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How do I make an canvas?

What is a canvas? How do you make a canvas? This script and codes were developed by Ara on 12 November 2022, Saturday.

Canvas Previews

Canvas - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>canvas</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <canvas id="canvas" width="700" height="700"></canvas>
<canvas id="texCanvas" width="200" height="200" style="display:none;"></canvas>
<img id="get" style="display:none;" /> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Canvas - Script Codes CSS Codes

* {margin: 0;}
body {background: #000;}

Canvas - Script Codes JS Codes

var setup = {	canvas : document.getElementById("canvas"),	ctx : document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d"),	width : new Number(),	height : new Number(),	init : function() {	setup.ctx = setup.canvas.getContext("2d"); setup.canvas.width = window.innerWidth; setup.canvas.height = window.innerHeight;	setup.width = setup.canvas.width;	setup.height = setup.canvas.height;	}
var dtr = function(d) {return d*Math.PI/180};
var ceiling = function(num) {return parseInt(num*10000)/10000};
var polarToRectangle = function(dX, dY, radius) {	var x = Math.sinE0(dtr(dX)) * Math.cosE0(dtr(dY)) * radius;	var y = Math.sinE0(dtr(dX)) * Math.sinE0(dtr(dY)) * radius;	var z = Math.cosE0(dtr(dX)) * radius;	return {x:y, y:z, z:x};
var rectangleToPolar = function(x, y, z) {	if(x == 0)	var xD = 0.001;	else	var xD = x;	if(y == 0)	var yD = 0.001;	else	var yD = y;	if(z == 0)	var zD = 0.001;	else	var zD = z;	var radius = Math.sqrt(xD*xD + yD*yD + zD*zD);	var theta = Math.atan(zD / Math.sqrt(xD*xD + yD*yD));	var phi = Math.atan(yD / xD);	return {x:theta*(180/Math.PI), y:phi*(180/Math.PI), r:radius};
var closeValue = function(minTime, maxTime) {	this.flag = 0;	this.progress = 0;	this.startTime = 0;	this.durationTime = 0;	this.fromValue = 0;	this.toValue = 0;	this.minValue = 0;	this.maxValue = 1;	this.minDuration = minTime;	this.maxDuration = maxTime;
closeValue.prototype = {	init : function() {	this.durationTime = this.minDuration + (this.maxDuration-this.minDuration) * Math.random();	this.startTime =;	this.progress = Math.min(1, ((	this.fromValue = this.toValue;	this.toValue = this.minValue + this.maxValue * Math.random();	this.flag = 1;	return this.fromValue + (this.toValue - this.fromValue) * this.progress;	},	update : function() {	this.progress = Math.min(1, ((;	if(this.progress== 1) this.flag = 0;	return this.fromValue + (this.toValue - this.fromValue) * this.progress;	},	execution : function() {	if(this.flag == 0)	{return this.init()}	else if(this.flag == 1)	{return this.update()};	}
var camera = {	self : {	x : 0,	y : 0,	z : 500	},	target : {	x : 0,	y : 0,	z : 0	},	distance : {	x : 0,	y : 0,	z : 0	},	angle : {	cosPhi : 0,	sinPhi : 0,	cosTheta : 0,	sinTheta : 0	},	zoom : 1,	display : {	x : setup.width/2,	y : setup.height/2,	z : 0	},	update : function() {	camera.distance.x = - camera.self.x;	camera.distance.y = - camera.self.y;	camera.distance.z = - camera.self.z;	camera.angle.cosPhi = -camera.distance.z / Math.sqrt(camera.distance.x*camera.distance.x + camera.distance.z*camera.distance.z);	camera.angle.sinPhi = camera.distance.x / Math.sqrt(camera.distance.x*camera.distance.x + camera.distance.z*camera.distance.z);	camera.angle.cosTheta = Math.sqrt(camera.distance.x*camera.distance.x + camera.distance.z*camera.distance.z) / Math.sqrt(camera.distance.x*camera.distance.x + camera.distance.y*camera.distance.y + camera.distance.z*camera.distance.z);	camera.angle.sinTheta = -camera.distance.y / Math.sqrt(camera.distance.x*camera.distance.x + camera.distance.y*camera.distance.y + camera.distance.z*camera.distance.z);	}
var light = {	enableLight : true,	ambientLight : {	color : {	r : 1.0,	g : 1.0,	b : 1.0	},	},	directionalLight : {	degree : {	x : 0,	y : 0,	z : 1	},	color : {	r : 1.0,	g : 1.0,	b : 1.0	},	intensity : 1.0	}
Math.sinE0 = function(val) {	if(val === 0) {	return Math.sin(0.000001)	} else {	return Math.sin(val);	};
Math.cosE0 = function(val) {	if(val === 0) {	return Math.cos(0.000001)	} else {	return Math.cos(val);	};
Math.getVector = function(startVertex, endVertex) {	return {	x : endVertex.affineOut.x - startVertex.affineOut.x,	y : endVertex.affineOut.y - startVertex.affineOut.y,	z : endVertex.affineOut.z - startVertex.affineOut.z	};
Math.getCross = function(vector1, vector2) {	return {	x : vector1.y*vector2.z - vector1.z*vector2.y,	y : vector1.z*vector2.x - vector1.x*vector2.z,	z : vector1.x*vector2.y - vector1.y*vector2.x	};
Math.getNormal = function(cross3d) {	var length = Math.sqrt(cross3d.x*cross3d.x + cross3d.y*cross3d.y + cross3d.z*cross3d.z);	return {	x : cross3d.x / length,	y : cross3d.y / length,	z : cross3d.z / length	};
var getNormal = function(vectorSet0, vectorSet1) {	var vector1 = Math.getVector(vectorSet0[0],vectorSet0[1]);	var vector2 = Math.getVector(vectorSet1[0],vectorSet1[1]);	var cross = Math.getCross(vector1, vector2);	var normal = Math.getNormal(cross);	return normal;
Math.getDot = function(vector1, vector2) {	return vector1.x*vector2.x + vector1.y*vector2.y + vector1.z*vector2.z;
var affine = {	world : {	size : function(p, size) {	return {	x :	p.x * size.x,	y : p.y * size.y,	z : p.z * size.z	}	},	rotate: {	x : function(p, rotate) {	return {	x : p.x,	y : p.y*Math.cosE0(dtr(rotate.x)) - p.z*Math.sinE0(dtr(rotate.x)),	z : p.y*Math.sinE0(dtr(rotate.x)) + p.z*Math.cosE0(dtr(rotate.x))	}	},	y : function(p, rotate) {	return {	x : p.x*Math.cosE0(dtr(rotate.y)) + p.z*Math.sinE0(dtr(rotate.y)),	y : p.y,	z : -p.x*Math.sinE0(dtr(rotate.y)) + p.z*Math.cosE0(dtr(rotate.y))	}	},	z : function(p, rotate) {	return {	x : p.x*Math.cosE0(dtr(rotate.z)) - p.y*Math.sinE0(dtr(rotate.z)),	y : p.x*Math.sinE0(dtr(rotate.z)) + p.y*Math.cosE0(dtr(rotate.z)),	z : p.z	}	}	},	position : function(p, position) {	return {	x : p.x + position.x,	y : p.y + position.y,	z : p.z + position.z	}	},	},	view : {	phi : function(p) {	return {	x : p.x*camera.angle.cosPhi + p.z*camera.angle.sinPhi,	y : p.y,	z : p.x*-camera.angle.sinPhi + p.z*camera.angle.cosPhi	}	},	theta : function(p) {	return {	x : p.x,	y : p.y*camera.angle.cosTheta - p.z*camera.angle.sinTheta,	z : p.y*camera.angle.sinTheta + p.z*camera.angle.cosTheta	}	},	viewReset : function(p) {	return {	x : p.x - camera.self.x,	y : p.y - camera.self.y,	z : p.z - camera.self.z	}	}	},	perspective : function(p) {	return {	x : p.x * camera.distance.z/p.z * camera.zoom,	y : p.y * camera.distance.z/p.z * camera.zoom,	z : p.z * camera.zoom,	p : camera.distance.z/p.z	}	},	display : function(p, display) {	return {	x : p.x + display.x,	y : -p.y + display.y,	z : p.z + display.z,	p : p.p,	}	},	process : function(model, size, rotate, position,display) {	var ret =, size);	ret =, rotate);	ret =, rotate);	ret =, rotate);	ret =, position);	ret = affine.view.phi(ret);	ret = affine.view.theta(ret);	ret = affine.view.viewReset(ret);	ret = affine.perspective(ret);	ret = affine.display(ret, display);	return ret;	}
