Uiselect ie8 issues

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How do I make an uiselect ie8 issues?

What is a uiselect ie8 issues? How do you make a uiselect ie8 issues? This script and codes were developed by Chris Hanson on 01 October 2022, Saturday.

Uiselect ie8 issues Previews

Uiselect ie8 issues - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>uiselect ie8 issues</title> <script src="https://s.codepen.io/assets/libs/modernizr.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/normalize/5.0.0/normalize.min.css"> <link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/selectize.js/0.8.5/css/selectize.default.css'>
<link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/select2/3.4.5/select2.css'>
<link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href='https://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.1/css/bootstrap.css'> <style> /* NOTE: The styles were added inline because Prefixfree needs access to your styles and they must be inlined if they are on local disk! */ .ui-select-choices-row:hover { background: red !important; color: white !important;
.option.ui-select-choices-row-inner { padding: 0 !important;
.option.ui-select-choices-row-inner div { padding: 5px 8px;
/*! * ui-select * https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-select * Version: 0.7.0 - 2014-09-09T01:02:43.612Z * License: MIT */
/* Style when highlighting a search. */
.ui-select-highlight { font-weight: bold;
.ui-select-offscreen { clip: rect(0 0 0 0) !important; width: 1px !important; height: 1px !important; border: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; overflow: hidden !important; position: absolute !important; outline: 0 !important; left: 0px !important; top: 0px !important;
/* Select2 theme */
/* Mark invalid Select2 */
.ng-dirty.ng-invalid > a.select2-choice { border-color: #D44950;
.select2-result-single { padding-left: 0;
/* Selectize theme */
/* Helper class to show styles when focus */
.selectize-input.selectize-focus{ border-color: #007FBB !important;
/* Fix input width for Selectize theme */
.selectize-control > .selectize-input > input { width: 100%;
/* Fix dropdown width for Selectize theme */
.selectize-control > .selectize-dropdown { width: 100%;
/* Mark invalid Selectize */
.ng-dirty.ng-invalid > div.selectize-input { border-color: #D44950;
/* Bootstrap theme */
/* Helper class to show styles when focus */
.btn-default-focus { color: #333; background-color: #EBEBEB; border-color: #ADADAD; text-decoration: none; outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color; outline-offset: -2px; box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 8px rgba(102, 175, 233, 0.6);
/* Fix Bootstrap dropdown position when inside a input-group */
.input-group > .ui-select-bootstrap.dropdown { /* Instead of relative */ position: static;
.input-group > .ui-select-bootstrap > input.ui-select-search.form-control { border-radius: 4px; /* FIXME hardcoded value :-/ */ border-top-right-radius: 0; border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
.ui-select-bootstrap > .ui-select-match { /* Instead of center because of .btn */ text-align: left;
.ui-select-bootstrap > .ui-select-match > .caret { position: absolute; top: 45%; right: 15px;
/* See Scrollable Menu with Bootstrap 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19227496 */
.ui-select-bootstrap > .ui-select-choices { width: 100%; height: auto; max-height: 200px; overflow-x: hidden;
.ui-select-multiple.ui-select-bootstrap { height: auto; padding: .3em;
.ui-select-multiple.ui-select-bootstrap input.ui-select-search { background-color: transparent !important; /* To prevent double background when disabled */ border: none; outline: none; height: 1.666666em;
.ui-select-multiple.ui-select-bootstrap .ui-select-match .close { font-size: 1.6em; line-height: 0.75;
.ui-select-bootstrap .ui-select-choices-row>a { display: block; padding: 3px 20px; clear: both; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.42857143; color: #333; white-space: nowrap;
.ui-select-bootstrap .ui-select-choices-row>a:hover, .ui-select-bootstrap .ui-select-choices-row>a:focus { text-decoration: none; color: #262626; background-color: #f5f5f5;
.ui-select-bootstrap .ui-select-choices-row.active>a { color: #fff; text-decoration: none; outline: 0; background-color: #428bca;
/* fix hide/show angular animation */
.ui-select-search.ng-hide-add { display: none !important;
/* Mark invalid Bootstrap */
.ui-select-bootstrap.ng-dirty.ng-invalid > button.btn.ui-select-match { border-color: #D44950;
} </style> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/prefixfree/1.0.7/prefixfree.min.js"></script>
<body> <!-- IE8 support, see AngularJS Internet Explorer Compatibility https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/ie For Firefox 3.6, you will also need to include jQuery and ECMAScript 5 shim --> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/es5-shim/2.2.0/es5-shim.js"></script> <script> document.createElement('ui-select'); document.createElement('ui-select-match'); document.createElement('ui-select-choices'); document.createElement('my-test-directive'); </script> <![endif]--> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.25/angular.js"></script> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.25/angular-sanitize.js"></script>
<div ng-app="demo" ng-controller="DemoCtrl"> <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" ng-click="enable()">Enable ui-select</button> <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" ng-click="disable()">Disable ui-select</button> <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" ng-click="clear()">Clear ng-model</button> <my-test-directive> </my-test-directive>
