Astronomic particles

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How do I make an astronomic particles?

What is a astronomic particles? How do you make a astronomic particles? This script and codes were developed by Moeid Saleem on 28 October 2022, Friday.

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Astronomic particles - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Astronomic particles</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body>	<canvas id="canvas" ></canvas> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Astronomic particles - Script Codes CSS Codes

canvas	position: absolute	top: 0	left: 0	z-index: -1
label	display: block	position: relative	color: rgba(255,255,255,0.8)	margin: 10px	font: 12px monospace	user-select: none
#hint	display: none	&:checked + div	display: block	color: white	font: 12px monospace	padding-left: 10px	user-select: none	+ div	display: none

Astronomic particles - Script Codes JS Codes

(function(){	var canvasBody = document.getElementById("canvas"),	canvas = canvasBody.getContext("2d"),	w = canvasBody.width = window.innerWidth, //Full width	h = canvasBody.height = window.innerHeight, //Full height	tick = 0, //Tick in time	//YOU CAN CHANGE OPTIONS HERE. DO NOT REALLY MESS WITH STUFF BELOW THAT	opts = { //Options, you can change those	backgroundColor: "rgba(58,2,66,0.1)",	particleColor: "#fece1a",	particleAmount: 90,	defaultSpeed: 4,	addedSpeed: 6,	defaultRadius: 2,	addedRadius: 2,	communicationRadius: 150, //The radius for the line	},	particles = [],	Particle = function(Xpos, Ypos){	this.x = Xpos ? Xpos : Math.random()*w; //If there is not position statet, it takes a random position	this.y = Ypos ? Ypos : Math.random()*h; //Same here	this.speed = opts.defaultSpeed + Math.random()*opts.addedSpeed; //Speed + a bit of random one	this.directionAngle = Math.floor(Math.random()*360); //The angle of this particle its moving. !!!! TRUE ONLY ON INIT	this.color = opts.particleColor;	this.radius = opts.defaultRadius + Math.random()*opts.addedRadius; //Radius + a bit of random radius	this.d = { //Object, stores directions. Computes directions according to the random this.directionAngle	x: Math.cos(this.directionAngle)*this.speed,	y: Math.sin(this.directionAngle)*this.speed	};	this.update = function(){ //The update function. The function that calculates next coordinates	this.border(); //Checks if this particles touches the border and THEN computes the next coordinates	this.x += this.d.x; //Just adding the direction to the X	this.y += this.d.y; //Same but with Y	};	this.border = function(){ //The border function. Checks if this thing touches the border	if(this.x >= w || this.x <= 0){ //X walls	this.d.x *= -1;	}	if(this.y >= h || this.y <= 0){ //Floor and ceiling	this.d.y *= -1;	}	this.x > w ? this.x = w : this.x; //This is really important.	this.y > h ? this.y = h : this.y; //Same	this.x < 0 ? this.x = 0 : this.x; //Same	this.y < 0 ? this.y = 0 : this.y; //Same	/* line ~49 explanation	Because sometimes the speed of the particle can be faster, so it doesn't touch the border - it goes through. And when it goes back it doesn't go all the way inside - it stucks there. So, you have to set the X to the point when it touches. Same with Y	*/	};	this.draw = function(){ //Just draws the points. Pretty easy. Takes the coords, color, radius - draws.	canvas.beginPath();	canvas.arc(this.x, this.y, this.radius, 0, Math.PI*2);	canvas.closePath();	canvas.fillStyle = this.color;	canvas.fill();	};	},	checkDistance = function(x1, y1, x2, y2){ //You got it. The point on the graph distance formula.	return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2));	},	//Here goes the function that makes lines!	// @param point1 -	The point that check for neighboors	// @param father -	The array the point suppose to take thing from	communicatePoints = function(point1, father){	for(var i = 0; i < father.length; i++){	var distance = checkDistance(point1.x, point1.y, father[i].x, father[i].y);	var opacity = 1 - distance/opts.communicationRadius;	if (opacity > 0){ //Draws the line	canvas.lineWidth = 0.5;	canvas.strokeStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,opacity)".replace("opacity", opacity);	canvas.beginPath();	canvas.moveTo(point1.x, point1.y);	canvas.lineTo(father[i].x, father[i].y);	canvas.closePath();	canvas.stroke();	}	}	};	function setup(){ //Function called once to set everything up	for(var i = 0; i < opts.particleAmount; i++){	particles.push( new Particle() );	}	window.requestAnimationFrame(loop);	}	function loop(){ //Function of loop that will be called for a frame of the animation	window.requestAnimationFrame(loop);	tick++;	//Drawing the background. Basically clearing the frame that was before	canvas.fillStyle = opts.backgroundColor;	canvas.fillRect(0,0,w,h);	//Executing particle functions	for(var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++){	particles[i].update();	particles[i].draw();	}	//Executing lines	for(var a = 0; a < particles.length; a++){	communicatePoints(particles[a], particles);	}	}	//Executing the animation	setup();	//Some event listeners for backup to look professional	window.addEventListener("resize", function(){	w = canvasBody.width = window.innerWidth;	h = canvasBody.height = window.innerHeight;	});	//The thing that adds a point. Basically, we pass the coords of the mouse. And they are applied instead of randomness. Check the line 26, 28 to know	canvasBody.addEventListener("click", function(e){	particles.push( new Particle(e.pageX, e.pageY) );	});	//The thing that removes a point.	canvasBody.addEventListener("contextmenu", function(e){	e.preventDefault();	particles.splice(particles.length - 1, 1); //Takes the last thing from the particles[];	});
Astronomic particles - Script Codes
Astronomic particles - Script Codes
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Developer Moeid Saleem
Username moeidsaleem
Uploaded October 28, 2022
Rating 3
Size 3,652 Kb
Views 10,120
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