A Pen by IEkiller

6,561 Kb

How do I make an a pen by iekiller?

What is a a pen by iekiller? How do you make a a pen by iekiller? This script and codes were developed by IEkiller on 18 January 2023, Wednesday.

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A Pen by IEkiller - Script Codes JS Codes

var wb = wb || {	Ver:1.00,	/**	*判断浏览器	*return:bolean	*/	UA:{	Ie:!!document.all,	Ie6:!!document.all && !window.XMLHttpRequest,	Ie7:!!document.all && /msie 7.0/gi.test(window.navigator.userAgent),	Ie8:!!document.all && /msie 8.0/gi.test(window.navigator.userAgent),	Ie9:!!document.all && /msie 9.0/gi.test(window.navigator.userAgent),	Ie10:!!document.all && /msie 10.0/gi.test(window.navigator.userAgent),	FF:/firefox/gi.test(window.navigator.userAgent),	Opera:/opera/gi.test(window.navigator.userAgent),	Chrom:/Chrom/gi.test(window.navigator.userAgent),	Maxthon:/Maxthon/gi.test(window.navigator.userAgent)	},	/** * [获取非复合css样式] * @param {[object]} obj [要获取样式的原生obj] * @param {[string]} attr [属性名] * @return {[string]} [获取到的属性] */	css:function (obj,attr){	if(obj.currentStyle){	return obj.currentStyle[attr];	}else{	return getComputedStyle(obj,false)[attr];	}	},	/** * 运动函数 * @param {object} obj 对象 * @param {json} json 要运动的属性集合 * @param {Function} fn 回调函数 * @return {null} */	startMove:function (obj,json,fn){	clearInterval(obj.timer);	var iCur=0, iSpeed=0;	obj.timer=setInterval(function(){	var iBtn=true;	for(var attr in json){	if(attr=='opacity'){	iCur=Math.round(wb.css(obj,attr)*100);	}else{	iCur=parseInt(wb.css(obj,attr));	}	iSpeed = (json[attr] - iCur) / 5;	iSpeed = iSpeed > 0 ? Math.ceil(iSpeed) : Math.floor(iSpeed);	if(iCur!=json[attr]){	iBtn=false;	if(attr=='opacity'){	obj.style.opacity = (iCur +iSpeed)/100;	obj.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity='+ (iCur +iSpeed) +')';	}else{	obj.style[attr] = iCur + iSpeed +'px';	}	}	}	if(iBtn){	clearInterval(obj.timer);	if(fn){fn(obj);};	}	},30);	},	/***** 判断是否为json对象 *******	* @param obj: 对象(可以是jq取到对象)	* @return :布尔值 是否是json对象	*/	isJson:function (obj){	return typeof(obj) == "object" && Object.prototype.toString.call(obj).toLowerCase() == "[object object]" && !obj.length; },	/***** 判断是否为数组对象 *******	* @param obj: 对象	* @return 是否是数组对象 true/false	*/	isArr:function (obj){	return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj).toLowerCase() == "[object array]"; },	/***** 得到一个 0~iMax 的随机数 *******	* @param iMax: 生成的最大值	* @param iMin: 生成的最小值	* @return 生成的随机数	*/	getRandom:function (iMin,iMax){ return Math.round(Math.random()*(iMax-iMin))+iMin; },	/***** 得到一组不重复的随机数 *******	* @param iMax: 生成的最大值(不包括在内)	* @return arr: 随机数的数组	*/	toRandom:function (iMax, iMin, iNum){	var json={}, arr=[];	iMin = iMin || 0;	while(arr.length<iNum)	{	var rnum=Math.round(Math.random()*(iMax-iMin))+iMin;	if(!json[rnum])	{	json[rnum]=rnum;	arr.push(rnum);	}	}	return arr;	},	/***** 添加滚轮滚动事件 *******	* @param obj: 对象	* @param fnBack: 回调函数(参数 ev:事件;dir:向上滚--true;向下滚--false)	* @return 无	*/	addScroll:function (obj,fnBack){	obj.onmousewheel=fnScroll;	if(obj.addEventListener){	obj.