes in and out, but he doesn't recall anyone with a scar. It&#160;looks as though the man appeared from nowhere and returned to nowhere. At&#160;least, for the moment it seems so.'	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	'He came from somewhere and he went somewhere when he left the bank,' Nancy replied. 'The question is, where did he go?' Nancy Nichols was a very practical woman. Her&#160;husband liked to discuss his cases with her because of this&#160;trait.	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	Paul continued. 'The girl was surprised because it all happened within a few seconds, and so smoothly. She&#160;just stood watching the man walk away. When&#160;he went out the door, her senses returned to her and she called the guard.'	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	'What time of day was it?' Nancy&#160;asked.	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	'Noon. The&#160;streets were filled with people. At&#160;that hour of the day, it's always that way in front of the Middleton Bank. He&#160;could get lost in the crowd very easily. The&#160;men on the police force insist he just disappeared.'	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	'With a scar on his face? I&#160;take that <strong>with a grain of salt</strong>. He&#160;didn't disappear you can be sure of that. But&#160;what did he do?' Nancy began to have an expression of real excitement in her eyes. She&#160;was in her element when helping Paul solve a case. She&#160;loved to do her bit and resented it when Paul didn't consult with her. After ten years of being a detective's wife, she ought to <strong>know the ropes</strong>&#8212;and she did. This&#160;was the type of case she enjoyed&#160;most.	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	'That's what is so confusing. We&#160;looked <strong>high and low</strong> and questioned everyone in the area at the time of the robbery but no one observed anything or anyone unusual. Several people admitted they saw a man come out of the bank about that time, but he didn't have a scar on his face.' Paul shook his head and sighed wearily. It&#160;had been a tiring day and a mystifying case. <strong>Once&#160;in a blue moon</strong> Paul had a case that seemed impossible to solve. This&#160;was one of them. And&#160;it was up to Paul to solve&#160;it.	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	'Don't worry,' Nancy encouraged him. 'In the end you'll find your thief.'	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	When supper was over, the Nichols had their coffee in the living room. Paul&#160;turned on the television set and immediately became interested in a detective program. Nancy did not watch the program but sat drinking her coffee in silence. When&#160;she had finished, she went into the kitchen and began washing the dishes.	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	Fifteen minutes later she returned to the living room. She&#160;went directly to the television set and turned it&#160;off.	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	'What are you doing?' Paul objected, almost losing his temper. 'It's a very exciting story tonight!'	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	'Have you taken into account,' Nancy asked, ignoring his annoyance, 'the possibility that the thief wanted the teller to see his scar, that he was just <strong>leading her on</strong>?'	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	'What? But&#160;why?' asked Paul, immediately forgetting the TV show. 'Why should he want her to see it? It&#160;would be an excellent way to describe him. Just&#160;the opposite. He&#160;would want to hide the scar.'	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	'As you say, it's an excellent way to describe him. And&#160;that's exactly what he wanted. He&#160;wanted her to describe him just as she did. That&#160;way, the police would be looking for a man with a scar on his right cheek.'	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	Paul shook his head again. 'What are you trying to say, Nancy?'	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	She did not reply. Instead she simply peeled off one of her false eyelashes.	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	For a moment Paul sat staring at her, more confused than ever. Nancy's false eyelashes were one of the few things the Nichols ever argued about. Paul&#160;tried to discourage her using false eyelashes by making fun of them. 'I like your eyes the way Nature made them,' he told her. He&#160;was always <strong>getting after her</strong> to leave her eyes alone and not try to make her lashes artificially longer. But&#160;sometimes she wore the lashes anyway. 'I like them,' she gave as her reason.	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	Now she was standing in front of him deliberately removing them. What&#160;was this all about? They&#160;were talking about the man with the war&#160;and&#8230;	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	'Of course!' he shouted, jumping up from his&#160;chair.	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	'Why didn't I&#160;think of that?'	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	Five minutes later he was in his car, hurrying to the police station.	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	'Hold your horses!' Chief Simpson said when Paul tried to tell him all at once what Nancy had discovered. 'Now, begin again and this time <strong>take your time</strong>.'	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	Paul caught his breath and started again, more calmly. The&#160;chief of police listened closely as Detective Nichols revealed his wife's discovery. When&#160;Paul had finished, the chief turned on his radio. 'Calling all cars! Calling all cars!' He gave a detailed description of the man with the scar. Except that this time he did not mention a&#160;scar.	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	The police made short work of capturing him they had their man within twenty-four hours. Shortly afterward they had his confession.	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	He was an actor without work, desperate for money. His&#160;parents were not wealthy, and the young man <strong>didn't have the heart to ask</strong> them for help. This&#160;was his first crime. As&#160;an actor, he knew how to disguise himself well. He&#160;was very clever. He&#160;had come into the bank with the other customers, gone to the washroom, and put a thin strip of transparent material on his cheek. The&#160;material gave the appearance of a real scar. It&#160;looked completely authentic. Then&#160;he had gone to the teller's window and taken the money. When&#160;he stopped to light a cigarette, he quickly peeled off the scar, just as Nancy had done with her false eyelash. The&#160;guard at the door and the people outside saw no one with a scar, because there was no such person.	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	The thief had walked quietly down the street in the middle of the noonday crowd, the money in his pocket, thinking he <strong>had pulled the wool over the eyes</strong> of everyone. But, unfortunately for him, he had bitten off more than he could chew. In&#160;the end he was caught.	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	Nancy smiled when Chief Simpson thanked her for her part in helping solve the mystery. 'Maybe now,' she laughed, 'Paul will stop <strong>getting on his high horse</strong> about my false eyelashes.'	</p>	<p class="hyphenate text" lang="en">	The detective smiled, too. 'Okay, okay. I'll <strong>eat my words</strong>. You&#160;can wear them all you want. I'll never again hold that against you.'	</p>	<div class="cf"></div>	</div>	</div>	</div>	<div class="fixed-nav cf"></div>	<script src=""></script>	<script src=""></script>	<script src=""></script>	<script>	"undefined"!==typeof window.jQuery&&$(document).ready(function(){$("html, body, *").mousewheel(function(a,b){this.scrollLeft-=40*b;a.preventDefault()})});	</script>
Responsive CSS3 Columns with Horizontal Scroll - Script Codes
Responsive CSS3 Columns with Horizontal Scroll - Script Codes
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