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How do I make an social.svg.min?

Über optimised social vector icons (file-sizewise). . What is a social.svg.min? How do you make a social.svg.min? This script and codes were developed by Andreas Larsen on 11 June 2022, Saturday.

Social.svg.min Previews

Social.svg.min - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<body> <p>These svg icons are up to 87% smaller than the official ones. <br> <a href="#" onclick="solidToggle(event)">Toggle</a> between background and solid mode. <br> Remember to add title elements inside your svg's for accessibility.
<p>Source: <a href="#" onclick="openSource(event)"></a></p>
<div class="social no-bg"> <a class="facebook"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M445 643h-90V419h-75v-87h75v-64q0-55 32-86 30-29 80-29 28 0 67 3v78h-47q-42 0-42 38v60h86l-11 87h-75v224z" /> </svg> </a> <a class="twitter"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M679 239s-21 34-55 57c7 156-107 329-314 329-103 0-169-50-169-50s81 17 163-45c-83-5-103-77-103-77s23 6 50-2c-93-23-89-110-89-110s23 14 50 14c-84-65-34-148-34-148s76 107 228 116c-22-121 117-177 188-101 37-6 71-27 71-27s-12 41-49 61c30-2 63-17 63-17z"/> </svg> </a> <a class="google-plus"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M487 370c21 129-62 237-195 237-114 0-207-93-207-207s93-207 207-207c89 0 138 54 138 54l-56 54s-29-32-82-32c-71 0-128 59-128 131 0 73 57 131 128 131 81 0 113-58 117-90H292v-71h195zm189-59v59h59v60h-59v59h-59v-59h-59v-60h59v-59h59z" /> </svg> </a> <a class="linkedin"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M268 629h-97V319h97zm157 0h-97V319h93v42h1q31-50 93-50 114 0 114 133v185h-96V466q0-70-49-70-59 0-59 69z" /> <circle cx="219" cy="220" r="56"/> </svg> </a> <br> <a class="round github"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M400 139c144 0 260 116 260 260 0 115-75 213-178 247-9 3-17-2-17-13v-71c0-35-18-48-18-48 57-6 119-28 119-128 0-44-27-70-27-70s14-29-2-69c0 0-22-7-72 27-42-12-88-12-130 0-50-34-72-27-72-27-16 40-2 69-2 69s-27 26-27 70c0 100 62 122 119 128 0 0-14 10-17 35-15 7-53 18-76-22 0 0-13-25-39-27 0 0-26 0-2 16 0 0 17 8 29 38 0 0 16 51 88 35v44c0 11-9 16-18 13-103-34-178-132-178-247 0-144 116-260 260-260z"/> </svg> </a> <a class="round dribbble"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M400 665c-146 0-265-119-265-265s119-265 265-265 265 119 265 265-119 265-265 265zm223-229s-69-22-140-9c30 81 43 161 43 161s82-49 97-152zM488 609s-15-90-48-172c-132 44-179 142-179 142s96 83 227 30zm-256-57c80-128 193-152 193-152s-12-27-19-39c-124 37-232 32-232 32s-8 87 58 159zm-54-198s102 2 210-28c-38-71-84-130-84-130-107 49-126 158-126 158zm169-174s50 65 85 134c84-31 118-83 118-83s-76-78-203-51zm102 167c6 11 20 44 20 44s64-11 157 7c0-85-51-141-51-141s-38 55-126 90z"/> </svg> </a> <a class="round behance"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M569 532c28 0 49-15 56-33h62c-17 