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll',fnScroll,false);	}	function fnScroll(ev){	ev= ev||window.event;	var dir=true;	if(ev.wheelDelta){	dir = ev.wheelDelta > 0? true : false;	}else {	dir = ev.detail < 0 ? true : false;	}	fnBack(ev,dir);	if (ev.preventDefault) {	ev.preventDefault();	}	return false;	}	},	/***** AJAX函数 *******	* @param opt: JSON { url; [data]; [dataType]; success<回调函数>}	* @return 无	*/	ajax:function (opt) {	var oAjax = null;	if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {	oAjax = new XMLHttpRequest();	} else {	oAjax = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');	}	var o = {	method : 'get',	url : '',	data : '',	dataType : 'text',	//text, json	success : function() {}	};	for (var attr in opt) {	if (attr in o) {	o[attr] = opt[attr];	}	}	if (o.method == 'get') {	o.url += o.data ? '?' + o.data + '&' + new Date().getTime() : '?' + new Date().getTime();	}	oAjax.open(o.method, o.url, true);	if (o.method == 'get') {	oAjax.send();	} else {	oAjax.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencode');	oAjax.send(o.data);	}	oAjax.onreadystatechange = function(){	if (oAjax.readyState == 4) {	if (oAjax.status == 200) {	var data = oAjax.responseText;	switch(o.dataType) {	case 'text':	break;	case 'json':	data = JSON.parse(data);	break;	}	typeof o.success === 'function' && o.success(data);	}	}	};	},	/** * 随机获取16进制的颜色值//有待改进 * @param {[type]} min 最小数值 * @param {[type]} max 最大数值 * @return {[type]} [description] */	randColor16:function(min,max){	min = (min && min.length === 3) ? parseInt(min+min,16) : 0;	max = (max && max.length === 3) ? parseInt(max+max,16) : 56*256*256 - 1;	return str='#'+( wb.getRandom(min,max) ).toString(16);	},	/** * 随机获取rgb()格式颜色 * @param {[type]} min最小数值 * @param {[type]} max 最大数值 * @return {[type]} [description] */	randColorRGB:function(min,max){	min= min||0;	max= max||255;	return str='rgb('+this.getRandom(min,max)+','+this.getRandom(min,max)+','+this.getRandom(min,max)+')';	},	/****高位补零函数****	* @param str: 要补0的字符串或数字	* @return arr: 随机数的数组	*/	addZero:function(str,num){	for(var i=0,len=num-str.length;i<len;i++){	str='0'+str;}	return str;	},	/****数组相减****	* @param arr1: 被减数数组	* @param arr2: 减数数组	* @return arr: arr1-arr2	*/	cutTowArr:function(arr1,arr2){	for(var i=0, l=arr1.length; i<l; i++){	for(var j=0, len=arr2.length; j<len; j++){	if(arr1[i] == arr2[j]){	arr1.splice(i,1);	i--;	break;	}	}	}	return arr1;	},	/****数组取交集****	* @param arr1: 数组	* @param arr2: 数组	* @return arr: arr1 和arr2的交集	*/	getArrShare:function(arr1,arr2){	var arr=[];	for(var i=0, l=arr1.length; i<l; i++){	for(var j=0, len=arr2.length; j<len; j++){	if(arr1[i] == arr2[j]){	arr.push(arr1[i]);	}	}	}	return arr;	},	/****数组穿插相加****	* @param arr1: 数组	* @param arr2: 数组	* @return arr: arr1 和arr2的穿插生成新数组	*/	mixArr:function(arr1,arr2){	var arr=[], l= arr1.length > arr2.length ? arr1.length : arr2.length;	for(var i=0; i<l; i++){	if(arr1[i]){	arr.push(arr1[i]);	}	if(arr2[i]){	arr.push(arr2[i]);	}	}	return arr;	},	/**	* 函数名:addArr	* 参数1:arr1 :要合并的第一个数组	* 参数2:arr2 :要合并的第二个数组	* return:arr :arr1+arr2 生成的新数组,不污染源数组	*/	/*addArr:function(arr1,arr2){	var arr=[];	for(var i=0, l=arr1.length; i<l; i++){	arr.push(arr1[i]);	}	for(var i=0, l=arr2.length; i<l; i++){	arr.push(arr2[i]);	}	return arr;	},*/	setOpos:function(obj){	var rx=obj.offsetWidth/2,	ry=obj.offsetHeight/2;	obj.o={	x:obj.offsetLeft+rx,	y:obj.offsetTop+ry	};	},	/** * [colorRgb description] * @param {[type]} sColor [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */	colorRgb : function(sColor){	var reg = /^#([0-9a-fA-f]{3}|[0-9a-fA-f]{6})$/;	sColor = sColor.toLowerCase();	if(sColor && reg.test(sColor)){	if(sColor.length === 4){	var sColorNew = "#";	for(var i=1; i<4; i+=1){ sColorNew += sColor.slice(i,i+1).concat(sColor.slice(i,i+1)); }	sColor = sColorNew;	}	//处理六位的颜色值	var sColorChange = [];	for(var j=1; j<7; j+=2){	sColorChange.push(parseInt("0x"+sColor.slice(j,j+2)));	}	return sColorChange;	}else{	return sColor;	}	},	/** * [colorHex description] * @param {[type]} rgb [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */	colorHex : function(rgb){	var _this = rgb;	var reg = /^#([0-9a-fA-f]{3}|[0-9a-fA-f]{6})$/;	if(/^(rgb|RGB)/.test(_this)){	var aColor = _this.replace(/(\(|\)|rgb|RGB)*/g,"").split(",");	var strHex = "#";	for(var i=0; i<aColor.length; i++){	var hex = Number(aColor[i]).toString(16);	hex = hex.length!=2 ? 0+''+hex :hex;// 保证每个rgb的值为2位	if(hex === "0"){	hex += hex;	}	strHex += hex;	}	if(strHex.length !== 7){	strHex = _this;	}	return strHex;	}else if(reg.test(_this)){	var aNum = _this.replace(/#/,"").split("");	if(aNum.length === 6){	return _this;	}else if(aNum.length === 3){	var numHex = "#";	for(var j=0; j<aNum.length; j+=1){	numHex += (aNum[j]+aNum[j]);	}	return numHex;	}	}else{	return _this;	}	},	/** * wb选择器 * @param {string} str 要获取的 id | className | 标签名 * @param { string | object } parArea 可选参数,上下文 * @return {object} 选择到的DOM对象 */	_$:function(str, parArea){	var oSel = {	id: /^\#[A-Za-z]\w*$/,	cName: /^\.[A-Za-z]\w*$/,	tName: /^[A-Za-z]\w*$/,	creatTag: /^\<[A-Za-z]+\>$/,	all: /^\*$/	};	str = str.trim ? ( str.trim() || '*' ) : str;	//if(str !== '*'){	parArea = parArea || document ;	parArea = (typeof parArea).toLowerCase() === 'object' ? parArea : document.getElementById(parArea.replace(/\#/,'')) ;	//}	if( oSel.id.test(str) ){	return document.getElementById(str.replace(/\#/,''));	}else if( oSel.cName.test(str) ){	var arr = [], aAll = null;	str = str.replace(/\./,'');	if(document.getElementsByClassName){	aAll = parArea.getElementsByClassName(str);	for(var i=0, l=aAll.length; i<l; i++){	arr.push(aAll[i]);	}	}else{/*有待改进*/	aAll = parArea.getElementsByTagName('*');	for(var i=0, l=aAll.length; i<l; i++){	var aClass = aAll[i].className.split(' ');	for(var j=0; j<aClass.length; j++){	if(aClass[j] == str){	arr.push(aAll[i]);	break;	}	}	}	}	return arr;	}else if( oSel.tName.test(str) ){	return parArea.getElementsByTagName(str);	}else if( oSel.creatTag.test(str) ){	return document.createElement(str);	}else if( oSel.all.test(str) ){	return parArea.getElementsByTagName('*');	}else{	console.error('%c 参数不正确','color:#f60; font-size:20px');	return false;	}	},	outer : function(obj){	var o = {};	o.width = obj.offsetWidth;	o.height = obj.offsetHeight;	o.left = obj.offsetLeft;	o.top = obj.offsetTop;	return o;	},	/****** 设置cookie *******	* @param key:cookie名	* @param value:cookie值	* @param t:cookie存储时间	* @return 无	*/	setCookie:function(key,value,t){	var oDate = new Date();	oDate.setDate(	oDate.getDate() + t);	document.cookie = encodeURI(key) + '=' + encodeURI(value) + ';expires=' + oDate.toUTCString();	if(	getCookie(key)	) {	return true;	}	return false;	},	/***** 获取cookie *******	* @param key:cookie名	* @return 对应的value	*/	getCookie:function(key){	var arr1 = document.cookie.split('; ');	for (var i=0; i<arr1.length; i++) {	var arr2 = arr1[i].split('=');	if (arr2[0] == encodeURI(key)) {	return decodeURI(arr2[1]);	}	}	},	/***** 删除cookie *******	* @param key:cookie名	* @return 无	*/	delCookie:function(key) {	setCookie(key, '', -1);	},	//删除指定class函数	removeClass:function(obj,sClass){	var aClass = obj.className.split(' ');	