
5,383 Kb

How do I make an task?

What is a task? How do you make a task? This script and codes were developed by Nugroho Indra Utomo on 17 October 2022, Monday.

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Task - Script Codes HTML Codes

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Task - Script Codes CSS Codes

@charset "utf-8";
css reset stylesheet is to reduce browser inconsistencies
in things like default line heights, margins and font sizes of headings,
and so on. =====*/
html{	background:#ffffff;	}
body,div,dl,dt,dd,ul,ol,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,code,form,fiel dset,input,textarea,p,blockquote,th,td{	margin:0;	padding:0;	}
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contain : construct page layout like page background,
header, footer, global navigation and so on =====*/
/*----- contents -------	1: Wrap Section	2: Header Area	: gnavArea	3: Main Area	: contentArea	: sideArea	4: Footer Area
contain : such as strong text, margin set, basic list & font style and so on =====*/
body {	margin: 0px;	padding: 0px;	font-family: Arial, sans-serif;	font-size:14px;	color:#FFFFFF;
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===== 1: Wrap Section ===========================*/
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===== 2: Header Area ============================*/
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/* #gnavArea
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#headerArea #gnavArea #formArea #signArea{	float:left;
#headerArea #gnavArea #formArea #signArea > ul{	display:block;	float:left;
#headerArea #gnavArea #formArea #signArea > ul li{	float:left;	height:25px;	padding:40px 18px 30px 18px;	font-size:14px;	color:#cac8c8;
#headerArea #gnavArea #formArea #signArea > ul li:first-child{	background:url(../images/bg_li_02.png);	background-repeat:no-repeat;	background-position:right center;
#headerArea #gnavArea #formArea #searchBar{	padding:32px 0 30px 0;	float:left;
#headerArea #gnavArea #formArea #searchBar input[type=text]{	height:23px;	padding:5px 45px 5px 10px;	border-radius:8px;	border:none;	background:url(../images/bg_input_search_01.png)#ffffff;	background-position:right center;	background-repeat:no-repeat;
#headerArea #gnavArea #formArea #searchBar input[type=submit]{	height:33px;	width:45px;	margin-left:-45px;	opacity:0;	cursor:pointer;
===== 3: Main Area ===============================*/
#mainArea {	background:#0c0b0b;	height:auto;
/* #contentArea
#mainArea #contentArea {	position:relative;	width:1230px;	min-height:800px;	margin: 0 auto;	background:#111111;	border-left:1px solid #504f4f;	border-right:1px solid #504f4f;	border-top:1px solid #504f4f;	overflow:hidden;
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/* .columnBlockK01
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#wrap #wrapInner #mainArea #contentArea .columnBlockK01 .form .select1 {	float:left;	margin:25px 4px 0 0;	width:87px;	height:30px;	background-color:#ffffff;	padding:10px 0 0 0;
#wrap #wrapInner #mainArea #contentArea .columnBlockK01 .form .select1 select {	border:none;
#wrap #wrapInner #mainArea #contentArea .columnBlockK01 .form .select1 label {	margin:0 51px 0 0;
#wrap #wrapInner #mainArea #contentArea .columnBlockK01 .form .select2 {	float:left;	margin:25px 4px 0 0;	width:87px;	height:30px;	background-color:#ffffff;	padding:10px 0 0 0;
#wrap #wrapInner #mainArea #contentArea .columnBlockK01 .form .select2 select {	border:none;
#wrap #wrapInner #mainArea #contentArea .columnBlockK01 .form .select3 {	float:left;	margin:25px 20px 0 0;	width:87px;	height:30px;	background-color:#ffffff;	padding:10px 0 0 0;
#wrap #wrapInner #mainArea #contentArea .columnBlockK01 .form .select3 select {	border:none;	width:83px;
#wrap #wrapInner #mainArea #contentArea .columnBlockK01 .form .checkbox {	margin:43px 0 0 0px;
#wrap #wrapInner #mainArea #contentArea .columnBlockK01 .form .checkbox input {	margin:0px 22px 9px 0px;	float:left;	width:19px;	height:19px;
#wrap #wrapInner #mainArea #contentArea .columnBlockK01 .form .checkbox label {	margin:0 0 0 0;	font-size:12px;	color:#b2a778;	float:right;	width:280px;	height:32px;	line-height:21px;
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#wrap #wrapInner #mainArea #contentArea .columnBlockK01 .form .checkbox input {	margin:0px 22px 9px 0px;	float:left;	width:19px;	height:19px;
#wrap #wrapInner #mainArea #contentArea .columnBlockK01 .form .checkbox2 label {	margin:0 0 0 0;	font-size:12px;	color:#b2a778;	float:right;	width:280px;	height:51px;	line-height:21px;
#wrap #wrapInner #mainArea #contentArea .columnBlockK01 .createAccount {	background-image:url(../images/main_btn_003.png);	background-repeat:no-repeat;	display:block;	text-align:center;	width:190px;	height:42px;	color:#232323;	font-weight:bold;	padding:12px 0 0 0;	margin:35px 0 341px 48px;
/* #sideArea
#mainArea #sideArea {	/*code your #sideArea css here*/
}	/*code your #sideArea css here*/
===== 4: Footer Area =============================*/
#footerArea {
#footerArea .footerMain{	width:1230px;	margin:0 auto;
/* #footerAreaBlockA
/* #footerAreaBlockB
#footerArea #footerAreaBlockB {	position:relative;	background:#1d1c1c;	border-top:1px solid #807f7f;	height:235px;
#footerArea #footerAreaBlockB .footerMain .siteMap{	width:205px;	float:left;
#footerArea #footerAreaBlockB .footerMain .siteMap > ul a li{	font-size:16px;	height:20px;	padding:5px 0 0 0;
#footerArea #footerAreaBlockB .footerMain .siteMap > ul > li:first-child{	height:20px;	background:url(../images/bg_footer_001.png);	background-repeat:no-repeat;	background-position:left bottom;	padding:0 0 12px 0;	margin:42px 0 0 0;
#footerArea #footerAreaBlockB .footerMain #copyright{	border-left:1px solid #858484;	float:left;	margin:37px 0 0 0;	padding:0 0 0 70px;	font-size:12px;
#footerArea #footerAreaBlockB .footerMain #copyright img{	margin-right:30px;
/* #footerAreaBlockC
#footerArea #footerAreaBlockC {	position:relative;	background:#0c0b0b;	height:88px;
#footerArea #footerAreaBlockC .footerMain > ul a li{	float:left;	width:138px;	margin:28px 52px 0 0;	padding:8px 10px 6px 10px;	background:#868585;
#footerArea #footerAreaBlockC .footerMain > ul a:hover li{	background:#c3c2c2;
#footerArea #footerAreaBlockC .footerMain > ul a li img{	margin:0 10px 0 2px;
.clear {	clear: both;
Task - Script Codes
Task - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Nugroho Indra Utomo
Username indra_z85
Uploaded October 17, 2022
Rating 3
Size 5,383 Kb
Views 28,336
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Nugroho Indra Utomo (indra_z85) Script Codes
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