55-55 86-120 86-79 0-132-53-132-135 0-80 57-136 132-136 81 0 130 66 125 153H506c1 41 21 65 63 65zm-282 46H115V224h167c67 0 114 20 114 87 0 40-19 60-48 74 40 11 64 41 64 90 0 72-58 103-125 103zm-10-60c34 0 57-12 57-47 0-36-21-51-56-51h-85v98h84zm288-151c-34 0-57 22-59 55h115c-4-34-21-55-56-55zm-293 0c28 0 48-13 48-42 0-31-23-41-54-41h-73v83h79zm364-120v35H492v-35h144z"/> </svg> </a> <a class="round codepen"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M140 482V320q0-10 10-18l238-158q12-8 24 0l238 158q9 6 10 19v158q0 10-10 19L412 656q-12 8-24 0L150 497q-9-6-10-15zm282-278v104l97 65 78-52zm-44 104V204L203 321l78 52zm-193 54v75l56-37zm193 234V492l-97-65-78 52zm22-143l79-53-79-53-79 53zm22 143l175-117-78-52-97 64v105zm193-159v-75l-56 38z"/> </svg> </a> <br> <a class="rounded instagram"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M150 400c0-119 0-166 42-208s88-42 208-42 166 0 208 42 42 89 42 208 0 166-42 208-88 42-208 42-166 0-208-42-42-89-42-208zm455 0c0-114 0-148-29-176-29-29-62-29-176-29s-148 0-176 29c-29 29-29 62-29 176s0 148 29 176c29 29 62 29 176 29s148 0 176-29c29-29 29-62 29-176zM400 272a128 128 0 1 1 0 256 128 128 0 0 1 0-256zm0 211c46 0 83-37 83-83s-37-83-83-83-83 37-83 83 37 83 83 83zm163-216c0 16-13 30-30 30-16 0-30-14-30-30 0-17 14-30 30-30 17 0 30 13 30 30z"/> </svg> </a> <a class="rounded pinterest"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M287 681c-9-3-15-77-6-115l38-163s-9-20-9-49c0-46 26-80 59-80 28 0 42 21 42 46 0 28-19 71-28 110-8 33 17 59 49 59 58 0 104-61 104-150 0-79-57-134-138-134-94 0-148 69-148 142 0 28 9.7 57.4 23 74 4 5 5 6 2 17l-8 31s-2 9.5-14 3c-41-22.3-63-78-63-126 0-104 75-199 217-199 114 0 203 81 203 190 0 113-72 205-171 205-55 0-75-38-75-38l-21 78c-11 41-47 102-56 99z" /> </svg> </a> <a class="rounded buffer"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M381 661L150 553c-13-6-13-12-1-18l39-18c12-6 23-8 40 0l154 72c12 6 24 6 36 0l154-72c17-8 28-6 40 0l39 18c12 6 12 12-1 18L419 661c-13 6-25 6-38 0zm0-144L149 409c-12-6-12-12 0-18l39-18c12-6 25-7 40 0l154 72c12 6 24 6 36 0l154-72c15-7 28-6 40 0l39 18c12 6 12 12 0 18L419 517c-13 6-25 6-38 0zm0-144L149 265c-13-6-11-12 1-18l230-107c15-7 25-7 40 0l230 107c12 6 14 12 1 18L419 373c-13 6-25 6-38 0z"/> </svg> </a> <a class="rounded vk"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M393 566c-135 0-208-143-276-285-10-21 6-23 16-23l81-1c12 0 17 9 20 15 13 31 66 142 92 129 18-9 15-107 4-122-7-9-20-12-26-13-5-1 3-11 13-16 18-9 87-9 111-3 28 7 19 32 19 95 0 20-4 50 11 58 24 12 81-101 91-131 3-8 9-11 19-11h85c20 0 27 1 30 8 5 12-9 40-44 87-57 77-65 70-17 114 46 42 55 63 57 66 14 28-11 34-21 34h-76c-9 0-21 0-38-11-29-19-55-70-76-64-17 5-20 34-21 53-1 16-10 21-20 21h-34z"/> </svg> </a> <a class="rounded medium"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M650 267v328c0 14-12 20-28 12l-139-70 167-270z" fill-opacity=".4" /> <path d="M374 360l101-164c4-7 14-10 22-6l153 77-167 