A Pen by John Heiner

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How do I make an a pen by john heiner?

What is a a pen by john heiner? How do you make a a pen by john heiner? This script and codes were developed by John Heiner on 14 November 2022, Monday.

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A Pen by John Heiner - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>A Pen by John Heiner</title> <script src="https://s.codepen.io/assets/libs/modernizr.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div id="emitter"></div>
<div id="instructions">Click the dot.</div> <script src='http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js'></script>
<script src='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.13.2/TweenMax.min.js'></script>
<script src='https://greensock.com/js/src/plugins/Physics2DPlugin.min.js'></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

A Pen by John Heiner - Script Codes CSS Codes

body, html { background-color: black; height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden;
#emitter { background-color: #222; position: absolute; width: 100px; height: 100px; border-radius: 50%; top: 50%; left: 50%;
.dot { background-color: #fff; border-radius: 50%; position: absolute;
#instructions { position: fixed; top: 10px; text-align: center; color: #999; width: 100%; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;

A Pen by John Heiner - Script Codes JS Codes

var emitter = document.getElementById("emitter"), //we'll put all the dots into this container so that we can move the "explosion" wherever we please. container = document.createElement("div"), //the following variables make things configurable. Play around. emitterSize = 100, dotQuantity = 50, dotSizeMax = 100, dotSizeMin = 10, speed = 1, gravity = 1;
//setup the container with the appropriate styles
container.style.cssText = "position:absolute; left:0; top:0; overflow:visible; z-index:5000; pointer-events:none;";
//just for this demo, we're making the emitter's size dynamic and we set xPercent/yPercent to -50 to accurately center it.
TweenLite.set(emitter, {width:emitterSize, height:emitterSize, xPercent:-50, yPercent:-50});
//The "explosion" is just a TimelineLite instance that we can play()/restart() anytime. This helps ensure performance is solid (rather than recreating all the dots and animations every time the user clicks)
var explosion = createExplosion(container);
function createExplosion(container) { var tl = new TimelineLite(), angle, length, dot, i, size; //create all the dots for (i = 0; i < dotQuantity; i++) { dot = document.createElement("div"); dot.className = "dot"; size = getRandom(dotSizeMin, dotSizeMax); container.appendChild(dot); angle = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; //random angle //figure out the maximum distance from the center, factoring in the size of the dot (it must never go outside the circle), and then pick a random spot along that length where we'll plot the point. length = Math.random() * (emitterSize / 2 - size / 2); //place the dot at a random spot within the emitter, and set its size. TweenLite.set(dot, { x:Math.cos(angle) * length, y:Math.sin(angle) * length, width:size, height:size, xPercent:-50, yPercent:-50, force3D:true }); //this is where we do the animation... tl.to(dot, 1 + Math.random(), { opacity:0, /*physics2D:{ angle:angle * 180 / Math.PI, //translate radians to degrees velocity:(50 + Math.random() * 250) * speed, //initial velocity gravity:100 * gravity //you could increase/decrease this to give gravity more or less pull }*/ //if you'd rather not do physics, you could just animate out directly by using the following 2 lines instead of the physics2D: x:Math.cos(angle) * length * 24, y:Math.sin(angle) * length * 24 }, 0); } return tl;
//just pass this function an element and it'll move the explosion container to its center and play the explosion animation.
function explode(element) { var bounds = element.getBoundingClientRect(); TweenLite.set(container, {x:bounds.left + bounds.width / 2, y:bounds.top + bounds.height / 2}); explosion.restart();
function getRandom(min, max) { return min + Math.random() * (max - min);
//explode initially, and then whenever the user presses on the dot.
emitter.onmousedown = emitter.ontouchstart = function() { explode(emitter);
A Pen by John Heiner - Script Codes
A Pen by John Heiner - Script Codes
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Developer John Heiner
Username johnheiner
Uploaded November 14, 2022
Rating 4
Size 3,599 Kb
Views 16,192
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