var vertex3d = function(param) {	this.affineIn = new Object;	this.affineOut = new Object;	if(param.vertex != undefined) {	this.affineIn.vertex = param.vertex;	} else {	this.affineIn.vertex = {x:0,y:0,z:0};	};	if(param.size != undefined) {	this.affineIn.size = param.size;	} else {	this.affineIn.size = {x:1,y:1,z:1};	};	if(param.rotate != undefined) {	this.affineIn.rotate = param.rotate;	} else {	this.affineIn.rotate = {x:0,y:0,z:0,};	};	if(param.position != undefined) {	this.affineIn.position = param.position;	} else {	this.affineIn.position = {x:0,y:0,z:0};	};
vertex3d.prototype = {	vertexUpdate : function() {	this.affineOut = affine.process(	this.affineIn.vertex,	this.affineIn.size,	this.affineIn.rotate,	this.affineIn.position,	camera.display	);	}
var getFace = function(verts) {	var cog = {	x : (verts[0].affineOut.x+verts[1].affineOut.x+verts[2].affineOut.x-camera.display.x*3)/3,	y : (verts[0].affineOut.y+verts[1].affineOut.y+verts[2].affineOut.y-camera.display.y*3)/3,	z : (verts[0].affineOut.z+verts[1].affineOut.z+verts[2].affineOut.z-30000)/3	};	return {	verts : verts,	normal : getNormal([verts[1],verts[0]], [verts[2],verts[0]]),	distance : Math.floor(Math.pow(cog.x-camera.self.x, 2) + Math.pow(cog.y-camera.self.y, 2) + Math.pow(cog.z-camera.self.z, 2))	};
var texture = {	image : new Image(),	vertexPoint : new Object(),	uvPoint : new Object(),	vertexVector : new Array(),	uvVector : new Array(),	uvVectorInvert : new Object(),	returnData : new Object(),	init : function() {	texture.image = new Image();	texture.vertexPoint = new Object();	texture.uvPoint = new Object();	texture.vertexVector = new Array();	texture.uvVector = new Array();	texture.uvVectorInvert = new Object();	texture.returnData = new Object();	},	matrix22Invert : function(argument) {	this.m11 = 1;	this.m12 = 0;	this.m21 = 0;	this.m22 = 1;	if(argument.m11 != undefined) this.m11 = argument.m11;	if(argument.m12 != undefined) this.m12 = argument.m12;	if(argument.m21 != undefined) this.m21 = argument.m21;	if(argument.m22 != undefined) this.m22 = argument.m22;	this.det = this.m11*this.m22 - this.m12*this.m21;	return {	m11 : this.m22/this.det,	m12 : -this.m12/this.det,	m21 : -this.m21/this.det,	m22 : this.m11/this.det	};	},	generateTransformData : function(argument) {	texture.init();	texture.image = argument.image;	texture.vertexPoint = argument.vertexPoint;	texture.uvPoint = argument.uvPoint;	texture.vertexVector = [	{	x : texture.vertexPoint[1].x - texture.vertexPoint[0].x,	y : texture.vertexPoint[1].y - texture.vertexPoint[0].y	},	{	x : texture.vertexPoint[2].x - texture.vertexPoint[0].x,	y : texture.vertexPoint[2].y - texture.vertexPoint[0].y	}	];	texture.uvVector = [	{	x : (texture.uvPoint[1].x - texture.uvPoint[0].x) * texture.image.width,	y : (texture.uvPoint[1].y - texture.uvPoint[0].y) * texture.image.height	},	{	x : (texture.uvPoint[2].x - texture.uvPoint[0].x) * texture.image.width,	y : (texture.uvPoint[2].y - texture.uvPoint[0].y) * texture.image.height	}	];	texture.uvVectorInvert = texture.matrix22Invert({	m11:texture.uvVector[0].x,	m12:texture.uvVector[0].y,	m21:texture.uvVector[1].x,	m22:texture.uvVector[1].y	});	texture.returnData.image = texture.image;	texture.returnData.a = texture.uvVectorInvert.m11*texture.vertexVector[0].x + texture.uvVectorInvert.m12*texture.vertexVector[1].x;	texture.returnData.c = texture.uvVectorInvert.m21*texture.vertexVector[0].x + texture.uvVectorInvert.m22*texture.vertexVector[1].x;	texture.returnData.b = texture.uvVectorInvert.m11*texture.vertexVector[0].y + texture.uvVectorInvert.m12*texture.vertexVector[1].y;	texture.returnData.d = texture.uvVectorInvert.m21*texture.vertexVector[0].y + texture.uvVectorInvert.m22*texture.vertexVector[1].y;	texture.returnData.x = texture.vertexPoint[0].x - (texture.returnData.a*texture.uvPoint[0].x*texture.image.width + texture.returnData.c*texture.uvPoint[0].y*texture.image.height),	texture.returnData.y = texture.vertexPoint[0].y - (texture.returnData.b*texture.uvPoint[0].x*texture.image.width + texture.returnData.d*texture.uvPoint[0].y*texture.image.height)	return texture.returnData;	}
var shader = {	shadeObject : new Array(),	zSort : function() {	shader.shadeObject.sort(	function(a, b) {	if (a.face.distance < b.face.distance) return 1;	if (a.face.distance > b.face.distance) return -1;	return 0;	}	);	},	flatShader : {	directionalLighting : function() {	if(light.enableLight == true) {	for(var i=0; i<shader.shadeObject.length; i++) {	var lambertReflectance = Math.getDot(	{	x : ceiling(shader.shadeObject[i].face.normal.x),	y : ceiling(shader.shadeObject[i].face.normal.y),	z : ceiling(shader.shadeObject[i].face.normal.z)	},	{	x :,	y :,	z :	}	);	if(shader.shadeObject[i].fillFlag === true) {	shader.shadeObject[i].fillColor = {	r : (light.directionalLight.color.r*(lambertReflectance-0.5) + shader.shadeObject[i].fillColor.r),	g : (light.directionalLight.color.g*(lambertReflectance-0.5) + shader.shadeObject[i].fillColor.g),	b : (light.directionalLight.color.b*(lambertReflectance-0.5) + shader.shadeObject[i].fillColor.b),	a : shader.shadeObject[i].fillColor.a	};	};	if(shader.shadeObject[i].strokeFlag === true) {	shader.shadeObject[i].strokeColor = {	r : (light.directionalLight.color.r*(lambertReflectance-0.5) + shader.shadeObject[i].strokeColor.r),	g : (light.directionalLight.color.g*(lambertReflectance-0.5) + shader.shadeObject[i].strokeColor.g),	b : (light.directionalLight.color.b*(lambertReflectance-0.5) + shader.shadeObject[i].strokeColor.b),	a : shader.shadeObject[i].strokeColor.a	};	};	};	};	}	},	shade : function() {	for(var i=0; i<shader.shadeObject.length; i++) {	if(shader.shadeObject[i].face.normal.z>0) {//culling	setup.ctx.beginPath();	for(var j=0; j<shader.shadeObject[i].face.verts.length; j++) {	if(j == 0) {	setup.ctx.moveTo(shader.shadeObject[i].face.verts[j].affineOut.x, shader.shadeObject[i].face.verts[j].affineOut.y);	} else {	setup.ctx.lineTo(shader.shadeObject[i].face.verts[j].affineOut.x, shader.shadeObject[i].face.verts[j].affineOut.y);	};	};	setup.ctx.closePath();	if(shader.shadeObject[i].fillFlag === true) {	if(shader.shadeObject[i].texture != null) {;	setup.ctx.clip();	setup.ctx.setTransform(	shader.shadeObject[i].texture.a,	shader.shadeObject[i].texture.b,	shader.shadeObject[i].texture.c,	shader.shadeObject[i].texture.d,	shader.shadeObject[i].texture.x,	shader.shadeObject[i].texture.y	);	setup.ctx.drawImage(	shader.shadeObject[i].texture.image,	0,	0	);	setup.ctx.restore();	};	};	if(shader.shadeObject[i].fillFlag === true) {	setup.ctx.fillStyle = "rgba("+	parseInt(shader.shadeObject[i].fillColor.r*255) +","+	parseInt(shader.shadeObject[i].fillColor.g*255) +","+	parseInt(shader.shadeObject[i].fillColor.b*255) +","+	shader.shadeObject[i].fillColor.a +")";	setup.ctx.fill();	};	if(shader.shadeObject[i].strokeFlag === true) {	setup.ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba("+	parseInt(shader.shadeObject[i].strokeColor.r*255) +","+	parseInt(shader.shadeObject[i].strokeColor.g*255) +","+	parseInt(shader.shadeObject[i].strokeColor.b*255) +","+	shader.shadeObject[i].strokeColor.a +")";	setup.ctx.stroke();	};	};	};	}
var model = function(argument) {	// base object	this.vertices = new Object();	this.verticesToGetFace = new Array();	this.shadeObjects = new Object();	this.shadeFlag = new Object();	// model parameter	this.fillFlag = argument.fillFlag;	this.fillColor = argument.fillColor;	this.strokeFlag = argument.strokeFlag;	this.strokeColor = argument.strokeColor;	this.size = argument.size;	this.position = argument.position;	this.rotate = argument.rotate;	if(argument.texture != undefined) {	this.texture = argument.texture;	};	var v0 = polarToRectangle(0, 0, 1);	var v1 = polarToRectangle(60, 72, 1);	var v2 = polarToRectangle(60, 144, 1);	var v3 = polarToRectangle(60, 216, 1);	var v4 = polarToRectangle(60, 288, 1);	var v5 = polarToRectangle(60, 360, 1);	var v6 = polarToRectangle(120, 72+30, 1);	var v7 = polarToRectangle(120, 144+30, 1);	var v8 = polarToRectangle(120, 216+30, 1);	var v9 = polarToRectangle(120, 288+30, 1);	var v10 = polarToRectangle(120, 360+30, 1);	var v11 = polarToRectangle(180, 0, 1);	this.vertexData = {	v0 : {x:v0.x, y:v0.y, z:v0.z},	v1 : {x:v1.x, y:v1.y, z:v1.z},	v2 : {x:v2.x, y:v2.y, z:v2.z},	v3 : {x:v3.x, y:v3.y, z:v3.z},	v4 : {x:v4.x, y:v4.y, z:v4.z},	v5 : {x:v5.x, y:v5.y, z:v5.z},	v6 : {x:v6.x, y:v6.y, z:v6.z},	v7 : {x:v7.x, y:v7.y, z:v7.z},	v8 : {x:v8.x, y:v8.y, z:v8.z},	v9 : {x:v9.x, y:v9.y, z:v9.z},	v10 : {x:v10.x, y:v10.y, z:v10.z},	v11 : {x:v11.x, y:v11.y, z:v11.z}	};	this.indexData = {	f0 : ["v0", "v2", "v1"],	f1 : ["v0", "v3", "v2"],	f2 : ["v0", "v4", "v3"],	f3 : ["v0", "v5", "v4"],	f4 : ["v0", "v1", "v5"],	f5 : ["v1", "v2", "v6"],	f6 : ["v2", "v3", "v7"],	f7 : ["v3", "v4", "v8"],	f8 : ["v4", "v5", "v9"],	f9 : ["v5", "v1", "v10"],	f10 : ["v7", "v6", "v2"],	f11 : ["v8", "v7", "v3"],	f12 : ["v9", "v8", "v4"],	f13 : ["v10", "v9", "v5"],	f14 : ["v6", "v10", "v1"],	f15 : ["v11", "v6", "v7"],	f16 : ["v11", "v7", "v8"],	f17 : ["v11", "v8", "v9"],	f18 : ["v11", "v9", "v10"],	f19 : ["v11", "v10", "v6"],	};	this.uvData = {	f0 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f1 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f2 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f3 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f4 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f5 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f6 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f7 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f8 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f9 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f10 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f11 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f12 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f13 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f14 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f15 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f16 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f17 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f18 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f19 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}]	};	this.shadeFace = new Object();	for(var i in this.indexData) this.shadeFace[i] = true;	// vertices init	for(i in this.vertexData) {	this.vertices[i] = new vertex3d({	position : this.position,	vertex : {x:this.vertexData[i].x*this.size, y:this.vertexData[i].y*this.size, z:this.vertexData[i].z*this.size}	});	this.vertices[i].vertexUpdate();	};	// shadeObjects init	for(var i in this.indexData) {	this.shadeObjects[i] = new Object;	this.shadeObjects[i].face = new Object;	this.shadeObjects[i].fillFlag = this.fillFlag;	this.shadeObjects[i].fillColor = this.fillColor;	this.shadeObjects[i].strokeFlag = this.strokeFlag;	this.shadeObjects[i].strokeColor = this.strokeColor;	};