270-109-177z" fill-opacity=".6" /> <path d="M483 537l-170-85 4-185 166 270z" fill-opacity=".8" /> <path d="M317 595c0 14-10 20-23 14l-130-65c-8-4-14-13-14-22V204c0-11 7-17 18-12l149 75v328z" /> </svg> </a> <a class="rounded tumblr"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M570 602c-15 25-66 44-121 44-126 0-194-46-194-144V378h-50c-2 0-3-1-3-3v-98c0-3 4-4 7-5 50-17 77-51 84-110 2-14 14-22 24-22h144c2 0 3 1 3 3v112c0 2 1 3 3 3h80c2 0 3 1 3 3v114c0 2-1 3-3 3h-81c-2 0-3 1-3 3v115c0 11 2 11 4 11h69s2 0 3 3zM440 161h-65s-3-1-4 6c-9 63-38 101-87 121 0 0-4 1-4 4v63c0 2 1 3 3 3h48c2 0 3 1 3 3v141c0 46 27 124 129 124 33 0 66-11 83-27 1-1 0-3 0-3l-20-60c-1-4-3-3-3-3-13 5-26 7-37 7-28 0-44-15-44-45V361c0-2 1-3 3-3h81c2 0 3-1 3-3v-74c0-2-1-3-3-3h-80c-2 0-3-1-3-3V164c0-2-1-3-3-3z"/> </svg> </a> <a class="rounded rss"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M493 652H392c0-134-111-244-244-244V307c189 0 345 156 345 345zm71 0c0-228-188-416-416-416V132c285 0 520 235 520 520z"/> <circle cx="219" cy="581" r="71"/> </svg> </a> <br> <a class="rounded flickr"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <circle cx="234" cy="400" r="136" class="flickr-blue"/> <circle cx="566" cy="400" r="136" class="flickr-pink"/> </svg> </a> <a class="rounded snapchat"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M400 152c-23 0-98 6-133 83-14 30-7 82-5 122-14 14-38-3-48-3-20 0-39 21 1 36 21 8 55 16 39 49-2 3-36 79-112 94-10 2-9 25 63 34 8 1 6 35 17 35s23-5 42-5c65 0 68 50 136 50s71-50 136-50c19 0 31 5 42 5s9-34 17-35c72-9 73-32 63-34-76-15-110-91-112-94-16-33 18-41 39-49 40-15 21-36 1-36-10 0-34 17-48 3 2-40 9-92-5-122-35-77-110-83-133-83z"/> </svg> </a> <a class="rounded whatsapp"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M519 454c4 2 7 10-1 31-6 16-33 29-49 29-96 0-189-113-189-167 0-26 9-39 18-48 8-9 14-10 18-10h12c4 0 9 0 13 10l19 44c5 11-9 25-15 31-3 3-6 7-2 13 25 39 41 51 81 71 6 3 10 1 13-2l19-24c5-6 9-4 13-2zM401 200c-110 0-199 90-199 199 0 68 35 113 35 113l-20 74 76-20s42 32 108 32c110 0 199-89 199-199 0-111-89-199-199-199zm0-40c133 0 239 108 239 239 0 132-108 239-239 239-67 0-114-29-114-29l-127 33 34-124s-32-49-32-119c0-131 108-239 239-239z"/> </svg> </a> <a class="rounded reddit"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M460 668c36-19 84 7 74 43h-268c-10-36 38-62 74-43h120z" /> <ellipse cx="472" cy="536" rx="72" ry="86" /> <ellipse cx="328" cy="536" rx="72" ry="86" /> <path d="M425 711c55-30 89-158 67-268h-184c-22 110 12 238 67 268h50z" /> <circle cx="578" cy="269" r="44" /> <circle cx="222" cy="269" r="44" /> <ellipse cx="400" cy="329" rx="197" ry="129" /> <circle class="reddit-eyes" cx="331" cy="304" r="32" /> <circle class="reddit-eyes" cx="469" cy="304" r="32" /> <path class="reddit-line" d="M521 116l-88-20-32 102M468 388s-16 21-68 21-68-21-68-21" /> <circle cx="556" cy="123" r="34" /> </svg> </a> <br> <a class="rounded vine"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M615 