</div> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Uiselect ie8 issues - Script Codes CSS Codes

.ui-select-choices-row:hover { background: red !important; color: white !important;
.option.ui-select-choices-row-inner { padding: 0 !important;
.option.ui-select-choices-row-inner div { padding: 5px 8px;
/*! * ui-select * https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-select * Version: 0.7.0 - 2014-09-09T01:02:43.612Z * License: MIT */
/* Style when highlighting a search. */
.ui-select-highlight { font-weight: bold;
.ui-select-offscreen { clip: rect(0 0 0 0) !important; width: 1px !important; height: 1px !important; border: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; overflow: hidden !important; position: absolute !important; outline: 0 !important; left: 0px !important; top: 0px !important;
/* Select2 theme */
/* Mark invalid Select2 */
.ng-dirty.ng-invalid > a.select2-choice { border-color: #D44950;
.select2-result-single { padding-left: 0;
/* Selectize theme */
/* Helper class to show styles when focus */
.selectize-input.selectize-focus{ border-color: #007FBB !important;
/* Fix input width for Selectize theme */
.selectize-control > .selectize-input > input { width: 100%;
/* Fix dropdown width for Selectize theme */
.selectize-control > .selectize-dropdown { width: 100%;
/* Mark invalid Selectize */
.ng-dirty.ng-invalid > div.selectize-input { border-color: #D44950;
/* Bootstrap theme */
/* Helper class to show styles when focus */
.btn-default-focus { color: #333; background-color: #EBEBEB; border-color: #ADADAD; text-decoration: none; outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color; outline-offset: -2px; box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 8px rgba(102, 175, 233, 0.6);
/* Fix Bootstrap dropdown position when inside a input-group */
.input-group > .ui-select-bootstrap.dropdown { /* Instead of relative */ position: static;
.input-group > .ui-select-bootstrap > input.ui-select-search.form-control { border-radius: 4px; /* FIXME hardcoded value :-/ */ border-top-right-radius: 0; border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
.ui-select-bootstrap > .ui-select-match { /* Instead of center because of .btn */ text-align: left;
.ui-select-bootstrap > .ui-select-match > .caret { position: absolute; top: 45%; right: 15px;
/* See Scrollable Menu with Bootstrap 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19227496 */
.ui-select-bootstrap > .ui-select-choices { width: 100%; height: auto; max-height: 200px; overflow-x: hidden;
.ui-select-multiple.ui-select-bootstrap { height: auto; padding: .3em;
.ui-select-multiple.ui-select-bootstrap input.ui-select-search { background-color: transparent !important; /* To prevent double background when disabled */ border: none; outline: none; height: 1.666666em;
.ui-select-multiple.ui-select-bootstrap .ui-select-match .close { font-size: 1.6em; line-height: 0.75;
.ui-select-bootstrap .ui-select-choices-row>a { display: block; padding: 3px 20px; clear: both; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.42857143; color: #333; white-space: nowrap;
.ui-select-bootstrap .ui-select-choices-row>a:hover, .ui-select-bootstrap .ui-select-choices-row>a:focus { text-decoration: none; color: #262626; background-color: #f5f5f5;
.ui-select-bootstrap .ui-select-choices-row.active>a { color: #fff; text-decoration: none; outline: 0; background-color: #428bca;
/* fix hide/show angular animation */
.ui-select-search.ng-hide-add { display: none !important;
/* Mark invalid Bootstrap */
.ui-select-bootstrap.ng-dirty.ng-invalid > button.btn.ui-select-match { border-color: #D44950;

Uiselect ie8 issues - Script Codes JS Codes

'use strict';
var app = angular.module('demo', ['ngSanitize', 'ui.select']);
var tmpl="";
tmpl += "<div>";
tmpl += " <h3>Selectize theme<\/h3> ";
tmpl += " <p>Selected: {{country.selected}}<\/p>";
tmpl += " <ui-select ng-model=\"country.selected\" theme=\"selectize\" ng-disabled=\"disabled\" style=\"width: 300px;\">";
tmpl += " <ui-select-match placeholder=\"Select or search a country in the list...\">{{$select.selected.name}}<\/ui-select-match>";
tmpl += " <ui-select-choices repeat=\"country in countries | filter: $select.search\">";
tmpl += " <div ng-click=\"selItem($select, $event, country)\" ng-mouseenter=\"$event.stopPropagation()\">";
tmpl += " <span ng-bind-html=\"country.name | highlight: $select.search\"><\/span>";
tmpl += " <small ng-bind-html=\"country.code | highlight: $select.search\"><\/small>";
tmpl += " <\/div>";
tmpl += " <\/ui-select-choices>";
tmpl += " <\/ui-select>";
tmpl += "<\/div>";
app.directive('myTestDirective', function () { return { restrict: 'E', link: function () { }, template: tmpl }
/** * AngularJS default filter with the following expression: * "person in people | filter: {name: $select.search, age: $select.search}" * performs a AND between 'name: $select.search' and 'age: $select.search'. * We want to perform a OR. */
app.filter('propsFilter', function() { return function(items, props) { var out = []; if (angular.isArray(items)) { items.forEach(function(item) { var itemMatches = false; var keys = Object.keys(props); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var prop = keys[i]; var text = props[prop].toLowerCase(); if (item[prop].toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(text) !== -1) { itemMatches = true; break; } } if (itemMatches) { out.push(item); } }); } else { // Let the output be the input untouched out = items; } return out; }
