Callback function

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How do I make an callback function?

Callback functions tutorial and testing stuff. What is a callback function? How do you make a callback function? This script and codes were developed by Paul on 27 October 2022, Thursday.

Callback function Previews

Callback function - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>callback function </title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div> <button type="button" id="button">call to cation</button>
<div id="addContent"> Is:
</div> <script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Callback function - Script Codes CSS Codes

div{ margin:15px 30px;
button{ height:50px; width: 100px; background-color: #ff6687;

Callback function - Script Codes JS Codes

//var element = document.getElementById('button');
//nutze jquerxy anstatt vanilla js
//lesson 1
$('#button').click(function () { alert("Btn was clicked");
//lesson 2
var list = ["Milk", "Butter", "Eggs", "Cake", "Coffe"];
list.forEach(function(eachName, index){ console.log(index+1+". "+eachName);
}); */
//lesson 3
// durchreichen & global scope erreichen
var allUserData = [];
var generalLastName = "Simpson";
var clientData = { id: 058152014, fullName: "not Set", setUserName: function(firstName, lastName){ this.fullName = firstName + " "+ lastName; }
function logFoo(userData){ if(typeof userData === "string") { console.log(userData); } else if(typeof userData === "object") { for (var item in userData){ console.log(item+": "+userData[item]); } }
function getInput (options, callback){ if(typeof callback === "function") { allUserData.push(options); callback(/*generalLastName,*/ options); }
//geht nicht wegen call und apply
function getUserInput(firstName, lastName, callback){ callback(firstName, lastName);
//hier nun mit apply
function getUserInput(firstName, lastName, callback, callbackObj)
{ callback.apply (callbackObj, [firstName, lastName]);
getInput({name: "Hulk", powers: "is green"}, logFoo);
getInput({name: "ironman", madeOf: "iron"}, logFoo);
getInput({name: "deathpool", height: "1''70", race : "soldier", alignment : "true neutral"},logFoo);
getInput("durchgereichter string", logFoo);*/
//getUserInput("Pitty", "Platsch", clientData.setUserName, clientData);
// handle callbacks mit AJAX
function successCallback(){ console.log("successMessage");
function completeCallback(){ console.log("completeMessage");
function errorCallback(){ console.log("errorMessage");
$.ajax({ //url: "", //schmeisst eine error und eine complete, weil codepen hier nicht zugreifen darf //placekitten hingegen, gibt eine successmeldung url: "", success: successCallback, complete: completeCallback, error: errorCallback
function gedichtMacher(name, gender)
{ console.log(name+" ,deutlich besser als der Schnitt."); console.log("Großherzig, loyal und auch verrückt"); console.log("Als "+gender+" stark und nie am schwächeln.") console.log("Meistert Probleme mit einem Lächeln.")
function getUserInput(firstName, lastName, gender, callback)
{ var fullName = firstName + " "+lastName; if(typeof callback === "function"){ callback(fullName, gender); }
getUserInput("Robert", "Eichie", "Mann", gedichtMacher);
//ternäres if
function greetUser(customerName, sex)
{ var salutation = sex && sex === "Man" ? "Mr." : "Ms."; console.log("Hello, "+salutation+" "+customerName+".");
//cool wie getUserInput auf verschiedene anderee Funcktionen benutzt werden kann, und nicht extra nochmal angepasst werden muss
getUserInput("Kermit", "Frosch", "Man", greetUser);
Callback function - Script Codes
Callback function - Script Codes
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Developer Paul
Username paulq
Uploaded October 27, 2022
Rating 3
Size 2,939 Kb
Views 12,144
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