model.prototype = {	controll : function(argument) {	if(argument.size != undefined) {	this.size = argument.size;	};	if(argument.position != undefined) {	this.position = {	x : argument.position.x,	y : argument.position.y,	z : argument.position.z	};	};	if(argument.rotate != undefined) {	this.rotate = {	x : argument.rotate.x,	y : argument.rotate.y,	z : argument.rotate.z	};	};	if(argument.texture != undefined) {	this.texture = argument.texture;	};	},	update : function() {	for(var i in this.vertexData) {	this.vertices[i].affineIn.vertex = {	x : this.vertexData[i].x*(this.size),	y : this.vertexData[i].y*(this.size),	z : this.vertexData[i].z*(this.size)	};	this.vertices[i].affineIn.position = {	x : this.position.x,	y : this.position.y,	z : this.position.z	};	this.vertices[i].affineIn.rotate = {	x : this.rotate.x,	y : this.rotate.y,	z : this.rotate.z	};	this.vertices[i].vertexUpdate();	};	for(var i in this.indexData) {	this.verticesToGetFace = [];	for(var j=0; j<this.indexData[i].length; j++) this.verticesToGetFace.push(this.vertices[this.indexData[i][j]]);	this.shadeObjects[i].face = getFace(this.verticesToGetFace);	this.shadeObjects[i].fillFlag = this.fillFlag;	this.shadeObjects[i].fillColor = this.fillColor;	this.shadeObjects[i].strokeFlag = this.strokeFlag;	this.shadeObjects[i].strokeColor = this.strokeColor;	if(this.texture != undefined) {	this.shadeObjects[i].texture = texture.generateTransformData(	{	image : this.texture,	vertexPoint : [this.vertices[this.indexData[i][0]].affineOut, this.vertices[this.indexData[i][1]].affineOut, this.vertices[this.indexData[i][2]].affineOut],	uvPoint : this.uvData[i]	}	);	} else {	this.shadeObjects[i].texture = null;	};	for(var j=0; j<this.indexData[i].length; j++) {	/*if(	-this.vertices[this.indexData[i][j]].affineOut.p >= 0 &&	-this.vertices[this.indexData[i][j]].affineOut.p <= camera.distance.z/10	) {	this.shadeFlag[i] = true;	} else {	this.shadeFlag[i] = false;	};*/	this.shadeFlag[i] = true;	};	};	},	addShader : function() {	for(var i in this.shadeObjects) {	if(this.shadeFlag[i] == true) shader.shadeObject.push(this.shadeObjects[i]);	};	}
var trianglemodel = function(argument) {	// base object	this.vertices = new Object();	this.verticesToGetFace = new Array();	this.shadeObjects = new Object();	this.shadeFlag = new Object();	// model parameter	this.fillFlag = argument.fillFlag;	this.fillColor = argument.fillColor;	this.strokeFlag = argument.strokeFlag;	this.strokeColor = argument.strokeColor;	this.size = argument.size;	this.position = argument.position;	this.rotate = argument.rotate;	if(argument.texture != undefined) {	this.texture = argument.texture;	};	this.vertexData = {	v0 : {x:Math.cos(dtr(0)), y:0, z:Math.sin(dtr(0))},	v1 : {x:Math.cos(dtr(120)), y:0, z:Math.sin(dtr(120))},	v2 : {x:Math.cos(dtr(240)), y:0, z:Math.sin(dtr(240))},	v3 : {x:0, y:Math.sqrt(3/2), z:0}	};	this.indexData = {	f0 : ["v3", "v0", "v2"],	f1 : ["v3", "v1", "v0"],	f2 : ["v3", "v2", "v1"],	f3 : ["v0", "v1", "v2"]	};	this.uvData = {	f0 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f1 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f2 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}],	f3 : [{x:0, y:1}, {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}]	};	this.shadeFace = new Object();	for(var i in this.indexData) this.shadeFace[i] = true;	// vertices init	for(i in this.vertexData) {	this.vertices[i] = new vertex3d({	position : this.position,	vertex : {x:this.vertexData[i].x*this.size, y:this.vertexData[i].y*this.size, z:this.vertexData[i].z*this.size}	});	this.vertices[i].vertexUpdate();	};	// shadeObjects init	for(var i in this.indexData) {	this.shadeObjects[i] = new Object;	this.shadeObjects[i].face = new Object;	this.shadeObjects[i].fillFlag = this.fillFlag;	this.shadeObjects[i].fillColor = this.fillColor;	this.shadeObjects[i].strokeFlag = this.strokeFlag;	this.shadeObjects[i].strokeColor = this.strokeColor;	};
trianglemodel.prototype = {	controll : function(argument) {	if(argument.size != undefined) {	this.size = argument.size;	};	if(argument.position != undefined) {	this.position = {	x : argument.position.x,	y : argument.position.y,	z : argument.position.z	};	};	if(argument.rotate != undefined) {	this.rotate = {	x : argument.rotate.x,	y : argument.rotate.y,	z : argument.rotate.z	};	};	if(argument.texture != undefined) {	this.texture = argument.texture;	};	},	update : function() {	for(var i in this.vertexData) {	this.vertices[i].affineIn.vertex = {	x : this.vertexData[i].x*(this.size),	y : this.vertexData[i].y*(this.size),	z : this.vertexData[i].z*(this.size)	};	this.vertices[i].affineIn.position = {	x : this.position.x,	y : this.position.y,	z : this.position.z	};	this.vertices[i].affineIn.rotate = {	x : this.rotate.x,	y : this.rotate.y,	z : this.rotate.z	};	this.vertices[i].vertexUpdate();	};	for(var i in this.indexData) {	this.verticesToGetFace = [];	for(var j=0; j<this.indexData[i].length; j++) this.verticesToGetFace.push(this.vertices[this.indexData[i][j]]);	this.shadeObjects[i].face = getFace(this.verticesToGetFace);	this.shadeObjects[i].fillFlag = this.fillFlag;	this.shadeObjects[i].fillColor = this.fillColor;	this.shadeObjects[i].strokeFlag = this.strokeFlag;	this.shadeObjects[i].strokeColor = this.strokeColor;	if(this.texture != undefined) {	this.shadeObjects[i].texture = texture.generateTransformData(	{	image : this.texture,	vertexPoint : [this.vertices[this.indexData[i][0]].affineOut, this.vertices[this.indexData[i][1]].affineOut, this.vertices[this.indexData[i][2]].affineOut],	uvPoint : this.uvData[i]	}	);	} else {	this.shadeObjects[i].texture = null;	};	for(var j=0; j<this.indexData[i].length; j++) {	/*if(	-this.vertices[this.indexData[i][j]].affineOut.p >= 0 &&	-this.vertices[this.indexData[i][j]].affineOut.p <= camera.distance.z/10	) {	this.shadeFlag[i] = true;	} else {	this.shadeFlag[i] = false;	};*/	this.shadeFlag[i] = true;	};	};	},	addShader : function() {	for(var i in this.shadeObjects) {	if(this.shadeFlag[i] == true) shader.shadeObject.push(this.shadeObjects[i]);	};	}
