A Pen by Moncho Varela

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How do I make an a pen by moncho varela?

Author => Taufik Nurrohman. http://www.dte.web.id, http://latitudu.com. What is a a pen by moncho varela? How do you make a a pen by moncho varela? This script and codes were developed by Moncho Varela on 07 July 2022, Thursday.

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A Pen by Moncho Varela - Script Codes HTML Codes

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A Pen by Moncho Varela - Script Codes CSS Codes

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A Pen by Moncho Varela - Script Codes JS Codes

/*! * ------------------------------------------------------- * SIMPLE TEXT SELECTION LIBRARY FOR ONLINE TEXT EDITING * ------------------------------------------------------- * * Author => Taufik Nurrohman * URL => http://www.dte.web.id, http://latitudu.com * */
var Editor = function(source) { var base = this, history = [], undo = 0, redo = null; base.area = typeof source != "undefined" ? source : document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0]; history[undo] = { value: base.area.value, selectionStart: 0, selectionEnd: 0 }; undo++; /** * Collect data from selected text inside a textarea * * <code> * var editor = new Editor(elem); * elem.onmouseup = function() { * alert(editor.selection().start); * alert(editor.selection().end); * alert(editor.selection().value); * }; * </code> * */ base.selection = function() { var start = base.area.selectionStart, end = base.area.selectionEnd, value = base.area.value.substring(start, end), before = base.area.value.substring(0, start), after = base.area.value.substring(end), data = { start: start, end: end, value: value, before: before, after: after }; // console.log(data); return data; }; /** * Select portion of text inside a textarea * * <code> * var editor = new Editor(elem); * editor.select(7, 11); * </code> * */ base.select = function(start, end, callback) { base.area.focus(); base.area.setSelectionRange(start, end); if (typeof callback == "function") callback(); }; /** * Replace portion of selected text inside a textarea with something * * <code> * var editor = new Editor(elem); * editor.replace(/foo/, "bar"); * </code> * */ base.replace = function(from, to, callback) { var sel = base.selection(), start = sel.start, end = sel.end, selections = sel.value.replace(from, to); base.area.value = sel.before + selections + sel.after; base.select(start, start + selections.length); if (typeof callback == "function") { callback(); } else { base.updateHistory({ value: base.area.value, selectionStart: start, selectionEnd: start + selections.length }); } }; /** * Replace selected text inside a textarea with something * * <code> * var editor = new Editor(elem); * editor.insert('foo'); * </code> * */ base.insert = function(insertion, callback) { var sel = base.selection(), start = sel.start, end = sel.end; base.area.value = sel.before + insertion + sel.after; base.select(start + insertion.length, start + insertion.length); if (typeof callback == "function") { callback(); } else { base.updateHistory({ value: base.area.value, selectionStart: start + insertion.length, selectionEnd: start + insertion.length }); } }; /** * Wrap selected text inside a textarea with something * * <code> * var editor = new Editor(elem); * editor.wrap('<strong>', '</strong>'); * </code> * */ base.wrap = function(open, close, callback) { var sel = base.selection(), selections = sel.value, before = sel.before, after = sel.after; base.area.value = before + open + selections + close + after; base.select(before.length + open.length, before.length + open.length + selections.length); if (typeof callback == "function") { callback(); } else { base.updateHistory({ value: base.area.value, selectionStart: before.length + open.length, selectionEnd: before.length + open.length + selections.length }); } }; /** * Indent selected text inside a textarea with something * * <code> * var editor = new Editor(elem); * editor.indent('\t'); * </code> * */ base.indent = function(chars, callback) { var sel = base.selection(); if (sel.value.length > 0) { // Multi line base.replace(/(^|\n)([^\n])/gm, '$1' + chars + '$2', callback); } else { // Single line base.area.value = sel.before + chars + sel.value + sel.after; base.select(sel.start + chars.length, sel.start + chars.length); if (typeof callback == "function") { callback(); } else { base.updateHistory({ value: base.area.value, selectionStart: sel.start + chars.length, selectionEnd: sel.start + chars.length }); } } }; /** * Outdent selected