399v58s-27 7-59 7c-41 87-116 163-141 177-16 9-31 9-48-1-31-18-146-114-185-413h84c21 180 73 272 130 341 31-31 61-74 85-121-56-29-91-92-91-165 0-74 43-129 116-129 71 0 109 44 109 120 0 28-6 60-17 85-53 10-72-24-72-24s9-27 9-55c0-35-13-52-32-52-20 0-34 19-34 56 0 76 48 120 110 120 20 0 36-4 36-4z" /> </svg> </a> <a class="rounded youtube"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M400 224c144 0 201 2 224 25 17 17 26 52.125 26 151s-9 134-26 151c-23 23-80 25-224 25s-201-2-224-25c-17-17-26-52.125-26-151s9-134 26-151c23-23 80-25 224-25zm-52 100v141l135-70z" /> </svg> </a> <a class="rounded spotify"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M400 140c144 0 260 117 260 260S543 660 400 660 140 543 140 400s117-260 260-260zm113 354c-68-43-153-51-252-29-20 4-16 37 9 31 91-20 166-12 228 25 18 11 34-15 15-27zm32-76c-81-50-197-64-292-35-23 7-16 46 15 37 82-24 184-13 256 31 21 13 43-19 21-33zm7-48c34 19 52-23 26-39-96-57-254-63-340-35-30 10-17 55 15 45 75-23 215-19 299 29z"/> </svg> </a> <a class="rounded soundcloud"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M123 545c10 2 21 6 21 20 0 12-8 20-25 20-10 0-19-5-24-12l9-8c4 5 10 8 16 8 7 0 11-2 11-7 0-4-2-6-14-9s-20-7-20-19c0-11 11-18 23-18 10 0 16 4 22 10l-9 9c-4-4-8-7-14-7-7 0-9 3-9 6 0 4 3 5 13 7zm58-25c17 0 27 13 27 32s-10 33-27 33-28-14-28-33 11-32 28-32zm52 1v35c0 10 4 17 12 17s13-7 13-17v-35h13v35c0 18-10 29-26 29-15 0-25-11-25-29v-35h13zm210 12c-9 0-15 7-15 19 0 11 6 20 15 20 6 0 10-2 13-8l10 7c-4 9-12 14-23 14-16 0-27-13-27-33 0-19 11-32 27-32 12 0 19 6 23 14l-11 5c-2-4-6-6-12-6zm105-13c17 0 27 13 27 32s-10 33-27 33-27-14-27-33 10-32 27-32zm52 1v35c0 10 5 17 13 17s13-7 13-17v-35h12v35c0 18-9 29-25 29-15 0-25-11-25-29v-35h12zm-301 0l26 40v-40h12v63h-11l-27-41v41h-12v-63h12zm74 0c18 0 31 8 31 31 0 22-16 32-32 32h-18v-63h19zm117 0v50h25v13h-38v-63h13zm184 0c18 0 31 8 31 31 0 22-16 32-32 32h-19v-63h20zm-493 51c10 0 14-9 14-20s-4-19-14-19-15 8-15 19 5 20 15 20zm367 0c10 0 14-9 14-20s-4-19-14-19-14 8-14 19 4 20 14 20zm-176 0c13 0 20-9 20-20 0-13-6-19-19-19h-7v39h6zm301 0c13 0 19-9 19-20 0-13-6-19-19-19h-6v39h6zm-442-83c-1 8-11 7-11 0l-5-73 5-140c0-7 11-8 11 0l6 140zm130-3l-4-70 4-176c0-11 17-11 17 0l4 176-4 70c-1 11-16 12-17 0zm-13-218l5 148-5 70c-1 12-15 10-16 0l-4-70 4-148c0-10 16-11 16 0zm-58 219c-1 9-13 10-14 1l-5-72 5-157c0-9 14-10 14 0l5 157zm455-77c0 47-38 84-85 84h-235c-5-1-9-4-9-9v-270c0-5 2-8 8-10 100-37 195 33 203 127 59-24 118 19 118 78zm-426-147l4 153-4 71c-1 10-14 10-15 0l-4-71 4-153c0-11 15-10 15 0zm-116 38l6 114-6 74c-1 7-9 7-10 0l-6-74 6-114c0-6 10-6 10 0zm58-37l5 152-5 72c-1 8-12 8-13 0l-5-72 5-152c0-9 13-9 13 0zm128-40c0-12 19-11 19 0l4 192-4 69c-1 12-18 12-19 0l-4-69zm-214 121l6 70-6 74c0 6-9 6-9 0l-6-74 6-70c1-6 9-5 9 0zm-28-5l7 75-7 74c0 4-8 4-8 0l-6-74 6-75c0-5 8-5 8 0zm-28 2l7 73-7 71c0 5-7 5-7 0l-6-71 6-73c0-4 7-5 7 0zm-28 13l8 60-8 61c-1 4-6 4-6 0l-6-61 6-59c1-7 5-7 6-1zm-25 25l6 35-6 38c-1 4-5 