var triangleflatmodel = function(argument) {	// base object	this.vertices = new Object();	this.verticesToGetFace = new Array();	this.shadeObjects = new Object();	this.shadeFlag = new Object();	// model parameter	this.fillFlag = argument.fillFlag;	this.fillColor = argument.fillColor;	this.strokeFlag = argument.strokeFlag;	this.strokeColor = argument.strokeColor;	this.size = argument.size;	this.position = argument.position;	this.rotate = argument.rotate;	if(argument.texture != undefined) {	this.texture = argument.texture;	};	this.vertexData = {	v0 : {x:Math.cos(dtr(0+30)), y:Math.sin(dtr(0+30)), z:0},	v1 : {x:Math.cos(dtr(120+30)), y:Math.sin(dtr(120+30)), z:0},	v2 : {x:Math.cos(dtr(240+30)), y:Math.sin(dtr(240+30)), z:0}	};	this.indexData = {	f0 : ["v0", "v1", "v2"],	f1 : ["v2", "v1", "v0"]	};	this.uvData = {};	this.shadeFace = new Object();	for(var i in this.indexData) this.shadeFace[i] = true;	// vertices init	for(i in this.vertexData) {	this.vertices[i] = new vertex3d({	position : this.position,	vertex : {x:this.vertexData[i].x*this.size, y:this.vertexData[i].y*this.size, z:this.vertexData[i].z*this.size}	});	this.vertices[i].vertexUpdate();	};	// shadeObjects init	for(var i in this.indexData) {	this.shadeObjects[i] = new Object;	this.shadeObjects[i].face = new Object;	this.shadeObjects[i].fillFlag = this.fillFlag;	this.shadeObjects[i].fillColor = this.fillColor;	this.shadeObjects[i].strokeFlag = this.strokeFlag;	this.shadeObjects[i].strokeColor = this.strokeColor;	};
triangleflatmodel.prototype = {	controll : function(argument) {	if(argument.size != undefined) {	this.size = argument.size;	};	if(argument.position != undefined) {	this.position = {	x : argument.position.x,	y : argument.position.y,	z : argument.position.z	};	};	if(argument.rotate != undefined) {	this.rotate = {	x : argument.rotate.x,	y : argument.rotate.y,	z : argument.rotate.z	};	};	if(argument.texture != undefined) {	this.texture = argument.texture;	};	},	update : function() {	for(var i in this.vertexData) {	this.vertices[i].affineIn.vertex = {	x : this.vertexData[i].x*(this.size),	y : this.vertexData[i].y*(this.size),	z : this.vertexData[i].z*(this.size)	};	this.vertices[i].affineIn.position = {	x : this.position.x,	y : this.position.y,	z : this.position.z	};	this.vertices[i].affineIn.rotate = {	x : this.rotate.x,	y : this.rotate.y,	z : this.rotate.z	};	this.vertices[i].vertexUpdate();	};	for(var i in this.indexData) {	this.verticesToGetFace = [];	for(var j=0; j<this.indexData[i].length; j++) this.verticesToGetFace.push(this.vertices[this.indexData[i][j]]);	this.shadeObjects[i].face = getFace(this.verticesToGetFace);	this.shadeObjects[i].fillFlag = this.fillFlag;	this.shadeObjects[i].fillColor = this.fillColor;	this.shadeObjects[i].strokeFlag = this.strokeFlag;	this.shadeObjects[i].strokeColor = this.strokeColor;	if(this.texture != undefined) {	this.shadeObjects[i].texture = texture.generateTransformData(	{	image : this.texture,	vertexPoint : [this.vertices[this.indexData[i][0]].affineOut, this.vertices[this.indexData[i][1]].affineOut, this.vertices[this.indexData[i][2]].affineOut],	uvPoint : this.uvData[i]	}	);	} else {	this.shadeObjects[i].texture = null;	};	for(var j=0; j<this.indexData[i].length; j++) {	/*if(	-this.vertices[this.indexData[i][j]].affineOut.p >= 0 &&	-this.vertices[this.indexData[i][j]].affineOut.p <= camera.distance.z/10	) {	this.shadeFlag[i] = true;	} else {	this.shadeFlag[i] = false;	};*/	this.shadeFlag[i] = true;	};	};	},	addShader : function() {	for(var i in this.shadeObjects) {	if(this.shadeFlag[i] == true) shader.shadeObject.push(this.shadeObjects[i]);	};	}
var diamondmodel = function(argument) {	// base object	this.vertices = new Object();	this.verticesToGetFace = new Array();	this.shadeObjects = new Object();	this.shadeFlag = new Object();	// model parameter	this.fillFlag = argument.fillFlag;	this.fillColor = argument.fillColor;	this.strokeFlag = argument.strokeFlag;	this.strokeColor = argument.strokeColor;	this.size = argument.size;	this.position = argument.position;	this.rotate = argument.rotate;	if(argument.texture != undefined) {	this.texture = argument.texture;	};	this.vertexData = {	v0 : {x:1*0.8, y:0, z:0},	v0a : {x:0.92*0.8, y:0, z:0.025},	v0b : {x:0.92*0.8, y:0, z:-0.025},	v1 : {x:0, y:-1, z:0},	v1a : {x:0, y:-0.92, z:0.025},	v1b : {x:0, y:-0.92, z:-0.025},	v2 : {x:-1*0.8, y:0, z:0},	v2a : {x:-0.92*0.8, y:0, z:0.025},	v2b : {x:-0.92*0.8, y:0, z:-0.025},	v3 : {x:0, y:1, z:0},	v3a : {x:0, y:0.92, z:0.025},	v3b : {x:0, y:0.92, z:-0.025}	};	this.indexData = {	f0 : ["v0a", "v0", "v1", "v1a"],	f0a : ["v0b", "v0a", "v1a", "v1b"],	f0b : ["v0", "v0b", "v1b", "v1"],	f1 : ["v1a", "v1", "v2", "v2a"],	f1a : ["v1b", "v1a", "v2a", "v2b"],	f1b : ["v1", "v1b", "v2b", "v2"],	f2 : ["v2a", "v2", "v3", "v3a"],	f2a : ["v2b", "v2a", "v3a", "v3b"],	f2b : ["v2", "v2b", "v3b", "v3"],	f3 : ["v3a", "v3", "v0", "v0a"],	f3a : ["v3b", "v3a", "v0a", "v0b"],	f3b : ["v3", "v3b", "v0b", "v0"]	};	this.uvData = {	};	this.shadeFace = new Object();	for(var i in this.indexData) this.shadeFace[i] = true;	// vertices init	for(i in this.vertexData) {	this.vertices[i] = new vertex3d({	position : this.position,	vertex : {x:this.vertexData[i].x*this.size, y:this.vertexData[i].y*this.size, z:this.vertexData[i].z*this.size}	});	this.vertices[i].vertexUpdate();	};	// shadeObjects init	for(var i in this.indexData) {	this.shadeObjects[i] = new Object;	this.shadeObjects[i].face = new Object;	this.shadeObjects[i].fillFlag = this.fillFlag;	this.shadeObjects[i].fillColor = this.fillColor;	this.shadeObjects[i].strokeFlag = this.strokeFlag;	this.shadeObjects[i].strokeColor = this.strokeColor;	};
diamondmodel.prototype = {	controll : function(argument) {	if(argument.size != undefined) {	this.size = argument.size;	};	if(argument.position != undefined) {	this.position = {	x : argument.position.x,	y : argument.position.y,	z : argument.position.z	};	};	if(argument.rotate != undefined) {	this.rotate = {	x : argument.rotate.x,	y : argument.rotate.y,	z : argument.rotate.z	};	};	if(argument.texture != undefined) {	this.texture = argument.texture;	};	},	update : function() {	for(var i in this.vertexData) {	this.vertices[i].affineIn.vertex = {	x : this.vertexData[i].x*(this.size),	y : this.vertexData[i].y*(this.size),	z : this.vertexData[i].z*(this.size)	};	this.vertices[i].affineIn.position = {	x : this.position.x,	y : this.position.y,	z : this.position.z	};	this.vertices[i].affineIn.rotate = {	x : this.rotate.x,	y : this.rotate.y,	z : this.rotate.z	};	this.vertices[i].vertexUpdate();	};	for(var i in this.indexData) {	this.verticesToGetFace = [];	for(var j=0; j<this.indexData[i].length; j++) this.verticesToGetFace.push(this.vertices[this.indexData[i][j]]);	this.shadeObjects[i].face = getFace(this.verticesToGetFace);	this.shadeObjects[i].fillFlag = this.fillFlag;	