text inside a textarea from something * * <code> * var editor = new Editor(elem); * editor.outdent('\t'); * </code> * */ base.outdent = function(chars, callback) { var sel = base.selection(); if (sel.value.length > 0) { // Multi line base.replace(new RegExp('(^|\n)' + chars, 'gm'), '$1', callback); } else { // Single line var before = sel.before.replace(new RegExp(chars + '$'), ""); base.area.value = before + sel.value + sel.after; base.select(before.length, before.length); if (typeof callback == "function") { callback(); } else { base.updateHistory({ value: base.area.value, selectionStart: before.length, selectionEnd: before.length }); } } }; /** * Call available history data * * <code> * var editor = new Editor(elem); * alert(editor.callHistory(2).value); * alert(editor.callHistory(2).selectionStart); * alert(editor.callHistory(2).selectionEnd); * </code> * */ base.callHistory = function(index) { return (typeof index == "number") ? history[index] : history; }; /** * Update history data * * <code> * var editor = new Editor(elem); * editor.area.onkeydown = function() { * editor.updateHistory(); * }; * </code> * */ base.updateHistory = function(data, index) { var value = (typeof data != "undefined") ? data : { value: base.area.value, selectionStart: base.selection().start, selectionEnd: base.selection().end }; history[typeof index == "number" ? index : undo] = value; undo++; }; /** * Undo from previous action or previous Redo * * <code> * var editor = new Editor(elem); * editor.undo(); * </code> * */ base.undo = function(callback) { var data; if (history.length > 1) { if (undo > 1) { undo--; } else { undo = 1; } data = base.callHistory(undo - 1); redo = undo <= 0 ? undo - 1 : undo; } else { return; } base.area.value = data.value; base.select(data.selectionStart, data.selectionEnd); if (typeof callback == "function") callback(); }; /** * Redo from previous Undo * * <code> * var editor = new Editor(elem); * editor.redo(); * </code> * */ base.redo = function(callback) { var data; if (redo !== null) { data = base.callHistory(redo); if (redo < history.length - 1) { redo++; } else { redo = history.length - 1; } undo = redo >= history.length - 1 ? redo + 1 : redo; } else { return; } base.area.value = data.value; base.select(data.selectionStart, data.selectionEnd); // console.log(redo); if (typeof callback == "function") callback(); };
* -------------------------------------------------------
* -------------------------------------------------------
(function() { // => http://stackoverflow.com/a/7592235/1163000 String.prototype.capitalize = function(lower) { return (lower ? this.toLowerCase() : this).replace(/(?:^|\s)\S/g, function(a) { return a.toUpperCase(); }); }; var myTextArea = document.getElementById('editor-area'), myButton = document.getElementById('editor-control').getElementsByTagName('a'), myEditor = new Editor(myTextArea); var controls = { 'bold': function() { myEditor.wrap('<strong>', '</strong>'); renderTo(); // for me }, 'italic': function() { myEditor.wrap('<em>', '</em>'); renderTo(); // for me }, 'code': function() { myEditor.wrap('<pre>', '</pre>'); renderTo(); // for me }, 'quote': function() { myEditor.wrap('<blockquote>', '</blockquote>'); renderTo(); // for me }, 'li': function() { myEditor.wrap(' <li>', '</li>'); renderTo(); // for me }, 'ul-list': function() { var sel = myEditor.selection(); if (sel.value.length > 0) { myEditor.insert('<ul>\n <li>' + sel.value.replace(/\n/g, '</li>\n <li>') + '</li>\n</ul>'); } else { var placeholder = '<ul>\n <li>List Item</li>\n</ul>'; myEditor.indent(placeholder, function() { myEditor.select(sel.start + 11, sel.start + placeholder.length - 11); }); } renderTo(); // for me }, 'ol-list': function() { var sel = myEditor.selection(); if (sel.value.length > 0) { myEditor.insert('<ol>\n <li>' + sel.value.replace(/\n/g, '</li>\n <li>') + '</li>\n</ol>'); } else { var placeholder = '<ol>\n <li>List Item</li>\n</ol>'; myEditor.indent(placeholder, function() { myEditor.select(sel.start + 11, sel.start + placeholder.length - 11); }); } renderTo(); // for me }, 'h1': function() { heading('h1'); renderTo(); // for me }, 'h2': function() { heading('h2'); renderTo(); // for me }, 'h3': function() { heading('h3'); renderTo(); // for me }, 'hr': function() { myEditor.insert('\n<hr>\n'); renderTo(); // for me }, 'p': function() { myEditor.wrap('<p>', '</p>\n'); renderTo(); // for me }, 'lorem': function() { myEditor.insert('<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.