Svg path animation
How do I make an svg path animation?
What is a svg path animation? How do you make a svg path animation? This script and codes were developed by Katie Inkblotty on 08 August 2022, Monday.
Svg path animation - Script Codes HTML Codes
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>svg path animation</title>
<body> <div id="squiggle"> <svg version="1.0" xmlns="" width="500px" height="510px" viewBox="0 0 6150 6830" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"> <g fill="none" stroke="deeppink" stroke-width="19"> <path id="path1" stroke-dashoffset="0.00" stroke-dasharray="2246.95 2246.95" d="M2844 6063 c-36 -39 -38 -62 -15 -165 36 -164 54 -343 56 -568 3 -223 10 -264 52 -312 17 -19 38 -14 26 5 -4 6 -6 46 -4 88 1 42 -3 97 -10 121 -13 45 -13 71 -5 286 5 106 3 139 -9 162 -18 35 -32 115 -18 107 14 -9 5 95 -15 168 -9 33 -16 77 -16 98 0 44 -8 46 -42 10z"/> <path id='path2' d="M979 5392 c25 -48 148 -150 245 -205 52 -29 61 -35 131 -83 33 -22 92 -58 130 -79 39 -22 86 -51 105 -67 92 -72 211 -158 219 -158 5 0 22 -19 38 -42 28 -42 53 -60 53 -38 0 15 -55 91 -121 168 -49 57 -78 75 -267 167 -51 24 -118 62 -150 83 -31 21 -78 51 -105 66 -26 15 -76 52 -110 83 -34 31 -76 62 -92 69 -17 7 -39 22 -49 33 -23 26 -40 28 -27 3z"/> <path id='path3' d="M5450 5211 c-8 -5 -39 -11 -69 -14 -30 -4 -59 -11 -65 -17 -5 -5 -20 -10 -31 -10 -12 0 -30 -9 -39 -19 -10 -10 -34 -22 -54 -26 -30 -6 -160 -65 -227 -103 -11 -7 -45 -21 -75 -32 -31 -11 -80 -35 -110 -54 -30 -19 -137 -82 -237 -141 -101 -59 -183 -109 -183 -111 0 -6 47 5 130 32 42 13 99 41 127 62 28 20 78 53 110 72 74 45 335 158 382 166 47 8 227 91 262 120 8 8 22 14 30 14 20 0 73 44 68 58 -2 6 -10 8 -19 3z"/> <path id='path-squiggle' d="M2795 4700 c-173 -26 -491 -144 -543 -202 -121 -136 -143 -170 -247 -383 -119 -244 -157 -339 -166 -414 -4 -36 -13 -102 -19 -146 -22 -146 -10 -530 17 -580 6 -11 28 -65 48 -120 63 -169 176 -372 222 -399 39 -22 192 -169 186 -178 -3 -6 -2 -8 4 -5 13 8 86 -67 76 -78 -5 -4 -3 -5 3 -2 6 3 35 -18 64 -48 30 -30 52 -55 48 -55 -13 0 71 -80 132 -126 92 -69 128 -94 135 -94 4 0 21 -11 38 -24 47 -35 186 -106 207 -106 25 0 50 10 50 21 0 5 -6 9 -13 9 -7 0 -59 27 -115 60 -55 33 -109 60 -119 60 -33 0 -104 57 -251 201 -81 79 -192 183 -247 231 -55 47 -107 95 -115 105 -8 10 -33 41 -56 68 -73 90 -126 173 -118 186 4 8 3 10 -5 5 -16 -10 -77 122 -102 221 -35 134 -39 172 -48 380 -9 211 -9 204 38 437 32 154 47 197 122 350 71 146 169 283 290 407 44 46 63 58 99 64 24 4 51 11 60 15 32 17 157 50 210 55 30 4 100 15 155 27 112 23 207 25 370 9 209 -21 236 -29 480 -146 52 -24 152 -88 235 -150 165 -121 251 -215 305 -330 18 -38 57 -122 88 -185 30 -63 63 -140 73 -170 10 -30 29 -86 42 -125 21 -57 27 -104 36 -250 7 -99 9 -200 5 -225 -6 -40 -88 -257 -127 -335 -29 -59 -203 -223 -292 -277 -47 -28 -112 -69 -144 -90 -32 -21 -73 -46 -90 -55 -17 -9 -61 -35 -97 -59 -79 -52 -120 -60 -384 -69 l-180 -7 -138 41 c-178 53 -187 57 -283 129 -101 75 -270 274 -432 510 -109 159 -110 160 -131 248 -40 162 -53 269 -41 332 6 31 16 98 