2D Space

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How do I make an 2d space?

What is a 2d space? How do you make a 2d space? This script and codes were developed by Josep Antoni Bover Comas on 27 August 2022, Saturday.

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2D Space - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>2D Space</title>
<body> <!-- Simplified object for 2D and THREE.js canvas (designed for my web page banners and for doing tests with them) -->
<!-- Can work in 2 ways, normal / test mode, and banner mode (for my web page headers) -->
<script src='https://devildrey33.es/Ejemplos/Utils/ObjetoCanvas.js'></script>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='https://devildrey33.es/Ejemplos/Utils/ObjetoCanvas.css'></link> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

2D Space - Script Codes JS Codes

/* Banner que simula un espacio en 2d a alta velocidad, creado por Josep Anotni Bover Comas el 06/07/2013 para devildrey33.es */
var Banner_Espacio2D = function() { // Llamo al constructor del ObjetoCanvas if (ObjetoCanvas.call(this, { 'Tipo' : '2d', 'Ancho' : 'Auto', 'Alto' : 'Auto', 'Entorno' : 'Normal', 'MostrarFPS' : true, 'ElementoRaiz' : document.body }) === false) { return false; } // Arrays para cada plano this.Estrellas = []; this.TotalEstrellas = ((this.Ancho * this.Alto) / 250); // Creo el array de estrellas for (var i = 0; i < this.TotalEstrellas; i++) { var Vel = Rand(5) + 0.5; var Col = 199 + Math.floor(Vel * 10); this.Estrellas[i] = new this.Estrella(RandInt(this.Ancho), RandInt(this.Alto), Vel, "rgb("+ Col + "," + Col + "," + Col + ")"); } this.Cargando(false);
Banner_Espacio2D.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create(ObjetoCanvas.prototype) , { constructor : Banner_Espacio2D, // Datos de la animación [requerido] Nombre : "Espacio 2D", IdeaOriginal : "devildrey33", URL : "http://devildrey33.es/Blog/Canvas2D_1", NombreURL : "Tutorial HTML5 Canvas2D parte 1", // Función que se llama al redimensionar el documento Redimensionar : function() { }, // Función que se llama al hacer scroll en el documento Scroll : function() { }, // Función que pinta cada frame de la animación Pintar : function() { this.Context.fillStyle = 'rgba(49, 46, 53, 0.4)'; this.Context.fillRect(0, 0, this.Ancho, this.Alto); for (i = 0; i < this.TotalEstrellas; i++) { this.Estrellas[i].X -= this.Estrellas[i].Velocidad; // Se ha salido del recuadro if (this.Estrellas[i].X < 0) { var Vel = Rand(5) + 0.5; var Col = 199 + Math.floor(Vel * 10); this.Estrellas[i] = new this.Estrella(this.Ancho, RandInt(this.Alto), Vel, "rgb("+ Col + "," + Col + "," + Col + ")"); } this.Context.fillStyle = this.Estrellas[i].Color; this.Context.fillRect(this.Estrellas[i].X, this.Estrellas[i].Y, 1, 1); } }, Estrella : function(X, Y, Velocidad, Color) { this.X = X; this.Y = Y; this.Velocidad = Velocidad; this.Color = Color; }
var Canvas = null;
window.addEventListener('load', function() { Canvas = new Banner_Espacio2D; });
2D Space - Script Codes
2D Space - Script Codes
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Developer Josep Antoni Bover Comas
Username devildrey33
Uploaded August 27, 2022
Rating 3
Size 2,506 Kb
Views 32,384
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