4-6 0l-5-38 5-36c1-6 5-7 6 1z"/> </svg> </a> <a class="rounded amazon"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path class="amz-a" d="M445 358c0 31 0 59-15 85-13 22-34 37-56 37-31 0-49-25-49-59 0-69 62-80 120-80v17zm81 196l62-53c7-5 5-15 0-22-14-20-30-37-30-74V279c0-69 0-105-36-139-31-30-82-40-121-40-76 0-163 28-180 125-2 10 6 15 12 16l78 8c7 0 13-8 14-15 7-32 32-48 65-48 18 0 35 6 45 21s10 32 10 59v10c-46 4-108 9-151 27-51 22-87 66-87 133 0 80 52 125 121 125 57 0 89-14 133-59 14 22 20 31 46 54 5 4 14 2 19-2z"/> <path class="amz-arrow" d="M642 626c10-7 3-20-10-15a591 591 0 0 1-522-33c-7-4-12 3-6 9a440 440 0 0 0 538 39zm28-32c8 10-10 56-18 76-3 6 4 7 9 3 35-29 44-91 37-100s-69-16-107 10c-8 6-1 10 3 9 20-4 68-7 76 2z"/> </svg> </a> <p class="divider">Alternates</p> <a class="google-plus"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M651 363c23.37 168.396-79.705 297-246 297-144 0-260-116-260-260s116-260 260-260c70 0 130 26 175 68l-71 68c-19-19-53-40-104-40-89 0-161 73-161 164s72 164 161 164c104 0 142-74 148-112H405v-89h246z" /> </svg> </a> <a class="facebook"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M604 170c15 0 26 11 26 26v408c0 15-11 26-26 26H487V452h60l9-70h-69v-44c0-20 6-34 35-34h37v-62s-24-3-54-3c-53 0-89 33-89 92v51h-60v70h60v178H196c-15 0-26-11-26-26V196c0-15 11-26 26-26h408z" /> </svg> </a> <a class="youtube"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M535 256c118 0 165 1 184 20 14 14 21 43 21 124s-7 110-21 124c-19 19-66 20-184 20s-166-1-185-20c-14-14-21-43-21-124s7-110 21-124c19-19 67-20 185-20zm-357 93c25 0 37 18 37 43v56c0 27-13 43-37 43s-37-17-37-43v-56c0-24 11-43 37-43zm267 111c0 18 4 31 20 31 9 0 17-6 27-17v15h26V351h-26v105c-6 8-10 12-15 12-3 0-5-1-6-5V351h-26v109zm-191 31c-16 0-19-13-19-31V350h26v113c1 4 2 5 5 5 5 0 9-4 15-12V350h27v139h-27v-15c-10 11-18 17-27 17zm415 0c17.997 0 37-8.907 37-50h-26c0 16 0 27-12 27-9 0-12-6-12-19v-25h50v-28c0-28-13-47-38-47-26 0-38 19-38 48v48c0 28 14 46 39 46zm-56-98c0-24-4-44-23-44-9 0-18 6-26 16v-60h-25v184h25v-14c8 10 17 16 26 16 20 0 23-19 23-43v-55zm-221-62v158h27V331h30v-26h-86v26h29zM112 489H84v-76L50 303h29l19 73 19-73h29l-34 110v76zm77-39v-60c0-11-2-18-11-18s-11 7-11 18v60c0 13 3 18 11 18s11-5 11-18zm398-1c0 14-3 19-10 19-4 0-9-2-13-6v-84c4-4 9-6 13-6 7 0 10 4 10 18v59zm69-61c0-13 5-16 12-16 8 0 11 4 11 17v15h-23v-16z" /> </svg> </a> <a class="soundcloud"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M231 534c-1 8-11 7-11 0l-5-73 5-140c0-7 11-8 11 0l6 140zm130-3l-4-70 4-176c0-11 17-11 17 0l4 176-4 70c-1 11-16 12-17 0zm-13-218l5 148-5 70c-1 12-15 10-16 0l-4-70 4-148c0-10 16-11 16 0zm-58 219c-1 9-13 10-14 1l-5-72 5-157c0-9 14-10 14 0l5 157zm455-77c0 47-38 84-85 84h-235c-5-1-9-4-9-9v-270c0-5 2-8 8-10 100-37 195 33 203 127 59-24 118 19 118 78zm-426-147l4 153-4 71c-1 10-14 10-15 0l-4-71 4-153c0-11 15-10 15 0zm-116 38l6 114-6 74c-1 7-9 7-10 0l-6-74 6-114c0-6 10-6 10 0zm58-37l5 152-5 72c-1 8-12 