</p>\n'); renderTo(); // for me }, 'undo': function() { myEditor.undo(); renderTo(); // for me }, 'redo': function() { myEditor.redo(); renderTo(); // for me }, 'select': function() { myEditor.select(0, myTextArea.value.length); renderTo(); // for me }, 'return': function() { myEditor.insert('\n'); renderTo(); // for me }, 'link': function() { var sel = myEditor.selection(), title = null, url = null, placeholder = 'Your link text goes here...'; fakePrompt('Link title:', 'Link title goes here...', false, function(r) { title = r; fakePrompt('URL:', 'http://', true, function(r) { url = r; myEditor.insert('\n<a href="' + r + '" title=" ' + title + '">' + title + '</a>\n'); renderTo(); // for me }); }); }, 'image': function() { fakePrompt('Image URL:', 'http://', true, function(r) { var altText = r.substring(r.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, r.lastIndexOf('.')).replace(/[\-\_\+]+/g, " ").capitalize(); altText = altText.indexOf('/') < 0 ? decodeURIComponent(altText) : 'Image'; myEditor.insert('\n<img src="' + r + '" alt=" ' + altText + '"/>\n'); renderTo(); // for me }); } }; function fakePrompt(label, value, isRequired, callback) { var overlay = document.createElement('div'); overlay.className = 'custom-modal-overlay'; var modal = document.createElement('div'); modal.className = 'custom-modal custom-modal-prompt'; modal.innerHTML = '<div class="custom-modal-header">' + label + '</div><div class="custom-modal-content"></div><div class="custom-modal-action"></div>'; var onSuccess = function(value) { overlay.parentNode.removeChild(overlay); modal.parentNode.removeChild(modal); if (typeof callback == "function") callback(value); }; var input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'text'; input.value = value; input.onkeyup = function(e) { if (isRequired) { if (e.keyCode == 13 && this.value !== "" && this.value !== value) { onSuccess(this.value); } } else { if (e.keyCode == 13) { onSuccess(this.value == value ? "" : this.value); } } }; var buttonOK = document.createElement('button'); buttonOK.innerHTML = 'OK'; buttonOK.onclick = function() { if (isRequired) { if (input.value !== "" && input.value !== value) { onSuccess(input.value); } } else { onSuccess(input.value == value ? "" : input.value); } }; var buttonCANCEL = document.createElement('button'); buttonCANCEL.innerHTML = 'Cancel'; buttonCANCEL.onclick = function() { overlay.parentNode.removeChild(overlay); modal.parentNode.removeChild(modal); }; document.body.appendChild(overlay); document.body.appendChild(modal); modal.children[1].appendChild(input); modal.children[2].appendChild(buttonOK); modal.children[2].appendChild(buttonCANCEL); input.select(); } function click(elem) { var hash = elem.hash.replace('#', ""); if (controls[hash]) { elem.onclick = function() { controls[hash](); return false; }; } } for (var i = 0, len = myButton.length; i < len; ++i) { click(myButton[i]); myButton[i].href = '#'; } function heading(key) { if (myEditor.selection().value.length > 0) { myEditor.wrap('<' + key + '>', '</' + key + '>'); } else { var placeholder = '<' + key + '>Heading ' + key.substr(1) + '</' + key + '>'; myEditor.insert(placeholder, function() { var s = myEditor.selection().start; myEditor.select(s - placeholder.length + 4, s - 5); }); } } var pressed = 0; myEditor.area.onkeydown = function(e) { // Update history data on every 5 key presses if (pressed < 5) { pressed++; } else { myEditor.updateHistory(); pressed = 0; } // Press `Shift + Tab` to outdent if (e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 9) { myEditor.outdent(' '); return false; } // Press `Shift + Enter` to add a line break if (e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 13) { myEditor.insert('<br>\n'); return false; } // Press `Ctrl + Enter` to create a new paragraph if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 13) { myEditor.wrap((this.value.length > 0 ? '\n' : "") + '<p>', '</p>'); return false; } // Press `Tab` to indent if (e.keyCode == 9) { myEditor.indent(' '); return false; } };
// For demo
var out = document.querySelector('#result'), inn = document.querySelector('#editor-area');
// height
inn.style.height = (window.innerHeight - 60)+'px';
out.style.height = (window.innerHeight - 20)+'px';
// on start focus
// placeholder
inn.placeholder = 'Write text here';
// Render into result div
function renderTo() { out.innerHTML = inn.value;
inn.onkeyup = function() { renderTo();
A Pen by Moncho Varela - Script Codes
A Pen by Moncho Varela - Script Codes
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Developer Moncho Varela
Username nakome
Uploaded July 07, 2022
Rating 4.5
Size 7,581 Kb
Views 44,528
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