app.controller('DemoCtrl', function($scope, $http) { $scope.selItem = function ($select, e, item) { e.stopPropagation(); console.log(item); $select.select(item); }; $scope.disabled = undefined; $scope.enable = function() { $scope.disabled = false; }; $scope.disable = function() { $scope.disabled = true; }; $scope.clear = function() { $scope.person.selected = undefined; $scope.address.selected = undefined; $scope.country.selected = undefined; }; $scope.person = {}; $scope.people = [ { name: 'Adam', email: '[email protected]', age: 10 }, { name: 'Amalie', email: '[email protected]', age: 12 }, { name: 'Wladimir', email: '[email protected]', age: 30 }, { name: 'Samantha', email: '[email protected]', age: 31 }, { name: 'Estefanía', email: 'estefaní[email protected]', age: 16 }, { name: 'Natasha', email: '[email protected]', age: 54 }, { name: 'Nicole', email: '[email protected]', age: 43 }, { name: 'Adrian', email: '[email protected]', age: 21 } ]; $scope.address = {}; $scope.refreshAddresses = function(address) { var params = {address: address, sensor: false}; return $http.get( 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json', {params: params} ).then(function(response) { $scope.addresses = response.data.results }); }; $scope.country = {}; $scope.countries = [ // Taken from https://gist.github.com/unceus/6501985 {name: 'Afghanistan', code: 'AF'}, {name: 'Åland Islands', code: 'AX'}, {name: 'Albania', code: 'AL'}, {name: 'Algeria', code: 'DZ'}, {name: 'American Samoa', code: 'AS'}, {name: 'Andorra', code: 'AD'} ];
/*! * ui-select * https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-select * Version: 0.7.0 - 2014-09-09T01:02:43.608Z * License: MIT */
(function () { "use strict"; var KEY = { TAB: 9, ENTER: 13, ESC: 27, SPACE: 32, LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, DOWN: 40, SHIFT: 16, CTRL: 17, ALT: 18, PAGE_UP: 33, PAGE_DOWN: 34, HOME: 36, END: 35, BACKSPACE: 8, DELETE: 46, isControl: function (e) { var k = e.which; switch (k) { case KEY.SHIFT: case KEY.CTRL: case KEY.ALT: return true; } if (e.metaKey) return true; return false; }, isFunctionKey: function (k) { k = k.which ? k.which : k; return k >= 112 && k <= 123; }, isVerticalMovement: function (k){ return ~[KEY.UP, KEY.DOWN].indexOf(k); }, isHorizontalMovement: function (k){ return ~[KEY.LEFT,KEY.RIGHT,KEY.BACKSPACE,KEY.DELETE].indexOf(k); } }; /** * Add querySelectorAll() to jqLite. * * jqLite find() is limited to lookups by tag name. * TODO This will change with future versions of AngularJS, to be removed when this happens * * See jqLite.find - why not use querySelectorAll? https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/3586 * See feat(jqLite): use querySelectorAll instead of getElementsByTagName in jqLite.find https://github.com/angular/angular.js/pull/3598 */ if (angular.element.prototype.querySelectorAll === undefined) { angular.element.prototype.querySelectorAll = function(selector) { return angular.element(this[0].querySelectorAll(selector)); }; } angular.module('ui.select', []) .constant('uiSelectConfig', { theme: 'bootstrap', searchEnabled: true, placeholder: '', // Empty by default, like HTML tag <select> refreshDelay: 1000 // In milliseconds }) // See Rename minErr and make it accessible from outside https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/6913 .service('uiSelectMinErr', function() { var minErr = angular.$$minErr('ui.select'); return function() { var error = minErr.apply(this, arguments); var message = error.message.replace(new RegExp('\nhttps://errors.angularjs.org/.*'), ''); return new Error(message); }; }) /** * Parses "repeat" attribute. * * Taken from AngularJS ngRepeat source code * See https://github.com/angular/angular.js/blob/v1.2.15/src/ng/directive/ngRepeat.js#L211 * * Original discussion about parsing "repeat" attribute instead of fully relying on ng-repeat: * https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-select/commit/5dd63ad#commitcomment-5504697 */ .service('RepeatParser', ['uiSelectMinErr','$parse', function(uiSelectMinErr, $parse) { var self = this; /** * Example: * expression = "address in addresses | filter: {street: $select.search} track by $index" * itemName = "address", * source = "addresses | filter: {street: $select.search}", * trackByExp = "$index", */ self.parse = function(expression) { var match = expression.match(/^\s*(?:([\s\S]+?)\s+as\s+)?([\S]+?)\s+in\s+([\s\S]+?)(?:\s+track\s+by\s+([\s\S]+?))?\s*$/); if (!match) { throw uiSelectMinErr('iexp', "Expected expression in form of '_item_ in _collection_[ track by _id_]' but got '{0}'.", expression); } return { itemName: match[2], // (lhs) Left-hand side, source: $parse(match[3]), trackByExp: match[4], modelMapper: $parse(match[1] || match[2]) }; }; self.getGroupNgRepeatExpression = function() { return '$group in $select.groups'; }; self.getNgRepeatExpression = function(itemName, source, trackByExp, grouped) { var expression = itemName + ' in ' + (grouped ? '$group.items' : source); if (trackByExp) { expression += ' track by ' + trackByExp; } return expression; }; }]) /** * Contains ui-select "intelligence". * * The goal is to limit dependency on the DOM whenever possible and * put as much logic in the controller (instead of the link functions) as possible so it can be easily tested. */ .controller('uiSelectCtrl', ['$scope', '$element', '$timeout', 'RepeatParser', 'uiSelectMinErr', function($scope, $element, $timeout, RepeatParser, uiSelectMinErr) { var ctrl = this; var EMPTY_SEARCH = ''; ctrl.placeholder = undefined; ctrl.search = EMPTY_SEARCH; ctrl.activeIndex = 0; ctrl.activeMatchIndex = -1; ctrl.items = []; ctrl.selected = undefined; ctrl.open = false; ctrl.focus = false; ctrl.focusser = undefined; //Reference to input element used to handle focus events ctrl.disabled = undefined; // Initialized inside uiSelect directive link function ctrl.searchEnabled = undefined; // Initialized inside uiSelect directive link function ctrl.resetSearchInput = undefined; // Initialized inside uiSelect directive link function ctrl.refreshDelay = undefined; // Initialized inside uiSelectChoices directive link function ctrl.multiple = false; // Initialized inside uiSelect directive link function ctrl.isEmpty = function() { return angular.isUndefined(ctrl.selected) || ctrl.selected === null || ctrl.selected === ''; }; var _searchInput = $element.querySelectorAll('input.ui-select-search'); if (_searchInput.length !