A taste of jQuery UI with dragging

3,408 Kb

How do I make an a taste of jquery ui with dragging?

What is a a taste of jquery ui with dragging? How do you make a a taste of jquery ui with dragging? This script and codes were developed by Emily K on 09 September 2022, Friday.

A taste of jQuery UI with dragging Previews

A taste of jQuery UI with dragging - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>A taste of jQuery UI with dragging</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <!DOCTYPE html>
<head>	<title>Codagogy Card-o-Matic</title>	<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css" type="text/css">	<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/features.css" type="text/css">	<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id='wrapper'>	<h1>Codagogy Card-o-Matic</h1>	<!-- Left side with all the controls -->	<div id='controls'>	<!-- Color picker -->	<h2>Pick a color</h2>	<div class='colors' id='red'></div>	<div class='colors' id='orange'></div>	<div class='colors' id='yellow'></div>	<div class='colors' id='green'></div>	<div class='colors' id='blue'></div>	<div class='colors' id='indigo'></div>	<div class='colors' id='violet'></div>	<div class='clearfix'></div>	<!-- Texture picture -->	<h2>Pick a texture</h2>	<div class='texture' id='paper'></div>	<div class='texture' id='swirls'></div>	<div class='texture' id='circles'></div>	<div class='texture' id='cloth'></div>	<div class='clearfix' id=''></div>	<!-- Message -->	<h2>Pick a message</h2>	<!-- Group together radio buttons by giving them a shared name -->
<input type='radio' class='messages' name='message' id='happy-birthday'>
<label for='happy-birthday'>Happy Birthday</label><br>
<input type='radio' class='messages' name='message' id='thank-you'>
<label for='thank-you'>Thank You</label><br>
<input type='radio' class='messages' name='message' id='congratulations'>
<label for='congratulations'>Congratulations</label><br>
<input type='radio' class='messages' name='message' id='miss-you'>
<label for='miss-you'>I miss you</label><br>	<!-- Recipient -->	<h2>Dear...</h2>	<input type='text' id='recipient' maxlength="14"><span></span>	<div id='recipient-error'></div>	<!-- Sticker picker -->	<h2>Click a sticker to add</h2>	<img class='stickers' src='images/sticker-green-gift.png' alt='Green gift sticker'>	<img class='stickers' src='images/sticker-heart.png' alt='Heart sticker'>	<img class='stickers' src='images/sticker-yellow-gift.png' alt='Yellow gift sticker'>	<img class='stickers' src='images/sticker-star.png' alt='Star sticker'>	</div>	<!-- Right side with the live preview -->	<div id='preview'>	<div id='card-background'>	<div id='canvas'>	<div id='message-output'></div>	<div id='recipient-output'></div>	</div>	</div>	<!-- Buttons -->	<input type='button' id='refresh-btn' value='Start over'>	<input type='button' id='print-btn' value='Print'>	</div>
<script src="js/card-o-matic.js"></script>
</html> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

A taste of jQuery UI with dragging - Script Codes CSS Codes

.colors {	width:30px;	height:30px;	cursor:pointer;	float:left;	margin-right:5px;
#red{	background-color:red;
#orange{	background-color:orange;
#yellow{	background-color:yellow;
#green{	background-color:green;
#blue{	background-color:blue;
#indigo{	background-color:indigo;
#violet{	background-color:violet;
.texture {	width:80px;	height:35px;	cursor:pointer;	float:left;	margin-right:5px;
#paper{	background-image: url('../images/texture-paper.png');
#swirls{	background-image: url('../images/texture-swirls.png');
#circles{	background-image: url('../images/texture-circles.png');
#cloth{	background-image: url('../images/texture-cloth.png');
#message-output {	text-align:center;	font-size:35px;	position:absolute;	top:100px;	height:50px;	width:100%;
#recipient-output {	text-align: :center;	font-size:30px;	position:absolute;	top:150px;	width:100%;
.stickers_on_card {	cursor:move;

A taste of jQuery UI with dragging - Script Codes JS Codes

$('.colors').click(function(){ var chosen_color = $(this).css('background-color'); $('#canvas').css('background-color', chosen_color); // BONUS! Also change the texture choices: changed .texture to #texture - let's see if this works $('#textures').css('background-color', chosen_color); });
$('.texture').click(function(){ var chosen_texture = $(this).css('background-image'); $('#canvas').css('background-image', chosen_texture);
$('.messages').click(function() { // Which radio button was clicked? var radio_button = $(this); // What is the label next to (i.e., after) that radio var label = radio_button.next(); // Now that we know the label, grab the text inside of it (That's our message!) var message = label.html(); // Inject the message into the #message-output div on the card $('#message-output').html(message); });
//my attempts
$('#recipient').keyup(function(){ //What did the user type in for the name? var recipient = $(this).val(); //Inject what the user typed in into the #recipient-output div in the card. $('#recipient-output').html(recipient); //Find out the length of what the user has typed in (also store that in a variable). var length = recipient.length; //console.log(recipient.length); //Use an If...else statement to see if the user's recipient is at the max characters (14). if(length==14){ $('#recipient-error').html("Max characters: 14"); } else{ $('#recipient-error').html(""); }
//my attempt
$('.stickers').click(function(){ // var which_sticker = $(this).attr('src'); // var new_sticker = '<img scr " '+ which_sticker +'">'; var new_sticker = $(this).clone(); $('#canvas').prepend(new_sticker); //new_sticker.draggable({containment:'#canvas'}); //$('.new_sticker').draggable({containment:'#canvas'}); });
$( ".new_sticker" ).draggable({ opacity: 0.35 });
//Promblems to look into:
//1) stickers sticking but not dragging
//2) texture and color change on the card, but the texture sample images do not change color
A taste of jQuery UI with dragging - Script Codes
A taste of jQuery UI with dragging - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Emily K
Username Emnk
Uploaded September 09, 2022
Rating 3
Size 3,408 Kb
Views 26,312
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Emily K (Emnk) Script Codes
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