this.shadeObjects[i].fillColor = this.fillColor;	this.shadeObjects[i].strokeFlag = this.strokeFlag;	this.shadeObjects[i].strokeColor = this.strokeColor;	if(this.texture != undefined) {	this.shadeObjects[i].texture = texture.generateTransformData(	{	image : this.texture,	vertexPoint : [this.vertices[this.indexData[i][0]].affineOut, this.vertices[this.indexData[i][1]].affineOut, this.vertices[this.indexData[i][2]].affineOut],	uvPoint : this.uvData[i]	}	);	} else {	this.shadeObjects[i].texture = null;	};	for(var j=0; j<this.indexData[i].length; j++) {	/*if(	-this.vertices[this.indexData[i][j]].affineOut.p >= 0 &&	-this.vertices[this.indexData[i][j]].affineOut.p <= camera.distance.z/10	) {	this.shadeFlag[i] = true;	} else {	this.shadeFlag[i] = false;	};*/	this.shadeFlag[i] = true;	};	};	},	addShader : function() {	for(var i in this.shadeObjects) {	if(this.shadeFlag[i] == true) shader.shadeObject.push(this.shadeObjects[i]);	};	}
};	var cameraCv = new closeValue(200, 400);	var selfhandle = {x:0, y:0};	document.onmousemove = function(e) {	selfhandle.x = e.pageX/setup.width * 300 - 150;	selfhandle.y = e.pageY/setup.height * 300 - 150;	};	var overFilter = new Image();	overFilter.src = "";	var main = function() {	var loop = function() {	//setup.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, setup.width, setup.height);	backgroundController();	if(cameraCv.execution() > 0.8) {	camera.self.x = Math.random()*80 - 40 - selfhandle.x;	camera.self.y = Math.random()*80 - 40 + selfhandle.y;	camera.zoom = 1.5;	} else {	camera.self.x = 0 - selfhandle.x;	camera.self.y = 0 + selfhandle.y;	camera.self.z = 300;	camera.zoom = 1;	};	camera.update();	shader.shadeObject = [];	/*shaderObjectControll*/	mainControll();	triangleSphereControll();	diamondArrayController();	triangleFlatControll();	/*shaderObjectControll*/	//インスタンス処理	shader.zSort();	shader.flatShader.directionalLighting();	shader.shade();	//テクスチャ	texUpdate();	//テクスチャ	/*affterEffectControll*/	meshSphereControll();;	setup.ctx.globalAlpha = Math.random()*0.5 + 0.5;	setup.ctx.drawImage(overFilter, 0, Math.random()*2, setup.width, setup.height);	setup.ctx.restore();	/*affterEffectControll*/	};	var timerIteration = function() {	setTimeout(function() {	loop();	timerIteration();	}, 1000/60);	};	timerIteration();	};	/* mainObject */	var mainObject = new model({	fillFlag : true,	fillColor : {r:1.0, g:1.0, b:1.0, a:0.2},	strokeFlag : false,	strokeColor : {r:1.0, g:1.0, b:1.0, a:1.0},	size : 0,	position : {x:0, y:0, z:0},	rotate : {x:0, y:0, z:0}	});	var mainCvSize = new closeValue(100, 300);	var mainCvRotateX = new closeValue(300, 1000);	var mainCvRotateY = new closeValue(300, 1000);	var mainCvRotateZ = new closeValue(300, 1000);	/* mainControll */	var mainControll = function() {	mainObject.controll({	size : mainCvSize.execution() * 120 + 40,	rotate : {x:mainCvRotateX.execution()*360, y:mainCvRotateY.execution()*360, z:mainCvRotateZ.execution()*100},	texture : get	});	mainObject.update();	mainObject.addShader();	};	/* mainControll */	/* mainObject */	/* triangleobject */	var triangleSphere = new Array();	var triangleSphereParam = new Array();	var triangleSphereMaster = {	degree : {	theta : 0,	phi : 0,	thetaCv : new closeValue(400, 1000),	phiCv : new closeValue(400, 1000)	}	};	for(var i=0; i<40; i++) {	triangleSphereParam[i] = {	theta : Math.random()*360,	phi : Math.random()*360,	radiusCv : new closeValue(50, 200),	size : 15,	sizeCv : new closeValue(50, 100),	rotateCv : {	x : new closeValue(400, 800),	y : new closeValue(400, 800),	z : new closeValue(400, 800)	}	};	if(Math.random() > 0.33) {	triangleColor = {r:1.0, g:0.0, b:0.5, a:1};	} else if(Math.random() > 0.66) {	triangleColor = {r:0.5, g:1.0, b:0.0, a:1};	} else {	triangleColor = {r:0.0, g:0.5, b:1.0, a:1}	};	triangleSphere[i] = new trianglemodel({	fillFlag : true,	fillColor : {r:0.0, g:0.5, b:1.0, a:1},	strokeFlag : false,	strokeColor : {r:1.0, g:1.0, b:1.0, a:1},	size : 0,	position : {x:0, y:0, z:0},	rotate : {x:0, y:0, z:0}	});	};	/* triangleSphereControll */	var triangleSphereControll = function() { +=*3; +=*2;	for(var i=0; i<triangleSphere.length; i++) {	triangleSphereParam[i].theta += 0.5*Math.random()-0.25;	triangleSphereParam[i].phi += 0.5*Math.random()-0.25;	var getPosition = polarToRectangle(	triangleSphereParam[i].theta +,	triangleSphereParam[i].phi + + Math.random(),	triangleSphereParam[i].radiusCv.execution()*150 + 100	);	triangleSphere[i].controll({	position : {x:getPosition.x, y:getPosition.y, z:getPosition.z},	size : triangleSphereParam[i].size * triangleSphereParam[i].sizeCv.execution(),	rotate : {	x:triangleSphereParam[i].rotateCv.x.execution()*360,	y:triangleSphereParam[i].rotateCv.y.execution()*360,	z:triangleSphereParam[i].rotateCv.z.execution()*360	}	});	triangleSphere[i].update();	triangleSphere[i].addShader();	};	};	/* mainControll */	/* triangleobject */	/* triangleflatobject */	var triangleFlat = new Array();	var triangleFlatParam = new Array();	var triangleFlatRotateFlagCv = new closeValue(200, 400);	var triangleFlatSpanCv = new closeValue(30, 100);	var triangleFlatCount = 8;	var triangleFlatNums = [];	for(var i=triangleFlatCount; i>=0; i--) {	triangleFlatNums.push(triangleFlatCount);	triangleFlatCount--;	};	var widthspan = 0;	var heightspan = 0;	for(var i=0; i<triangleFlatNums.length; i++) {	triangleFlat[i] = new Array();	triangleFlatParam[i] = new Array();	for(var j=0; j<triangleFlatNums[i]; j++) {	triangleFlatParam[i][j] = {	rotate : {	x:0,	y:0,	z:0	},	rotateMem : {	x:0,	y:0,	z:0	},	rotateCv : {	x:new closeValue(200, 400),	y:new closeValue(200, 400),	z:new closeValue(200, 400)	}	};	triangleFlat[i][j] = new triangleflatmodel({	fillFlag : true,	fillColor : {r:0.4, g:1.0, b:0, a:1},	strokeFlag : false,	strokeColor : {r:1.0, g:1.0, b:1.0, a:1},	size : 25,	position : {	x:(j-triangleFlatNums[i]/2)*widthspan + widthspan/2,	y:-(i-triangleFlatNums[0]/2)*heightspan - heightspan,	z:-500	},	rotate : {x:0, y:0, z:0}	});	};	};	var triangleFlatControll = function() {	var triangleFlatSpan = triangleFlatSpanCv.execution()*90+20;	var widthspan = triangleFlatSpan;	var heightspan = triangleFlatSpan;	for(var i=0; i<triangleFlat.length; i++) {	for(var