== 1) { throw uiSelectMinErr('searchInput', "Expected 1 input.ui-select-search but got '{0}'.", _searchInput.length); } // Most of the time the user does not want to empty the search input when in typeahead mode function _resetSearchInput() { if (ctrl.resetSearchInput) { ctrl.search = EMPTY_SEARCH; //reset activeIndex if (ctrl.selected && ctrl.items.length && !ctrl.multiple) { ctrl.activeIndex = ctrl.items.indexOf(ctrl.selected); } } } // When the user clicks on ui-select, displays the dropdown list ctrl.activate = function(initSearchValue, avoidReset) { if (!ctrl.disabled && !ctrl.open) { if(!avoidReset) _resetSearchInput(); ctrl.open = true; ctrl.activeMatchIndex = -1; ctrl.activeIndex = ctrl.activeIndex >= ctrl.items.length ? 0 : ctrl.activeIndex; // Give it time to appear before focus $timeout(function() { ctrl.search = initSearchValue || ctrl.search; _searchInput[0].focus(); }); } }; ctrl.findGroupByName = function(name) { return ctrl.groups && ctrl.groups.filter(function(group) { return group.name === name; })[0]; }; ctrl.parseRepeatAttr = function(repeatAttr, groupByExp) { function updateGroups(items) { ctrl.groups = []; angular.forEach(items, function(item) { var groupFn = $scope.$eval(groupByExp); var groupName = angular.isFunction(groupFn) ? groupFn(item) : item[groupFn]; var group = ctrl.findGroupByName(groupName); if(group) { group.items.push(item); } else { ctrl.groups.push({name: groupName, items: [item]}); } }); ctrl.items = []; ctrl.groups.forEach(function(group) { ctrl.items = ctrl.items.concat(group.items); }); } function setPlainItems(items) { ctrl.items = items; } var setItemsFn = groupByExp ? updateGroups : setPlainItems; ctrl.parserResult = RepeatParser.parse(repeatAttr); ctrl.isGrouped = !!groupByExp; ctrl.itemProperty = ctrl.parserResult.itemName; // See https://github.com/angular/angular.js/blob/v1.2.15/src/ng/directive/ngRepeat.js#L259 $scope.$watchCollection(ctrl.parserResult.source, function(items) { if (items === undefined || items === null) { // If the user specifies undefined or null => reset the collection // Special case: items can be undefined if the user did not initialized the collection on the scope // i.e $scope.addresses = [] is missing ctrl.items = []; } else { if (!angular.isArray(items)) { throw uiSelectMinErr('items', "Expected an array but got '{0}'.", items); } else { if (ctrl.multiple){ //Remove already selected items (ex: while searching) var filteredItems = items.filter(function(i) {return ctrl.selected.indexOf(i) < 0;}); setItemsFn(filteredItems); }else{ setItemsFn(items); } ctrl.ngModel.$modelValue = null; //Force scope model value and ngModel value to be out of sync to re-run formatters } } }); if (ctrl.multiple){ //Remove already selected items $scope.$watchCollection('$select.selected', function(selectedItems){ if (!selectedItems) return; var data = ctrl.parserResult.source($scope); var filteredItems = data.filter(function(i) {return selectedItems.indexOf(i) < 0;}); setItemsFn(filteredItems); }); } }; var _refreshDelayPromise; /** * Typeahead mode: lets the user refresh the collection using his own function. * * See Expose $select.search for external / remote filtering https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-select/pull/31 */ ctrl.refresh = function(refreshAttr) { if (refreshAttr !== undefined) { // Debounce // See https://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap/blob/0.10.0/src/typeahead/typeahead.js#L155 // FYI AngularStrap typeahead does not have debouncing: https://github.com/mgcrea/angular-strap/blob/v2.0.0-rc.4/src/typeahead/typeahead.js#L177 if (_refreshDelayPromise) { $timeout.cancel(_refreshDelayPromise); } _refreshDelayPromise = $timeout(function() { $scope.$eval(refreshAttr); }, ctrl.refreshDelay); } }; ctrl.setActiveItem = function(itemScope) { console.log(itemScope); ctrl.activeIndex = ctrl.items.indexOf(itemScope[ctrl.itemProperty]); }; ctrl.isActive = function(itemScope) { return ctrl.items.indexOf(itemScope[ctrl.itemProperty]) === ctrl.activeIndex; }; // When the user clicks on an item inside the dropdown ctrl.select = function(item) { var locals = {}; locals[ctrl.parserResult.itemName] = item; ctrl.onSelectCallback($scope, { $item: item, $model: ctrl.parserResult.modelMapper($scope, locals) }); if(ctrl.multiple){ ctrl.selected.push(item); ctrl.sizeSearchInput(); } else { ctrl.selected = item; } ctrl.close(); }; // Closes the dropdown ctrl.close = function() { if (ctrl.open) { _resetSearchInput(); ctrl.open = false; $timeout(function(){ ctrl.focusser[0].focus(); },0,false); } }; // Remove item from multiple select ctrl.removeChoice = function(index){ ctrl.selected.splice(index, 1); ctrl.activeMatchIndex = -1; ctrl.sizeSearchInput(); }; ctrl.getPlaceholder = function(){ //Refactor single? if(ctrl.multiple && ctrl.selected.length) return; return ctrl.placeholder; }; ctrl.sizeSearchInput = function(){ var input = _searchInput[0], container = _searchInput.parent().parent()[0]; _searchInput.css('width','10px'); $timeout(function(){ var newWidth = container.clientWidth - input.offsetLeft - 10; if(newWidth < 50) newWidth = container.clientWidth; _searchInput.css('width',newWidth+'px'); }, 0, false); }; function _handleDropDownSelection(key) { var processed = true; switch (key) { case KEY.DOWN: if (!ctrl.open && ctrl.multiple) ctrl.activate(false, true); //In case its the search input in 'multiple' mode else if (ctrl.activeIndex < ctrl.items.length - 1) { ctrl.activeIndex++; } break; case KEY.UP: if (!ctrl.open && ctrl.multiple) ctrl.activate(false, true); //In case its the search input in 'multiple' mode else if (ctrl.activeIndex > 0) { ctrl.activeIndex--; } break; case KEY.TAB: //TODO: Que hacemos en modo multiple? if (!ctrl.multiple) ctrl.select(ctrl.items[ctrl.activeIndex]); break; case KEY.ENTER: if(ctrl.open){ ctrl.select(ctrl.items[ctrl.activeIndex]); } else { ctrl.activate(false, true); //In case its the search input in 'multiple' mode } break; case KEY.ESC: ctrl.close(); break; default: processed = false; } return processed; } // Handles selected options in "multiple" mode function _handleMatchSelection(key){ var caretPosition = _getCaretPosition(_searchInput[0]), length = ctrl.selected.length, // none = -1, first = 0, last = length-1, curr = ctrl.activeMatchIndex, next = ctrl.activeMatchIndex+1, prev = ctrl.activeMatchIndex-1, newIndex = curr; if(caretPosition > 0 || (ctrl.search.length && key == KEY.RIGHT)) return false; ctrl.close(); function getNewActiveMatchIndex(){ switch(key){ case KEY.LEFT: // Select previous/first item if(~ctrl.activeMatchIndex) return prev; // Select last item else return last; break; case KEY.RIGHT: // Open drop-down if(!~ctrl.activeMatchIndex || curr === last){ ctrl.activate(); return false; } // Select next/last item else return next; break; case KEY.BACKSPACE: // Remove selected item and select previous/first if(~ctrl.activeMatchIndex){ ctrl.removeChoice(curr); return prev; } // Select last item else return last; break; case KEY.DELETE: // Remove selected item and select next item if(~ctrl.activeMatchIndex){ ctrl.removeChoice(ctrl.activeMatchIndex); return curr; } else return false; } } newIndex = getNewActiveMatchIndex(); if(!ctrl.selected.length || newIndex === false) ctrl.activeMatchIndex = -1; else ctrl.activeMatchIndex = Math.min(last,Math.max(first,newIndex)); return true; } // Bind to keyboard shortcuts _searchInput.on('keydown', function(e) { var key = e.which; // if(~[KEY.ESC,KEY.TAB].indexOf(key)){ // //TODO: SEGURO? // ctrl.close(); // } $scope.$apply(function() { var processed = false; if(ctrl.multiple && KEY.isHorizontalMovement(key)){ processed = _handleMatchSelection(key); } if (!processed && ctrl.items.length > 0) { processed = _handleDropDownSelection(key); } if (processed && key != KEY.TAB) { //TODO Check si el tab selecciona aun correctamente //Crear test e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } }); if(KEY.isVerticalMovement(key) && ctrl.items.length > 0){ _ensureHighlightVisible(); } }); _searchInput.on('blur', function() { $timeout(function() { ctrl.activeMatchIndex = -1; ctrl.activeIndex = 0; }); }); function _getCaretPosition(el) { if(angular.isNumber(el.selectionStart)) return el.selectionStart; // selectionStart is not supported in IE8 and we don't want hacky workarounds so we compromise else return el.value.length; } // See https://github.com/ivaynberg/select2/blob/3.4.6/select2.js#L1431 function _ensureHighlightVisible() { var container = $element.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-choices-content'); var choices = container.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-choices-row'); if (choices.length < 1) { throw uiSelectMinErr('choices', "Expected multiple .ui-select-choices-row but got '{0}'.", choices.length); } var highlighted = choices[ctrl.activeIndex]; var posY = highlighted.offsetTop + highlighted.clientHeight - container[0].scrollTop; var height = container[0].offsetHeight; if (posY > height) { container[0].scrollTop += posY - height; } else if (posY < highlighted.clientHeight) { if (ctrl.isGrouped && ctrl.activeIndex === 0) container[0].scrollTop = 0; //To make group header visible when going all the way up else container[0].scrollTop -= highlighted.clientHeight - posY; } } $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { _searchInput.off('keydown blur'); }); }]) .directive('uiSelect', ['$document', 'uiSelectConfig', 'uiSelectMinErr', '$compile', '$parse', function($document, uiSelectConfig, uiSelectMinErr, $compile, $parse) { return { restrict: 'EA', templateUrl: function(tElement, tAttrs) { var theme = tAttrs.theme || uiSelectConfig.theme; return theme + (angular.isDefined(tAttrs.multiple) ? '/select-multiple.tpl.html' : '/select.tpl.html'); }, replace: true, transclude: true, require: ['uiSelect', 'ngModel'], scope: true, controller: 'uiSelectCtrl', controllerAs: '$select', link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrls, transcludeFn) { var $select = ctrls[0]; var ngModel = ctrls[1]; $select.multiple = angular.isDefined(attrs.multiple); $select.onSelectCallback = $parse(attrs.onSelect); //From view --> model ngModel.$parsers.unshift(function (inputValue) { var locals = {}, result; if ($select.multiple){ var resultMultiple = []; for (var j = inputValue.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { locals = {}; locals[$select.parserResult.itemName] = inputValue[j]; result = $select.parserResult.modelMapper(scope, locals); resultMultiple.unshift(result); } return resultMultiple; }else{ locals = {}; locals[$select.parserResult.itemName] = inputValue; result = $select.parserResult.modelMapper(scope, locals); return result; } }); //From model --> view ngModel.$formatters.unshift(function (inputValue) { var data = $select.parserResult.source (scope, { $select : {search:''}}), //Overwrite $search locals = {}, result; if (data){ if ($select.multiple){ var resultMultiple = []; var checkFnMultiple = function(list, value){ if (!list || !list.length) return; for (var p = list.length - 1; p >= 0; p--) { locals[$select.parserResult.itemName] = list[p]; result = $select.parserResult.modelMapper(scope, locals); if (result == value){ resultMultiple.unshift(list[p]); return true; } } return false; }; if (!inputValue) return resultMultiple; //If ngModel was undefined for (var k = inputValue.