Asynchronous Recursion

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How do I make an asynchronous recursion?

This pen is to illustrate recursion using promise based http requests. It mocks the server api method and then build a re-usable function that is called with an increasing position argument to get new data at each position. It then accumulates all the data and return the result. What is a asynchronous recursion? How do you make a asynchronous recursion? This script and codes were developed by Ian Joubert on 10 November 2022, Thursday.

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Asynchronous Recursion - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
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<div class="container">	<img src=""/>	<article layout="column" layout-align="center center" flex>	<h1 class="title">Promise Based Recursion</h1>	<small>This Codepen was developed by: Ian Joubert</small>	<h3>Recursively fetch data asynchronously from server api</h3>	<p>This pen is to illustrate recursion using promise based http requests. It mocks the server api method and then build a re-usable function that is called with an increasing position argument to get new data at each position. It then accumulates all the	data and return the result.</p>	</article>
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Asynchronous Recursion - Script Codes CSS Codes

body { font-family: Sans-serif;
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article p { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); text-align: center; line-height: 1.2em;

Asynchronous Recursion - Script Codes JS Codes

var position = 0
var userId = 'a1b2c3', categoryId = 2
var data = ['Test1','Test2'], response = {position:1,data:['Test3','Test4']}
var arguments = [userId,categoryId]
// This is a mock HTTP function to mimick an asynchronous server request
function mockHttpRequest(){	console.log('HTTP request called with arguments: ',arguments)	// The following is just to mimick a server api request	position++	position = position>2?undefined:position	return new Promise(function(resolve){	response.position = position	resolve(response)	})
// This is a constructor to build "HTTPGet" functions
function getDataConstructor(func,args){	var newArgs = _.remove(args,_.isArray)[0]	newArgs.unshift(_.remove(args,_.isInteger)[0]||0)	return function(newPos){	newArgs[0]= newPos || newArgs[0]	return func.apply(func,newArgs)	}
//This asynchronous and recursively fetches data with the constructed "HTTPGet" function
function getDataRecursiveAsync(pos,arr,func){	return func(pos).then(function(res){	if({	arr = arr.concat(	}	if(res.position){	return getDataRecursiveAsync(res.position,arr,func)	}	else{	return arr	}	})
// The "HTTPGet" function that is build with the "getDataConstructor"
// It takes => "HTTPRequest" function, and => [first position,[http request arguments]]
var getDataFunc = getDataConstructor(mockHttpRequest,[arguments,position])
getDataRecursiveAsync(position,[],getDataFunc).then(function(res){	console.log('Response: ',res)
Asynchronous Recursion - Script Codes
Asynchronous Recursion - Script Codes
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Developer Ian Joubert
Username Studira
Uploaded November 10, 2022
Rating 3
Size 3,390 Kb
Views 12,144
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Ian Joubert (Studira) Script Codes
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