21 147 14 145 32 220 59 257 14 18 48 68 76 110 32 49 79 103 129 145 197 171 227 187 370 197 44 3 103 11 132 17 44 10 66 9 143 -6 141 -27 263 -83 417 -191 80 -57 186 -199 179 -240 -3 -14 -2 -24 1 -20 5 5 52 -85 56 -109 1 -5 4 -12 8 -15 9 -8 47 -74 49 -85 2 -5 6 -19 10 -31 5 -11 11 -43 15 -70 3 -27 10 -69 15 -94 22 -107 39 -252 41 -339 l2 -93 -53 -67 c-81 -102 -109 -131 -213 -218 -127 -107 -157 -117 -366 -114 -84 1 -163 6 -175 10 -35 14 -308 268 -328 306 -6 11 -41 65 -78 120 -37 55 -88 139 -114 187 l-48 88 48 49 c87 90 111 164 81 251 -13 38 -66 75 -74 53 -3 -7 -12 -13 -22 -13 -50 0 -151 -115 -151 -172 0 -37 52 -175 93 -244 20 -33 37 -67 39 -75 2 -8 5 -16 8 -19 3 -3 13 -22 23 -43 9 -21 38 -65 65 -98 26 -34 75 -97 110 -140 34 -44 62 -84 62 -90 0 -6 4 -8 8 -5 4 3 16 -10 26 -28 10 -19 29 -39 42 -46 13 -8 24 -17 24 -22 0 -4 5 -8 11 -8 6 0 29 -13 52 -29 77 -53 202 -116 265 -136 98 -29 137 -16 345 118 48 31 92 57 98 57 6 0 7 5 4 10 -3 6 3 10 14 10 12 0 20 5 19 12 -2 7 2 12 7 13 11 0 90 76 90 86 0 10 53 68 57 63 3 -2 5 2 5 9 0 8 13 33 30 58 59 87 65 104 54 167 -6 31 -18 109 -26 172 -43 311 -69 414 -156 596 -53 113 -180 256 -276 312 -79 47 -271 119 -390 148 -91 22 -124 25 -223 22 -113 -4 -117 -5 -200 -47 -116 -60 -189 -107 -228 -150 -49 -53 -174 -218 -211 -277 -38 -63 -111 -312 -111 -381 0 -35 -3 -44 -10 -33 -6 9 -10 10 -10 3 0 -6 5 -15 10 -18 14 -9 12 -118 -2 -134 -10 -11 -10 -13 0 -7 6 4 12 2 12 -3 0 -6 -6 -11 -12 -11 -9 0 -10 -3 -2 -8 6 -4 14 -37 18 -75 11 -113 113 -358 175 -424 17 -18 31 -37 31 -42 0 -6 3 -11 8 -11 11 0 98 -113 94 -123 -1 -5 1 -6 6 -3 5 3 26 -18 48 -47 114 -153 325 -339 454 -401 l85 -41 205 3 c287 4 520 37 520 74 0 5 10 12 23 17 12 5 76 34 141 66 101 48 120 54 134 43 15 -11 16 -11 4 4 -11 14 -8 20 24 45 21 15 58 46 83 68 25 23 60 52 77 66 98 79 265 297 283 367 30 125 55 241 56 269 1 18 8 46 15 63 15 37 10 55 -96 349 -19 52 -21 68 -11 80 8 9 8 12 1 8 -15 -8 -59 106 -48 124 4 7 3 10 -3 6 -6 -4 -18 15 -28 46 -9 28 -44 104 -78 167 -53 100 -75 129 -177 234 -63 65 -139 136 -168 158 -65 48 -411 232 -485 257 -110 38 -207 51 -417 55 -113 2 -227 0 -255 -4z"/> <path d="M2684 4008 c-87 -29 -136 -56 -161 -88 -21 -26 -14 -31 19 -14 17 9 47 18 67 19 55 5 213 40 238 53 12 7 80 15 151 18 155 8 187 1 316 -68 106 -58 169 -120 220 -220 19 -37 37 -64 42 -60 4 4 5 2 1 -3 -6 -12 35 -271 45 -281 4 -3 4 -20 1 -37 -10 -48 18 -29 33 24 24 79 18 127 -42 301 -31 89 -69 188 -85 218 -31 57 -86 108 -161 148 -42 23 -48 23 -319 21 l-276 -2 -89 -29z"/> <path d="M4420 3780 c0 -7 3 -10 7 -7 3 4 3 10 0 14 -4 3 -7 0 -7 -7z"/> <path d="M4981 3656 c3 -3 59 -13 125 -22 98 -13 162 -15 364 -8 253 8 511 7 544 -3 12 -3 17 -1 14 8 -9 26 -85 31 -363 23 -302 -8 -337 -8 -550 2 -77 3 -137 3 -134 0z"/> <path d="M1230 3473 c-255 -24 -369 -34 -495 -43 -82 -7 -170 -17 -195 -25 -59 -17 -138 -53 -146 -66 -11 -19 4 -21 28 -5 14 10 43 16 83 16 33 0 105 9 160 19 117 23 190 34 375 56 158 18 173 18 165 5 -3 -5 3 -11 14 -12 12 -1 33 -3 49 -4 15 -2 64 -4 109 -6 45 -2 85 -6 89 -10 26 -27 33 24 