8-13 0l-5-72 5-152c0-9 13-9 13 0zm128-40c0-12 19-11 19 0l4 192-4 69c-1 12-18 12-19 0l-4-69zm-214 121l6 70-6 74c0 6-9 6-9 0l-6-74 6-70c1-6 9-5 9 0zm-28-5l7 75-7 74c0 4-8 4-8 0l-6-74 6-75c0-5 8-5 8 0zm-28 2l7 73-7 71c0 5-7 5-7 0l-6-71 6-73c0-4 7-5 7 0zm-28 13l8 60-8 61c-1 4-6 4-6 0l-6-61 6-59c1-7 5-7 6-1zm-25 25l6 35-6 38c-1 4-5 4-6 0l-5-38 5-36c1-6 5-7 6 1z"/> </svg> </a> <a class="github"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800"> <path d="M400 177c-127 0-223 103-223 223 0 104 72 188 160 214v-41c0-33 17-46 17-46-73-8-116-43-116-126 0-45 27-69 27-69s-14-26 2-67c25-6 71 26 71 26s24-9 63-9 63 9 63 9 46-32 71-26c16 41 2 67 2 67s27 24 27 69c0 83-43 118-116 126 0 0 17 13 17 46v41c87-27 158-109 158-214 0-120-96-223-223-223zm0-42c146 0 265 119 265 265S546 665 400 665 135 546 135 400s119-265 265-265z"/> </svg> </a> <a class="reddit"> <svg viewBox="0 0 800 800" class="alt"> <circle cx="616" cy="373" r="53" /> <circle cx="184" cy="373" r="53" /> <ellipse cx="400" cy="446" rx="240" ry="157" /> <circle class="reddit-eyes" cx="315" cy="416" r="39" /> <circle class="reddit-eyes" cx="485" cy="416" r="39" /> <path class="reddit-line" d="M548 188l-107-25-40 126m82 229s-18 25-83 25-83-25-83-25" /> <circle cx="590" cy="196" r="42" /> </svg> </a> <p class="divider">Badges</p> <div class="badges"> <a 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0-46-22-85-22-75 0-137 71-125 179 11 97 80 207 131 207 32 0 46-21 85-21s50 20 84 20c57 0 104-101 114-135-79-32-99-147-13-201zm-93-174c-55 4-108 58-102 118 59 2 108-58 102-118zm508 506l-86-266h-53l-86 266h44l24-78h87l24 78h46zm-78-111h-71l35-117zm213 115c113 0 113-200 6-200-49 0-66 36-66 36l-2-32h-38l2 46v224h43V607s13 27 55 27zm-8-166c68 0 68 133-1 133-45 0-46-47-46-47v-35s1-51 47-51zm465 166c55 0 96-27 96-79 0-42-30-63-67-78-24-10-51-20-51-47 0-23 21-35 46-35 29 0 51 12 51 12l11-34s-22-13-61-13c-49 0-90 28-90 75 0 33 23 59 70 76 26 9 48 21 48 48s-22 40-51 40c-37 0-61-17-61-17l-10 35s21 17 69 17zm148-67c0 43 15 67 54 67 21 0 33-5 33-5l-1-32s-8 2-19 2c-17 0-25-12-25-36v-93h47v-32h-47v-48l-42 13v35h-28v32h28v97zm301-34c0-133-188-134-188 3 0 133 188 131 188-3zm-44 1c0 92-101 93-101 1 0-91 101-93 101-1zm124-10s1-50 45-50c7 0 13 1 13 1v-40s-6-1-10-1c-42 0-53 43-53 43l-2-39h-37l1 41v151h43V524zm174 110c37 0 64-12 64-12l-6-30s-19 9-52 9c-63 0-60-57-60-57h128c6-60-18-110-79-110-65 0-90 57-90 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Social.svg.min - Script Codes JS Codes

function solidToggle(event) { event.preventDefault() var social = document.getElementsByClassName('social')[0] social.classList.toggle('no-bg')
function openSource(event) { event.preventDefault() '', '_blank' )
Social.svg.min - Script Codes
Social.svg.min - Script Codes
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Developer Andreas Larsen
Username larsenwork
Uploaded June 11, 2022
Rating 4.5
Size 13,849 Kb
Views 80,960
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