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { if (!checkFnMultiple($select.selected, inputValue[k])){ checkFnMultiple(data, inputValue[k]); } } return resultMultiple; }else{ var checkFnSingle = function(d){ locals[$select.parserResult.itemName] = d; result = $select.parserResult.modelMapper(scope, locals); return result == inputValue; }; //If possible pass same object stored in $select.selected if ($select.selected && checkFnSingle($select.selected)) { return $select.selected; } for (var i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (checkFnSingle(data[i])) return data[i]; } } } return inputValue; }); //Set reference to ngModel from uiSelectCtrl $select.ngModel = ngModel; //Idea from: https://github.com/ivaynberg/select2/blob/79b5bf6db918d7560bdd959109b7bcfb47edaf43/select2.js#L1954 var focusser = angular.element("<input ng-disabled='$select.disabled' class='ui-select-focusser ui-select-offscreen' type='text' aria-haspopup='true' role='button' />"); $compile(focusser)(scope); $select.focusser = focusser; if (!$select.multiple){ element.append(focusser); focusser.bind("focus", function(){ scope.$evalAsync(function(){ $select.focus = true; }); }); focusser.bind("blur", function(){ scope.$evalAsync(function(){ $select.focus = false; }); }); focusser.bind("keydown", function(e){ if (e.which === KEY.BACKSPACE) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $select.select(undefined); scope.$digest(); return; } if (e.which === KEY.TAB || KEY.isControl(e) || KEY.isFunctionKey(e) || e.which === KEY.ESC) { return; } if (e.which == KEY.DOWN || e.which == KEY.UP || e.which == KEY.ENTER || e.which == KEY.SPACE){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $select.activate(); } scope.$digest(); }); focusser.bind("keyup input", function(e){ if (e.which === KEY.TAB || KEY.isControl(e) || KEY.isFunctionKey(e) || e.which === KEY.ESC || e.which == KEY.ENTER || e.which === KEY.BACKSPACE) { return; } $select.activate(focusser.val()); //User pressed some regular key, so we pass it to the search input focusser.val(''); scope.$digest(); }); } scope.$watch('searchEnabled', function() { var searchEnabled = scope.$eval(attrs.searchEnabled); $select.searchEnabled = searchEnabled !== undefined ? searchEnabled : true; }); attrs.$observe('disabled', function() { // No need to use $eval() (thanks to ng-disabled) since we already get a boolean instead of a string $select.disabled = attrs.disabled !== undefined ? attrs.disabled : false; }); attrs.$observe('resetSearchInput', function() { // $eval() is needed otherwise we get a string instead of a boolean var resetSearchInput = scope.$eval(attrs.resetSearchInput); $select.resetSearchInput = resetSearchInput !== undefined ? resetSearchInput : true; }); if ($select.multiple){ scope.$watchCollection('$select.selected', function(newValue) { //On v1.2.19 the 2nd and 3rd parameteres are ignored //On v1.3.0-beta+ 3rd parameter (revalidate) is true, to force $parsers to recreate model ngModel.$setViewValue(newValue, null, true); }); focusser.prop('disabled', true); //Focusser isn't needed if multiple }else{ scope.$watch('$select.selected', function(newValue) { if (ngModel.$viewValue !== newValue) { ngModel.$setViewValue(newValue); } }); } ngModel.$render = function() { if($select.multiple){ // Make sure that model value is array if(!angular.isArray(ngModel.$viewValue)){ // Have tolerance for null or undefined values if(angular.isUndefined(ngModel.$viewValue) || ngModel.$viewValue === null){ $select.selected = []; } else { throw uiSelectMinErr('multiarr', "Expected model value to be array but got '{0}'", ngModel.$viewValue); } } } $select.selected = ngModel.$viewValue; }; function onDocumentClick(e) { var contains = false; if (window.jQuery) { // Firefox 3.6 does not support element.contains() // See Node.contains https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node.contains contains = window.jQuery.contains(element[0], e.target); } else { contains = element[0].contains(e.target); } if (!contains) { $select.close(); scope.$digest(); } } // See Click everywhere but here event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12931369 $document.on('click', onDocumentClick); scope.$on('$destroy', function() { $document.off('click', onDocumentClick); }); // Move transcluded elements to their correct position in main template transcludeFn(scope, function(clone) { // See Transclude in AngularJS http://blog.omkarpatil.com/2012/11/transclude-in-angularjs.html // One day jqLite will be replaced by jQuery and we will be able to write: // var transcludedElement = clone.filter('.my-class') // instead of creating a hackish DOM element: var transcluded = angular.element('<div>').append(clone); var transcludedMatch = transcluded.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-match'); transcludedMatch.removeAttr('ui-select-match'); //To avoid loop in case directive as attr if (transcludedMatch.length !== 1) { throw uiSelectMinErr('transcluded', "Expected 1 .ui-select-match but got '{0}'.", transcludedMatch.length); } element.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-match').replaceWith(transcludedMatch); var transcludedChoices = transcluded.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-choices'); transcludedChoices.removeAttr('ui-select-choices'); //To avoid loop in case directive as attr if (transcludedChoices.length !== 1) { throw uiSelectMinErr('transcluded', "Expected 1 .ui-select-choices but got '{0}'.", transcludedChoices.length); } element.