j=0; j<triangleFlat[i].length; j++) {	if(triangleFlatRotateFlagCv.execution() > 0.5) {	triangleFlatParam[i][j].rotateMem.x += triangleFlatParam[i][j].rotateCv.x.execution()*15;	triangleFlatParam[i][j].rotateMem.y += triangleFlatParam[i][j].rotateCv.y.execution()*15;	triangleFlatParam[i][j].rotateMem.z += triangleFlatParam[i][j].rotateCv.z.execution()*15;	triangleFlat[i][j].controll({	position : {	x:(j-triangleFlatNums[i]/2)*widthspan + widthspan/2,	y:-(i-triangleFlatNums[0]/2)*heightspan - heightspan,	z:-400	},	rotate : triangleFlatParam[i][j].rotateMem	});	} else {	triangleFlat[i][j].controll({	position : {	x:(j-triangleFlatNums[i]/2)*widthspan + widthspan/2,	y:-(i-triangleFlatNums[0]/2)*heightspan - heightspan,	z:-400	},	rotate : triangleFlatParam[i][j].rotate	});	};	triangleFlat[i][j].update();	triangleFlat[i][j].addShader();	};	};	};	/* triangleflatobject */	/* diamondObject */	var diamondArray = new Array();	var diamondArrayParam = new Array();	for(var i=0; i<3; i++) {	diamondArrayParam[i] = {	rotate : {x:0, y:0, z:0},	rotateCv : {	x : new closeValue(200, 800),	y : new closeValue(200, 800),	z : new closeValue(200, 800)	},	position : {x:0, y:0, z:0},	positionCv : {	x : new closeValue(200, 800),	y : new closeValue(200, 800),	z : new closeValue(200, 800)	}	};	diamondArray[i] = new diamondmodel({	fillFlag : true,	fillColor : {r:1.0, g:0.0, b:0.5, a:1},	strokeFlag : false,	strokeColor : {r:1.0, g:1.0, b:1.0, a:1},	size : 150 + 100*Math.random(),	position : {x:0, y:0, z:0},	rotate : {x:0, y:0, z:0}	});	};	var diamondArrayController = function() {	for(var i=0; i<diamondArray.length; i++) {	diamondArrayParam[i].rotate.x += diamondArrayParam[i].rotateCv.x.execution()*3;	diamondArrayParam[i].rotate.y += diamondArrayParam[i].rotateCv.y.execution()*10;	diamondArrayParam[i].rotate.z += diamondArrayParam[i].rotateCv.z.execution()*5;	diamondArrayParam[i].position.z = diamondArrayParam[i].positionCv.z.execution()*-150 + 50;	diamondArray[i].controll({	rotate : {	x : diamondArrayParam[i].rotate.x,	y : diamondArrayParam[i].rotate.y,	z : diamondArrayParam[i].rotate.z	},	position : {	x : 0,	y : 0,	z : diamondArrayParam[i].position.z	}	});	diamondArray[i].update();	diamondArray[i].addShader();	};	};	/* diamondObject */	/*mesh1*/	var meshSphere = function(arg) { = new Array(); = new Array();	this.count = Math.floor(2+5*Math.random());	this.nums = [];	for(var i=this.count; i>=0; i--) {	this.nums.push(this.count);	this.count--;	};	this.widthspan = 12;	this.heightspan = 12;	this.position = arg.position;	this.rotate = arg.rotate;	for(var i=0; i<this.nums.length; i++) {[i] = new Array();	for(var j=0; j<this.nums[i]; j++) {[i][j] = new vertex3d({	vertex : {	x:(j-this.nums[i]/2)*this.widthspan,	y:0,	z:-(i-this.nums[0]/2)*this.heightspan	},	position : this.position,	rotate : this.rotate	});	};	};	};	meshSphere.prototype = {	update : function() {	for(var i=0; i<; i++) {	for(var j=0; j<[i].length; j++) {[i][j].affineIn.vertex = {	x:(j-this.nums[i]/2)*this.widthspan,	y:0,	z:-(i-this.nums[0]/2)*this.heightspan	};[i][j].affineIn.position = this.position;[i][j].affineIn.rotate = this.rotate;	if(Math.random() > 0.98) {[i][j].affineIn.vertex.y = 100*Math.random();	} else if(Math.random() > 0.8) {[i][j].affineIn.vertex.y = 20*Math.random();	} else if(Math.random() > 0.5) {[i][j].affineIn.vertex.y = 2*Math.random();	};[i][j].vertexUpdate();	};	};	},	draw : function() {	setup.ctx.strokeStyle = effectStroke;	setup.ctx.lineWidth = 0.3;	for(var i=0; i<; i++) {	for(var j=0; j<[i].length; j++) {	if([i][j+1] != undefined) {	setup.ctx.beginPath();	setup.ctx.moveTo([i][j].affineOut.x,[i][j].affineOut.y);	setup.ctx.lineTo([i][j+1].affineOut.x,[i][j+1].affineOut.y);	setup.ctx.closePath();	setup.ctx.stroke();	};	/*if([i+1] != undefined) {	if([i+1][j] != undefined) {	setup.ctx.beginPath();	setup.ctx.moveTo([i][j].affineOut.x,[i][j].affineOut.y);	setup.ctx.lineTo([i+1][j].affineOut.x,[i+1][j].affineOut.y);	setup.ctx.closePath();	setup.ctx.stroke();	};	};	if([i+1] != undefined) {	if([i+1][j-1] != undefined) {	setup.ctx.beginPath();	setup.ctx.moveTo([i][j].affineOut.x,[i][j].affineOut.y);	setup.ctx.lineTo([i+1][j-1].affineOut.x,[i+1][j-1].affineOut.y);	setup.ctx.closePath();	setup.ctx.stroke();	};	};*/	};	};	}	};	/* mesh controll */	var meshSphereInstance = new Array();	var meshSphereParam = new Array();	var meshSphereMaster = {	degree : {	theta : 0,	phi : 0,	cvTheta : new closeValue(150, 1000),	cvPhi : new closeValue(150, 1000)	},	radius : {	value : 0,	valueCv : new closeValue(50, 200)	}	}	for(var i=0; i<40; i++) {	meshSphereParam[i] = {	theta : Math.random()*360,	phi : Math.random()*360,	speedTheta : Math.random() * 2 - 1,	speedPhi : Math.random() * 2 - 1	};	var getPosition = polarToRectangle(0, 0, 0);	meshSphereInstance[i] = new meshSphere(	{	position:{x:getPosition.x,y:getPosition.y,z:getPosition.z},	rotate:{x:meshSphereParam[i].theta,y:meshSphereParam[i].phi,z:0}	}	);	};	meshSphereControll = function() {	meshSphereMaster.radius.value = 150+50*meshSphereMaster.radius.valueCv.execution(); += 2 *; += 0 *;	for(var i=0; i<meshSphereInstance.length; i++) {	meshSphereInstance[i].update();	meshSphereParam[i].theta += meshSphereParam[i].speedTheta;	meshSphereParam[i].phi += meshSphereParam[i].speedPhi;	getPosition = polarToRectangle(	meshSphereParam[i].theta +,	meshSphereParam[i].phi +,	meshSphereMaster.radius.value	);	meshSphereInstance[i].position = getPosition;	meshSphereInstance[i].rotate = {	x : meshSphereParam[i].theta +,	y : meshSphereParam[i].phi +,	z : 0	};	};	for(var i=0; i<meshSphereInstance.length; i++) meshSphereInstance[i].draw();	};	/* mesh controll */	/*mesh1*/	/*mainTexture*/	var texCanvas = document.getElementById("texCanvas");	tCtx = texCanvas.getContext("2d");	var get = document.getElementById("get");	var texType = "a";	var texParam = {	cv : new closeValue(200, 800),	typeA : {	stSpan : 10,	stTra : []	},	typeB : {	stSpan : 5,	stTra : []	},	typeC : {	radius : 0	}	};	for(var i=0; i<20; i++) texParam.typeA.stTra.push(texParam.typeA.stSpan*i*4);	for(var i=0; i<20; i++) texParam.typeB.stTra.push(texParam.typeB.stSpan*i*4);	var texUpdate = function(){	if( > 0.6) {	texType = "a";	} else if( > 0.3) {	texType = "b";	} else {	texType = "c";	};	if(texType === "a") {	tCtx.