8 60 -14 20 -22 22 -112 20 -53 0 -113 -3 -132 -5z"/> <path d="M460 3330 c0 -7 3 -10 7 -7 3 4 3 10 0 14 -4 3 -7 0 -7 -7z"/> <path d="M3379 3272 c-30 -20 -81 -77 -98 -109 -19 -36 -13 -55 34 -115 55 -70 85 -78 129 -33 15 17 33 29 38 27 5 -1 7 2 4 7 -3 5 5 33 19 63 39 83 33 138 -16 163 -37 20 -78 19 -110 -3z"/> <path d="M3383 2963 c4 -3 10 -3 14 0 3 4 0 7 -7 7 -7 0 -10 -3 -7 -7z"/> <path d="M4900 2476 c211 -136 283 -190 415 -309 134 -122 257 -214 358 -270 49 -27 59 -30 67 -17 7 11 5 18 -7 25 -186 114 -365 250 -548 420 -120 110 -312 225 -377 225 -15 0 16 -25 92 -74z"/> <path d="M1529 2091 c-98 -38 -336 -242 -539 -462 -58 -62 -133 -140 -166 -174 -63 -62 -84 -95 -60 -95 7 0 143 129 302 288 244 242 302 295 369 334 45 26 96 61 115 78 18 16 38 30 42 30 5 0 6 5 3 10 -8 13 -11 12 -66 -9z"/> <path d="M4070 1934 c0 -7 15 -27 103 -139 35 -44 74 -96 87 -115 13 -19 27 -37 31 -40 3 -3 12 -16 19 -30 7 -14 40 -65 73 -115 52 -78 150 -248 233 -405 31 -58 62 -84 80 -69 15 12 19 35 7 41 -5 2 -18 23 -31 48 -12 25 -49 81 -82 125 -33 44 -60 83 -60 86 0 3 -26 52 -57 110 -63 113 -250 375 -324 451 -25 26 -44 50 -41 53 3 3 -4 5 -16 5 -12 0 -22 -3 -22 -6z"/> <path d="M3326 1449 c-3 -13 -10 -78 -16 -144 -11 -134 -6 -162 40 -251 17 -31 30 -65 30 -75 0 -11 18 -68 41 -127 22 -59 49 -141 59 -183 19 -76 113 -316 130 -333 6 -6 10 -18 10 -28 0 -10 5 -18 10 -18 17 0 11 89 -9 128 -10 20 -33 91 -51 157 -17 66 -40 138 -49 160 -10 22 -24 66 -31 99 -6 32 -25 86 -41 120 -16 33 -29 70 -29 81 0 11 -9 47 -19 80 -26 82 -59 250 -60 304 -1 51 -8 64 -15 30z"/> <path d="M2490 1432 c0 -4 -34 -48 -75 -97 -41 -48 -78 -98 -81 -109 -4 -12 -21 -37 -39 -57 -18 -20 -40 -61 -50 -90 -22 -70 -114 -262 -176 -367 -27 -46 -63 -111 -80 -145 -18 -34 -67 -115 -111 -180 -43 -65 -76 -122 -73 -127 15 -24 43 -7 74 45 18 30 44 66 58 81 13 14 22 33 19 40 -3 8 4 18 14 24 11 6 20 15 20 21 0 6 9 24 21 40 11 16 17 34 13 40 -4 7 -3 9 3 6 13 -8 26 20 16 35 -4 7 -1 8 7 3 10 -6 12 -3 8 13 -4 12 -3 22 1 22 4 0 14 15 23 33 88 182 234 457 253 477 50 54 135 183 154 235 24 64 24 65 11 65 -5 0 -10 -4 -10 -8z"/> </g> </svg>
</div> <script src="js/index.js"></script>
Svg path animation - Script Codes JS Codes
var elems = document.getElementsByTagName('path');
var pathArray =,0);
var squiggle = document.getElementById('path-squiggle');
function drawSun() { pathArray.forEach(function(path) { var length = path.getTotalLength(); path.setAttribute('stroke-dasharray', length + ' ' + length); path.setAttribute('stroke-dashoffset', length); if ( !== 'path-squiggle') { drawLine(path, '3s'); } else { drawLine(path); } })
function drawLine(pathVar, delay) { var length = pathVar.getTotalLength(); = length + ' ' + length; = length; = = 'none'; pathVar.getBoundingClientRect(); = = 'stroke-dashoffset 5s ease-in-out'; if (delay) {['transition-delay'] = = delay; } = 0;
Developer | Katie Inkblotty |
Username | inkblotty |
Uploaded | August 08, 2022 |
Rating | 3 |
Size | 5,121 Kb |
Views | 58,696 |
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