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-choices').replaceWith(transcludedChoices); }); } }; }]) .directive('uiSelectChoices', ['uiSelectConfig', 'RepeatParser', 'uiSelectMinErr', '$compile', function(uiSelectConfig, RepeatParser, uiSelectMinErr, $compile) { return { restrict: 'EA', require: '^uiSelect', replace: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: function(tElement) { // Gets theme attribute from parent (ui-select) var theme = tElement.parent().attr('theme') || uiSelectConfig.theme; return theme + '/choices.tpl.html'; }, compile: function(tElement, tAttrs) { if (!tAttrs.repeat) throw uiSelectMinErr('repeat', "Expected 'repeat' expression."); return function link(scope, element, attrs, $select, transcludeFn) { // var repeat = RepeatParser.parse(attrs.repeat); var groupByExp = attrs.groupBy; $select.parseRepeatAttr(attrs.repeat, groupByExp); //Result ready at $select.parserResult if(groupByExp) { var groups = element.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-choices-group'); if (groups.length !== 1) throw uiSelectMinErr('rows', "Expected 1 .ui-select-choices-group but got '{0}'.", groups.length); groups.attr('ng-repeat', RepeatParser.getGroupNgRepeatExpression()); } var choices = element.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-choices-row'); if (choices.length !== 1) { throw uiSelectMinErr('rows', "Expected 1 .ui-select-choices-row but got '{0}'.", choices.length); } choices.attr('ng-repeat', RepeatParser.getNgRepeatExpression($select.parserResult.itemName, '$select.items', $select.parserResult.trackByExp, groupByExp)); var rowsInner = element.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-choices-row-inner'); if (rowsInner.length !== 1) throw uiSelectMinErr('rows', "Expected 1 .ui-select-choices-row-inner but got '{0}'.", rowsInner.length); rowsInner.attr('uis-transclude-append', ''); //Adding uisTranscludeAppend directive to row element after choices element has ngRepeat $compile(element, transcludeFn)(scope); //Passing current transcludeFn to be able to append elements correctly from uisTranscludeAppend scope.$watch('$select.search', function(newValue) { if(newValue && !$select.open && $select.multiple) $select.activate(false, true); $select.activeIndex = 0; $select.refresh(attrs.refresh); }); attrs.$observe('refreshDelay', function() { // $eval() is needed otherwise we get a string instead of a number var refreshDelay = scope.$eval(attrs.refreshDelay); $select.refreshDelay = refreshDelay !== undefined ? refreshDelay : uiSelectConfig.refreshDelay; }); }; } }; }]) // Recreates old behavior of ng-transclude. Used internally. .directive('uisTranscludeAppend', function () { return { link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl, transclude) { transclude(scope, function (clone) { element.append(clone); }); } }; }) .directive('uiSelectMatch', ['uiSelectConfig', function(uiSelectConfig) { return { restrict: 'EA', require: '^uiSelect', replace: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: function(tElement) { // Gets theme attribute from parent (ui-select) var theme = tElement.parent().attr('theme') || uiSelectConfig.theme; var multi = tElement.parent().attr('multiple'); return theme + (multi ? '/match-multiple.tpl.html' : '/match.tpl.html'); }, link: function(scope, element, attrs, $select) { attrs.$observe('placeholder', function(placeholder) { $select.placeholder = placeholder !== undefined ? placeholder : uiSelectConfig.placeholder; }); if($select.multiple){ $select.sizeSearchInput(); } } }; }]) /** * Highlights text that matches $select.search. * * Taken from AngularUI Bootstrap Typeahead * See https://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap/blob/0.10.0/src/typeahead/typeahead.js#L340 */ .filter('highlight', function() { function escapeRegexp(queryToEscape) { return queryToEscape.replace(/([.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-])/g, '\\$1'); } return function(matchItem, query) { return query && matchItem ? matchItem.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegexp(query), 'gi'), '<span class="ui-select-highlight">$&</span>') : matchItem; }; });
angular.module("ui.select").run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {$templateCache.put("bootstrap/choices.tpl.html","<ul class=\"ui-select-choices ui-select-choices-content dropdown-menu\" role=\"menu\" aria-labelledby=\"dLabel\" ng-show=\"$select.items.length > 0\"><li class=\"ui-select-choices-group\"><div class=\"divider\" ng-show=\"$select.isGrouped && $index > 0\"></div><div ng-show=\"$select.isGrouped\" class=\"ui-select-choices-group-label dropdown-header\">{{$group.name}}</div><div class=\"ui-select-choices-row\" ng-class=\"{active: $select.isActive(this)}\"><a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" class=\"ui-select-choices-row-inner\"></a></div></li></ul>");
$templateCache.put("bootstrap/match-multiple.tpl.html","<span class=\"ui-select-match\"><span ng-repeat=\"$item in $select.selected\"><button style=\"margin-right: 3px;\" class=\"ui-select-match-item btn btn-default btn-xs\" tabindex=\"-1\" ng-disabled=\"$select.disabled\" ng-click=\"$select.activeMatchIndex = $index;\" ng-class=\"{\'btn-primary\':$select.activeMatchIndex === $index}\"><span class=\"close ui-select-match-close\" ng-hide=\"$select.disabled\" ng-click=\"$select.removeChoice($index)\">&nbsp;&times;</span> <span uis-transclude-append=\"\"></span></button></span></span>");
$templateCache.put("bootstrap/match.tpl.html","<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default form-control ui-select-match\" tabindex=\"-1\" ng-hide=\"$select.open\" ng-disabled=\"$select.disabled\" ng-class=\"{\'btn-default-focus\':$select.focus}\" ;=\"\" ng-click=\"$select.activate()\"><span ng-show=\"$select.searchEnabled && $select.isEmpty()\" class=\"text-muted\">{{$select.placeholder}}</span> <span ng-hide=\"$select.isEmpty()\" ng-transclude=\"\"></span> <span class=\"caret\"></span></button>");
