Bouncing Ball Animation

5,013 Kb

How do I make an bouncing ball animation?

Explanation of a bouncing ball for use in one the courses I teach.Visualized using Choc — What is a bouncing ball animation? How do you make a bouncing ball animation? This script and codes were developed by Bramus on 23 July 2022, Saturday.

Bouncing Ball Animation Previews

Bouncing Ball Animation - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
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<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Bouncing Ball Animation</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <h1>Bouncing Ball Animation</h1>
<p style="font-size: smaller">Built by <a href="">Bramus!</a> using <a href="">Choc</a>.<br />Basic Choc setup taken from the <a href="">Choc Bouncing Ball Example</a> <em>(not the same bouncing ball ;-))</em>.</p>
<!-- all HTML below is the same as the Choc Bouncing Ball Example -->
<link href='' rel='stylesheet'>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet'>
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<link href='' rel='stylesheet'>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet'>
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<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<div class='choc-wrapper'> <div class='canvas-container'> <div id='frameCanvas'></div> <div id='fader'></div> <div id='previewCanvas'></div> </div> <div class='canvas-editor' id='choc-editor-for-bouncing-ball'></div>
<div id='messages'></div> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Bouncing Ball Animation - Script Codes CSS Codes

.choc-wrapper { padding: 2em;
.canvas-container { width: 60% !important;
.canvas-editor { margin-right: 60% !important;
#choc-editor-for-bouncing-ball .controls-container .slider-container { width: 70% !important;

Bouncing Ball Animation - Script Codes JS Codes

(function() { $(document).ready(function() { var choc, code, editor, framePad, geval, maxAnimationFrames, previewPad, twoOptions; choc = window.choc; geval = eval; code = "var animating = true,\n draw, ball, fillColor,\n \n // Height/diameter of our ball\n curPosX = ballHeight = 10,\n\n // Starting position of the ball\n startPosY = curPosY = -ballHeight,\n\n // X and Y acceleration of our ball \n accY = -4,\n accX = 10,\n\n // Y speed of our ball\n speedY = 0,\n\n // Damping to use. Set to 1 to have no damping\n damping = 0.7,\n\n // Ground level. Using 400 here because \"0,0\" is top,left - not bottom,left\n bottom = -400;\n\ndraw = function() {\n\n // Draw a line on the ground/baseline\n pad.makeLine(0, -bottom, 800, -bottom);\n\n if (animating) {\n // Increment speed with the acceleration.\n speedY += accY;\n\n // Upate Y position with speed. Speed will therefore increment exponentially\n curPosY += speedY;\n\n // Update X position in a linear fashion, to show the effect over time.\n curPosX += accX;\n }\n\n // If the ball is below the ground level, force it on the ground level\n // Also invert the speed so that the ball goes into the opposite direction it was going.\n // Finally take damping into account.\n if (curPosY < bottom + ballHeight/2) { \n\n // Draw a faulty ball\n var faulty = pad.makeEllipse(curPosX, -curPosY - ballHeight/2, ballHeight, ballHeight);\n faulty.fill = 'red';\n\n // Correct the position\n var diff = curPosY - bottom + ballHeight/2;\n curPosY = Math.max(bottom, bottom - diff) + ballHeight/2;\n fillColor = \"orange\"; // color to orange so that we know it was refitted\n\n // Inver the speed and take damping into account\n speedY = -speedY * damping;\n \n // if the speed is too low, stop animating\n if (Math.abs(speedY) < 3) {\n animating = false;\n }\n\n } else {\n\n fillColor = \"green\";\n\n }\n\n // Draw the ball\n ball = pad.makeEllipse(curPosX, -curPosY - ballHeight/2, ballHeight, ballHeight);\n ball.fill = fillColor;\n}\n"; twoOptions = { width: 800, height: 500, type: Two.Types.canvas }; framePad = new Two(twoOptions).appendTo(document.getElementById('frameCanvas')); previewPad = new Two(twoOptions).appendTo(document.getElementById('previewCanvas')); $("#fader").width(twoOptions.width).height(twoOptions.height); maxAnimationFrames = 100; editor = new choc.AnimationEditor({ $: $, id: "#choc-editor-for-bouncing-ball", code: code, beforeGeneratePreview: function() { return previewPad.clear(); }, afterGeneratePreview: function() { return previewPad.update(); }, animate: "draw", play: function() { var draw, updateFn; draw = geval("draw"); framePad.frameCount = 0; editor.start(); previewPad.clear(); updateFn = function(frameCount, timeDelta) { if (frameCount > maxAnimationFrames) { return editor.onPause(); } else { editor.onFrame(frameCount, timeDelta); return _.defer(function() { framePad.clear(); return draw(); }); } }; framePad.unbind(Two.Events.update); framePad.bind('update', updateFn); return; }, pause: function() { framePad.pause(); return framePad.unbind(Two.Events.update); }, maxAnimationFrames: maxAnimationFrames, locals: { pad: [framePad, previewPad] } }); return editor.start(); });
Bouncing Ball Animation - Script Codes
Bouncing Ball Animation - Script Codes
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Developer Bramus
Username bramus
Uploaded July 23, 2022
Rating 3
Size 5,013 Kb
Views 50,600
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Bramus (bramus) Script Codes
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