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,1)";	tCtx.fillRect(0, 0, 200, 200);	for(var i=0; i<texParam.typeA.stTra.length; i++) {	tCtx.beginPath();	if(Math.random() > 0.7) {	if(Math.random() > 0.5) {	tCtx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,150,255,1)";	} else {	tCtx.fillStyle = "rgba(150,255,0,1)";	};	} else {	tCtx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,1)";	};	tCtx.fillRect(texParam.typeA.stTra[i], 0, texParam.typeA.stSpan, 200);	tCtx.closePath();	texParam.typeA.stTra[i]+=7;	if(texParam.typeA.stTra[i] >= 200) {texParam.typeA.stTra[i] = 0;};	};	} else if(texType === "b") {	tCtx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,1)";	tCtx.fillRect(0, 0, 200, 200);	for(var i=0; i<texParam.typeB.stTra.length; i++) {	tCtx.beginPath();	if(Math.random() > 0.7) {	tCtx.fillStyle = "rgba(255,0,100,1)";	} else {	tCtx.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,1)";	};	tCtx.fillRect(texParam.typeB.stTra[i], 0, texParam.typeB.stSpan, 200);	tCtx.closePath();	texParam.typeB.stTra[i]+=7;	if(texParam.typeB.stTra[i] >= 200) {texParam.typeB.stTra[i] = 0;};	};	} else if(texType === "c") {	texParam.typeC.radius = 70 + Math.random()*10;	tCtx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,1)";	tCtx.fillRect(0, 0, 200, 200);	tCtx.beginPath();	tCtx.moveTo(Math.cos(dtr(0+30))*texParam.typeC.radius+100, Math.sin(dtr(0+30))*texParam.typeC.radius+100);	tCtx.lineTo(Math.cos(dtr(120+30))*texParam.typeC.radius+100, Math.sin(dtr(120+30))*texParam.typeC.radius+100);	tCtx.lineTo(Math.cos(dtr(240+30))*texParam.typeC.radius+100, Math.sin(dtr(240+30))*texParam.typeC.radius+100);	tCtx.closePath();	tCtx.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,1)";	tCtx.fill();	};	get.src = texCanvas.toDataURL();	};	/*mainTexture*/	/* backgroundController */	var effectStroke = "rgba(255,255,255,1)";	var backgroundParam = {	flag : 0,	flagCv : new closeValue(200, 800),	triangleFlag : 0,	triangleFlagCv : new closeValue(200, 800),	triangleRadius : 150,	objectStrokeFlag : 0,	objectStrokeFlagCv : new closeValue(200, 1000),	spectrumFlag : 0,	spectrumFlagCv : new closeValue(500, 1000)	};	var backgroundController = function() {	setup.ctx.lineWidth = 0.4;	if(backgroundParam.flagCv.execution() > 0.7) {	backgroundParam.flag = 1;	effectStroke = "rgba(0,0,0,1)";	} else {	backgroundParam.flag = 0;	effectStroke = "rgba(255,255,255,1)";	};	if(backgroundParam.triangleFlagCv.execution() > 0.5) {	backgroundParam.triangleFlag = 0;	} else {	backgroundParam.triangleFlag = 1;	};	if(backgroundParam.spectrumFlagCv.execution() > 0.5) {	backgroundParam.spectrumFlag = 0;	} else {	backgroundParam.spectrumFlag = 1;	};	if(backgroundParam.flag === 0) {	if(backgroundParam.spectrumFlag == 0) {	setup.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, setup.width, setup.height);	setup.ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)";	setup.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, setup.width, setup.height);	} else {	setup.ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)";	setup.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, setup.width, setup.height);	};	if(backgroundParam.objectStrokeFlagCv.execution() > 0.8) {	mainObject.strokeFlag = true;	mainObject.fillFlag = false;	for(var i=0; i<triangleSphere.length; i++) {	triangleSphere[i].strokeFlag = true;	triangleSphere[i].fillFlag = false;	};	for(var i=0; i<triangleFlat.length; i++) {	for(var j=0; j<triangleFlat[i].length; j++) {	triangleFlat[i][j].strokeFlag = true;	triangleFlat[i][j].fillFlag = false;	};	};	for(var i=0; i<diamondArray.length; i++) {	diamondArray[i].strokeFlag = true;	diamondArray[i].fillFlag = false;	};	} else {	mainObject.strokeFlag = false;	mainObject.fillFlag = true;	for(var i=0; i<triangleSphere.length; i++) {	triangleSphere[i].strokeFlag = false;	triangleSphere[i].fillFlag = true;	};	for(var i=0; i<triangleFlat.length; i++) {	for(var j=0; j<triangleFlat[i].length; j++) {	triangleFlat[i][j].strokeFlag = false;	triangleFlat[i][j].fillFlag = true;	};	};	for(var i=0; i<diamondArray.length; i++) {	diamondArray[i].strokeFlag = false;	diamondArray[i].fillFlag = true;	};	};	} else if(backgroundParam.flag === 1) {	if(backgroundParam.spectrumFlag == 0) {	setup.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, setup.width, setup.height);	setup.ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)";	setup.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, setup.width, setup.height);	} else {	setup.ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)";	setup.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, setup.width, setup.height);	};	mainObject.strokeFlag = false;	mainObject.fillFlag = true;	for(var i=0; i<triangleSphere.length; i++) {	triangleSphere[i].strokeFlag = false;	triangleSphere[i].fillFlag = true;	};	for(var i=0; i<triangleFlat.length; i++) {	for(var j=0; j<triangleFlat[i].length; j++) {	triangleFlat[i][j].strokeFlag = false;	triangleFlat[i][j].fillFlag = true;	};	};	for(var i=0; i<diamondArray.length; i++) {	diamondArray[i].strokeFlag = false;	diamondArray[i].fillFlag = true;	};	if(backgroundParam.triangleFlag === 1) {	var randomRadius = Math.random()*50;	setup.ctx.beginPath();	setup.ctx.moveTo(	Math.cos(dtr(0+30))*(backgroundParam.triangleRadius+randomRadius)+setup.width/2,	Math.sin(dtr(0+30))*(backgroundParam.triangleRadius+randomRadius)+setup.height/2	);	setup.ctx.lineTo(	Math.cos(dtr(120+30))*(backgroundParam.triangleRadius+randomRadius)+setup.width/2,	Math.sin(dtr(120+30))*(backgroundParam.triangleRadius+randomRadius)+setup.height/2	);	setup.ctx.lineTo(	Math.cos(dtr(240+30))*(backgroundParam.triangleRadius+randomRadius)+setup.width/2,	Math.sin(dtr(240+30))*(backgroundParam.triangleRadius+randomRadius)+setup.height/2	);	setup.ctx.closePath();	setup.ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)";	setup.ctx.fill();	};	};	};	main();
Canvas - Script Codes
Canvas - Script Codes
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Developer Ara
Username ara_node
Uploaded November 12, 2022
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