Brute Force Random Traveling Salesman solver

5,376 Kb

How do I make an brute force random traveling salesman solver?

Work in progress.. What is a brute force random traveling salesman solver? How do you make a brute force random traveling salesman solver? This script and codes were developed by Keegan Brown on 16 October 2022, Sunday.

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Brute Force Random Traveling Salesman solver - Script Codes HTML Codes

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table td { text-align: right; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #DDD;
#chart { height: 500px; width: 500px; display: block; border: 1px solid #000;
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} </style> <script src=""></script>
<body>	<div class="left">	<h1>Input</h1>	<div id="input"></div>	<hr />	<h1>Distance Table</h1>	<div id="distance"></div> <hr/> <div class="left"> <h1>Lowest Solution:</h1> <p id="lowestSolution"></p> </div> <div class="right"> <h1>Permutations: ~<span id="numPerms"></span></h1> <hr/> <h1 id="possiblePerms"></h1> </div>	</div>	<div class="right">	<h1>Chart</h1>	<canvas id="chart"></canvas>	<h2>Batch Lowest: <span id="lastSolve"></span> | Lowest Solve: <span id="lowestSolve"></span></h2>	<hr>	<a href="#" onclick="location.href = (location.href)">refresh</a>	</div> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Brute Force Random Traveling Salesman solver - Script Codes CSS Codes

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Brute Force Random Traveling Salesman solver - Script Codes JS Codes

// requestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik Möller. fixes from Paul Irish and Tino Zijdel
// MIT license
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if(!Array.prototype.indexOf)Array.prototype.indexOf=function(searchElement,fromIndex){if(this===undefined||this===null)throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined');var length=this.length>>>0;fromIndex=+fromIndex||0;if(Math.abs(fromIndex)===Infinity)fromIndex=0;if(fromIndex<0){fromIndex+=length;if(fromIndex<0)fromIndex=0}for(;fromIndex<length;fromIndex++)if(this[fromIndex]===searchElement)return fromIndex;return-1};
//ACTUAL LOGIC	var input = document.getElementById("input");	var distance = document.getElementById("distance");	var chart = document.getElementById("chart");	var lowestSolveEle = document.getElementById("lowestSolve");	var lastSolveEle = document.getElementById("lastSolve");	var lowestSolve = 999999999;	var lowestSolveData = null;	//For verification purposes. Minmum Solve Length 187.	var cannedData = [	'0039,0003',	'0011,0055',	'0025,0044',	'0073,0006',	'0012,0067',	'0071,0012',	'0035,0060',	'0082,0035',	'0043,0075',	'0045,0083'	];	var distancedata = [];	var permValueMap = {};	var data;	//INITIALIZE	function init () {	data = generateData(10, 100, false);	data = data.sort(sortCities);	}	function generateData(numCities, distmax, useCannedData) {	var outArr = [];	if ( !!useCannedData ) {	outArr = shuffle(cannedData);	} else {	for ( var i = 0; i < numCities; i++ ) {	outArr.push(	padLeadingZeros( Math.round(Math.random()*distmax), 4 )+","+ padLeadingZeros( Math.round(Math.random()*distmax), 4 )	);	}	}	generatePermValueMap(outArr);	return outArr;	}	function generatePermValueMap ( citiesArr ) {	for (var i = citiesArr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {	permValueMap[ citiesArr[i] ] = Math.floor( Math.random()*999999999 );	}	}	function padLeadingZeros(num, size) {	var s = "000000000" + num;	return s.substr(s.length-size);	}	function padNBSP(num, size) {	var s = "" + num;	if ( s.length < size ) {	for ( var i = 0, len = size-s.length; i < len; i++ ) {	s = "&nbsp;" + s;	}	}	return s;	}	function getDistance ( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) {	var a = parseFloat(x2, 10) - parseFloat(x1, 10);	var b = parseFloat(y2, 10) - parseFloat(y1, 10);	return Math.round( Math.sqrt((a*a)+(b*b)) );	}	function outputCities (data) {	var out = [];	out.push("<ol>");	for ( var i in data ) {	out.push( "<li>" + data[i] + "</li>" );	}	out.push("</ol>");	return out.join(" \n ");	}	function outputDistanceTable ( data ) {	var out = [];	out.push("<table>");	for ( var i in data ) {	out.push( "<tr>" );	distancedata.push([]);	for ( var j in data ) {	var city1 = data[i].split(",");	var city2 = data[j].split(",");	distancedata[i][j] = getDistance( city1[0], city1[1], city2[0], city2[1] );	out.push( '<td class="'+getCityClass(data[i])+'_to_'+getCityClass(data[j])+'">' + padNBSP( distancedata[i][j], 4 ) + "</td>" );	}	out.push( "</tr>" );	}	out.push("</table>");	return out.join(" \n ");	}	function getCityClass (city) {	return "city_"+city.replace(",","_");	}	function getCityObj (city) {	var cityArr = city.split(",");	return { x: parseFloat(cityArr[0], 10), y: parseFloat(cityArr[1], 10) }	}	function factorial(n) {	if (n <= 1) return 1;	return n*factorial(n-1);	}	function drawCities (canvas) {	document.getElementById("possiblePerms").innerHTML = "Total Possible Permutations: "+factorial(data.length);	var scale = 5;	canvas.height=100*scale;	canvas.width=100*scale;	var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");	ctx.fillStyle = "#000000";	var city = [];	var cityProp = {x:0, y:0};	for ( var i in data ) {	city = data[i].split(",");	cityProp = {x:parseFloat(city[0],10), y:parseFloat(city[1],10)}	ctx.fillRect((cityProp.x*scale)-5,(cityProp.y*scale)-5,10,10);	}	}	var solveCertainty = 0.01;	function drawSolution (canvas, data, lineWidth, hue, certainty) {	var scale = 5;	var thisSolve = 0;	var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");	var newData = (data.join("|")).split("|");	var cityObj = {x:0,y:0};	var firstCity = getCityObj( newData[0] );	var lastCity = getCityObj( newData.pop() );	ctx.beginPath();	ctx.moveTo( firstCity.x*scale, firstCity.y*scale );	ctx.lineTo( lastCity.x*scale, lastCity.y*scale );	var fullpath = true;	while ( !!newData.length ) {	cityObj = getCityObj( newData.pop() );	ctx.lineTo( cityObj.x*scale, cityObj.y*scale );	thisSolve += getDistance( cityObj.x, cityObj.y, lastCity.x, lastCity.y );	if ( true && thisSolve > lowestSolve ) {	//IF CURRENT SOLVE IS TOO HIGH ALREADY, STOP SOLVING AND MOVE ON.	//DRAMATIC PERFORMANCE INCREASE.	fullpath = false;	newData = [];	}	lastCity = cityObj;	}	if ( fullpath ) {	console.log( "fullpath" )	ctx.lineTo( firstCity.x*scale, firstCity.y*scale );	thisSolve += getDistance( firstCity.x, firstCity.y, lastCity.x, lastCity.y );	if ( thisSolve > lowestSolve ) {	fullpath = false;	}	}	writeLowestSolve( thisSolve, (data.join("|")).split("|") );	if ( !certainty ) {	var certainty = solveCertainty;	}	if ( fullpath ) {	ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;	ctx.strokeStyle = "hsla("+hue+",70%,60%,"+certainty+")";	ctx.stroke();	}	ctx.closePath();	return [ thisSolve, (data.join("|")).split("|") ];	}	function writeLowestSolve ( newSolve, newData ) {	if ( newSolve < lowestSolve ) {	solveCertainty += 0.01;	lowestSolveEle.innerHTML = newSolve;	lowestSolve = newSolve;	lowestSolveData = newData;	document.getElementById("lowestSolution").innerHTML = newData.join(" \<br\/\>");	var tds = document.querySelectorAll("#distance td");	var solveTds = [];	for (var i = 0, len = lowestSolveData.length; i < len; i++) {	if ( i > 0 ) {	var sel = "."+getCityClass( lowestSolveData[i] )+'_to_'+getCityClass( lowestSolveData[i-1] );	solveTds.push( document.querySelector( sel ) );	//console.log( td );	}	};	writeStyle( tds, "" );	writeStyle( solveTds, "hsla(128,70%,60%,0.8)" );	}	}	function writeStyle (eleArr, styleString ) {	if ( !!eleArr.length ) {	for ( var i = 0, len = eleArr.length; i < len; i++ ) {	eleArr[i].style.backgroundColor = styleString;	}	}	}	function writeLastSolve ( newSolve, newData ) {	lastSolveEle.innerHTML = newSolve;	}	function permValue ( input ) {	/*	var _a = ( input ).split(",");	var a0 = parseInt(_a[0]);	var a1 = parseInt(_a[1]);	return a0 + a1 + Math.floor( a0 / a1 );	*/	return permValueMap[input];	}	function nextPermutation(permArr) {	var i = permArr.length - 1;	while (i > 0 && permValue( permArr[i - 1] ) >= permValue( permArr[i] ) ) {	i--;	}	if (i == 0) {	return false;	}	var j = permArr.length - 1;	while ( permValue( permArr[j] ) <= permValue( permArr[i - 1] ) ) {	j--;	}	var temp = permArr[i - 1];	permArr[i - 1] = permArr[j];	permArr[j] = temp;	j = permArr.length - 1;	while (i < j) {	temp = permArr[i];	permArr[i] = permArr[j];	permArr[j] = temp;	i++;	j--;	}	return true;	}	function sortCities (a,b) {	if ( permValue(a) < permValue(b) ) return -1;	if ( permValue(a) > permValue(b) ) return 1;	return 0;	}	var batches = 0;	function nextOnRaf () {	batches++;	var batch = 4*1000;	var numbatch = batch;	var continueBatch = true;	var tempSolve;	while ( batch-- ) {	continueBatch = nextPermutation(data);	if ( continueBatch ) {	var _temp = drawSolution(chart,data,2,10);	if ( !tempSolve || ( !!tempSolve && _temp[0] < tempSolve[0] ) ) {	tempSolve = _temp;	}	} else {	console.log( "DONE! Last Solve: ", tempSolve );	batch = 0;	}	}	document.getElementById("numPerms").innerHTML = (batches*numbatch)+" <br/> ["+batches+"&bull;"+numbatch+"]";	if (!!tempSolve) {	writeLastSolve(tempSolve[0], tempSolve[1]);	}	if ( continueBatch ) {	//console.log(batches);	requestAnimationFrame( nextOnRaf );	} else {	solveCertainty = 1;	drawSolution(chart,lowestSolveData,5,128);	console.log( "End Run!" );	}	}	// UTILS	function shuffle(array) {	var currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex;	while (0 !== currentIndex) { randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex); currentIndex -= 1; temporaryValue = array[currentIndex]; array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex]; array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;	}	return array;	}	init();	input.innerHTML = outputCities( data );	distance.innerHTML = outputDistanceTable( data );	drawCities( chart );	requestAnimationFrame( nextOnRaf );
Brute Force Random Traveling Salesman solver - Script Codes
Brute Force Random Traveling Salesman solver - Script Codes
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Developer Keegan Brown
Username keeganbrown
Uploaded October 16, 2022
Rating 3
Size 5,376 Kb
Views 38,456
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