$templateCache.put("bootstrap/select-multiple.tpl.html","<div class=\"ui-select-multiple ui-select-bootstrap dropdown form-control\" ng-class=\"{open: $select.open}\"><div><div class=\"ui-select-match\"></div><input type=\"text\" autocomplete=\"off\" autocorrect=\"off\" autocapitalize=\"off\" spellcheck=\"false\" class=\"ui-select-search input-xs\" placeholder=\"{{$select.getPlaceholder()}}\" ng-disabled=\"$select.disabled\" ng-hide=\"$select.disabled\" ng-click=\"$select.activate()\" ng-model=\"$select.search\"></div><div class=\"ui-select-choices\"></div></div>");
$templateCache.put("bootstrap/select.tpl.html","<div class=\"ui-select-bootstrap dropdown\" ng-class=\"{open: $select.open}\"><div class=\"ui-select-match\"></div><input type=\"text\" autocomplete=\"off\" tabindex=\"-1\" class=\"form-control ui-select-search\" placeholder=\"{{$select.placeholder}}\" ng-model=\"$select.search\" ng-show=\"$select.searchEnabled && $select.open\"><div class=\"ui-select-choices\"></div></div>");
$templateCache.put("select2/choices.tpl.html","<ul class=\"ui-select-choices ui-select-choices-content select2-results\"><li class=\"ui-select-choices-group\" ng-class=\"{\'select2-result-with-children\': $select.isGrouped}\"><div ng-show=\"$select.isGrouped\" class=\"ui-select-choices-group-label select2-result-label\">{{$group.name}}</div><ul ng-class=\"{\'select2-result-sub\': $select.isGrouped, \'select2-result-single\': !$select.isGrouped}\"><li class=\"ui-select-choices-row\" ng-class=\"{\'select2-highlighted\': $select.isActive(this)}\"><div class=\"select2-result-label ui-select-choices-row-inner\"></div></li></ul></li></ul>");
$templateCache.put("select2/match-multiple.tpl.html","<span class=\"ui-select-match\"><li class=\"ui-select-match-item select2-search-choice\" ng-repeat=\"$item in $select.selected\" ng-class=\"{\'select2-search-choice-focus\':$select.activeMatchIndex === $index}\"><span uis-transclude-append=\"\"></span> <a href=\"#\" class=\"ui-select-match-close select2-search-choice-close\" ng-click=\"$select.removeChoice($index)\" tabindex=\"-1\"></a></li></span>");
$templateCache.put("select2/match.tpl.html","<a class=\"select2-choice ui-select-match\" ng-class=\"{\'select2-default\': $select.isEmpty()}\" ng-click=\"$select.activate()\"><span ng-show=\"$select.searchEnabled && $select.isEmpty()\" class=\"select2-chosen\">{{$select.placeholder}}</span> <span ng-hide=\"$select.isEmpty()\" class=\"select2-chosen\" ng-transclude=\"\"></span> <span class=\"select2-arrow\"><b></b></span></a>");
$templateCache.put("select2/select-multiple.tpl.html","<div class=\"ui-select-multiple select2 select2-container select2-container-multi\" ng-class=\"{\'select2-container-active select2-dropdown-open\': $select.open,\n \'select2-container-disabled\': $select.disabled}\"><ul class=\"select2-choices\"><span class=\"ui-select-match\"></span><li class=\"select2-search-field\"><input type=\"text\" autocomplete=\"off\" autocorrect=\"off\" autocapitalize=\"off\" spellcheck=\"false\" class=\"select2-input ui-select-search\" placeholder=\"{{$select.getPlaceholder()}}\" ng-disabled=\"$select.disabled\" ng-hide=\"$select.disabled\" ng-model=\"$select.search\" ng-click=\"$select.activate()\" style=\"width: 34px;\"></li></ul><div class=\"select2-drop select2-with-searchbox select2-drop-active\" ng-class=\"{\'select2-display-none\': !$select.open}\"><div class=\"ui-select-choices\"></div></div></div>");
$templateCache.put("select2/select.tpl.html","<div class=\"select2 select2-container\" ng-class=\"{\'select2-container-active select2-dropdown-open\': $select.open,\n \'select2-container-disabled\': $select.disabled,\n \'select2-container-active\': $select.focus }\"><div class=\"ui-select-match\"></div><div class=\"select2-drop select2-with-searchbox select2-drop-active\" ng-class=\"{\'select2-display-none\': !$select.open}\"><div class=\"select2-search\" ng-show=\"$select.searchEnabled\"><input type=\"text\" autocomplete=\"off\" autocorrect=\"off\" autocapitalize=\"off\" spellcheck=\"false\" class=\"ui-select-search select2-input\" ng-model=\"$select.search\"></div><div class=\"ui-select-choices\"></div></div></div>");
$templateCache.put("selectize/choices.tpl.html","<div ng-show=\"$select.open\" class=\"ui-select-choices selectize-dropdown single\"><div class=\"ui-select-choices-content selectize-dropdown-content\"><div class=\"ui-select-choices-group optgroup\"><div ng-show=\"$select.isGrouped\" class=\"ui-select-choices-group-label optgroup-header\">{{$group.name}}</div><div class=\"ui-select-choices-row\"><div class=\"option ui-select-choices-row-inner\" data-selectable=\"\"></div></div></div></div></div>");
$templateCache.put("selectize/match.tpl.html","<div ng-hide=\"$select.searchEnabled && ($select.open || $select.isEmpty())\" class=\"ui-select-match\" ng-transclude=\"\"></div>");
$templateCache.put("selectize/select.tpl.html","<div class=\"selectize-control single\"><div class=\"selectize-input\" ng-class=\"{\'focus\': $select.open, \'disabled\': $select.disabled, \'selectize-focus\' : $select.focus}\" ng-click=\"$select.activate()\"><div class=\"ui-select-match\"></div><input type=\"text\" autocomplete=\"off\" tabindex=\"-1\" class=\"ui-select-search\" placeholder=\"{{$select.placeholder}}\" ng-model=\"$select.search\" ng-hide=\"!$select.searchEnabled || ($select.selected && !$select.open)\" ng-disabled=\"$select.disabled\"></div><div class=\"ui-select-choices\"></div></div>");}]);
Uiselect ie8 issues - Script Codes
Uiselect ie8 issues - Script Codes
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Developer Chris Hanson
Username chrishanson
Uploaded October 01, 2022
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