if(!aClass[0])return false;	for(var i=0; i<aClass.length; i++){	if(aClass[i] == sClass){	aClass.splice(i,1);	obj.className = aClass.join(' ');	return false;	}	}	},	//添加指定class函数	addClass:function(obj,sClass){	var aClass=obj.className.split(' ');	if(!aClass[0]){ obj.className+=' '+sClass;	return false;	}	for(var i=0;i<aClass.length;i++){	if(aClass[i]==sClass) return false;	}	obj.className+=' '+sClass;	},	//判断是否有指定class封装函数	hasClass:function(obj,sClass){	var aClass=obj.className.split(' ');	if(!aClass[0])return false;	for(var i=0; i<aClass.length; i++){	if(aClass[i]==sClass)return true;	}	return false;	},	/***** 用className获取元素 *******	* @param sClass:要获取的className	* @return parent:查找范围	*/	getByClass:function(sClass,parent){	var aEles = (parent||document).getElementsByTagName('*'),	arr = [];	for(var i=0, l=aEles.length; i<l; i++){	var aClass = aEles[i].className.split(' ');	for(var j=0; j<aClass.length; j++){	if(aClass[j] == sClass){	arr.push(aEles[i]);	break;	}	}	}	return arr;	}
String.prototype.trim=function(){ return this.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "");};
String.prototype.ltrim=function(){ return this.replace(/(^\s*)/g,"");};
String.prototype.rtrim=function(){ return this.replace(/(\s*$)/g,"");};
String.prototype.encode = function(){ return encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(this));};
* @param str: 要补0的字符串或数字
* @return arr: 随机数的数组
Array.prototype.delReElement = Array.prototype.delReElement || function(){	var json={}, arr=[];	for(var i=0, l=this.length; i<l;i++){	if(!json[this[i]]){	arr.push(this[i]);	json[this[i]] = [this[i]];	}	}	return arr;
* 数组去除空元素
* return: arr 操作后的数组
Array.prototype.arrDelSpace = Array.prototype.arrDelSpace || function(arr){	for(var i=0, len=arr.length; i<len;){	if(/^\s*$/.test(arr[i])){	arr.splice(i,1);	}else{	i++;	}	}	return arr;
/** * 单条点击滚动 * @param {string} id 外层id * @param {string} sUl 要移动的ul的className * @param {string} lId 左按钮id * @param {string} rId 右按钮id * @param {[type]} [option] 参数集合 可选 { *	dir : string 方向 默认 ‘left’, *	moveSize : number 每次移动距离 * } */
function PicMove(id, sUl, lId, rId, option){	var _this = this;	this.oUl = wb._$(sUl);	this.oWarp = wb._$(id);	this.oLeft = wb._$(lId);	this.oRight = wb._$(rId);	this.lock = false;	option = option || {};	this.option = this.init(option) || option;	this.oLeft.onclick = function(){	_this.run('left');	}	this.oRight.onclick = function(){	_this.run('right');	}
PicMove.prototype.init = function(o){	o.dir = o.dir || 'left';	o.moveSize = o.moveSize || wb.outer( this.oUl.children[0] ).width ||50;	return o;
PicMove.prototype.run = function(dir){	var _this = this, iLeft;	if(this.lock){return false;}	this.lock = true;	iLeft= parseInt( wb.css(this.oUl,'left') );	if(dir == 'left' && iLeft >= 0){	iLeft = 0;	}else if(dir=='right' && iLeft <= ( wb.outer(this.oUl.parentNode).width - wb.outer(this.oUl).width ) ){	iLeft = wb.outer(this.oUl.parentNode).width - wb.outer(this.oUl).width;	}else{	iLeft += (dir == 'left' ? this.option.moveSize : -this.option.moveSize ) ;	}	wb.startMove(this.oUl, {'left':iLeft},function(){	_this.lock =false;	});
A Pen by IEkiller - Script Codes
A Pen by IEkiller - Script Codes
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Developer IEkiller
Username win7killer
Uploaded January 18, 2023
Rating 3
Size 6,561 Kb
Views 6,072
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